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Local Lines & Retirees |
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Second Annual Local 15 Golf Outing |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — On Sept. 28 more than 200 golfers teed off at the White Pines Golf Club in Bensenville, Ill., for our local's charity golf outing. The chosen charity was Cal's Angels, a non-profit organization supporting those affected by pediatric cancer, which grants wishes, funds research, and raises awareness for kids and their families. Sponsorship donations were accepted, providing funds for food, drinks, and donations for raffles and silent auctions. A shotgun start at noon kicked the day off, followed by a dinner. Local 15 President Chris Riser thanked members for coming out and supporting such a great cause. He expressed the importance of getting Local 15 members together to create camaraderie and a sense of union pride. President Riser would also like to thank Local 15 Charity Fund Organization members Keith Jackson, Jamie Loven, Alex Masters, Brittany Schury and Shawn Wachter for all the hard work they put into making this event successful. A total of $40,000 was raised this year for Cal's Angels. A huge thank you to all of our members who participated in the outing! |
Electricians' Work at Local 41 |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY — As many of you already know, the Carpenters have proposed a change to their apprenticeship program to the New York State Department of Labor. The Carpenters are attempting to add all the work done on solar installations to their apprenticeship including underground, pulling wire, testing and maintaining the solar field. Recently Business Manager Greg Inglut and Training Director Matt Hilmey made a trip to New York City, where the Apprenticeship and Training Council of the NYSDOL met to hear comments on the proposed change. We would like to thank all our members who took the time to file public comments in opposition to the Carpenters' proposal. In total the council received more than 1,500 letters against the change, with only 500 in support of it. While we await the decision from the New York State Commissioner of Labor, it is important to remember we need to stay vigilant in protecting our trade. We will continue fighting for what is ours, but we need the continued help from our membership to alert us of any other trade performing the work of an electrician. The work of the electrician begins with layout, ends with the last cover plate, and we do everything in between. |
Local 43 Veterans Committee Lay Holiday Wreaths |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — Veterans Committee members Brother Kevin Mullen, Sister Haley Parker, and Brothers Bill Towsley and Elliot Wright showed their dedication to our community by laying wreaths this year to honor our veterans at the Onondaga County Veterans Memorial Cemetery for the holidays. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for honoring our veterans during the holiday season. |
![]() Members of the Local 43 Veterans Committee laid wreaths at Onondaga County Veterans Memorial Cemetery to honor veterans during the holiday season. |
Local 47 Bargaining and Event Updates |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Greetings brothers and sisters: This year's work picture has been steady with the book numbers low and work being a little further from home. However, Local 47 has seen a slower year compared with the past decade. This will continue into next year as the California Public Utilities Commission processes and approves the investor-owned utility rate cases for 2025 – 2029, bringing much-needed stability to the system. That fight will continue in Sacramento with legislators, the California Public Utilities Commission and the Governor's office, where we will be actively advocating for members. Here are Local 47's bargaining and event updates:
In upcoming events, the Local 47 Steward and Safety Conference is set for May 10. We are sad to report the deaths of Bobby Duvall and Jose Ramirez. Our condolences and prayers are with their loved ones. Work safe and buy union! |
![]() Local 47 Business Man-ager/Financial Secretary Colin Lavin presented journeyman lineman Mark Aragon his 40-year-service pin. Congratulations, Brother Mark. |
Baldwin Power Plant Life Extension |
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — In December, Vistra Corp. announced that instead of closing the 1,185-megawatt-producing Baldwin power plant at the end of 2025, they will continue operations through 2027 and will be hiring more employees. With the addition of a new, 68-megawatt utility-scale solar system and 2-megawatt/8-megawatt-hour energy storage system, which recently began generating power, Baldwin is a power generation hub and has recognized Local 51 as the bargaining representative for the solar field employees. This is great news for our members. Also in December, Business Manager Bobby Wedell attended most of our 14 unit meetings and presented our members with their IBEW service pins. Former Business Manager Jim Bates received his 55-year pin. Brothers Roy Burton, Larry Cawthon, Larry McCollough and former Business Manager Dominic Rivara received their 60-year pins. Brothers Carl Edwards and Newman Hawks each received their 70-year pin. Congratulations to all! |
![]() Brother Roy Burton receives his 60-year pin from Local 51 Business Manager Bobby Wedell. |
Spreading Christmas Cheer the Local 103 Way |
L.U. 103 (cs,i&ptc), BOSTON, MA — December was a busy month here at our local. The 11th annual Toy and Winter Clothing Drive was the biggest one yet! More than 10,000 toys, winter coats and hats were donated by our members to be given to those less fortunate in Boston and the surrounding towns. The retirees' Christmas luncheon was attended by more than 300 retirees and their spouses. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Such gatherings are a great way to celebrate the holiday season, share memories and enjoy each other's company The Brotherhood Christmas party was a great night to bring people together and celebrate the season with old and new friends. |
![]() Local 103's toy donations from the biggest Toy and Winter Clothing Drive yet. |
Retirees and Apprentices Having Fun in Kalamazoo |
L.U. 131 (i,rtb,rts,se&spa), KALAMAZOO, MI — Currently the work outlook is steady in Kalamazoo. Several projects continue to keep our local members fully employed. The new Gun Lake Casino, a 15-story hotel and aquadome, is finishing up. We appreciate the hard work done by everyone on the project. Palisades nuclear plant is manning up. Pfizer and Zoetis each have projects for Moore, Hi-Tech and KEI. The retirees' Christmas party was a lot of fun. Sixty members and their spouses attended. The Kalamazoo January 31st annual party (1-31-Day) was also so much fun. The apprentices organized and planned a great party. Organizer Ryan Lewis has successfully organized 30 highly qualified nonunion journeymen and apprentices. Membership development is the only way we can have enough members to successfully meet all the requirements needed next year. Currently our local has grown to more than 528 members, with 120 apprentices. Thank you to the LMCC for encouraging the bounty and incentive programs. This year's picnic will be July 26, and the Tigers baseball game is April 26. Go to IBEW131.com for more information. I hope to see you at a union meeting or an event. |
![]() Retirees enjoying Local 131's re-tirees' Christmas gathering. |
Local 141 Enjoys Festive Holiday Season |
L.U. 141 (ees,i,o&u), WHEELING, WV — Greetings and Happy New Year, brothers and sisters. Work remains slow in our local, with 47 members on Book 1. Many thanks to the surrounding locals that have been able to keep our members working. As many are aware, the past election cycle was tough for a lot of labor-friendly political candidates. Sadly, our two members that were vying for seats in the West Virginia House of Delegates fell short of their election goals. Both of these gentlemen ran first-class, honest campaigns and will hopefully make another run for these seats in 2026. Once again, the Local 141 Social Committee did an outstanding job with our holiday festivities. From our presence in local Christmas parades to our retirees' Christmas dinner, the holiday dinner and dance, and our kids' breakfast with Santa, there was something fun for everyone to enjoy. It is with great sadness that Local 141 reports the passing of Brother Thomas "Bingo" Binkowski. He will be greatly missed. |
![]() Retirees in attendance at Local 141's retiree Christmas dinner held at Wheeling Island Casino-Racetrack. |
Happy Hall-a-Days! |
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — Our local union hall was once again the epicenter of holiday cheer and goodwill. Santa and his helpers again heard the Christmas wishes of the children of our families. With tables overflowing with toys and games, no child went away unhappy, much less empty handed. There were also plenty of treats and activities on hand to keep young ones occupied while they patiently waited to visit with Mr. Claus. And when Santa wasn't sitting in the hall, he was out riding through the streets of our territory in New Jersey and Pennsylvania delivering presents and goodwill to members' families. However, before Santa and his helpers took over the main hall, our members gathered for the annual Local 269 Christmas party. The hall was filled to overflowing with brothers and sisters enjoying food, drinks and cigars in abundance. Laughter and well-wishes resounded in the dining room as members young and old enjoyed a well-deserved night out. As always, these special events would never happen if it wasn't for the hard work and dedication of a lot of special people. Thanks to everyone who helped, and see you next year! |
![]() The Lo-cal 269 meeting hall was filled to the brim during the annual Christmas party. |
A Season Full of Local 357 Cheer |
L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV — Our local had a busy and festive holiday season. We celebrated our retirees on Dec. 12 with a delicious dinner, a lively band and service pins that were presented to several of our Local 357 retired members. Recipients included Bruce Empol (15 years), Edward Gering (35), Edward Pawlowski (50), George Horn Jr. (60), Eddie Williams (60) and Dayton Barney (70), whose long years of service we deeply respect and appreciate. A few days later, we hosted the annual children's holiday party. The union hall was filled with laughter and merriment as our families came together to celebrate. We had fun activities for everyone, including classic video games, basketball hoops, playful elves who entertained with games and magic tricks, face painting, and, of course, the highlight of the day: photos with Santa Claus! On Dec. 22, our Local 357 baseball team participated in a charity event supporting the Toys for Tots program. Additionally, as a union, we extended our support to approximately 40 of our members' families who faced hardship this season due to unemployment by providing them with holiday gifts. This act of brotherhood characterizes the Local 357 holiday spirit. |
![]() Local 357's baseball team played in support of Toys for Tots on Dec. 22. |
Local 481 Food Drive and Christmas Luncheon |
L.U. 481 (ees,em,i,mt,rts,s&spa), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Our annual food drive held in December brought in a significant amount of donations from our members, contractors and community partners. During the holidays, we believe it is important to extend a helping hand to those in need in our community. With more than 5,050 pounds of food collected and more than $3,900 received in monetary donations, we were able to make the holiday season brighter for many. Thank you to everyone who donated! We had a record number of attendees at our retirees' Christmas luncheon. We look forward to this event every year as it brings so many of our retirees together. During the event, Business Manager Jeff Wheeler distributed years-of-service milestone pins. In attendance was Jim Webb, who received a pin for 65 years of service. Over the years, Mr. Webb has continuously participated and graciously provided a helping hand with various local union events and projects. Thank you, Jim, for all you have done and continue to do for the IBEW! |
![]() Reagen Ed-lund's winning card design from Local 483's drawing contest. |
Local 483 Holiday Card Design Contest |
L.U. 483 (catv,lctt,o&u), TACOMA, WA — Last year our local started its first-ever holiday card design contest. We asked our members' children to compete in a contest to design our annual Christmas card. The winner received a $50 cash prize as well as bragging rights for designing the winning card. Once a winner is selected, their drawing is featured on our annual Christmas card, which is then distributed to other IBEW locals, employers and elected officials. This has been a fun contest for us and has been a great way to engage our members on a more personal level. The 2024 winner was Reagen Edlund. She is 12 years old and when she is not playing softball, she is making arts and crafts. Her father, Jason Edlund, is a journeyman lineman at Peninsula Light Company in Gig Harbor, Wash. |
Local 611 Welcomes New Journeymen |
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — At our recent apprenticeship banquet, our local graduated 49 new journeymen: Billie Antone, Jakob Arellano, Marco Batalla Brito, Alex Bearzi, Maurice Betonie, Johnny Brady Jr., Sebastian Burgos, Richard Chavez, Patrick Cota, Xavier De La Rosa, Ryan Denetchee, Lewis Devers, Matthew Donovan, Kyle Elliott, Jonathan Evans, James Fortney, Buddy Garcia, Ramon Garcia, Isaiah Gomez, Dominic Gurule, Nicholas Gurule, Selvin Guzman, Alexander Hill, Clayton Hust, Delilah Kinsel, Tristan Luna, David Mariglia, Lawrence Martinez, Nicholal McChesney, Helen Miyaki, Nathaniel Olayer, Joel Ortiz Torrecillas, Cyrus Owens, Kenneth Rendon, Patrick Ritter, Steven Sanchez, Ryan Schneider, Tyke Schoser, Robert Spitzer, Leondro Urioste, Louie Verdin, Ernest Vigil, Justice Vigil, Alejandro Villicano, Jerod Waggerman, Ryker Witt, Johnathan Woods, Jessie Zamora and Endre Zsigmond. The Outstanding Apprenticeship winner for 2024 is Ryker Witt; the C.S. Mitchell Award went to Ashlee Simpson and the Perfect Attendance Award went to Billie Antone. Congratulations to everyone. This year's children's Christmas party on Dec. 15 and the adult Christmas party on Dec. 21 were both held at Revel ABQ, and they were both hugely successful. Thank you, committee members, for an outstanding job. On behalf of Local 611, I would like to send condolences to the family and friends of Eddie Crisp, Ernest Davis, Willard Gettemy, Ruben Mancha, Mario Murillo, Edward Newton, Ronald E. Phillips, Nelson Rodarte Sr., Florencio Romero, Michael Salaz, Bryan Salazar, Bonifacio Sanchez, Albert Skelton, George R. Turner, David J. White and Michael Wingo. Don't forget to attend your local and unit meetings. |
![]() Local 611's new journeymen celebrate at their 2024 apprenticeship banquet. |
Longevity at Local 617 |
L.U. 617 (c,i,mo&st), SAN MATEO, CA — It is a long-standing tradition in Local 617 to host a bi-annual service pin awards banquet (formally known as "Old Timers' Night") to come together and honor our brothers and sisters who have 20 years of service or more in the trade. Our 2024 banquet was held Nov. 7 and celebrated the service of more than 300 members, with 44 of those members awarded pins for 50 years of service of more. Congratulations to all of the pin recipients who are either actively working in the trade or retired: We thank you for your dedication and service. And thank you to all who attended and enjoyed an evening honoring our trade and the electrical industry. Our guests of honor (although they were unable to join us in person this year) were Brother Alindo Cardelli, 100 years young and a Local 617 member for 82 years, and Brother Ernie Howe, 103 years young and a Local 617 member for 78 years. We commend you, brothers, and we wish all IBEW members a long, healthy, and memorable career and retirement. |
![]() Local 617's 25-year-service-pin recipients. |
Celebrating 100 Years of Local 683, and Travelers Needed! |
L.U. 683 (i&ptc), COLUMBUS, OH — On Dec. 14, Local 683 proudly celebrated its 100th anniversary in grand style at the Battelle Grand Ballroom within the Greater Columbus Convention Center, a city landmark wired by our own members. More than 2,200 members and guests gathered for this historic occasion, creating memories that will be talked about for years to come. This milestone honors a century of our members shaping the skyline of downtown Columbus and building key infrastructure, including stadiums, arenas, manufacturing facilities and more. We extend heartfelt gratitude to the generations of members who laid the foundation for our great organization. A special thank you also goes to those who organized and executed this unforgettable celebration, as well as everyone who attended. Looking ahead, the work outlook in our jurisdiction remains exceptional. We are currently averaging 100 unfilled calls daily, with many positions offering above-scale pay or incentives. The data center boom continues, and a major solar project is set to ramp up in 2025. Additionally, the new airport terminal project will kick off this year. We deeply appreciate the traveling brothers and sisters who help us meet this demand and look forward to continuing our proud tradition of excellence. |
![]() Local 683 celebrated their centennial anniver-sary in style at the Battelle Grand Ballroom in the Greater Columbus Convention Center. |
Come on, Springtime |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — Brothers and sisters, hopefully spring is on the way soon! With all the hurricane damage and then the holidays, a little normalcy will hopefully go a long way. 2024 was a tough year for a lot of our members, so we are hoping and praying that 2025 will be bountiful for all. By the time you read this article, the first quarter will have ended, and without a crystal ball we know not what's in store, but fingers remain crossed. The work picture is stable and hopefully the data center, the Savannah River Plutonium Processing Facility project at the Savannah River site and the prime contractors on site will all be ready to hire soon. Our in-town shops continue to hold their own, and we all know that this is crucial for the livelihood of any local union. Please welcome Lori Shepherd (Alrich Electric) and Ryan Smith (Miller Electric) as trustees to the JATC. They will serve alongside current trustees Keith Goff, Business Manager J.R. Richardson, President Mike Greene and Vice President Alonzo Ingram. Congratulations are due to Wayne Gulledge, Johnny Hutcheson, Larry Hyman and Ray Randolph, who represented Local 1579 in the 16th annual Memorial American Legion Post 71 Golf Tournament. They posted an impressive 14 under, not bad for a group of guys that all have a seven in their age. Way to go, guys! These four have been friends and brothers for 45 years or more. What a run! "The practice of charity will bind us — will bind all men in one great brotherhood." – Conrad Hilton. |
![]() From left, Local 1579 members Larry Hy-man and Wayne Gulledge at the 16th annual Memorial American Legion Post 71 Golf Tour-nament. |
Retirees |
Local 1 Retirees Schedule First 2025 Meeting |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 1, ST. LOUIS, MO — As we welcome spring, our first Retirees' Club meeting of 2025 will be held March 19 at 10 a.m. at the union hall. The Retirees Committee is currently scheduling guest speakers for the year along with planning our annual events. We hope everyone remains well, and we look forward to seeing you in March. |
Nassau Retirees Enjoy Day of Fishing |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, NASSAU CHAPTER — On a warm, sunny day in July, members of our Retirees' Club spent an exciting day fishing. We boarded the Captain Eddie III and departed from Captree State Park in Long Island. Much anticipation was felt by the group as we ventured out into the Atlantic Ocean (Great South Bay) for a day of fishing. The day was warm, the beer was cold and the company was great. Best of all, we actually caught fish! The boat pool was won by Dennis Coughlin, who caught a 26" fluke. The trip was organized by Vice Chairman Jimmy Bernard. Thanks for all the hard work, Jimmy. |
![]() Local 3 Nassau Chapter retirees gather for their fishing trip at Captree State Park in Long Island. |
Here's to a Fantastic 2025! |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 26, WASHINGTON, DC — Happy New Year to all the retired members of our local! As we step into 2025, we reflect on the incredible camaraderie and dedication that our Retired Members' Club has shown over the past year. Your continued engagement and support are the cornerstones of our union's strength and spirit. Here's to another year of health, happiness and union solidarity! On Feb. 2, we celebrated the 30th annual "Bowling for Gold" Union Bowling Tournament, which benefits the Community Services Agency of the Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO. This is our club's 22nd year of participating in this all-union event, and it was inspiring to see so many participants bowling for a good cause. Thank you to everyone who attended. The Retired Members' Club upheld our tradition of setting up the holiday decorations and tree at the union hall. A well-deserved thank you goes out to all who volunteered their time and energy to decorate, and who later took down the festive decorations. In April we will host another luncheon for our retired members to receive their years-of-service pins and awards. If you are reading this and receive an invitation, please respond! A highlight of November's meeting was an exciting drawing for annual prizes for four lucky members. Congratulations to Randolph Scott, who took home the grand prize! The raffle was a success, and we appreciate everyone who purchased tickets to support our club's medical equipment program. December's Christmas party meeting was the usual success. Many members left with gift cards, adding a little extra joy to the holiday season. Thank you to everyone who joined us and made it a memorable occasion. Your presence and enthusiasm truly make these events special. We invite all retired Local 26 members to join us for our next RMC meeting. Whether in person or via Zoom, your participation is always welcomed and appreciated. If you've not yet attended, please send us your email address and we'll send you the link to join the Zoom meeting. A special thank you goes out to all the volunteers who made our 2024 events possible and contributed to the distribution of medical supplies throughout the year. Your dedication and hard work embody the true spirit of union solidarity and service. Here's to a fantastic 2025! Stay safe and stay strong! |
Happy New Year From Local 35 Retirees |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 35, HARTFORD, CT — We would like to honor all those who passed away in 2024: Thomas Coffey, Gary DeFemia, Paul Ferenbach, Gary Grymkowski, Robert Hackemack, Richard Kleinsmidt, Clayton Peckham, Henry John Rugar, Robert Senkbeil and Alcious Watson. The retirees had a great Christmas luncheon with lots of good food as we concluded the year. I would like to thank Michael Nealy and John Bowen for our Christmas luncheon. Our next meeting will be in March on the second Wednesday, March 12, at 12 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus in Newington. Please encourage other retirees to join us. We hope to see you there! |
United We Stand |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 58, DETROIT, MI — The presidential election was a hard pill to swallow, but as we move into the new year as politically active unionists we must remain stalwart and keep an eye on what is happening in Washington. We hope that the economic improvements made during the Biden administration stay in place. So much work was done that the economy is the best it's been in decades. With the shift in the White House administrative power, we must be diligent and keep our eye on the earned benefits that support the older citizens in this great country of ours. Don't hesitate to speak out when questions about changing or dismantling Social Security come up. As a population we will still have power, and much of that power is shown by the work we do. Step up and volunteer in your community, union, and politics on the state and national level. We must remember that we always get more done when we work together. Let's work to get along, stop the hate and fix the things of which we don't approve. Let's stand together: United we stand, divided we fall. |
Local 96 Retirees Holiday Luncheon |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 96, WORCESTER, MA — We hope everyone had a blessed and safe Thanksgiving and a happy holiday season. We would also like to wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2025 moving forward. Congratulations and a big thank you to our retired members for their outstanding service and dedication in moving Local 96 forward through the years. Happy recent retirement to the following members: Leonard Ciuffredo, Joseph DeMango, John Healy, Jeffrey Lavallee, Richard Lemay, Michael Luukko, James Madden, Wayne Menard, William Robinson, Kurt Smollin, Mark Vigeant and Michael Vizzo. The following members celebrated their IBEW years-of-service pins and awards: Gerald Caron, Thomas Cote, Richard Ermanski, Wayne Gendron, Raymond Halvorsen, Michael Lamkin, Joseph Oliveri and Bruce Rochette (50 years); Louis DelSignore, Joseph DiLiddo, Wayne Hickey, Robert Hogan, Gordon Holway, Joseph Horgan, Joseph Kapurch, Paul Kasabula, Gary Kapurch, Richard Lanney, Roger LaRochelle, Daniel Manzaro, Michael Markarian, Norbert Perduta, James Rolf and Charles Saari (55 years); Anthony Desimone, Vincent DiLeo, Donald Garny, Adam Skrzypczak and Chares Triba (60 years); Sven Borglund, William Durkin, William McGee and Edward Nummelin (70 years). |
![]() Local 96 Business Manager James Arthur and members at the retirees' holiday luncheon. |
Join the Fun With Local 105 Retirees |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 105, HAMILTON, ON — Hello everyone, and Happy Easter to those who celebrate! We hope all of you have enjoyed the winter and are looking forward to spring. Here are some of the events that we've enjoyed and look forward to enjoying:
For those of you who are 55 years old, a retiree of Local 105 and have not yet joined the Retirees' Club, just jump on board. You're missing out! Most importantly, please remember that all the events we enjoy, past and present, are made possible by our amazing hard-working local and Executive Board members, past and present. Our heartfelt thanks goes to all of you! |
Local 134 Retirees Enjoy Holiday Festivities |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 134, CHICAGO, IL — We are now one quarter into 2025. I'm sure all can agree that 2024 was a political roller coaster. For me, the last quarter of 2024 was heart wrenching. When I awoke Nov. 8 and turned on the television, I burst into tears. It was the first time in my 74 years that an election made me cry. I have always respected the voice of the American people, whether a Republican or Democrat was elected to office. I do not respect or trust Donald Trump, and my feelings go way back before I knew him as a politician. I must now put my trust in our nation and Capitol Hill to try to unite us instead of dividing us. This is my opinion only and does not reflect that of the Retirees' Club of Local 134. We ended the year with our annual festive holiday luncheon on Dec. 11. A turkey dinner was served on decorated tables with green tablecloths and red and white poinsettias. We had a raffle for 20 gift certificates and all the poinsettia centerpieces. Business Manager/Financial Secretary Donald Finn came to join us and gave a speech with wishes for a merry holiday and Happy New Year. A special thank you goes to Donald Finn and Local 134 President Tim Fitzgibbons for all the help and support they give us throughout the year. |
![]() Standing in the left corner of the stage, Local 134 Business Manager/Financial Secretary Donald Finn stops by the retirees' holiday luncheon to send best wishes for the season. |
Celebrating Local 257 Retirees' Service |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 257, JEFFERSON CITY, MO — At the annual Labor Day picnic, service awards were presented by Business Manager Joel Vanderslice. Eighty service awards were presented with 41 retirees receiving them. Forty-year pins went to David Apperson, Anthony Backes, John Bonnot, John Enloe, Todd Gentry, Paul Morris, Dennis Palmer, Robert Schubert and Ezra Vest. Forty-five year pins went to Gary Baken, Rick Baker, Steven Barnes, Jean Bedigie, James Breid, Donald Bruemmer, Michael Cave, Gary Chambers, Rodney Hardwick, Harry Haverich, Loyd Libbert, Michael Massman, Jack Pettigrew, Arthur Roark, Joseph Schmutzler, Dan Schroeder, David Scott, Randy Seay, Jerry Shubert, Mark Stokes, Thomas Stokes and Keith Yager. Fifty-five year pins went to Carl Buckner, Sam Hamacher, Otsie Murray, James Nevins, Thomas Oligschlaeger and Jerry Petershagen. Sixty-year pins went to Joseph Gallatin, Kenneth Polly and Donald Stokes. A sixty-five year pin was awarded to Gary James. On Dec. 1, retirees and spouses went to a magical comedy show performed by Taylor Reed in Osage Beach. Levitation, cutting people in half and making a car appear on stage were a few of the magical moments that mystified the attendees. Retirees attended the annual Christmas party hosted by Local 257 on Dec. 10. Sixty-eight members and guests were treated to a family-style luncheon. A raffle was held for scratch offs and a poinsettia was won by Tom Oligschlaeger. Annual donations for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., totaled $1,000 this year, supporting St. Jude's mission of saving children and finding cures. |
![]() Local 257 retirees at the annual Labor Day pic-nic. |
Local 313 Retirees Hold Inaugural Golf Tournament |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 313, WILMINGTON, DE — As 2024 came to a close, the Retirees' Club joined together to count our blessings and retell old tales at the annual Christmas meeting. We want to thank all the Local 101 members for attending, and we hope the best for those who weren't able to make it. With some help from Brothers Mark Cuomo, Stan Mlynarski and others, we were able to add a new event to the calendar in 2024. On Sept. 28, honorary guests John Abegglen and Billy Wilson kicked off the Inaugural Retirees' Golf Tournament with ceremonial tee shots at Johnathan's Landing. For your families and friends, stay healthy and active in life and your local. |
![]() Local 313 retirees at the annual Christmas par-ty. |
Looking Ahead to the New Year |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 349, MIAMI, FL — Greetings and Happy New Year from sunny Miami. The new year promises to be an exciting one for our Retirees' Club, with our first adventure on an exciting cruise planned for January. Departing from Ft. Lauderdale, we set sail for Key West and the Bahamas on Celebrity Cruises. Looking back, we shared a traditional Thanksgiving luncheon at beautiful Gulfstream Park Racing in the Ten Palms Restaurant. We watched live horse races and cheered for our favorite horse from the comfort of the dining area. Our December holiday luncheon was held at a local Longhorn Restaurant, where we enjoyed each other's company and exchanged gifts. This past year has been filled with unforgettable memories that brought us closer together through sharing our losses and blessings. Please join us on the second Thursday of each month at noon for a brief meeting and a potluck lunch at Local 349's union hall, 1657 NW 17th Ave., Miami. |
![]() Local 349 retirees enjoy their December holiday luncheon, where brotherhood and gifts were shared. |
Cruise-In For Kids Car Show |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 648, HAMILTON, OH — The Joe Nuxhall Miracle League Fields is a state-of-the-art facility that offers baseball and recreational opportunities with a big-league-level game-day environment for athletes of all ages and abilities with special needs. Local 648 retirees have been raising funds for the Miracle League Fields over the last decade. Local 648 retirees Steve Crain and Kenny Rhodus have chaired the Cruise-In For Kids car show for more than 10 years. Steve Crain, an avid car collector and a 58-year member of Local 648, used his contacts with a local group of car guys, the Gassy Geezers, to help organize the car show. With help of Local 648 retirees John Crowthers, Ken Rhodus, Larry Setser, Ben Suttmiller, Dale Truster and their spouses, the car show has become a tremendous success. This group of retirees, with more than 300 years of IBEW service, have used their talents and experience to raise over $150,000 for the Joe Nuxhall Miracle League and to continue the long history of Local 648 and NECA in supporting this cause. Great job, brothers! (Editor's note: See "Cool Cars for a Cause" in this issue.) |
![]() Local 648 retired Brothers Steve Crain and Ken Rhodus with Kim Nuxhall, president and board chairman of the Nuxhall Foundation. |
Local 654 Christmas and Turning the Page to 2025 |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 654, CHESTER, PA — The Christmas holiday season brought good cheer and treasured fellowship to the retirees of our local. Local 654's officers and members gave retirees a wonderful Christmas luncheon at our hall in mid-December. It's always a great time to see fellow retirees and catch up on things. Some of us who meet bi-weekly for breakfast had our annual lottery ticket exchange just before Christmas. We bring tickets, usually scratch-offs, and give them out to those in attendance. This gifting ritual has occurred annually for several decades. If you win some dough, great; if not, there's always next year. It is with heavy hearts and mournful sadness that we remember the passing of our retired brothers John Barlow, John Clark, Charles (Stu) Fischer, Robert H. Hashinger Jr., Tom Highfield Jr., Joseph Hudak, Roy Mayo, James R. Miller, John M. Parks Sr. and Frank Powell. To their families, we offer our sincere condolences. Looking ahead, our local union leadership asked us at the Christmas luncheon if we could attend the local's Jan. 9 general meeting to witness the induction of our first-year apprenticeship class. Retirees' inclusion in local membership activities is always a true sign of brotherhood, is it not? |
![]() Local 654 retiree Bob Groff attended our Retirees' Club Christmas luncheon. Bob, who turned 94 in January, holds a special place in our hearts as the beloved Santa Claus at our children's Christmas party for many years. |
Local 743 Sees "Joy to the World" |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 743, READING, PA — On Dec. 11, the Retirees' Club went to the American Music Theater in Lancaster, Pa., to enjoy the 2024 Christmas show, "Joy to the World." After the show, full of beautiful lights and holiday music from multiple genres, the retirees headed to dinner at Miller's Smorgasbord in Ronks, Pa., for a delicious meal and great fellowship between the retired brothers and their wives. Great to see the brotherhood continuing, even among the retired members! |
![]() Local 743 Retirees' Club went to the American Music Theater in Lancaster, Pa., to enjoy the 2024 Christmas show. |
Happy New Year From Local 756 |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 756, DAYTONA BEACH, FL — Happy New Year! We hope you are all doing well! Even though it is already March when you read this, we want to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2025! We still have low attendance at our meetings and would love to see more of you there. We invite any retired and unemployed brothers and sisters and their spouses who are in the area to come and join us. Our meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month (September to May) at 11:30 a.m. at the Local 756 union hall in Port Orange, Fla. With sadness, we have had three members pass since our last article. We send our condolences and prayers to the family and friends of Brothers Melvin J. Doxie, James B. Williams and Wilbur Wright Jr. |
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