Construction and Maintenance
Director: Matt Paules
202 728-6078
Members of the IBEW who work in Construction and Maintenance are the best trained craftsmen you will find anywhere. The IBEW jointly administrates a five year apprenticeship program, the National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (NJATC), in partnership with the National Electrical Contractors Association.
Before a member can call himself/herself a "Journeyman Inside Wireman or Outside Lineman," as well as many other classifications, such as "Telecommunications Technicians" and "Residential Wireman," etc; he or she must complete an apprenticeship program with extensive classroom studies and on the job training. Go to the NJATC site and check out our training program for yourself.
The Construction and Maintenance Department is responsible for the following.
- Approval of Letters of Assents
- National Building and Construction Trades Department Agreements
- General Presidents Project Maintenance Agreements
- Approval of Construction and Maintenance Agreements
- Construction and Contract Maintenance Issues
- Construction Apprenticeship Issues
- Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations
- International Agreements (Construction, Maintenance, and Specialty)
- Liaison with Construction and Maintenance Industry Organizations
- Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO Issues
- Construction Organizing Assistance
- Construction Safety Issues
- Liaison With Instrumentation Contractors
- Craft Jurisdictional Disputes
- National Electrical Code Matters
- Federal Service Contracts (as assigned)
- Voice, Data, Video, and Communication Systems Issues
- Sign and Motor Shop Issues