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Workers Lose to Corporations as Congress Passes Economic Stimulus Bill by Slim Margin

October 25, 2001

The House Republican leaderships economic stimulus package (HR 3090) that was designed to boost an ailing economy has become a goody-bag of special interest tax breaks that provide little real stimulus, no meaningful relief for workers and could make the precarious fiscal situation in our country worse. The House passed HR 3090 Wednesday night (10/24/01) by a vote of 216-214.

The vote was nearly party-line, with a handful of exceptions:

Seven Republicans voted correctly (NO), most of whom are facing tough election battles in 2002:  Representatives Greg Ganske (IA), Ray LaHood (IL), Jim Leach (IA), Connie Morella (MD), Jack Quinn (NY), Nick Smith (MI) and John Thune (SD).

Three Democrats voted incorrectly (YES):  Representatives Jim Trafficant (OH), Ralph Hall (TX) and Ken Lucas (KY).

Three members were absent or did not vote:  Representatives Barbara Cubin (WY), Charlie Gonzalez (TX) and Baron Hill (IN).

It will now be up to the Senate to restore some balance to the proposal or consider scrapping it completely.

Workers Lose to Corporations as Congress Passes Economic Stimulus Bill by Slim Margin 

Congressional Action Page  For phone numbers of your representative.

10/24/01 Economic Stimulus Bill Scheduled

Read our analysis of HR 3090

Read the AFL-CIO critique of President Bushs economic stimulus package.

H.R.3090 Talking points.