Ted C. Jensen Appointed
Eighth District International Vice President
March 2005 IBEW Journal
President Hill appointed
Ted Jensen International Vice President for the
Eighth District, effective March 1, 2005. A powerful
advocate of training and of programs to retain
IBEW market share, Brother Jensen says, "I
hope to engage the rank and file membership in
moving the Brotherhood forward."

Hill (r) congratulates newly
appointed Vice President Jensen.
56, was initiated into Local 449 in Pocatello,
Idaho, in 1970. After completing his inside wireman
apprenticeship, he served on the locals executive
board and was later elected recording secretary
and president. A member of the JATC and the negotiations
committee, Jensen successfully ran for business
manager in 1989, serving until 1994 when he was
appointed an International Representative.
a native of Blackfoot, Idaho, has served as chairman
of the Idaho JATT, co-chairman of the Site Stabilization
Executive Board and secretary of the Idaho Building
and Trades.
among Jensens achievements as International
Representative is the Industry Awareness Program
that he developed with NECA field representative
Bill Orgill under Vice President Walters leadership.
Jensen describes the program as an "overview
and analysis of the electrical industry, a tool
to understand and respond to employer costs and
market trends." The program is taught on
a regular basis throughout the industry.
In late
August, 2004, Jensen and Orgill delivered presentations
on the Industry Awareness Program and the IBEW
Code of Excellence at the Inside and Outside
Construction Business Managers Meeting at Pheasant
Run in St. Charles, Illinois.
want to put on more training classes and bring
the relevance of IBEW membership to the rank
and fileto increase attendance at union meetingsand
engage the members."
has represented members in diverse jurisdictions
from railroads to construction, including utility
workers in Utah. He has served as a representative
on the Department of Energys tripartite and
safety committees.
graduating from Snake River High School, Jensen
attended Utah State University and Idaho State
to his wife, Patt, for 36 years, Jensen has four
children, aged 17 to 32. He enjoys water sports,
snow skiing, golf, motorcycles, diving and travel.
