May 2012
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Labor community mourns Mark Ayers

3M partnership boosts NJATC training

Fox Sports contract

North of 49°
Tories Move to Bury Unions in Red Tape

Au nord du 49° parallèle
Les conservateurs cherchent à enterrer les syndicats sous la paperasse administrative

Busch Garden’s
Roller Coaster






Exposing ABC's Big Money,
Anti-Worker Agenda

More than 200 leaders of the Associated Builders and Contractors — "one of the leading organizations representing America's business community and the merit shop construction industry," as the group describes itself — met in Phoenix last February to welcome leading Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney, who was given a prime speaking spot at their meeting.

"If I become president … I will curb the practice we have in this country of giving union bosses an unfair advantage in contracting," he told the aggressively anti-union crowd, bringing them to their feet. "One of the first things I will do — actually on Day One — is to end the government's favoritism towards unions in contracting on federal projects and end project labor agreements." Romney went on to endorse nearly every item in ABC's legislative platform, from a national right-to-work amendment to the elimination of Davis-Bacon wage laws and workplace safety and environmental regulations.

"The election of Mitt Romney as president is [our] top priority," said National Chairman Eric Regelin, in a statement announcing that ABC was planning to go all out to defeat President Barack Obama in November.

Energized by the 2010 midterm elections — which saw ABC allies grab more than 600 state and federal legislative seats and 11 governorships — the organization sees the 2012 elections as its chance to radically remake labor policy in the construction industry, making its vision of a low-paid and union-free work force a permanent reality across the country. Instead of supporting the high-quality joint apprenticeship training provided by the building trades, ABC would have the government throw its support to its own slipshod training.


Hill: The War on
Common Sense
Chilia: Who Is Behind
Our Laws?

Walters Eli

Volunteers Bridge the Gap for South Dakota Outdoor Enthusiasts

Reflections on the Closure of Tenn.'s Philips Plant

March 2012

N.H. Shipyard Leader: 'We Were Armed with Truth'

