For Immediate Release: November 7, 2024
IBEW Statement on Donald Trump’s Election
IBEW International President Kenneth W. Cooper issued the following statement on the results of the 2024 election:
“With their votes on Tuesday, the American people have spoken and returned Donald Trump to the White House for another term.
“While it is no secret that we in the IBEW have serious reservations about President Trump’s commitment to working people, we pledge to work with him and his administration where we can find common ground and to push back with everything we have when we cannot.
“During his first term, we fought disastrous proposals to water down the IBEW’s apprenticeship programs, which have served the electrical industry at no cost to taxpayers for more than 100 years. And we won.
“We fought against union busters on the National Labor Relations Board and atop the Department of Labor, and we fought against the expansion of right-to-work and the contraction of prevailing wage.
“Those fights will come again, and we will not shy away from them.
“But we will also seek common ground, because the battle for working families and the middle class knows no party, and there are common-sense solutions to be found that both Republicans and Democrats can get behind. The IBEW will be where it has always been: leading that charge.
“To our members who spent countless hours making phone calls, knocking doors, sending messages, and talking to their co-workers about what was at stake in this election, your efforts made a difference in state and local races, in Congress and in statehouses across the U.S. Thank you for all you did.
“Today, our work on behalf of working families continues, unabated, as does our commitment to building a modern American economy for the 21st century, restoring a vibrant and growing manufacturing sector that brings good jobs back home, and constructing an advanced power infrastructure that solidifies the U.S.A. as the world’s energy leader.”
The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) represents approximately 838,000 members and retirees who work in a wide variety of fields, including construction, utilities, manufacturing, telecommunications, broadcasting, railroads and government.