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Local Lines |
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Greetings From Local 1 |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa,st,ws&ptc), ST. LOUIS, MO — Our local's Labor Day picnic and festivities at the hall were awesome. All enjoyed the great weather. Food, fellowship and family are the best ways to celebrate and honor the sacrifices of the members who preceded us. As this update reaches the masses, we are hopeful that labor was successful in educating and motivating our membership to vote for labor-friendly candidates. The Electrical Workers Minority Caucus reminds everyone to scour their homes and reach out to neighbors to donate any used coats to your respective locals, who will see that they reach the right people in our communities. The holidays can be a stressful time for some. Check in on each other. Sometimes a gesture as simple as asking how someone is doing can brighten a dark or somber mood. Happy holidays to all from Local 1! |
Local 15 Signs Staffing Initiative Agreement |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — Our local and Constellation Energy signed a staffing initiative agreement Aug. 21. We started discussions with the company in 2021 about an agreement that would add more members to the IBEW. President Chris Riser, Vice President Ben Busser, and Business Representatives Brian Daniels and John Richards negotiated 71 new union positions within Local 15. This agreement involves the creation of 25 positions in a valve services group, which provides promotional opportunities for mechanical maintenance employees. Also, the agreement provides 41 additional radiation protection technicians to help perform decontamination work and add support for outage seasons. Last, the agreement includes amendments to the facilities maintenance agreement, which will add five positions and increase wages. This affects Local 15 members at Braidwood, Byron, Dresden, LaSalle and Quad Cities nuclear generating stations. |
Local 41 Pensioners' Luncheon and Progress Meeting |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY — In August, we celebrated our annual pensioners' lunch. More than 100 of our retired members came to celebrate as more than 30 received their years-of-service pins, ranging from 20 to 65 years as an IBEW member. No one was prouder than Brother Leo Kogler, who received his 65-year pin. Thank you to all our retired brothers and sisters for your continued dedication and support of the IBEW and Local 41. Local 41 was honored to host the Third District Progress Meeting on Sept. 10-12 in downtown Buffalo. It was the first progress meeting held in New York state in 40 years. Nearly 400 delegates from Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania came together for the yearly meeting as required by Article VII of the IBEW Constitution. On Sept. 11, young workers' and veterans' groups worked together on a volunteer project at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park. More than 50 brothers and sisters worked together to clean and paint the USS Croaker in preparation for its journey with the USS The Sullivans to drydock for restoration. The Buffalo Naval Park opened in 1979 and has grown to become the largest inland naval park in the United States. |
![]() From left, Local 41 Business Manager Greg Inglut, pensioner Leo Kogler and pensioner President Frank Mahoney. |
News From Local 47 |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Greetings, brothers and sisters. Business Manager/Financial Secretary Colin Lavin and President Rafael Gomez presented Senior Assistant Business Manager Mike Moore his 50-year service pin and watch Aug. 13. Congratulations, Brother Mike. Here are Local 47's bargaining and event updates:
We congratulate the following brothers on their retirement: Robert Brenna, Michael Kemp, Thomas Lasher, Ronald Lemoine, Greg Nelson, Lon Peterson, Rodney Peterson, Randall Ruis and Arnold Trevino. We're sad to report the deaths of Peter Falls; Shane Slaght; and Local 465 member Terry Crook, who was working in our jurisdiction. Our condolences and prayers are with their loved ones. Work safe and buy union! |
![]() Local 47 Business Manager/Financial Secretary Colin Lavin and President Rafael Gomez present Senior Assistant Business Manager Mike Moore his 50-year IBEW service pin and watch. |
PAL Training Conducted at Local 51 |
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — Two teams from our local participated in Local 601's annual softball tournament in August. Everyone had a great time and appreciated the IBEW hospitality. In September, we hosted a family solidarity day at the Peoria Chiefs' minor league stadium, Dozer Park. It was very well attended, and we are looking into something similar for our membership next year. On July 25, Local 51 conducted its first PAL (Politics, Activism and Livelihood) training for Local 51 Executive Board members and officers. Nearly 20 members attended this first training. PAL training discusses the importance to talk about and be involved in politics and why voting for IBEW- and union-friendly candidates is so important to all of our livelihoods. Business Manager Bobby Wedell set another date in September for an additional round of training, this time focused on our unit chairs, recording secretaries/treasurers and stewards. Work continues to be very slow in the Local 51 jurisdiction, and this trend is expected to continue throughout 2024. Our line clearance tree trimmers continue to receive steady work. We wish all our brothers and sisters a happy Thanksgiving and a merry Christmas! |
Apprentice Class of the Future |
L.U. 131 (i,rtb,rts,se&spa), KALAMAZOO, MI — Our local welcomes all the new first-year apprentices indentured last summer: Eduardo Aguilar, Noah Baker, Allison Brandli, Ben Haumann, Jonathan Hopp, Mason Holder, Konnor Miller, William Miller, Creighton Pierce, Leo Pulsinelli, Nathan Riddle, Nicolas Rieger, Derek Roblyer, Gabriel Rogers, Ivan Sage, Jonathan Strampel, Broderick Try, Eric Vantine, Gavin West, Kiwoa Whitfield and Sawyer Whitfield. The IBEW will always be here for you. The work outlook is steady in Kalamazoo. Several projects are keeping the book clear, and travelers are working in the jurisdiction. Palisades nuclear plant continues to staff up. Thank you, President Biden, for all you have done for IBEW members. There are plenty of ways to participate with Local 131. Step up and join RENEW, the Veterans' Committee, the Women's Committee or the EWMC. We need you to participate to make the local stronger. The retirees' Christmas luncheon will be Dec. 11. Call the hall for reservations. Last year we filled the place, and let's do it again. Have a joyful holiday season! |
![]() Local 131 apprentices on their first day of school. |
Local 141 Hosts Annual Family Picnic |
L.U. 141 (ees,i,o&u), WHEELING, WV — Hello, brothers and sisters. Work remains slow at our local, with 46 members on Book 1 at the time of this writing. On Aug. 10, Local 141's Social Committee hosted the annual family picnic and golf scramble at Wheeling Park. It was a perfect day filled with fun, food, activities for kids and, most of all, brotherhood. Brother Adam Combs and teammates Michael Long, Aaron White and Kyle White won the annual golf scramble with a score of 12 under par. Members and their families also enjoyed passes to Wheeling Park, which included a pool, miniature golf, playground and other activities. Local 141 is proud to endorse two of its members who are running for House of Delegates seats in two districts in West Virginia. President David Cantrell and Executive Board member Cody Cumpston have both been working tirelessly on their campaigns, and if elected will be strong voices for our members and all of the working families in their districts in the West Virginia Legislature. Best of luck to these fine brothers! Local 141 is sad to report the passing of Brothers Gary D. Lucas and Clarence J. Ramsay. They will be greatly missed. |
![]() Members, friends and family gathered prior to the Local 141 golf scramble. |
Family, Friends and Fraternity |
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — Though many regret the end of summer and all it brings, there is always something to look forward to — and for many of our members and their families, our local's annual picnic fits the bill. The amount of effort put forth by the many volunteers within our ranks at this year's event was clear in the smiling faces, good cheer and high spirits throughout the fairgrounds. Activities such as paddle boating, beach volleyball, mini-golf, horseshoes and fishing ensure that there was something to do for all. There was even a caricature tent with a talented local artist drawing up the likenesses of the attendees. There was certainly no shortage of food or drink, either. Sodas, water, hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream were offered in abundance. For the adults, there was the ever-popular beer truck. However, the most popular items on the menu were the boiled shrimp and steamed clams diligently served up by Brothers Mike McGrath and Wayne DeAngelo. The officers of the local passed out custom T-shirts and beach towels, and I think it's safe to say that no one went home empty handed (or hungry, for that matter). Thanks to everyone, and see you next year! |
![]() Members and their families wait to have their caricatures drawn and their faces painted at the annual Local 269 picnic. |
Solidarity Wins Every Time |
L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LE SUEUR, MN — Approximately 1,200 IBEW limited energy members in Minnesota work under a statewide agreement. The collective bargaining agreement is between five Minnesota IBEW locals and three NECA chapters representing NECA member contractors and non-NECA member contractors. The limited energy apprenticeship has six classifications: installer 1 through installer 6. Once the apprentice tops out and acquires a Minnesota power-limited technician license, they become a journeyperson installer. Other classifications progress from technician, senior technician, foreperson technician to general foreperson. Approximately 110 limited energy workers are Local 343 members. Contract negotiations began in June. The first offer was rejected by 97.5% of the membership. A second vote was held in July and again voted down by the membership. Permission to strike was granted by the I.O. Both sides entered the required 10-day cooling-off period. On the third vote, NECA's new offer was accepted, with more than 90% of the statewide membership voting yes. One IBEW local had 100% voter participation with 100% voting to accept. Limited energy members will receive a 7% wage increase each year for three years. Changes in language affecting classification progression and vacation/sick time were among other benefits gained under the new contract. Congratulations to the limited energy membership! United We Bargain. Divided We Beg. |
Local 357 Members Saving Lives and Having a Summer Blast |
L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV — Our local kicked off the summer with a patriotic bang, participating in the Fourth of July Parade in Boulder City, Nev. The parade, a symbol of our unity and shared values, started in a traditional manner, but it took a fun and much-anticipated turn, ending in a massive water fight between the attendees and the parade walkers. We had an absolute blast! Thank you, Rachelle Warren and the Parade Committee, for your hard work. Two Life Saving Awards were presented at our July 2024 general meeting. We are immensely proud of our Brothers Adam Henderson, Steve O'Hara, Jimmy Lee Smith, Robert Ramirez and William Rowen, who were recognized for their life-saving actions. Their bravery and quick thinking were instrumental in saving the lives of fellow Local 357 members. We are grateful for their service and proud to have them as part of our union family. |
![]() Local 357 members at the Fourth of July Parade in Boulder City, Nev., before they got blasted with water. |
Local 405 Congratulates Junior Luensman |
L.U. 405 (em,i,rtb&spa), CEDAR RAPIDS, IA — Our local would like to congratulate Business Manager Junior Luensman as he moves up to the International Office to take over for the retiring CJ King as the international representative in charge of education for the Sixth and Eleventh districts (see Transitions story). In his new role, Junior will do an excellent job using his love for and knowledge of the IBEW in educating members and officers. He has left Local 405 in the very capable hands of Matt Resor, and we all wish Junior the best as he moves on. |
Labor Day at the Indianapolis Zoo |
L.U. 481 (ees,em,i,mt,rts,s&spa), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Brothers and sisters, our local closed out the summer with our second annual Labor Day picnic at the Indianapolis Zoo. It was a fantastic event with more than 2,000 in attendance. With face painting, unlimited rides, food and a private dolphin show, there was a little something for everyone to enjoy. Thank you to all members and their families who came out and helped us celebrate Labor Day. Involvement in your union only makes us all stronger. With so many distractions out there trying to divide us, seeing the solidarity at the zoo was a great reminder that we all need to stick together. When we do, nothing is impossible. We are looking forward to next year already! |
Local 499 Golf Tournament and Life Saving Award Recognition |
L.U. 499 (u), DES MOINES, IA — On Aug. 10, our local held its first annual golf tournament, with 26 teams participating. Participants included current and retired members, including a team from one of our rural electric cooperatives, management, and representatives from Locals 55 and 347. The teams were had representation from gas, electric and generation. In early September, the local presented a donation to the Iowa League of Heroes. This organization helps children and families in their time of need by donating time and resources dressing up as superheroes to visit kids in the hospital. Local 499 also delivered a carful of nonperishable donations to the Ronald McDonald House of Central Iowa along with a check. The accompanying picture shows Vice President Steve Mitchell, President Kori Moore, Business Manager/Financial Secretary Patrick Murillo and an Iowa League of Heroes representative accepting the donation. On Aug. 15, steward and line mechanic Bob Decker and co-worker Rick Vanderheiden presented Tom Pithan with a Life Saving Award. In March, Tom's son was choking. Tom leaped to action, giving him the Heimlich maneuver until he began breathing on his own. Tom transported his son to the hospital for further treatment. Local 499 recognizes Tom and is thankful for the knowledge and training that helped save his son's life, and we are glad his son is OK. |
![]() Vice President Steve Mitchell, President Kori Moore and Business Manager/Financial Secretary Patrick Murillo presenting Local 499's donation to a representative of the Iowa League of Heroes. |
Local 601's 47th Annual Softball Invitational |
L.U. 601 (i&rtb), CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL — Local 601's softball team hosted its 47th Softball Invitational on Aug. 24-25. Families and friends came from all over the state to support the 14 teams that participated. A huge thank you to Springfield Local 51, Chicago Local 134, Rock Island Local 145, Decatur Local 146, Waukegan Local 150, Joliet Local 176, Springfield Local 193, Bloomington Local 197, Rockford Local 364, Aurora Local 461, Alton Local 649, and Lisle Local 701 for coming out and showing this tournament what it's all about! Congratulations to Local 649 for winning it again, defeating Local 134 in a comeback you just had to be there to witness! We hope to see you all again next year! See the album at photos.app.goo.gl/UXY8ivsAR6fFXuRv8 |
![]() Back-to-back champions: Alton, Ill., Local 649's softball team. |
Local 611 Members Use Training to Help a Stranger |
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — On Aug. 14, an American Airlines maintenance employee walked out of the restroom at the Albuquerque International Sunport Terminal and fell to the ground. Five IBEW/B&D Industries workers saw him fall and immediately rushed to his aid. Realizing that he was having a heart attack, the workers began giving him CPR until an ambulance arrived. Two of the members are ex-military, and one is a former EMT. Unfortunately, the maintenance employee passed away on his way to the hospital. Due to their bravery and quick thinking, the five members were honored by our partner, Jaynes Corp., during a special recognition event for the Sunport terminal improvement project. The five heroes are Eleazar Castro, Rudy Laumbach, Joseph Martinez, Robert Smith Nealy and Tyler Westley. In a critical moment, these five members went above and beyond by administering life-saving techniques to a stranger in need. Thanks for making Local 611 proud. On behalf of the local, I would like to extend condolences to the friends and families of Ruben Mancha, Mario Murillo, Ronald E. Phillips, Bryan Salazar, Michael Salaz and Michael Wingo. This is an election year, so make sure you get out and vote. |
![]() From left, Local 611 members Rudy Laumbach, Robert Smith Nealy, Tyler Westley, Joseph Martinez and Eleazar Castro. |
Fifth District Progress Meeting and PLAs |
L.U. 915 (i&mt), TAMPA, FL — August was a busy month for our local. Randall King, business manager of Local 915 and president of the Florida Electrical Workers Association, welcomed International Vice President Glenn Brannen and International Secretary Treasurer Paul Noble to the Tampa Bay area for the Fifth District Progress Meeting. International President Emeritus Lonnie Stephenson and Fifth District International Vice President Emeritus Brian Thompson were among the honored guests. Business Manager King is negotiating project labor agreements for two projects at MacDill Air Force Base. These PLAs would cover all unionized trades, not just the IBEW. Local 915 has never had a PLA of this size on federal work. We need to always remember that elections have consequences. For example, the apprenticeship ordinance for St. Petersburg that was put in place in 2019 has been repealed. This ordinance was specifically targeted by Gov. Ron DeSantis during the last legislative session. Between recent preemption legislation out of Tallahassee and losing a lawsuit on appeal, the city of St. Petersburg had no choice but to repeal the ordinance. All of this happened in the final runup to breaking ground on the new Tampa Bay Rays stadium. This ordinance would have required IBEW apprentices to work on building the new stadium. |
Coldest River Software Joins Local 1347 |
L.U. 1347 (ees,em,u&ptc), CINCINNATI, OH — On behalf of the IBEW, I extend a warm welcome to Coldest River Software, our newest member company. It is with great pleasure that we embrace Coldest River Software as they volunteer to join our union family. The commitment of Coldest River to join the IBEW is a testament to the enduring value of union membership and the recognition of the benefits it brings to workers and employers alike. Its wealth of experience and expertise will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success and growth of our union. We applaud Coldest River for their decision to go union and for recognizing the importance of solidarity and collective bargaining in today's challenging business landscape. By choosing to be part of the IBEW, Coldest River is not only securing better wages, benefits and working conditions for its employees, but is also contributing to the advancement of the broader labor movement. We are confident that this addition to our union will further strengthen our collective voice and position us for continued success in the electrical industry. We look forward to collaborating closely with the company and supporting it in its endeavors as valued members of the IBEW. I encourage all members to consider using Coldest River's software specifically designed for IBEW unions. SALT is a tool created for unions to easily generate custom social media posts with the click of a button and establish branding. And now they are backed by a professional group that is committed to excellence and union values. For more information about SALT, please visit saltsoftware.com. Thank you! |
![]() Local 1347 Business Manager/Financial Secretary Andrew Kirk with Coldest River Software's Erin Heimbrock. |
Gene White Receives Alaska AFL-CIO's Highest Award |
L.U. 1547 (c,em,i,o,t,u,lctt&ptc), ANCHORAGE, AK — Gene White, a dedicated union brother, epitomizes the spirit of excellence and solidarity. His unwavering commitment to his fellow union members, the labor movement and his community has earned him the prestigious Robert A. McFarland Award. Gene's journey began in Alaska in 1975, when he joined the Department of Education in Juneau. He quickly became involved in education initiatives, establishing the Community Schools program in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District in 1976. In 1980, Gene embarked on a new career path, joining the Local 1547 apprenticeship. Throughout his time in the IBEW, he was always willing to lend a helping hand and advocate for his fellow workers. He played a crucial role in combating anti-union forces within the industry. After retiring from his full-time career in 2007, Gene's dedication to the labor movement did not wane. He moved to Juneau to work as a legislative staffer, advocating for pro-worker policies and making a positive impact on the lives of working people. Since retiring again in 2012, Gene has continued to be a tireless volunteer for political campaigns. He is a valuable asset to any campaign, whether it's knocking on doors, putting up signs, making calls or appearing in campaign materials. As Local 1547 Business Manager Doug Tansy said: "Gene White is a cornerstone of our union. His more than 40 years of service, coupled with his post-retirement activities, are marked by loyalty, activism and mentorship. His welcoming smile and friendly demeanor are matched only by his tireless dedication and commitment to his labor family. From the picket line to lobbying the Legislature, he has helped shape our union into what it is today. Gene White is an inspiration to us all." |
![]() Local 1547 retiree Gene White with Community Outreach Manager Dora Wilson. |
Make it Happen |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — Hello brothers and sisters, I hope you are all doing well. We want to congratulate our service award recipients that recently received their service pins at our last ceremony. Our members received pins for service between five and 60 years. Thank you for your service to Local 1579 and the IBEW. It's been a very hectic time for Local 1579, with the shutdowns completing at Plant Vogtle and the data center finally beginning to hire. We are looking forward to a great partnership with Miller Electric on this project. The Savannah River Plutonium Processing Facility project that I wrote about in my last article is closer to hiring for actual construction instead of demo. We expect this will come to fruition around the beginning of the year, toward the second quarter. Our in-town and prime contractors at the Savannah River Site are holding their own with sporadic hiring. I can't stress the importance of our national election greatly enough. We all need to make sure that we support and vote for labor- and IBEW-friendly politicians. As a union member, your entire life as you know it could be under attack. Imagine where you would be with no Davis-Bacon, no PLAs, no labor unions and no pension plans, just to name a few of the directives that are being threatened. Do your part to save your livelihood. "Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen." — Michael Jordan |
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