Last year’s Photo Contest winner was Vacaville, Calif., Local 1245’s Nicholas Raines, who captured a winter storm mid-fury while he and his IBEW sisters and brothers raced to restore power near Lake Tahoe. Which of this year’s finalists will be the winner?

The IBEW photo contest is entering its final phase: your turn.

This year we have more than a dozen images, from mountain peaks to sub-city tunnels that show the beauty, challenges and joys of life at work for the wildly diverse membership of the IBEW.

Last summer, we asked you to send in pictures showing us your work lives, and hundreds of you responded. These are your finalists, some iconic, some novel, some fresh takes on familiar images.

Please choose and rank your three favorite images. Voting will be open for the next two weeks. Anyone can vote – so spread the word – but only one vote per person please. 

(Use the arrows on either side of the photos to navigate and vote with the link in the final tab)

First place wins $200, second place $150, third place $100 and honorable mentions win $50. The winners will also be featured in an upcoming issue of the Electrical Worker.

Deadline for voting is Jan. 29 at 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.