October 2005 IBEW Journal Transitions Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 Retired Brother Reilly was initiated into Denver, Colorado, Local 111 in 1971 and worked as a groundsman and line equipment operator before transferring his ticket to Denver Local 68 to begin serving an inside wireman apprenticeship in 1972. After service on the Local 68 executive board and as business agent, Reilly was elected business manager in 1985, serving until 1989, when he was appointed International Representative by IBEW President J. J. Barry. Reilly’s first assignment was to the Construction and Maintenance Department. His responsibilities included administration of national labor agreements, service on the General Presidents Project Maintenance Agreement Committee and handling disputes over trade jurisdictions. In 1995, Reilly was appointed director of the CIR, serving until 1998 when then-Secretary-Treasurer Edwin D. Hill appointed him an executive assistant. In 2001, shortly after Jeremiah O’ Connor was elected International-Secretary-Treasurer, Reilly was promoted as his senior executive assistant. Born in Teaneck, New Jersey, Reilly attended Victor Valley Senior High School in Victorville, California, and Denver Technical College in Denver, Colorado. Brother Reilly served as president of the Labor Advocate, a Colorado publication. He served as trustee and chairman of the Eighth District Pension Fund, as secretary of the Colorado State Conference of Electrical Workers and as trustee of the Denver Joint Industry Promotional Fund. In his retirement, Brother Reilly plans to travel and play golf. “I wish everyone in the IBEW the best,” says Reilly. “With everything going on in the world, a little health and happiness can go a long way.” The officers, staff and members of the IBEW return Brother Reilly’s wishes and thank him for his years of service to the Brotherhood. Retired Brother Cook serviced local unions in manufacturing, telecommunications and maintenance and conducted hundreds of steward classes, wage and job In 1964, Cook joined North Canton, Ohio, Local 1985 at Hoover Co., producers of the world-famous vacuum cleaners. After serving as president and business manager of the 4,000-member local from 1978 to 1981, Brother Cook was appointed as an International Representative in 1981. Cook, a native of Massillon, Ohio, participated in difficult negotiations during a period of increasing globalization. Hoover , alone, cut almost 3,000 jobs as production was shifted to Mexico. Despite the deep hits that unions have suffered, Cook believes that “the pendulum will eventually swing back in our favor if we hang tough and never give up the fight.” Active in sports and community efforts, Cook served as president of the Ohio Girl’s American Softball Association and on the Labor Council for the United Way of Stark County. Planning to enjoy fishing, golfing, attending sporting events and visiting his three children and three grandchildren, Cook says, “I will miss all the IBEW people; I wish them Godspeed.” The officers, staff and members of the IBEW wish Brother Cook and his wife, Karlene, a long and healthy retirement. Retired Brother Doak began his IBEW career in 1965 when he was initiated into Local 359, Miami, Florida. He later transferred to Local 759, Fort Lauderdale, working in the utility branch as a journeyman lineman. Brother Doak served on the Local 759 executive board and was recording secretary from 1970-74. He was elected president/business manager of the local union in 1974 and served in that office until 1981. At the local level he also served on the legislative and political action committees. He was an IBEW delegate to the Broward County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, and worked as a lobbyist for the Florida Electrical Workers Association from 1981-83. Doak was appointed assistant business manager of System Council U-4 in 1981 and served in that capacity until 1993. In 1993, Doak was appointed IBEW International Representative assigned to the Fifth District staff, where he continued his skillful advocacy in service to the union and the membership. Born in Galveston, Texas, Doak served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1960 to 1964. He is a member of the American Legion. Brother Doak and his wife, Jeannine Michel Doak, have two children and six grandchildren. In retirement, he looks forward to spending more time with his family, as well as playing golf, traveling in their motor home, attending NASCAR races and other sporting events. The officers, staff and members of the IBEW wish Brother Doak a long and happy retirement. |