IBEW Linemen Recognized for Storm Service
June 6, 2014
Atlanta Local 84 members were recognized for their storm-restoration work by the CEO of Georgia Power May 28. |
Summer is here, but only a few months ago, North America was suffering through record freezing artic temperatures, ice storms and massive snow flurries.
Nearly a million Americans lost power, and dozens lost their lives in last winter’s extreme winter weather. Particularly hard hit was the southern United States, which is not used to lengthy spats of subzero weather.
Georgia, for example, suffered the highest number of storm-related power outages in 20 years.
Thousands of linemen braved the outdoors to keep the power running and to restore electrical service in storm-stricken areas in record time. Georgia Power reports that it restored 80 percent of outages within 48 hours and 99 percent within four days. Now IBEW members are getting some recognition.
At Southern Company’s stockholders meeting May 28, Georgia Power chief executive Paul Bowers singled out members of Atlanta Local 84 for their work.
“I want to recognize some of our leaders who led this record-setting pace in restoring power,” Bowers said, introducing Business Manager Larry Rooks to the meeting.
Georgia Power is a subsidiary of Southern Power.
“On behalf of the members of Local 84, I want to thank Mr. Bowers for his acknowledgement of our help,” Rooks said. “The IBEW and Georgia Power have enjoyed a long partnership in the past and I feel it will be even stronger in the future.”
Check out Bowers’ recognition of IBEW linemen here.