What's one thing that makes the IBEW the best union in the world? You!
Your commitment to our union and to our members is what keeps us going day in and day out. Your leadership keeps our union moving forward in the face of adversity and in times of opportunity. That's why it's important for us to come together as one team to learn from one another and to take time to share some camaraderie, albeit virtually! With that in mind, we'll see everyone on Monday, November 9th, at 11:00 a.m. EST to kick off our 2020 International Representatives and Organizer Training. The information below should answer a few questions, but if you have any other questions, please contact Education Director Amanda Pacheco at amanda_pacheco@ibew.org.
See you Monday! – Lonnie and Kenny
What’s the schedule for the week?
The agenda is posted below. Note which sessions might be specific to your group.
How do I attend the Zoom training?
Each day will have a specific link. You can stay logged in or rejoin throughout the day. Note where there might be specific links for your group.
What do I wear to a Zoom Training hosted by the IP and IST?
Business casual attire is requested.
- I have some questions related to the agenda topics that I'd like to submit beforehand. Can I do that?
Yes, and thank you! It's important that we hear from you. At any time, you can email questions to 2020Rep-Org-Training@ibew.org.
Be sure to download the latest version of zoom and use the software for the best experience...
Where do I download the latest version of Zoom?
You can download the latest version of Zoom from our Download Center. Learn more about downloading Zoom.
Click here for instructions and info about the Trivia Night application