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Local Lines & Retirees |
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Local 16 Spring Activities |
L.U. 16 (i), EVANSVILLE, IN — In February, our local earned a second-place finish in the first annual Battle of the Beans Chili Cook-Off. Proceeds went to the RENEW fund, and everyone there had a great day of brotherhood. Also that month, the Executive Board and the entertainment committee hosted another excellent winter gala. Thanks for the work that made all this possible! Because of weather-related damage to the hall, activities other than business operations and monthly union meetings are being curtailed. However, the Easter egg hunt was still held on the front lawn. Thanks to all who stuffed thousands of eggs to bring joy to IBEW families. On April 1, members began enjoying increased wages and fringe benefits. For specific changes or to verify that you are being properly compensated, please contact the hall. Thanks to Spencer Baumholser for giving his time to attend the IBEW's school for election judges. Elections in this local provide every member the opportunity to send a strong message that will be heard by the contractors and the community. When many come out to vote, that message becomes even stronger. |
North Texas Electrical JATC Honors Outstanding Students |
L.U. 20 (em,i,mt,spa,t&u), DALLAS-FORT WORTH, TX — The North Texas Electrical JATC held its annual completion dinner at the Hilton Hotel on June 10, 2022. Awards are presented for outstanding performance.
![]() Local 20 congratulates the 2022 graduates of the North Texas Electrical JATC. |
Local 24 Congratulates Jack Powell, Apprentice of the Year |
L.U. 24 (es,i&spa), BALTIMORE, MD — Greetings from Charm City. We'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate fifth-year apprentice Jack Powell for becoming IBEW Hour Power's 2023 Apprentice of the Year. The grandson of Local 1307 Brother William Powell, Jack learned that our union apprenticeship was the best electrical education out there. An active member of our local, Jack is the chair of our RENEW chapter. He works to push the boundaries of what's possible, especially with technology. "We do biweekly updates for RENEW in an email newsletter," he explains. "RENEW members who are involved are willing to try new things to help the union. I tell the members, 'Put in the time now to get the benefits later!'" I am grateful to have such a dedicated brother among our membership. In closing, thank you to all our IBEW brothers and sisters for the outpouring of support on the loss of Assistant Business Manager Nick Caruso. Sadly, Nick passed March 25 after a difficult battle with cancer. Please continue to keep his family in your prayers. Live Better/Work Union. |
![]() Jack Powell prepares for Union Night in Annapolis, Md. |
Local 26 Hosts President Joe Biden |
L.U. 26 (ees,em,es,govt,i&mt), WASHINGTON, DC — It was a true honor for Local 26 to host President Joe Biden on Feb. 15 at our union hall in Lanham, Md. President Biden paid our local a visit to show his support for organized labor and to announce his plans for investing in America, particularly infrastructure investments, which will greatly benefit the IBEW. Fourth-year apprentice and Culpeper, Va., Councilman B. Travis Brown had the honor of introducing President Biden. Local 26 Business Manager Joe Dabbs and President Tom Myers escorted the president during his visit, and they were joined by special guests: International President Kenneth W. Cooper, Sen. Ben Cardin, newly elected Rep. Glenn Ivey and newly elected Maryland Governor Wes Moore. Also in attendance were Local 26 officers and staff, apprentices, and other guests from organized labor and local and state political entities. Best wishes to the following new retirees: Jeff N. Engelhard, Jeffrey Galamb, Theodore J. Gast, Patrick A. Hall, Michael J. Johnson, Neil S. Leary, David V. McDaniel, Elliott D. Moore, Larry W. Remington, Cris D. Ritter, Edward S. Roach, Robin P. Stannard, Alton K. West, Kevin L. Weyant, William S. Whitney, Curtis J. Wick and John F. Williamson. The following members have passed away since our last article: William E. Barger, Arthur R. Campli, Mark S. Capik, Milton G. Connor, Thomas E. Frank, Michael D. Hoyt, Taeseul Moon, Joseph R. Sweeney Jr. and Norman C. Thompson Jr. |
![]() President Joe Biden and Local 26 Business Manager Joe Dabbs. |
Springtime for Local 34 |
L.U. 34 (em,i,mt,rts&spa), PEORIA, IL — Hello, brothers and sisters of the IBEW. Our local is pleased to share that spring was filled with sustainability, growth and renewal. Work remains steady in all areas, with the promise of several solar projects in the Peoria area this summer; continued work at the Illinois Veterans' Home at Quincy; and ongoing work at the Western Illinois University Center for Performing Arts in Macomb, Ill., to name a few. Members found rest from their labors in March at the annual Local 34 steak fry at the Elks Lodge. Thanks to our newly established RENEW Committee members for volunteering to run raffles, help the caterer and make the event go smoothly. Roughly 120 members were in attendance. New apprentices completed orientation in April and now have their boots on the ground. These new faces of the IBEW are our future; thanks to our journeymen who will be their mentors and guides. On April 29, Local 34 commemorated Workers' Memorial Day in the Peoria and Galesburg areas. This yearly event is a somber reminder of the dangers in the construction industry. It was eye-opening for apprentices in attendance to understand the importance of being alert, aware and present every day in order to return home safely to their families. Our loved ones are the reason we are in this career — to provide a good quality of life, stay well with good health care and enjoy a great retirement. Stay safe, brothers and sisters. Enjoy your summer and soak up time with friends and family! |
Richard Herman Awarded for 75 Years of Service |
L.U. 38 (i), CLEVELAND, OH — Our local had the honor of awarding Brother Richard Herman with his pin for 75 years of service in the IBEW in October 2022. Brother Herman served his country with distinction in Korea and was initiated into Local 38 in 1947. Brother Herman's father, William, and son, Thomas (both deceased), were also members of Local 38. Brother Herman retired in June 1993 and was the father of six children and a beloved husband of 69 years to Judy. Brother Herman passed away Feb. 28, 2023, at the age of 94. A grateful union will remember Brother Herman's years of service and honors his incredible life. |
![]() Brother Herman receiving his 75-year service award with his wife, Judy; son Marty; and Local 38 Business Manager Dan Gallagher. |
Re-Energizing Committees at Local 46 |
L.U. 46 (as,c,cs,em,es,et,i,mar,mo,mt,rtb,rts&st), SEATTLE, WA — Hello, IBEW family! Our local is happy to announce our dedication to re-energizing our political action committee and veterans outreach. Every PAC event has seen increased participation from our membership! Political Director Nicole Grant kicked things off for our PAC with a lobbying event in Olympia alongside Local 77 members. Our members had the opportunity to speak with their elected representatives and lobby for the bills they care about. Many of us don't care for politics; we'd rather just go to work and not have to think about the headaches politics can bring. Unfortunately, it's vital that we get involved to fight for better workers' rights and not allow these rights to be stripped from us. It is inspiring to witness so many of our members standing up and pushing for better — not only for themselves, but for everyone. Brothers Keith Weir and Bernard Johnson have stepped up our veterans outreach, making trips to military bases in the Seattle area to talk with service members about pathways from the military into the IBEW. We thank you for your efforts and the support you show our veterans during their transition from military to civilian life. |
![]() Locals 46 and 77 lobbying in Olympia, Wash. — all the power together! |
Swearing In Local 50 Officers; Business Manager Site Visits |
L.U. 50 (u), RICHMOND, VA — On Feb. 1, President/Business Manager/Financial Secretary John Albert and Treasurer Eric Napier were sworn in to their new offices in accordance with the IBEW Constitution. John Albert has been an IBEW member for 33 years, serving as a local officer for 16 years and as a representative for more than 20 years. Eric Napier has been an IBEW member for more than 22 years, serving as a representative for almost 15 years. Both John and Eric are humbled and honored to continue serving the members of Local 50 in their new roles. Local 50 represents members in diverse sectors of the utility energy business. Recently, Business Manager Albert and Vice President Jason Davis toured North Anna and Surry nuclear power plants, Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center, Chesterfield Power Station and other sites. Brothers Albert and Davis also visited the Dominion Energy Training Center for Electric Construction and Operations, watching Local 50 members safely training to become proficient as linemen and groundmen. Business Manager Albert, Vice President Davis and lead Business Representative Ryan Gettier also provided a joint safety message with management to linemen trainees. |
![]() Local 50 representatives visit members at the Virginia City Hybrid Energy Center: From left, President/Business Manager John Albert, Vice President/Senior Business Representative Jason Davis, Business Representative Adam Howlett and Chief Steward Mike Deal. In back is Treasurer/Lead Business Representative Eric Napier. |
Happy 125th, Local 68! |
L.U. 68 (i), DENVER, CO — On March 25, Local 68 celebrated its 125th anniversary. At least 1,110 members and their guests attended the celebration, which was held at the Denver Art Museum. Attendees enjoyed food, drinks, fellowship and art. The anniversary committee deserves a tremendous amount of thanks and appreciation for all of their hard work planning and coordinating everything that was necessary to put this event together and make it such a great success. The committee members are Tito Aleman III, Steve Block, Bruce Dahl, Robert Delgado, Rick Francone, Felicia Hackney, Joel Knutson and Ted Thomas. Also, the front office helped out quite a bit: Thanks to Amanda Perkins, Erin Sandholm and Natalie Williams. If you happen to see any of these brothers and sisters, make sure that you let them know how much their hard work and dedication were appreciated. We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of our recently deceased brothers and sisters: Edward R. Archer, Clifford R. Lane and Jimmie Wallace. |
![]() In March, Local 68 celebrated its 125th anniversary (chartered on March 24, 1898). |
Union Contractor Beats Out 6 Nonunion Contractors |
L.U. 70 (lctt&o), WASHINGTON, DC — Dominion Energy recently completed its last quarter evaluation for 2022, which consisted of safety, observations, deficiencies, line outages, productivity and crew ratings. A big congratulations to W.A. Chester for beating out six nonunion contractors on Dominion. For years, W.A. Chester was the only union contractor doing overhead distribution for Dominion, until they recently added Thayer Power & Communication and Infrasource. Local 70 would like to thank W.A. Chester crews for their hard work and dedication. We would also like to thank our members who have stayed and manned the jobs in 70's area, keeping the union strong and pushing nonunion out. |
![]() Local 70 members stand tall at the W.A. Chester yard in Lorton, Va. |
Local 90 Retirement Dinner |
L.U. 90 (i), NEW HAVEN, CT — Our local's retirement dinner was held Oct. 20, 2022, at the WoodWinds banquet facility in Branford, Conn. There were 14 retirees and eight 25-year pin acknowledgements. The retirees honored were David Brancato, Gary Card, Thomas Comer Jr., Thomas Ferraro Jr., George Froehlich, Chris Hynes, Howard Larson, Henry McMillan, Robert McMillan, Donald O'Connor, David Opozda, Eric Peterson, Gabriel Schillo and Patrick Stanulonis. The 25-year pins were awarded to David Baldi, Arthur Battaglino, Richard Betts Jr., William Brooks, John Goulet, Tyrone Jones, Phil Michaud and Anthony Purificato. |
Local 98 Salutes Chuck Harvey |
L.U. 98 (as,catv,em,i&it), PHILADELPHIA, PA — Led by Business Manager Mark Lynch Jr., our local recently honored retiree Charles F. "Chuck" Harvey with its annual service award. Initiated in 1966, Chuck is a proud 47-year member of Local 98. Fittingly, we chose to honor Chuck, an Irishman and a fan of Notre Dame football, during Philadelphia's 2023 St. Patrick's Day Parade. It was appropriate that Local 98 honored Chuck at this iconic parade because he always worked hard behind the scenes to make sure the big day was successful for Local 98 and the Philadelphia community. Chuck held many positions at Local 98, but the most important title he earned was "hero." In 1971, Chuck earned an IBEW life-saving award for helping to rescue Brother Bob Jacobs, who got hung up on a 277-volt circuit and couldn't get off. Chuck quickly reacted, de-energizing the circuit and saving Bob's life. Chuck's bravery didn't surprise anyone — he's always been there to help his fellow Local 98 members. Chuck Harvey embodies the principles that Local 98 stands for, brotherhood, family, hard work and pride in one's work. The membership of our local is grateful that Chuck continues to inspire us. |
![]() Local 98's Chuck Harvey with Business Manager Mark Lynch Jr. and President Jim Foy. |
Local 100 Celebrates Retirees at Luncheon |
L.U. 100 (c,em,i,rts,st&ptc), FRESNO, CA — In March, our local held its annual Retirees' Luncheon, which celebrates our brothers' and sisters' years of dedicated service to the IBEW and honors those who have retired from the local. Local 100 would like to acknowledge the retiree class of 2022: Charles Coon, Lance Denton, Doug Deppe, Fredrick Downs, Matthew Evans, Liam Fanucchi, Shannon Gald, Edward Heasley, Mario Hernandez, Daniel Knizevski, Bruce Mackenzie, Kirk McGrath, Kevin McLaughlin, Michael Messer, Craig Newton, Glen Nishihara, Joseph Opdahl, Alfred Rodriguez, Richard Schellentrager, Samuel Seward, Michael Spaunhurst, Ronald Statham, Jeff Taylor and Douglas Woody. Local 100 also recognized the following members for their dedicated years of service to the IBEW and Local 100: Mike Messer (25 years); Shannon Gald (35 years); Mike Caglia, Alfred Rodriguez, Robert Statham and Gary Yoshino (40 years); and Gary Bettencourt, Natividad "Netty" Hernandez and Charles "Ed" Weigant (45 years). We would like to thank all of our retirees for their years of dedicated service and congratulate the retirement class of 2022. May God bless you all, and God bless the IBEW. |
![]() Retiree class of 2022 attendees, from left: Michael Messer, Kirk McGrath, Mario W. Hernandez, Ken Rousey (2019), Liam Fanucchi, Shannon Gald, Alfred Rodriguez, Douglas Woody and Local 100 Business Manager Ronny Jungk. |
Steward Training at Local 104 |
L.U. 104 (lctt,o,u&ptc), BOSTON, MA — An IBEW steward is a volunteer champion of our constitution, local union bylaws and collective bargaining agreements. These members selflessly advocate for their sisters and brothers when issues arise in their workplace. Thank you for your service! Local 104 hosted a steward training course instructed by Brother Craig Duffy. This seminar was directed toward municipality and utility local members in the Second District, working in conjunction with Locals 486, 326 and 455, as well as the Education Department at the International Office. In addition to the presentation, special guests discussed the importance of professional legal advice along with the advocacy of elected officials fighting for our interests. Thanks to all in attendance: Wendy M. Bittner, Esq. (40+ years of representing unions in Boston, now with Sandulli Grace); John Callahan (B.M./F.S. of Local 486); Kathy Codella (Local 104); Craig Duffy (Local 2323/IBEW Education Department); Massachusetts state Sen. Paul Feeney (Local 2222); Joe Fiorello (Local 104); Ted Fitzpatrick (Local 455); Dan Fogarty, Esq. (Sandulli Grace); Sal Napolitano (Local 455); John Nordquist (Local 486); Andrea Pasternack (Local 455); Paul Pepka Jr. (Local 326); Brian Pierce (Pres. of Local 104); Mark Potter (Local 104 municipal representative/executive board member); and Dylan Weeman (Local 104). |
![]() Local 104 hosted a steward training course directed toward municipality and utility members in the Second District, working with Locals 486, 326 and 455. |
Illinois IBEW Renewable Energy Fund |
L.U. 134 (catv,em,govt,i,mt,rtb,rts,spa&t), CHICAGO, IL — In 2017, after receiving a grant through the Future Energy Jobs Act, the Illinois IBEW Renewable Energy Fund provided a solar train-the-trainer event and an 8-kW ground mount system to 17 IBEW locals in Illinois. After receiving a second round of funding in 2022, the fund is now providing a 10-kW solar carport to our partner locals. We are looking forward to our continued partnership to train and provide the highly qualified solar workforce for projects all over Illinois and beyond. Thank you to Business Representatives Robert Hattier, Joseph Kilcoyne and Henry Malinowski. |
![]() Local 134 members at an IBEW solar train-the-trainer event. |
A Collection For Local Veterans |
L.U. 164 (c,em,i,o&t), JERSEY CITY, NJ — Our local's Veterans' Committee organized a collection drive for items to benefit area veterans' homes. The membership of Local 164 donated men's and women's socks, adult coloring books, word search and puzzle books, crayons, colored pencils, and markers. The committee organized the drive to give back to those who serve and protect our nation and to thank them for their service. Business Manager Dan Gumble, President Tom Sullivan and committee chair Rich Paredes thank the members for their generosity and the Veterans' Committee for their efforts in organizing the collection drive. |
![]() The Veterans' Committee of Local 164 organized a collection for area veterans' homes. From left, Roch LePage, James Canino, Business Manager Dan Gumble, President Tom Sullivan, Rich Paredes, Robert DiCrisi, Michael Wolfanger and David DiCrisi. |
Local 196 Elects New Business Manager |
L.U. 196 (govt,mt,o,t&u), ROCKFORD, IL — The past year has been busy for our local. In June 2022, our local elected new Business Manager Derek Luetgert. Derek hired two new assistant business managers and negotiated a three-year contract for outside construction. He also oversaw the purchase of a new union hall and set up a new 501(c)(3) to help our members. He even set up a meeting with local labor leaders, U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood and then-Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh at our union hall. It seems like every day there is a new development as Brother Luetgert grows our local. Our lead organizer, Greg Doss, continues to find new contractors doing fiber work in our jurisdiction, and these nonunion contractors are learning fast. If they don't sit down and sign up, Greg is going to find union jobs for their workers. We continue to grow, and we are doing more fiber installation work every day. This organizing effort is keeping our members working and our membership growing. Our annual picnic in June will honor retired International Office representative Ed Mings. Ed is a longtime member of Local 196 and a former organizer, business manager and journeyman lineman. We wish Ed all the best and look forward to celebrating his work for the IBEW at the picnic. |
![]() Local 196 Business Manager Derek Luetgert (left), U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood and former Labor Secretary Marty Walsh. |
Congratulations, Jerry Mahoney! |
L.U. 212 (i), CINCINNATI, OH — The work in our area took a slight dip this spring. At the time of this writing, there are 97 on Book 1 and four on Book 2 with no teledata techs available. As summer progresses, things should be ramping up. At our meeting in May, we will have a special order of business: a raise allocation of $1.50 and nominations of officers. Currently, we are at $33.29 with $7.35 health and wellness, $9 pension, $2.55 NEAP and a total package of $54.62. Congratulations to Jerry Mahoney, who was recognized for his years of service as an instructor at our JATC and named instructor of the year! He received his award at the IBEW Construction and Maintenance Conference in April. |
![]() Local 212 congratulates the graduating class of 2023! |
Legislative Success |
L.U. 292 (em,govt,i,rtb,rts&spa), MINNEAPOLIS, MN — In November 2022, we elected a labor-friendly Legislature and governor in Minnesota. Our get-out-the-vote efforts paid off this 2023 legislative session. We have seen multiple pro-worker, pro-labor bills passed and signed into law, including:
On Feb. 8, we joined with nearly 200 IBEW members from across the state for a successful Day on the Hill event. This was our first such legislative event since 2019, before the COVID-19 crisis. IBEW members met with our Minnesota legislators and Gov. Tim Walz to have effective conversations about our labor priorities this session. With a pro-labor Legislature this year, we have been able to assure that these projects will be union-built. With a 400-MW, utility-scale solar project expected to start soon, we have data centers in the works and pro-union state and federal projects on the way. We hope to see a much-improved work picture in the near and distant future. June is election month. If you haven't already, please remember to participate in the election of local union officers. Our leadership is only as strong as the democracy it represents. |
![]() Members of Local 292 met with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz for the IBEW's Day on the Hill. Photo credit: Logan Beere, Local 110. |
Local 306 Summer Work Outlook |
L.U. 306 (i), AKRON, OH — With winter finally behind us, the work outlook remains positive. There are several jobs just coming out of the ground and should begin to staff up in mid to late summer. Our annual Easter egg hunt was held in March and attended by many. We greatly appreciated the help from our retirees, as well as many of our active members, to help make this an enjoyable event for the children and their families. Please stay tuned for information on upcoming events such as Local 306's golf outing, summer picnic and annual car show, to name a few. Last, we would like to congratulate Brother Mark Douglas Jr. for accepting a full-time position as president of the Ohio State Building and Construction Trades Council. We would like to thank Mark for his many years of service and dedication to Local 306. |
Grateful for Another Year |
L.U. 340 (i,rts&spa), SACRAMENTO, CA — We are halfway through the year, and we have been fortunate to hold many more events than we have in the past two years. Our local is continuing to grow, and this year we brought on a sound and communications representative, John Reardon, a first for our local. We have signed a new contractor almost every month this year. We had 43 apprentices graduate this May. It has been a triumph for the local, and we are grateful for the opportunity to see continual progression as I reach my 10-year anniversary in office. It is my — and the local's — hope that we continue to see growth, success and health for the remainder of the year. None of this would be possible without the help of the dedicated team of organizers and staff who assist me everyday. Have a great summer, brothers and sisters! |
Hot Work Outlook for Summer |
L.U. 364 (catv,ees,em,es,i,mt,rts&spa), ROCKFORD, IL — Our new Hard Rock Casino project is underway, with the steel being erected and the casino itself finally taking shape. This long-awaited project is finally gaining momentum. As of this writing, we do not have the electrical contractor information, but hopefully that information will be available by the time you are reading this. We have waited 30 years for this project to come to fruition, so we are very excited to finally see some work commencing. Our summer school work has begun with projects throughout Local 364's nine-county jurisdiction. There is a large amount of work to be done in the short three-month window between school years, and we would like to thank all the traveling brothers and sisters who contribute, now and in the future. We simply could not complete this without you, so once again, thank you. Our Facebook project continues to steamroll along, with well over 900 IBEW members working on-site. This project has hit several important milestones and continues to impress Facebook management with all its deadlines being completed on or ahead of schedule. To all our members and travelers on this project: a well-deserved thank you for all your efforts. |
Local 654 Celebrates at St. Patrick's Day Parade |
L.U. 654 (i), CHESTER, PA — Our local's members and their families were out in full force to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, alongside state Rep. Jennifer O'Mara. Rep. O'Mara, who represents the 165th District of Pennsylvania, has been a friend of Local 654 for a few years. She has helped many members with any issues she could and always makes time to show her support for union labor. The parade route went through the Delaware County community of Springfield. This was the 103rd year of the celebration. The group braved the cold, wind and rain in efforts to represent IBEW values throughout the local community. Members and their families enjoyed a day of music, dancing and Irish heritage. It was a great event, despite the weather, and another opportunity for Local 654 to be present in the communities they serve. Brother and Local 654 member Anthony Delvacchio was able to snap a few great photos of the day. |
![]() Local 654 members Rich Digregorio, Brian Donaldson, Fred Grant, Tom Hart and Brad Peterson are ready for the St. Patrick's Day Parade. |
Motorcycle Club Sponsors Chili Cook-Off |
L.U. 1340 (i&o), NEWPORT NEWS, VA — On March 11, our local's Motorcycle Club sponsored the third annual Chili Cook-Off at our union hall. The event, which was canceled during the pandemic, was well attended, with about 150 brothers and sisters and family and friends gathering for good eating, music and socializing. A number of raffle prizes donated to the club helped to raise money for the Virginia Peninsula Food Bank, with over $2,000 collected to help with hunger in the area. Winners for best chili were: Jeff and Michelle Rowe (B.M./F.S. and grand champions), Irwin Barker and Tyler Mattox (apprentices), Jack and Michelle Barrett (journeymen), Rob Grainger and Laura Russ (maintenance), Cullen Gaston (Book 2, Local 666) and Ralph Pacheco (retiree). Blackwater Jam Band provided some lively music, and the weather was nice enough to allow riders to show off their bikes. We look forward to enjoying this event for years into the future. Thanks to Aaron Woodard and other members of the club for their work in organizing this event! We regret to report the passing of brothers Marshall Massengill Jr. on Feb. 3 and Ransone "Ranny" Watterton Jr. on April 1. |
Local 1928 Supports Striking UPEIFA Members |
L.U. 1928 (i,o&u), HALIFAX, NS — In Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, the University of PEI Faculty Association held a strike rally at the end of their first week walking the picket line in front of the Honourable George Coles Provincial Building. Local 1928, which represents the maintenance staff at the university, was also at the rally to show support and solidarity for the picketers. IBEW and the UPEIFA are just two of four unions in tough negotiations with the university this year, trying to get a fair deal for their members. With inflation that hasn't been seen in a long time — PEI has the highest rates in Canada — unions in this region are battling to get fair deals for their members. It's not just pay that's a major issue in this case, but also class size and faculty workloads. They are fighting to provide quality education for their students, the future of our country. Business Manager James Sponagle offered words of encouragement and solidarity to the UPEIFA with other members in support of the cause. These are challenging times for unions across North America, and we need to stick together and support one another to continue to build and move forward. |
![]() Local 1928 stands in solidarity with its sisters and brothers from the UPEI Faculty Association at a strike rally in Charlottetown, P.E.I. |
Aislinn Bauer Receives Inaugural Sixth District Medal of Courage |
L.U. 2304 (u), MADISON, WI — This March, at the Sixth District Membership Development Conference in Chicago, Ill., our local's Aislinn Bauer was awarded the inaugural Sixth District Medal of Courage Award for her organizing efforts over the past few years. In fall 2021, Aislinn and her coworkers decided they needed a union at their workplace. A great majority of the workers signed cards to join the IBEW, and the process began. Aislinn teamed up with coworkers Kyle Flood and Olive Rose, Local 2304 President/Business Manager Nate Rasmussen, Wisconsin State Organizer Kim Moon and International Representative Shawn Reents to form a bargaining committee. Contract negotiations began in 2022, and Local 2304's team secured significant improvements in the first contract, including wage increases, seniority language, just-cause and grievance procedures, additional paid time off, and added structure to work hours and productivity metrics. Aislinn has since been appointed Local 2304's assistant business representative. Congratulations to Aislinn and to Local 2304! |
![]() Local 2304 Assistant Business Representative Aislinn Bauer, pictured with fellow IBEW award recipient Daniel Armstrong, received the Medal of Courage Award at the 2023 Sixth District Membership Development Conference. |
Retirees |
Do You Need a Living Trust? |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 11, LOS ANGELES, CA — You are invited to our Aug. 9 monthly Retirees' Club meeting, where we will be hosting a seminar on living trusts. A living trust can spare your heirs the expense, inconvenience and delay of probate. You don't need to be a Retirees' Club member or even be retired to attend this seminar. Spouses and partners are encouraged to attend; you just need to register. The seminar will be presented by Counsel Mike Moore. Note that Moore is not affiliated with Local 11 and his legal opinions and advice are not those of Local 11. He can be retained to prepare a basic living trust, a deed placing real estate in the trust and an advance health care directive for a flat fee of $500. If you are interested in attending this seminar, email us at RetireesClubIBEWLocal11@gmail.com, and we'll provide the details by Aug. 1. |
Important Changes for 2023 Leadership |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 26, WASHINGTON, DC — At the time of this writing, spring is here in Washington, D.C., along with the cherry blossoms. By the time you read this, we will all be wearing shorts and no coats! Brother Rick Warner has already started things rolling with a bus trip to the casino. If you are interested in joining an event or have a suggestion, please give him a call at 240-472-0438. We're still hoping to get to the Panama Canal, but they have their own COVID-19 restrictions, so stay tuned. After our summer break, we will return to in-person and Zoom meetings in September. If you want to hear about upcoming travels, attend our meetings on the second Saturday of the month at noon in the Lanham, Md., union hall, September through May. If you are interested in joining our meeting through Zoom, please email us at flashmanbissell@aol.com. We'd love to hear how retirees are doing all over the U.S. and Canada! In March, we had a belated election of officers, and retired Sister Susan Flashman is our new president. Retired Brother Dick Bissell stepped down after almost 20 years as our president, and we thank him for his dedication. In his time as president, we have grown and flourished with over 500 dues-paying members. In September, we will have a new meeting chef. Rick Warner took over from our (now deceased) Chef Nick Del Erba years ago, and we will welcome retired Brother Kenny Hunt in September. In April, we began a new tradition by holding a luncheon for our retired members to receive their years-of-service awards. The awards ranged from 20 to 75 years! In September, we will repeat the luncheon for those scheduled to receive pins from September to December. Local 26's picnics will proceed this year with three dates and locations to serve all our active and retired members and their families. The annual Local 26 golf tournament to benefit diabetes research will be in June, and we have three teams of four retirees lined up. |
Support Your Local Retirees' Club |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 35, HARTFORD, CT — Our first retiree meeting of the year was March 8, and we had a good turnout, including former business agent Bruce Silva and retired office manager Vicki Dougherty. We caught up with one another after the winter break. Pizza was on the menu. Local 35's Retirees' Club is looking to increase attendance at our monthly meetings. They are held the second Wednesday of each month at the Elks Club in Rocky Hill, Conn. Dues are $35 per year, and lunch is always served. We hope that you will come out and join us. We are always looking for new ideas, and your ideas are always welcome. Baseball season is here, and Hartford is fortunate to house the Hartford Yard Goats. We should be honored and proud to support them because the IBEW helped build that stadium. We would also like to thank Dennis Machol and Charlie Rose for their dedication to the retirees, including their participation in the meeting of the Alliance for Retired Americans. By attending meetings such as these, they keep us informed with many issues affecting retirees in our chapter. |
![]() Local 35 helped build the Yard Goats' baseball stadium in Hartford, Conn. |
Greetings From Local 53 Retirees' Club |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 53, KANSAS CITY, MO — I want to start with some words about Keith Querry. At the last regular meeting, the members dedicated the meeting hall to Keith. It was a great, fitting thing to show respect to a deserving union man and brother. Brother Querry served Local 53 as business manager/financial secretary for 24 dedicated years. He did many great things for Local 53, far too many to elaborate in this article. Three of his representatives went on to become business managers themselves: Jim Lynch, Bobby Stuart and Steve White. Thank you very much for everything you did for us all. We had our retirees' luncheon at the hall, and we handed out service pins: Larry Barker, Kevin Boosher, Myron Burrows, Virgil Franklin, James Orth, David Renner, William Wagers and Tarry Younghans (50 years); Phillip Duncan, James Englis, William Fennel, Nichols Jordan, Jerry Senter, Kenneth Sikes, Robert Walraven and Alva Wright (55 years); Larry Baker, Robert Brandon, R.J. Brown, Joe Padilla and Melvin Simmons (60 years); and Lynn Coats (70 years). We are sad to report the passing of the following members: Jack Campbell, Dennis Godfrey and Lanny Serci. Rest in peace, brothers. |
Local 58 Plans Trip to Charleston, S.C. |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 58, DETROIT, MI — We are celebrating the signing of S.B. 34 and H.B. 4007 by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on March 24. These bills repeal the state's right-to-work policy and reinstate prevailing wage requirements for public construction projects. This is the first time Democrats have had the majority in both houses of our Legislature since the mid-1980s. All segments of union labor joined forces to support our representatives in passing this legislation. With this shift in power in the Michigan House and Senate, there remains more to do, including work on campaign finance, repairing workers' compensation and improving unemployment benefits. The Retirees' Club bus trip to Charleston, S.C., will run Sept. 10-16. This is the first trip organized since several COVID-19 cancellations. The $75 deposit was due May 10, and final payments are due July 3. Seats usually fill up fast, with a limit of 50. For information about available seats, contact Rick Koerber at rick_dona@hotmail.com. The oral history project continues. If you haven't been interviewed yet and would like to be, please call the union hall at 313-963-2130 to put your name on the list. |
Local 60 Retirees on Summer Vacation |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 60, SAN ANTONIO, TX — Summertime is here, and our Retirees' Club is taking a break from monthly meetings in June, July and August. So far this year, our retirees have had some delightful afternoons socializing, sharing meals and enjoying their bingo time together. We share the sad times, as well, when we pause for a moment of silence to honor members who have passed, as well as our friends and family. Monthly meetings of the Retirees' Club will resume at 11:30 a.m. on Sept. 14 at Local 60's union hall (3518 N. Loop 1604 E). On July 22, retirees of Local 60 will have the opportunity to join the 130-year anniversary banquet of their local union, which was established July 22, 1893. This will be a special occasion for Local 60's retired members who helped build it, passing along a wealth of experience and wisdom to the younger generation of electricians, teaching them the right way — the union way — and to take pride in their work. The banquet will be at the Hyatt Regency San Antonio. For more information and tickets, please contact the hall at 210-337-1741. |
Local 104 Retirees Get Together |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 104, BOSTON, MA — The joy of brotherhood is a difficult feeling to express in words. Being there makes all the difference. All had a great time at the Local 104 Retirees' Club get-together March 22. We had a great showing with the pleasant surprise of celebrating Brother Thomas O'Hara's 75 years of membership. Brother O'Hara joined Local 104 in 1948. Brothers in attendance were Assistant Business Manager/Treasurer Hugh Boyd, former Executive Board member Armand "The Joker" Cabral, John Consoletti, George Froias, Robert Gray, Stephen Locke, former Vice President William Matthews, Walter McCann, Joseph Mortimer, Business Manager/Financial Secretary Brian Murphy, former President Stephen O'Donnell, Lenny O'Hara, Thomas O'Hara Sr., Michael Rock, Richard Rock Sr., former executive board member Rich Rock, Frederick Tompson and former Business Manager/Financial Secretary Robert Ward. (Unfortunately, two missed the photo: Brothers Thomas O'Hara Jr. and Eddie Lee.) Thank you to all who could make it! We all had a wonderful time celebrating our history and reminiscing on how far we have come as a local, and we all know working with your brothers and sisters is a special experience. This trip down memory lane is priceless. Please join us for the next get-together! |
![]() Everyone had a great time at the Local 104 Retirees' Club get-together in March. |
Local 134 Retirees' News |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 134, CHICAGO, IL — It's hard to believe that it's been a whole year since our city of Chicago hosted the 40th International IBEW Convention at McCormick Place (within walking distance of our local hall). We all have great memories of that historic event. We hope all who attended had a good time in our beautiful city. We voted "yes" on the Workers' Rights Amendment to the state constitution, and we won. Illinois is the first state in the country to outlaw "right-to-work" laws. The amendment guarantees workers the fundamental right to organize and collectively bargain for wages, health care and safety. It benefits all workers, union or nonunion. A big thank you to the Workers' Rights Committee of Local 134 for all their hard work to get this amendment passed. Climate change around the world cannot be ignored any longer. In the U.S., the past year has been crazy, with stronger hurricanes, tornadoes so strong that whole communities are demolished and so much snow that it covers homes to their rooftops. The loss of everything owned in minutes. Our first responders work with speed to save lives, and our electricians, working long hours to restore power, should be commended for their courageous actions and hard work. Our retirees wish all a healthy, safe summer. |
![]() Local 134 Retirees' Club members with family and friends at Drury Lane Theater in Oakbrook, Ill., where everyone enjoyed lunch and a production of "A Chorus Line." |
Local 257 Retirees' Club Updates |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 257, JEFFERSON CITY, MO — The retirees met in January and February — 43 and 45 attendees, respectively — at the American Legion Post 5 in Jefferson City. Family-style dinner was served with the meeting that followed. President Ron Holzhauser shared that retiree insurance covers membership at Sam B. Cook Healthplex. Call United Health (866-815-5334) to get an approval code. Retirees discussed bills in the Missouri House that would overhaul the initiative petition process, making it more difficult. Missouri citizens have the ability to propose new laws and constitutional amendments and to challenge laws passed by the General Assembly, such as right-to-work, using the initiative petition process. If one of these bills is passed by the House and Senate, then it goes on a ballot to be voted on by the people. Updates will continue. Condolences to the family of George John Rehagen, who passed on Jan. 1 at the age of 88. Don was a member of Local 257. He served his country in the U.S. Army from 1954 to 1956. He worked for Howerton Electric and Rehagen Electrical Contracting. Brother Rehagen enjoyed working on the family cattle farm. Funeral services were held on Jan. 7. |
![]() Local 257 Retirees' Club members enjoying their luncheon in February. |
Thanks For Your Service, Brother Rutland |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 349, MIAMI, FL — At our March meeting, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a special request from the members for Judi Parker's traditional meal of corned beef and cabbage plus her boiled potatoes. Thank you, Judi, for honoring our request. Several side dishes and desserts were provided by the members. We also had a St. Patrick's Day costume contest. Our two winners were Ruth Wolff and Judi Parker, both dressed in their finest green bling. On April 1, Honor Flight South Florida thanked Vietnam veteran and Local 349 member Doyle Rutland with a trip of a lifetime to Washington, D.C. It was also his birthday! Doyle was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1966 at the age of 19, and he completed basic training at Fort Benning, Ga. His advanced training took place at Fort Jackson, S.C., where he trained to be a field wireman. Doyle served in Vietnam in 1967-1968 with the 129th Main Support Company and was honorably discharged July 21, 1968. |
![]() Vietnam veteran and Local 349 member Doyle Rutland, who had an Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. |
Local 530 Retiree Adventures |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 530, SARNIA, ON — It has been a while since you have heard from our local's retirees. Well, 2022 was a busy year for us. We have all enjoyed going to baseball games, theater, golf tournaments and our Labour Day parade. Congratulations goes out to the Local 530 members, who were recognized for having the most represented union in our Labour Day Parade. We finished 2022 with a lovely Christmas luncheon and the annual Christmas dance, where everyone enjoyed themselves. The retirees have wonderful upcoming adventures in 2023. Come join us every second Friday of the month at 10:30 a.m. Spouses and significant others are also invited to attend. |
Local 649 Retirees' Club Updates |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 649, ALTON, IL — First and foremost, congratulations to Local 649's newly retired members: Brent Hartley (Olin Winchester), Steve Twitchell (Ameren), Perry Lorts and Jeff Woelfel (journeymen wiremen). Enjoy your retirement, brothers! It is always an honor to report the names of those IBEW and family members who have passed: Melanie Baremore, wife of Local 649 Brother Brian Baremore, and Sandy Marie Burke Moehn, mother of Local 649 journeyman lineman Niles Moehn and administrative support staff Niki Moehn Elliott. Hopefully, now that weather is breaking and health issues are overcome, we retirees can be more active. Reminder: The Retirees' Club meets at 9 a.m. on the last Thursday of each month for breakfast at the Eagles Nest Restaurant in Bethalto, Ill. This retiree group is open to all bargaining group retiring members. I hope to see everyone soon! Many thanks to Alan Rubinstein. Without his input, the highlights in Local Lines would not be possible. Strength in Unity! |
Local 756 Retirees' Club on for Summer |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 756, DAYTONA BEACH, FL — It has been wonderful seeing more of you at our meetings. We are testing scheduling meetings through the summer instead of stopping in May. We would love to see you! We are providing sandwiches and drinks, so there is no need to bring a covered dish, but desserts are welcome. Meetings are held at the Local 756 union hall in Port Orange, Fla., on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. Please note that the day of the month has changed. We hope to see you at an upcoming meeting. |
Celebrating Years of Service |
RETIREES' CLUB OF L.U. 2113, TULLAHOMA, TN — Brother James Farley recently had the honor of presenting Brother Jim Garland with his 55-year IBEW service pin and certificate. Brother Farley is a 45-year IBEW member. Brothers Farley and Garland are both graduates of the IBEW apprenticeship program under Local 429, and they retired under Local 2113 after long careers at Arnold Air Force Base (Arnold Engineering Development Complex) in Tennessee. |
![]() Local 2113's Brother James Farley presenting Brother Jim Garland with his 55-year service pin and certificate. |
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