The committee on the International Secretary-Treasurer’s report to the convention presented its report on Thursday morning, explaining that the report addresses the changing financial situation of the IBEW as well as projected revenues and expenses for the next five years.
Managing an organization as large and diverse as the IBEW is no easy task,” said committee chair Marcie Obremski, business manager of Anchorage, Alaska Local 1547. “Brother [Kenneth] Cooper’s report to the convention is informative, detailed, and accurately depicts the activities of the International Secretary-Treasurer’s office.
On Thursday afternoon, the International Executive Council Report Committee presented its report, which covers the IEC’s work from July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2021, on such matters as pensions, IBEW finances, and charges and appeals.
“Probably the most important matters addressed by the IEC since the last convention were filling leadership positions,” said committee chair Aaron Brown, business manager of Canton, Ohio, Local 540. Examples of those actions include approval of International President Lonnie R. Stephenson’s appointment of then-Fourth District International Vice President Kenneth Cooper to fill the position vacated by retiring International Secretary-Treasurer Sam Chilia, as well as approval of Stephenson’s appointments of six international vice presidents and five IEC members.
The convention adopted both committees’ reports.