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Construction & Maintenance Conference a Success!


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The 2001 Construction and Maintenance Conference March 29-31 rallied 1,100 leaders from IBEW construction local unions across the United States and Canada around the theme Charting Our Future Together.

The annual Conference in Washington, DC featured three days of industry related speakers, information and above all, solidarity, with participants from every corner of North America.

The conferences rousing multimedia event opener featured Local 3, New Your Citys Sword of Light Band, a high-energy video film track of construction workers past and present and a moving patriotic display accompanying the national anthems of the United States and Canada.

International President Edwin D. Hill sketched a broad ranging vision for the IBEW's future.  He praised the success achieved by many locals in organizing and winning a stronger share of their regional markets.  President Hill also spoke forcefully about the need to redouble organizing efforts, win a greater share of the burgeoning market for voice/data/video services and the need to recruit the best and brightest young workers into the Brotherhood's apprenticeship programs. [Full Text of President Hill's remarks]

International Secretary-Treasurer Jerry J. O'Connor, speaking to his first Construction and Maintenance Conference, gave an overview of the healthy state of the IBEW's labor-management pension funds and how the IBEW's status as an institutional investor is used to create union jobs and foster better labor-management relations.  He also cited the anti-labor steps taken by the Bush Administration in his first months and warned the delegates of the political and legislative battles ahead. [Full Text of Secretary-Treasurer O'Connor's remarks]

AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka gave a dynamic speech on the need to fight the anti-labor attacks of the new Bush administration and move the labor movement forward into the 21st century.

Edward Sullivan, AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades president, laid out the course for future of the building trades, stressing opposition to the Presidents ban on Project Labor Agreements.

Geary Higgins, Director of Labor Relations, NECA, spoke of the challenges facing the construction trade today and of the ongoing successful IBEW/NECA relationship as NECA celebrates its 100th year anniversary.

On Saturday, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Thomas Daschle (D-SD) spoke about his commitment to defending labor against the continuing erosion of workers rights under the new Administration.

I believe strongly that the state of our union depends on the strength of our unions, Senator Daschle said.  As a consumer, I always feel that it makes sense to buy quality.  As an elected official, I believe the American taxpayer deserves the best possible deal.  Well, if you want quality, look for the union label.

The main part of the Conference was preceded by a one-day Outside Construction and Line Clearance/Tree Trimming Meeting on March 29that featured several speakers and presentations.  One of the speakers, an official from the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, brought a chainsaw to illustrate his talk on the importance of safety as it relates to the most dangerous tool on earth.

Among the other speakers during the three-day event were Rick Diegel, Director of IBEW-PAC, who brought the attendees up-to-date on current legislation; Steven Strong, President, Solar Design Associates, who spoke about solar energy and Dr. Peter Philips, Professor of Economics, University of Utah, who spoke on the benefits of prevailing wage scales.

The conference closed on Saturday with remarks from Mark Ayers, IBEW Construction and Maintenance Department Director, who spoke of the vital importance of labor-management cooperation.

President Hill giving Keynote Address

Secretary-Treasurer O'Connor

Thomas A. Daschle (D-SD) Minority Leader, U.S. Senate

Richard L. Trumka, Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO

Edward C. Sullivan, President, Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO