Staying IBEW Strong
From union-bashing flyers to deceptive emails, targeted ads on social media, intrusive phone calls and even unwelcome visitors at the door, the crusade against America's public workers has gone into overdrive since the Supreme Court's bruising decision in Janus v. AFSCME in June.
But for all the millions being poured into arm-twisting campaigns, union members are standing their ground.
Crediting member-to-member outreach, Vacaville, Calif., Local 1245 reports that less than 1 percent of the 2,400 public employees it represents have stopped paying the agency fees that support bargaining unit work.
"I am rarely at a loss for words, but seeing all of you and knowing what you accomplished is awe- inspiring," Local 1245 Business Manager Tom Dalzell told more than 100 member-organizers at a post-Janus summit in July.
Their efforts have been so effective that some fee-payers, their eyes opened to the dollar-and-cents value of unions, have joined the IBEW as full dues-paying members.
"We've given you the resources and training, and you've gone out and moved mountains," Dalzell said, referring to the volunteer organizing committee program the local established for internal organizing at its 34 public-sector work sites. "Your work has exceeded any expectation or dream that we had. You've proved that there's nothing more effective than member-to-member communication."
Janus opened the door for public workers to freeload off their unions, just as state right-to-work laws create free riders in the private sector. Both scenarios let workers withhold agency fees, their share of the bill for contract talks, grievances and other ways unions represent members and nonmembers alike. Contrary to opponents' talking points, the fees are entirely separate from unions' political action funds.
With the most union members of any state, California's labor movement began preparing long in advance for the Supreme Court's expected blow.
Local 1245 played a leading role, sending staff and VOC emissaries to help other IBEW locals, conducting Central Labor Council trainings and even designing the popular "I'm In" logo, a symbol of ever-growing solidarity as workers sign cards pledging to stick with their unions.  |