August 2003
Labor Day 2003
As we celebrate Labor Day in the United States or Labour Day in Canada, we should remember that this weekend signals more than the end of summer or the start of school....August 29, 2003.
Press Release:President Edwin D. Hill on Largest Power Failure in U.S. History...August 19, 2003.
NLRB Stacked Against Workers
Now that all five members of the National Labor Relations Board are administration appointees, expect anti-worker decisions from the federal arbiter of labor-management disputes....August 8, 2003.
AFL-CIO Working Families Presidential Forum
Democratic Presidential Candidates Criticize Bush, Vow Support for Jobs, Health Care and Workers Freedom to Form a Union.
Republican Party Uses India Call Center to Raise Funds
First it was boxes in a warehouse with the words, "Made in China" covered up with duct tape. Now, its dialing for campaign dollars from a call center in India....August 5, 2003.