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36th Convention

September 7, 2001


Womens Caucus

October/November 2001 IBEW Journal

Womens Caucus Inspires Participants, Promotes Discussion

Unified voices of IBEW women rose strong, deliberate and clear as they chanted "New Voices, New Choices/We know what we can do/We are the future of labor/We know what we must do."

The poem, written by IBEW member Minnie Price, Local 1160, Marion, Indiana, helped launch the September 7 IBEW Womens Caucus in San Francisco, a spirited half-day exchange of ideas on the role of women in the IBEW titled "New Voices, New Choices."

International President Edwin D. Hill commended those women with a long history in the IBEW, comparing them to the pioneers who formed the union 110 years ago. Those women advanced despite social and economic barriers as well as internal resistance.

"If I have anything to say about it, the days when you are viewed as women in a mans union should be long past, and will be relegated to the past," Hill said. "You must be, should be, and will be, proud, equal members of this union for as long as the IBEW banner flies high."

Secretary-Treasurer Jerry OConnor also praised the delegates for their personal activism and challenged the 150 participants to continue to recruit new members. "When it comes to organizing, women get it," Secretary-Treasurer OConnor said. "Activism is nothing new to the women here."

"Herstories," of individual members included that of Pat Snow, the first woman journeyman inside wireman initiated into Local 6, San Francisco, in 1977. As a wife and mother of two, she started her membership with the IBEW by answering an advertisement seeking electricians that encouraged women and minorities to apply. Today she heads the largest unit in the local.

During a particularly rousing portion of the opening program, Sixth District International Representatives Susie Barber and Donna Myron rallied the audience. In unison they shouted, "Im a voice for the union. I am the union!"

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