'I'm Happy Every Day'
From letters to social media posts to "My IBEW Story" on page 2 every month, we know how much members value their union and the negotiated wages and benefits that allow them and their families to live their best lives.
But for smiles as wide as a pension check, talk to IBEW retirees.
They'll tell you about overseas vacations, Alaskan cruises, traveling North America in an RV, and remodeling their homes; investing more time in such lifelong pleasures as fishing, hunting, motorcycling and restoring classic cars; throwing themselves into charity work, spoiling their grandchildren and the ability to simply relax.
As you'll see on pages 4-5, there are also joys that come from lasting bonds with their IBEW brothers and sisters through local Retirees' Clubs.
"I'm happy every day," says a past New York City Local 3 wireman who helps lead his Retirees' Club chapter in Westchester and Putnam counties.
Donald Finn, business manager of Chicago Local 134, hears it all the time: "Whenever I talk to a retiree, they always say thank God for the IBEW for what they have. Not everybody gets what we do in retirement."
It's the ultimate freedom, said International President Kenneth W. Cooper.
"Financial worries are some of life's heaviest burdens," he said. "Being free of them means you get to decide what the rest of your life looks like — and for many of our retirees, that's 30, 40, even 50 years enjoying the rewards of an IBEW career. Maybe you'll see the world. Maybe you'll sit on your deck and read a book. It's entirely up to you."
Going forward, inside construction members have even more to look forward to in retirement — an additional monthly payment for every year of service went into effect Jan. 2. It is the first increase in National Electrical Benefit Fund payments in 25 years.  |