Health Care
Gutted: Premiums are
rising while coverage is shrinking thanks to repeated attacks on the
Affordable Care Act backed by the White House and the
Republican-controlled Congress.
Missing: While roads and bridges crumble, the Trump administration's plan to fund infrastructure projects is nowhere to be found.
Ripped Off: Enforcement
of the fiduciary rule, designed to help working people better plan for
retirement and not be deceived by unscrupulous advisors, has been
delayed repeatedly.
Stolen: The Republican-controlled House Budget Committee proposed cutting $145 billion from federal workers' pensions.
Steamrolled: The NLRB issued five decisions in one week alone that rolled back rights and protections for working people.
No Transparency: The Department of Labor rescinded the persuader rule, which was designed to bring more transparency to union elections.
Wages and Jobs
Down: Real wages (adjusted for inflation) for non-management employees are falling despite a booming economy.
Killed: The
Trump administration refused to support an Obama-era rule to increase
the number of people eligible for overtime pay. Had the administration
defended it in court, 4 million more working people could have seen
their paychecks increase substantially.
Rejected: The
U.S. Supreme Court decided in favor of employers when it upheld an
arbitration case, effectively making it harder for working people to
join together collectively.
Workplace Safety
Abandoned: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is down at least 40 workplace safety inspectors.
Exposed: Roughly 850 rules have been withdrawn, reversed or delayed since Trump took office.
No Accountability: A rule that required employers to maintain illness and injury records for five years has been slashed to six months.