President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris put an exclamation point on the most pro-union presidency in American history when Biden signed the Good Jobs Executive Order on Sept. 6. Photo provided by The White House via Flickr/Creative Commons.

President Joe Biden signed an executive order Sept. 6 that enshrines across the federal government the labor standards included in his signature infrastructure and manufacturing laws.

International President Kenneth W. Cooper accompanied Biden and administration officials to the signing ceremony at a Plumbers and Pipefitters local union in Ann Arbor, Mich., a recognition of the Brotherhood’s work in helping get much of the president’s pro-labor agenda passed into law.

“With this executive order, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have further cemented their legacy as the most pro-worker administration ever, ensuring that their Investing in America agenda will create good-paying, family-sustaining union jobs for years to come,” Cooper said.

The executive order builds on legislation previously passed by Congress and signed into law by Biden. It strengthens the labor standards that federal agencies use when hiring companies for public projects, leading to better-paying jobs and protecting taxpayers with high-quality work.

Those standards include prioritizing contractors recognizing an employee’s right to join a union, supporting apprenticeships and other career training, having equitable hiring plans, increasing the emphasis on workplace safety, and promoting family-sustaining wages and benefits.

The order calls on agencies to prioritize project labor agreements and voluntary union recognition and neutrality from companies during union organizing campaigns. PLAs are agreements between contractors and workers that define terms of employment, including wage rates reflecting the local prevailing standard. They protect taxpayers by ensuring that work is done on time and apply to both union and nonunion contractors.

Federal agencies also will prioritize companies bidding for projects that provide child and dependent care, paid leave, retirement benefits, and health insurance to employees.

The order stands to benefit not just union workers, but also the National Electrical Contractors Association, the IBEW’s longtime national management partner in construction, and many other companies and partners that employ IBEW members in manufacturing, broadcasting, utilities, telecommunications and railroads.

“Today’s executive order instructs federal agencies to incentivize employers to meet high labor standards and support good jobs by promoting the use of project labor agreements, following prevailing wage rates, and respecting the right of workers to organize and collectively bargain,” Cooper said. “It also prioritizes supporting companies and contractors that use registered apprenticeship programs, like those offered by the IBEW and our employer partners.”

The Good Jobs Executive Order puts an exclamation point on Biden’s promise to be the most pro-union president in U.S. history. Vice President Kamala Harris worked side-by-side with Biden, casting deciding votes in the U.S. Senate on many of the administration’s signature achievements, and has been endorsed by the IBEW in November’s presidential election.

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris understand that our nation's strength is tied directly to the well-being of its working people, and the Good Jobs Executive Order will ensure that the federal government continues to raise the bar by centering woprkers and high quality jobs — opening pathways to the middle class for millions of working Americans,” Cooper said.

A task force co-chaired by acting Labor Secretary Julie Su and National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard will oversee implementation of the standards. It will report directly to the president.