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Strike Postponed: President Bush Intervenes in Amtrak Bargaining Disputes, Appoints
Presidential Emergency Board

Yesterday, President Bush issued an Executive Order establishing a Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) to investigate and make recommendations concerning the contract dispute between Amtrak and the many of the unions representing Amtrak employees, including the IBEW.  The effective date of his order is 12:01a.m. December 1, 2007. 

Accordingly, there will be no strike at this time. 

The PEB will have 30 days from that date to meet, hold hearings, and issue its findings.  For additional information about the process, please see our October 24 article “IBEW and Amtrak Offered Arbitration in Contract Dispute.”  It will now be at least 60 days from December 1 before we are able to take any type of job action against Amtrak.  For a copy of the Presidential Executive Order click here.

Please continue to visit our website at www.ibew.org for Amtrak updates.