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Amtrak Presidential Emergency Board Hearings End... Members Now Await Board Report

December 17, 2007

After three long days of testimony, Presidential Emergency Board 242 concluded its hearings late Thursday afternoon.  The hearings, held in Washington, DC, began Tuesday December 11 after over a month of preparation by the IBEW along with the other labor organizations involved in the dispute.

Amtrak was first to present their case.  Their position hasn’t changed since our coalition last had talks with them a few months ago: among other things, they maintained their position on drastic work rule changes and no back pay for the eight years our hard-working members have been without a contract, continuing to propose a $4,500 signing bonus.

The two Labor Coalitions, on the other hand, proposed that the recently ratified National Agreement and the 2004 National Agreement be applied to our members on Amtrak, with retroactivity on wage increases going back to 2000, and with the changes provided for in the Health and Welfare plans contained in the National Agreements.  Those two agreements also contained just a few minor work rule changes.  Additional information pertaining to the 2007 National Agreement can be found on this website.

“All in all, I thought our presentation was much more effective than that of Amtrak’s, for we seemed better prepared than Amtrak and our position much more reasonable,” said IBEW Railroad Director Bill Bohné.  “I hope, and believe, that the PEB will render a report that is fair and equitable to our members who are anxious to put this round of bargaining behind them.”

The PEB report is due by December 30.  Continue to visit our website for future updates.