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Local Lines |
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Local 1 Volunteering |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa,st,ws&ptc), ST. LOUIS, MO — This past winter, like many before, our members assisted Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery in laying wreaths and retrieving them when the season ends. Our year-round coat drive for citizens in need and our "Shop With a Cop" are a few examples of the many ways our members give back and volunteer. In April, our local members and NECA chapter volunteered their time and material to helping residents in St. Louis city and county with code updates and home improvements. These residents are on fixed incomes and some needed repairs beyond their means. It is the 20th year we have partnered with Rebuilding Together St. Louis to assist the less fortunate in our community. Enjoy the spring, and continue to organize, Organize, ORGANIZE! |
Happy Retirement, Brother Grooms! |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — Our longtime business representative Dave Grooms retired on Jan. 13. He started working at Waukegan Station in 1975 and has more than 47 years of experience in the generation industry. Dave worked in both coal and nuclear-generating stations and was an operator and an instrument maintenance technician. Brother Grooms honorably represented the IBEW and Local 15 for more than 25 years as a steward, chief steward and business representative. He will go on to enjoy his time fishing and golfing with his wife Karen and spending time with his children and grandchildren. |
![]() From left, longtime Local 15 Business Representative Dave Grooms celebrates his retirement with President Terry McGoldrick. |
2023 Legislative Priorities and Events |
L.U. 17 (catv,em,lctt,o&u), DETROIT, MI — With a surprise Democratic trifecta (control of the governorship, state Senate and state House) for the first time in 40 years, the Michigan labor movement is looking to see sweeping legislative changes that help working families. At the top of our list are repealing "right to work," restoring prevailing wage laws and eliminating the state tax on pension benefits. With our allies, we will also press for other worker-friendly changes throughout the new legislative session. Save the dates for these upcoming family-friendly events in 2023:
We look forward to seeing you there! Editor's Note: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a repeal of Michigan's "right-to-work" law and a reinstatement of the state's prevailing wage on March 24. Congratulations! |
2023 Fundy Coast Fatality |
L.U. 37 (o,u,c,ptc&rtb), FREDERICTON, NB — The last storm call for many was the 2023 ice storm off the Fundy Coast in New Brunswick. On the night of Jan. 17, disaster struck when the NB Power TLM storm-restoration crew was repairing a line. Two Local 37 members were up a transmission pole doing the task they loved when the pole came crashing down. Colin Hume was fatally injured that night: He was a member of Local 37 for 13 years. Colin was a man who was always up for an adventure, be it in his personal life or traveling for his career as a lineman. Colin will be dearly missed by his wife Heidi and two daughters — he was a devoted husband and father who extended his kindness to others. Scott Markowsky survived the accident but suffered serious injuries; Scott has been a member of Local 37 for 14 years. He is a devoted, hands-on family man to his wife and children, and he has a long road of recovery ahead of him, both mentally and physically. Editor's Note: See the poem written by Local 37 member Everard Logan in the Letters section of this issue. Brother Logan was on scene the night of the accident and recorded his thoughts in verse. |
![]() ![]() Powerline technicians, from far and wide, stand in solidarity to pay their respects to their fallen brother Colin Hume. |
Veterans' Committee Members Lay Wreaths |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — Members and family of our local's Veterans' Committee volunteered on Dec. 17 to clean up and lay wreaths during the holiday season at Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Onondaga County, N.Y. Volunteers included Brother Ryan Cabiles, family member Ava Cabiles, Brothers John Laplante and Kevin Mullen, Sister Haley Parker and Brothers Bill Towsley and Dave Wierowski (see accompanying picture). Thank you, brothers and sisters, for volunteering and honoring our veterans. |
![]() Local 43 Veterans Committee members and family volunteered to clean up and lay wreaths at Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Onondaga County, N.Y. |
SCE Members Accept Agreement |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Business Manager/Financial Secretary Colin Lavin presented Assistant Business Manager Arnold Trevino with his 40-year IBEW pin. Thank you, Arnold, for your 40 years of dedication and service. Congratulations! SCE members have accepted an agreement, with the second tentative agreement voted on and ratified Feb. 3 by 71%. The SCE discharge of three saddleback journeymen (one foreman and two journeymen linemen) was arbitrated on Feb. 24 and Feb. 28 before arbitrator Nancy Hutt, with both hearing days virtual. In the city of Anaheim, general contract, professional management and customer service part-time negotiations continue. For the city of Banning, general unit, the contract was voted on and approved and goes to the city council for final approval. Local 47's Safety and Steward Conference was March 25, and Local 47's picnic is May 6. See you there! We're sad to report the deaths of Eric Alfaro, Tony Bernales Sr., Richard Garcia and Johnny Kinkade. Our condolences and prayers are with their loved ones. Work safe and buy union! |
![]() Local 47's Business Manager/Financial Secretary Colin Lavin presents Assistant Business Manager Arnold Trevino his 40-year IBEW pin. |
Local 51 Members Receive Life-Saving Awards |
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — Local 51 line-clearance tree trimmers were given life-saving awards from the city of Moline, Ill., in February. Brothers Gary Jens, Myles Peck, Kevin Wardrip II and new hire Austin Church were working for Asplundh in January when they saw black smoke coming from the top of an apartment building. They quickly grabbed ladders and assisted people off their balconies, and everyone made it out safely. Thank you, brothers, for your quick action! Retiree Robert Wrobleski was awarded his 55-year IBEW service pin. His sons and journeymen linemen Robert Jr. and Trever were awarded their 25- and 30-year pins (see accompanying photo, above). Congratulations! Our annual Scholarship Golf Outing will be held June 17 at the Piper Glen Golf Course in Springfield. Please contact the hall if you would like to register a team. |
![]() The Wrobleski family recently received pins for their years of IBEW service. |
Local 55 Helps Bring Glasses to Students |
L.U. 55 (c,lctt,o&u), DES MOINES, IA — In December, our local partnered with the United Way of Central Iowa and its Vision to Learn program to host an exciting distribution event at a local elementary school. Thanks to this program, 88 students received two pairs of free glasses. You don't always get to experience results in real time, but when a student puts on their eyeglasses for the first time, you can see immediately see the impact as their faces light up! Can you imagine how having the opportunity to see will impact their education and, ultimately, how they experience life? United Way and Vision to Learn are doing incredible work. It was truly a blessing and privilege to have the chance to help make experiences like these happen. I encourage all locals to reach out to their area United Way and see how you can help. |
Super Times at Local 99 |
L.U. 99 (govt&i), PROVIDENCE, RI — In October, our local took part in a successful rally at the Providence City Hall for the $223 million reconstruction of the Industrial Trust Co. Building, commonly known as the Superman Building for its similarity to the "Daily Planet" building in the Superman comics. The Providence City Council's finance committee heard many testimonies from a packed meeting chamber of trade-union workers that flooded the entire entrance and looped around the building. This rally led to the passing of the tax-stabilization agreement of $29 million, assuring many job opportunities at prevailing wage for our local members. With the apprentice utilization rate in place, positions are guaranteed to our ever-increasing number of apprentices. At the time of this writing, this job alone is ensuring our members two years' worth of work. The reconstruction of the Superman Building is just one of many upcoming job opportunities within our local. Solar and offshore wind projects make a major contribution to the consistent employment among our members. We currently have no journeymen looking for work, and most who sign the book are sent out before the end of the week. Through our diligence and united efforts we have been successful in making our mark in Rhode Island. Congratulations, Local 99! |
Retirees' Winter Luncheon in Naples, Fla. |
L.U. 103 (cs,i&ptc), BOSTON, MA — We recently held our ninth annual Retirees' Winter Luncheon and Golf Outing in Naples, Fla. After a round a golf, retirees gathered back at the Clubhouse for a light lunch. Rich Bohane, John Mallet and Michael McDonough earned bragging rights as the first-place winners. The following day, more than 220 retirees and guests enjoyed a day of reminiscing with old friends over lunch at the Naples Grande Beach Resort. This year, we were honored to have recently-retired International President, Lonnie Stephenson and his wife, Dawn, as our special guests. During lunch, Business Manager Lou Antonellis gave a brief update on the happenings at home at Local 103 and in Boston. A few retirees even took advantage of the locale to watch their beloved Red Sox play ball at Fenway South spring training base in Fort Myers, Fla. Many of our retirees have attended each year, but we had a large number of first-timers who vowed to be back in 2024. This event is one of our most popular, and we are looking forward to next year! |
![]() International Vice President Monahan, International President Emeritus Stephenson and Local 103 Business Manager Antonellis in Naples, Fla. |
Happy Retirement, Joe Gass! |
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t,u&ptc), PORTLAND, OR — Local union elections will be held this spring. Nominations were made at the April unit meetings; ballots will be mailed May 16 and counted June 8. Please review your February Northwest Labor Press for election details. Brother Scott Spiering has been appointed as the election judge to serve over the 2023 local union elections. The Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo will be held July 22. Plan on joining us to support this annual event. Whether you attend as a competitor, spectator, volunteer or judge, we hope to see you! Visit www.pacificnorthwestlinemanrodeo.org for more details. Local 125's Treasurer Joe Gass has retired from Portland General Electric. Joe will complete his term as treasurer before he completely transitions to retirement. "As a second-generation IBEW journeyman lineman, Joe, along with his brother John, worked hard to represent the IBEW every day," said Local 125 President Larry W. Browning. "Joe upheld the office of treasurer with integrity and professionalism every day. We will miss him." On behalf of our officers, staff and members, we wish Joe and his wife, Alyse, a wonderful retirement. Thank you for your 38 years of service, Joe. |
![]() Local 125's Treasurer Joe Gass has retired from Portland General Electric. |
Welcome, Newcomers |
L.U. 131 (i,rtb,rts,se&spa), KALAMAZOO, MI — Currently the work outlook is steady in Kalamazoo. Several projects are keeping the book cleared. Travelers are working in the jurisdiction. Thank you to everyone who has helped us fill the calls. The local participated in a food drive for the benefit of Twelve Baskets, and it's always good to see our members give back to the community. Local 131 is planning to go to watch the Tigers game on July 8. If you have not signed up, call the hall (269-382-1762) for details. The local has booked charter buses for the event. The first-year class of traditional and hybrid apprentices were sworn in Feb. 6. Please welcome the following new members: Evan Babcock, Nadia R. Carmona, Cody Chaney, Luke Finney, Justin Garcia, Alexander Hemenway, Jacob Henderson, Cody Kelley, Bailey Pickrell, Kyle Prichard, Anthony Shoup, Phillip Stutzky and Mason Terburg. |
![]() Kalamazoo Local 131's class of 2027. |
Local 141 Graduates New Class of Inside Wiremen |
L.U. 141 (ees,i,o&u), WHEELING, WV — Greetings, brothers and sisters. The work picture for our local is promising into the spring and summer months of 2023, with 39 currently on Book 1. At the time of this writing, there are numerous projects kicking off at the AEP Mitchell Plant, as well as other projects in the chemical and gas/oil industries in our area. Local 141 and the Wheeling JATC held a dinner at the Wheeling Island Racetrack Casino for our latest graduating class of inside wiremen. Congratulations to Keith Burge, Colton Campbell, Kyle Groves, Brian Murphy, Jason Perry and Cole Roberts: May these young men have a very long and prosperous career in the IBEW! Local 141 is saddened to report the passing of Brother Joseph Bidka. Brother Bidka served as union steward for one of our local contractors for over 20 years, as well as serving on the Local 141 credit union advisory committee. He will be greatly missed. |
![]() From left, graduates Jason Perry, Kyle Groves, Cole Roberts and Local 141 Apprenticeship Director Mark Dunfee. |
Family Night of Hockey |
L.U. 245 (govt,lctt,o,rtb&u), TOLEDO, OH — Our local started the year off with our annual family night watching the Toledo Walleye hockey team, who came just short of a win. We had a great turnout and it was nice coming together and spending time with our brothers, sisters and their families. As of this writing, negotiations are ongoing with Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, Nelson Tree Service and Bryan Municipal Utilities. Local 245 is also beginning to prepare for its election of officers that will be happening in the fall. We hope to see everyone at our next union meeting. Remember to take time to spend with your families and friends. |
Marching In Unison |
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — Cloudy skies and persistent drizzle were not enough to dampen the spirits of our local's members and their families as they gathered to celebrate and participate in the annual St. Patrick's Day parade in Bucks County, Pa. Tents were set up and cold weather hats with the Local 269 logo were handed out as the marchers were determined not to let the inclement weather get the better of them during what many consider to be a rite of spring. The local made yet another strong showing in other parades in our territory. With Mount Holly, N.J., the week before and Hamilton, N.J., to come the week after, the bucket trucks and new mobile billboard truck have seen plenty of high-profile use, rolling along the parade routes surrounded by our enthusiastic brothers and sisters and their loved ones. It is truly inspirational to see generations of union members marching in unity and reminding those lining the parade route how strong our ties are and how interwoven into the fabric of the community we have become and are determined to remain. |
![]() Local 269 members and their families gather before marching in the Bucks County St. Patrick's Day parade. |
Positive Outlook for 2023 and Beyond |
L.U. 309 (i,lctt,mo,mt,o,rts,spa&u), COLLINSVILLE, IL — We are privileged to report our continued positive outlook for 2023 and beyond. The inside and systems work remain strong. The Boeing MQ-25 Stingray production facility and the Ameren Transmission Operations Control Center are headed into their final stages of completion, while the Air Mobility Command and Joint Operations Mission Planning Center at Scott Air Force Base is manning up. Large projects including a new Touchette hospital, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Health Sciences building and Illinois State Police district headquarters are expected to break ground in the fall. The outside branch saw a slowdown due to a lag in engineering, but it's set to pick up in the second and third quarters and get us back to full employment. Following the retirement of Tim Evans, the executive board has appointed Brother Chris Hankins as business manager. Chris has been an effective organizer and assistant business agent, and we wish him the best in his new post. Plans are being made for a night at the Grizzlies this summer and a possible party at Fairmount Park. Stay tuned. |
Presents for All |
L.U. 317 (i,o,rts,t,u&lctt), HUNTINGTON, WV — We were once again able to host the annual toy drive here at our local, ensuring that many children across our community had a present to unwrap for Christmas. Despite the unseasonably warm weather, the Christmas spirit prevailed with a wonderful turnout of members and volunteers from our community coming together for a wonderful cause. We would like to thank everyone who came out and volunteered to help for such a humbling cause. Local 317 members included Business Manager Shane Wolfe and his wife; Glenna; President Clay Mitchell; Vice President Lance Moore; and journeymen wiremen Chad Brammell, Mike Runyon, Gary Murray and Josh Bills along with his wife and son, Bretney and Dawson. There were also several volunteers from our community: Jason Davidson of Hatzel & Buehler, TCR Country radio station and Big Brothers Big Sisters in Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. Claus even found time in their busy schedule to stop by and say hello. Once again, thank you all! |
![]() Local 317 hosted its annual toy drive over the Christmas holiday season, joined by local and community volunteers and special guests. |
Local 343's Dan Goodew Retires |
L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LE SUEUR, MN — Dan Goodew began his electrical career as an apprentice working in Winona, Minn., for Bauer Electric. He attended apprenticeship class in La Crosse, Wis. Prior to 1979, the Winona area was represented by the neighboring Wisconsin local. The jurisdiction that would become Local 343 was represented by Local 949. Local 343 was chartered April 1, 1979. Dan's father, Ray, now retired, was an IBEW journeyman who also taught apprenticeship night school. By chance or by fate, Dan was asked to substitute for Ray while he recovered from knee surgery. Substitute teaching would transition to full-time instructing for Dan, who has been an apprenticeship instructor for 22 years. He has set the career paths for literally thousands of apprentices to become knowledgeable IBEW wiremen. Apprenticeship training has evolved from night classes in rented rooms spread across the jurisdiction to full-time day schools at training centers in Mankato and Rochester. Congratulations, Dan! We wish you a happy retirement. Your turkey fan mounts will leave with you. The exercise machine in your office will now be a coat/hat rack for another instructor. What will become of the wooden, green-painted, wheeled podium? Hand-me-downs with some history usually stick around. |
Local 357 EWMC Busy Serving Membership |
L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV — In January, our local's Electrical Workers Minority Caucus members attended the 33rd annual EWMC National Leadership Conference in Denver, Colo. The conference theme was "Healing and Building Through Solidarity." This was the perfect opportunity to learn more about each person's role in leadership, how to foster solidarity and to take leadership training classes. The EWMC also participated in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. parade in January. The parade celebrates the life and legacy of the civil rights leader, who would have turned 94 this year. This year's parade theme was "Living the Dream — It Starts With Me." Both the conference and the parade themes accurately describe the values embodied by our Local 357 EWMC members. EWMC is highly involved with our membership, participating in projects such as Habitat for Humanity, Bowling for Brotherhood, Brother Gary Pitts Golf Tournament, dinner for our stewards before every general meeting, Day of Service, backpack donations for local schools and the recognition of the first minority apprentices of our local. At every event and every volunteer activity, our EWMC members display leadership and solidarity. They show up, they come together and they make us stronger. |
![]() Our Local 357 EWMC members in Feb. 2023. |
Remembering a Lost Brother |
L.U. 379 (i,o,rtb&lctt), CHARLOTTE, NC — It is with deep sadness that we remember Brother Edgar Brown. Brother Edgar was a forty-year member of the IBEW who passed just short of retirement. He spent many years traveling all across the country working mostly in the Seventh and Ninth Districts. In July of 2015, he started working for Local 379 as an organizer and became assistant business manager. Edgar believed strongly in more education for all IBEW members. He brought the Foreman Development Series into the Tenth District along with a commitment to the Code of Excellence. Teaching and sharing his knowledge were just a couple of his favorite things about working at the hall. He believed in organizing everyone to give individuals and their families better opportunities by working for the IBEW. Edgar believed that if we trained our workforce and supervision, we could improve our market share in the Carolinas, the district and the IBEW. He knew that with a properly trained workforce and supervision, we could secure more work for our members and future members. Local 379 will carry on the legacy of teaching with the FDS series, Code of Excellence, IBEW Strong and many other classes. The IBEW and Local 379 were always at the center of Edgar's focus. Brother Brown will be sorely missed. |
![]() Brother Edgar Brown was a 40-year member of Local 379. |
Local 481 Welcomes New Members |
L.U. 481 (ees,em,i,mt,rts,s&spa), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Our local swore in more than 90 members at our March union meeting. These new members represent many different classifications of the IBEW, including inside apprentices, telecom (VDV) apprentices, construction electricians, test techs and signal techs. What an amazing thing to witness, especially when these new brothers and sisters recited the same oath that we took. It truly was a powerful moment to hear them all in unison confirming their dedication and promise to uphold the purpose of the IBEW. Congratulations to all the new members, and make sure you take pride in the IBEW just as those who took that oath before you did and help us grow! At the same March meeting, members received years-of-service pins ranging from five to 35 years. What a room full of Local 481 members we had that night! It was a packed house, one that we would love to see at every meeting. Stay safe out there, everyone, and remember: The IBEW is only as strong as its members, so take pride and participate in your union! |
![]() Local 481 apprentices reciting the oath of the IBEW. |
Local 611 Strong Work Picture |
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — At the time of this writing, the work picture still looks great. We are averaging 10 to 15 calls a day that are not getting filled for Albuquerque, Los Alamos, N.M., and surrounding areas. Triad is now paying $10 per hour incentive for straight time and $15 per hour incentive for overtime for all productive hours worked. Triad is in need of several journeymen; if you know of anyone interested in being an IBEW member please have them call the hall at 505-343-0611. This year is an election year for our local. We have more than 2,500 members in our local, and I encourage everyone to please send in your ballots. For every election we mail out self-addressed, stamped envelopes, and yet we get back fewer than a third of the ballots. Please take the time to fill out the ballot and drop it in the mail. On behalf of the local, I would like to send condolences to the friends and families of Bill Belvin and Levi Esquibel. Don't forget your union meetings on the third Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. |
Play Ball! |
L.U. 613 (em,i,o,rts&spa), ATLANTA, GA — For the first time in four decades, our local has a softball team. This was another concerted effort on the part of Business Manager Kenny Mullins and President Kevin Swanson to build solidarity in the local. The team is managed by James White, and he is assisted by Taylor Fraker, Seth Ricketson and Victor Fremont. The team is eager and excited to get the season started. While currently playing in a local league, they are actively trying to create interest across the Fifth District to get a district-wide league or tournament. Local 613 is constantly looking for new paths to fellowship that instill a sense of IBEW brotherhood and sisterhood. As the season progresses, we hope to build a team that not only competes on the local level but will have a good showing in the fall at the IBEW Softball Tournament on Long Island, N.Y. |
![]() Local 613 Business Manager Kenny Mullins leads the softball team in batting practice. |
Work Updates From Local 349 |
L.U. 649 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), ALTON, IL — We have some work updates to report from our local:
Congratulations to Local 649's newly retired members: Brent Hartley (from Olin Winchester), Perry Lorts (journeyman wireman), Steve Twitchell (from Ameren) and Jeff Woelfel (journeyman wireman). Retirement awaits, brothers and sisters! Thanks to Alan Rubinstein. Without his input, the Local 649 news highlighted in this column would not be possible. Let there be strength in unity. |
Inside Wireman Contract Signed |
L.U. 659 (c,catv,em,i,lctt,o,st,t&u), MEDFORD, OR — Our inside wireman group just signed a one-year agreement with a total increase of $3.68. Of this sum, $3 goes to wages, which was decided by a member allocation vote; 34 cents to the Crater Lake Training Center; 25 cents to Health and Welfare; and 9 cents to NEBF. Along with these increases there were a total of 12 language changes within the agreement. Three of the changes were language clean up; the other nine items were additions to the CBA that membership brought to the table. |
Local 725 Sponsors 2023 Buddy Walk |
L.U. 725 (i,rts&spa), TERRE HAUTE, IN — Since 1995, the Buddy Walk, a one-mile walk held on April 29 in Terre Haute at Indiana State University's Memorial Stadium, has been the premier advocacy event for Down syndrome in the United States. Local 725 was proud to be the title sponsor for this community event. The Buddy Walk is the most widely recognized public awareness and fundraising program for the Down syndrome community. All contributions raised during the Buddy Walk assist in continuing the mission of enhancing the lives of individuals with Down syndrome through programming, resources and support. Local member Randy Russel and his wife, Dixie, have participated in the Buddy Walk for 14 years and this was Dixie's seventh year helping to organize the event. Asked about the most rewarding part of her participation, Dixie replied, "Down Syndrome Indiana is passionate about helping families with a loved one with Down syndrome, from infancy all the way through adulthood. I love connecting with families along their journey. Sometimes parents need someone who has walked a similar journey to just listen or help them find resources, and I love being that person for our local families!"
International Lineman's Rodeo Team Wins Division |
L.U. 1347 (ees,em,u&ptc), CINCINNATI, OH — Our local got voluntary recognition, led by lead organizer Don Scott Smith, with Lake Forest Financial Advisors. This pro-union company realizes the true value of the union, dealing with current members and providing services from a professional group who has gone union. Please welcome this new company, and next time you need advice reach out to Lake Forest Financial Advisors at www.lffadvisors.com. Business Manager Andrew Kirk brought a vote to send a team to the International Lineman's Rodeo. The vote passed, and the payoff was big. IBEW 1347 senior team #602 Davey Barricklow, Matt Dugan, T.J. Lewis and Chris Simpson won their division. All the locals stood tall and took top spots in their division. Team #602 would like to thank their other sponsors for helping to make it happen: Badger Daylighting, Blackout Tees, Midwest Utilities Sales, Lambert's Cable Splicing, Linemen University and Tallman Equipment. |
![]() Local 1347 welcomes Lake Forest Financial Advisors. |
Local 1413 President Retires After 35 Years |
L.U. 1413 (u), TOLEDO, OH — President Brad Goetz presented his notice of retirement, effective March 24, to the Executive Board at March's meeting. Our membership could never express the amount of respect and gratitude we have for the dedication and sacrifice that he continually showed at the helm of our local union. We thank him for his leadership, mentorship and friendship. His tireless efforts over the years leave us more prepared for success in our fight for the best wages, benefits and working conditions for our members and all working people. We pledge today to never stop striving to fulfill our commitment to our brothers and sisters, just as he did, so that the next generation of Local 1413 can build a better, stronger union that they can be proud of. We thank Brother Goetz for his 35 years of service and wish him the very best in his well- deserved retirement. |
![]() Local 1413's former President/Business Manager Brad Goetz has retired after 35 years. |
Leadership Changes at Local 1547 |
L.U. 1547 (c,em,i,o,t,u,lctt&ptc), ANCHORAGE, AK — Assistant Business Manager Doug Tansy was recently appointed business manager of our local. He replaces Marcie Obremski, who was named an international representative with the Ninth District. Sister Obremski replaces former Business Manager and International Rep. Dave Reaves, who was appointed as the Ninth District International Vice President. Brother Tansy is originally from the native village of Cantwell in the Ahtna Region and a member of the Udzisyu (Caribou) clan. He grew up in Copper Center and Fairbanks. A graduate of the Kornfeind Training Center, he holds a state of Alaska electrical administrators license for unlimited commercial wiring. Doug serves as a trustee of the Alaska Electrical Defined Benefit Pension Plan, Electrical Health and Welfare Plan, Electrical Legal Plan and the Electrical Apprenticeship Training Trust. Obremski's jurisdiction includes locals in Oregon, Washington and Alaska. Sister Obremski is a 30-year member of Local 1547. She started as a dispatcher at Matanuska Telephone Association in 1990. She completed her telecommunications apprenticeship in 2003 and worked as journeywoman network technician at MTA until 2009. She served as chief shop steward at MTA for 3 years before coming to our Local 1547 staff as a business representative in 2011. In 2017, she was appointed assistant business manager and in 2021, she was appointed business manager to fulfill a two-year term. Dave Reaves was initiated in 1997 when he began in the lineman apprenticeship program. As a journeyman he worked in construction and at utilities throughout Alaska while serving on the local apprenticeship training trust. In 2010, he took a staff position as business representative until 2015 when he became the assistant business manager in Anchorage. He served as business manager from July 2017 until April 2021, when he was appointed an international representative. |
![]() From left, Business Manager Doug Tansy, International Representative Marcie Obremski and International Vice President Dave Reaves of Local 1547. |
Tree Workers Organize to Join Local 1837 |
L.U. 1837 (rtb,u&ptc), MANCHESTER, ME — Lewis Tree Service workers in New Hampshire voted in a National Labor Relations Board election to be represented by our local. These workers perform utility line-clearance tree trimming on Eversource N.H. property, including crew team leaders, crew leaders, tree trimmers, trimmer trainees and groundspersons. They work alongside and in tandem with IBEW-represented lineworkers from New Hampshire's largest electric utility. "These workers love their jobs, but they could see that unionized Lewis Tree workers in other states had more paid holidays, reliable pay raises and other benefits that come with having a union contract," said Local 1837 organizer Matt Beck. "IBEW 1837 Business Manager Tony Sapienza, IBEW Lead Organizer Steve Smith and I started meeting with them last summer, and we're pleased to be able to welcome them into the union and look forward to negotiating their first contract." According to the Lewis Tree Service website, the company has over 4,000 team members spanning 26 states across the country from Maine to Florida and from Texas to Wisconsin. |
![]() Lewis Tree workers waited in the cold to vote in a National Labor Relations Board election early one morning in January; they won their election by a 10 - 2 vote. |
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