March Journal
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March 2001

2001 Construction Conference
The 2001 Construction and Maintenance Conference March 29-31 rallied 1,100 leaders from IBEW construction local unions across the United States and Canada around the theme Charting Our Future Together....March 31, 2001.

Address of President Hill to Construction Conference
March 31, 2001.

Address of Secretary-Treasurer O'Connor to Construction Conference
March 31, 2001.

California Power Prices Going Up for Customers.
California's Public Utility Commission (CPUC) has abandoned previously capped retail prices for a system that charges customers according to how much or how little energy they use....March 30, 2001.

Retirement Dinner
Labor’s top leaders turned out in force to wish IBEW International President Emeritus J. J. Barry a fond fare-you-well...March 28, 2001.