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36th Convention

September 7, 2001


Opportunities to Affect Change

October/November 2001 IBEW Journal

"Where do women in the IBEW have opportunities to affect the needed changes in the union?" the facilitators asked. Participants described actions women can take to realize their vision. They pledged to work to:

Mobilize rank-and-file women for more involvement

Organize more women and minorities into the IBEW

Extend outreach efforts

Encourage more women and minorities to run for a union office 

They developed a mission: "To make a commitment to a plan of action, describing steps to take over the next year to help bring about the recommended changes, to help advance continuing progressive change and make the IBEW an even better place for everyone."

Vision for the 21st Century

 "What is your vision for the 21st Century for women in the IBEW and for the IBEW as a whole?" facilitators asked the delegates. "Where do we go from here?"

Delegates discussed the need for more women in leadership roles at all levels of the union, more diversity, stronger mentoring opportunities, and more women in all aspects of the trade.

Open the Door for Your Union Sisters 

Each delegate was invited to write her "union story" as a means of documenting the contributions women have made to the IBEW. These stories will be compiled into a volume of "Herstories" and shared with other IBEW members.

"In sharing our stories we learn new strategies and gain insight and strength from our collective experiences," Sanford said. "We also inspire and help others become leaders and activists in this great union."

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