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Education Department

Director: Amanda Pacheco


About The Department 

The Education Department has been committed to the education and training needs of our members and leaders since its establishment in 1924. The work of the education department is founded on the belief that when we educate and engage our members and provide them with the tools to be activists our union will thrive. The training and education programs that are provided by the IBEW strive to be inclusive of all our members by addressing the diversity that makes us strong while fostering a sense of solidarity across our union. The IBEW education programs provide comprehensive training in organizational and leadership development through organizing training, steward training, local union officer training and more.  Below is a list of programs available to local unions and their members. If you would like to schedule a training for your local union, contact your IBEW International Representative and/or your district office.



IBEW Education and Training Programs
  • First Contract Negotiations Training
    This training provides negotiating committees in newly organized workplaces with the tools and skills necessary for success at the negotiating table.
  • 3-Day New Organizer Training
    This course is available to new construction and professional/ industrial organizers. It is designed to give new organizers a working knowledge of foundational organizing skills. In addition, the course addresses industry history and trends as well as legal dos and don’ts.
  • Collective Bargaining Training
    This course equips negotiating team members with the fundamentals of collective bargaining and advanced negotiating tactics. A mock negotiating session will provide attendees with a practical application of the knowledge and skills learned in the course.
  • Construction Organizing Membership Education Training
    This interactive course prepares union leaders, organizers, and appointed staff to teach the COMET and LEAP training classes. Areas of focus include how adults learn, proven teaching techniques, and effective communication skills.
  • Leadership Education And Planning for Organizing
    This interactive course prepares union leaders, organizers, and appointed staff to teach the COMET and LEAP training classes. Areas of focus include how adults learn, proven teaching techniques, and effective communication skills.
  • Market-Driven Contracting Week One
    Not available at this time. IBEW Market-Driven Contracting is a one-of-a-kind instruction course with two intensive week-long sessions – separated by six weeks of at-home preparation activities – covering the complete range of subject matter designed expressly for IBEW electrical workers who are interested in going into business and becoming electrical contractors. The course provides the critical fundamentals, and the break-through strategies of market-driven contracting.
  • Market-Driven Contracting Week Two
    Not available at this time. IBEW Market-Driven Contracting is a one-of-a-kind instruction course with two intensive week-long sessions – separated by six weeks of at-home preparation activities – covering the complete range of subject matter designed expressly for IBEW electrical workers who are interested in going into business and becoming electrical contractors. The course provides the critical fundamentals, and the break-through strategies of market-driven contracting.
  • Local Union Leadership Training
    Designed for all IBEW officers, LULT focuses on two critical areas necessary for growing your local union: leading and managing. This course reviews the key responsibilities of each elected officer as defined by the IBEW Constitution and Basic Laws & Policies as well as the everyday application of those responsibilities.
  • Member To Future Member
    These courses are designed to engage current members in organizing efforts. Topics covered include IBEW history, effective communication, and foundational organizing skills. Members will learn to address the concerns of current and future IBEW members and practice their techniques via role-play during the training. In each class, participants develop an action to be implemented at the local union level upon completion of the training.
  • New Business Manager Training Week One
    This course is offered to new and experienced business managers in each international vice presidential district. Over the course of two 1-week sessions, this training will provide local union leadership with the in-depth information, resources, and skills necessary to conduct the day-to-day affairs of their local unions.
  • New Business Manager Training Week Two
    This course is offered to new and experienced business managers in each international vice presidential district. Over the course of two 1-week sessions, this training will provide local union leadership with the in-depth information, resources, and skills necessary to conduct the day-to-day affairs of their local unions.
  • IBEW Steward Training
    This course is offered for construction and professional/industrial stewards. This course is designed to provide stewards with essential knowledge, skills and tools that they need to fulfill their many duties. Topics include roles and responsibilities, legal rights and obligations, understanding the contract, and communicating with members.
  • IBEW Steward Training
    This course is offered for construction and professional/industrial stewards. This course is designed to provide stewards with essential knowledge, skills and tools that they need to fulfill their many duties. Topics include roles and responsibilities, legal rights and obligations, understanding the contract, and communicating with members.
  • Common Sense Economics
    This program examines the current state of the economy from a worker’s perspective. Participants will challenge assumptions about the economy and connect economic issues to union goals including organizing, community engagement, legislative and political action, and collective bargaining.
  • IBEW Code of Excellence
    This course explores the important differences between the roles and responsibilities of COE stewards and traditional stewards. Participants will learn effective communication and listening skills and how to deal with difficult people and handle conflict. Exercises will provide participants with practice in addressing typical workplace challenges.
  • IBEW Advanced Steward Training
    This course builds on the education and skills that are the foundation of the basic Steward Training. Stewards will learn more about the grievance process through skills practice and practical applications. In addition, stewards will focus on organizing and the leadership role that is critical to building the local union. 

For a full list of our classes check our brochure.

IBEW Education Regions
Who is the International Representative in your area who will provide training and education?
Click your area for contact information regarding  
how to request a training:

Hawaii Alaska Red Yellow Teal Lime Purple Orange DarkBlue Grey Green

Sheets - Are you conducting a local union training?

Use this sign-in sheet to credit your members. 

Click to download the official IBEW sign-in sheet: Sign-in Sheet (pdf version) | Sign-in Sheet (Excel version)

Have a completed sign-in sheet? Click here to email it 

Please send complete and accurate sign-in sheets to the IBEW Education Department at:
Mail: 900 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, D.C., 20001
Email: Education_Dept@IBEW.org
Fax: (202) 728-6175

 Stay up to date on the Code of Excellence SPARQ newsletter here! COE SPARQ Newsletter

Whats Happeing

As part of the labor movement, our members have access to numerous education opportunities outside of our own union.

Check here for the latest program offerings.

National Coalition for Telecommunications Education and Learning

Annual Labor Education Conference - Seattle, WA

2018 Women's Summer Schools

As part of the labor movement, our members have access to numerous education opportunities outside of our own union.

Check here for the latest program offerings.

National Coalition for Telecommunications Education and Learning

UALE 2018 Summer Women's Schools