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100th 'Big E Fair' — Eastern States Expo |
L.U. 7 (i), SPRINGFIELD, MA — IBEW Local 7 members were responsible for wiring the 100th Big E Fair, also known as the Eastern States Exposition, held last year in West Springfield, MA. The Local 7 members who worked on the project are employees of Collins Electric Co., a 115-year-old Local 7 contractor that has wired all 100 Big E Fairs. Billed as "New England's Great State Fair," the 17-day autumn event is reportedly the fifth largest such fair in the country.
Pictured in the accompanying photo are Local 7 members who helped wire the event. They included, from left: Dennis Broulliard, Andrew Collins, Brian Rivers, Jake McGrath, Rob Walker, Dan McCarthy, Chris Behnk, Matt Jenkins, Tiger Bouley, Dave Macri, Bill Boone, Andy Judd, Colin Boone, Nick Lane, Steve Bukowski, Justin Lesko, Carlos Restre and Sean Cox.
Thanks to all involved for a great job.
Colin Boone, Exec. Board

Local 7 members working with Collins Electric Co. wired The Big E Fair in West Springfield, MA. (Photo by Local 7 retiree Ron Hill.)
2016 Gains for Membership |
L.U. 9 (catv,govt,lctt,o&u), CHICAGO, IL — Soon we will have a new president in the White House. What will this new political environment mean for us? We must work harder to educate our members on critical issues such as right to work, prevailing wage and Davis Bacon. Each of us must work harder to represent our organization and employers in a positive way. The IBEW has the best and brightest members in the electrical industry. It is paramount we continue to hold ourselves and each other to the highest standard of professionalism. We must always prove that union work is done safer, faster and on time the first time.
In 2016, we welcomed Bill Niesman as our new business manager and two new assistant business managers. Under Bill's leadership the union trustees worked hand in hand with our employer trustees to reduce the full retirement age by two years. Local 9 members working construction for our signatory contractors can now retire at age 60. Also important was the success of implementing a "Bridge to Medicare" whereby members will have continued insurance coverage from age 60 - 65.
Local 9 organized over 360 new members last year. This along with approximately 2.4 million man-hours of construction work made for a great year in our local. In 2017, the local will renegotiate contracts with the Chicago Transit Authority, City of Chicago, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Chicago Park District, Asplundh Tree Expert Co., Lewis Tree Company and our outside agreement. We look forward to successfully negotiating fair and equitable contracts for our members.
Happy new year to you and your families.
Mary Beth Kaczmarek, P.S.
IBEW Convention Delegates
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — The IBEW 39th International Convention was held Sept. 29-23 in St. Louis, MO. The theme for the convention was "Our Founding, Our Future" as the convention returned to the location of the founding of the IBEW to celebrate its 125th anniversary. The IBEW was founded in St. Louis by lineman Henry Miller and nine others in 1891.
In the 125 years since, the IBEW has grown to 725,000 members strong, representing electrical workers ranging from linemen to generating station workers, railroad workers to clerical employees, customer service representatives, telecommunication workers and others.
Approximately 1,940 delegates attended the convention. Delegates unanimously elected IBEW Int. Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson, who is a member of Rock Island Local 145. Convention delegates also elected International Vice Presidents and the IBEW Executive Council. Convention delegates are elected by each local's membership. The delegates also voted on over 50 resolutions on topics ranging from support of nuclear energy to the funding of political action.
Convention speakers included: IBEW Int. Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson, AFL-CIO Pres. Richard Trumka, IBEW Pres. Emeritus Edwin D. Hill, AFL-CIO Sec.-Treas. Liz Schuler, then-Missouri governor Jay Nixon, Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie and many others.
Annette Kisala, P.S.

Local 15 delegates attend IBEW 39th International Convention.
Election of Officers
L.U. 19 (u), AURORA, IL — The election of officers for the Local 19 was held in July. Brothers and sisters from all regions were present to welcome in the new and returning officers. Former business manager Robert Wyrwicki retired after serving for 11 years as business manager/president/financial secretary. Local 19 welcomes newly elected Bus. Mgr./Pres./Fin. Sec. Christopher Harris.
Other Local 19 officers also elected for a three-year term are: Vice Pres. Terry Haggerty, Treas. Cindy Lawrence; and Executive Board members James Kruzel (Central Region); Andy Nacke (Metro Region); Dan Ulbert (Northern Region); Walker Wells (Southern Region); and Natalia Guzman (Clerical). Delegates elected to proudly represent Local 19 at the IBEW International Convention were: Terry Haggerty, Mark Klinefelter, Andy Nacke, Lisa Roscoe and Dan Ulbert.
We extend a huge thank-you to those of you who participated in the election. We look forward to seeing more members get involved in future elections. Please remember to attend your local union meetings! In solidarity.
Natalia Guzman, Exec. Board
Bus. Mgr. Harvey Retires
L.U. 25 (c,catv,es,i&rts), LONG ISLAND, NY — After a 45-year career as a Local 25 member, Bus. Mgr. Kevin Harvey retired on Oct. 2 last year. A retirement party was held on Oct. 29 at our local union hall. Many friends and colleagues were in attendance from Local 25 and New York state, including Third District Int. Vice Pres. Donald C. Siegel.
Bro. Harvey was accepted into the Local 25 apprenticeship in 1971. When he graduated, his first job as a journeyman wireman was on the Alaska Pipeline, far away from his home and family. Bro. Harvey wore many hats including: as foreman, shop steward, apprenticeship training night school instructor, recording secretary and business representative. In 2010 when then-business manager Don Fiore retired, Kevin was unanimously appointed by the Local 25 Executive Board to complete Fiore's unexpired term. In 2011 Bro. Harvey was elected to a full term as business manager and re-elected in 2014.
Bus. Rep. Kevin Casey was unanimously appointed business manager by the Local 25 executive board to complete Harvey's unexpired term of office. We all are confident that Bus. Mgr. Casey will do an excellent job.
Bro. Harvey and his wife, Rosemary, are the proud parents of three children and three granddaughters. Harvey's door was always open; he has been a true leader and will be missed. We all wish Bro. Harvey and Rosemary a happy and healthy retirement.
Tom Lawless, E-Board/P.S.

At retirement party for Local 25 then-Bus. Mgr. Kevin Harvey (holding plaque) are: new Bus. Mgr. Kevin Casey (left); retired business manager Bob Dow; Int. Vice Pres. Donald C. Siegel; Harvey; retired business managers Don Fiore and Bud Fisher.
Code of Excellence
L.U. 37 (em,o&u), FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA — Over the next year, Local 37 in Fredericton, New Brunswick, will be rolling out the Code of Excellence to its membership of approximately 2,200.
Earlier this fall, we organized four focus groups consisting of Local 37 members from every corner of our province. The purpose of these focus groups was to see what excellence looks like in our work places based on the experiences, ideas, and feedback given by our members. It became clear after these focus groups that Safety, Professionalism, Accountability, Positive Relationships, and Quality (SPARQ) are values that many of our members truly believe in and practice each day.
At this writing plans were underway to present the Code of Excellence membership-wide in December 2016, and our 2017 Training Trust Fund Conference in April will give Local 37 members an opportunity to celebrate excellence with their colleagues in an exciting and engaging atmosphere.
Ross Galbraith, B.M./F.S.

Local 37 members participate in focus groups on the Code of Excellence and SPARQ.
2016 Work Picture Strong;
Charity Golf Tournament |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY — Happy new year, sisters and brothers! We had a busy 2016. Our work picture was outstanding, and we extend many thanks to our traveling sisters and brothers who helped to man our work. Without the help of those who travel, the IBEW would not be able fulfill the requests for manpower in times of need. Please remember that these sisters and brothers are just like we are. They want to put in a day's work, go home safely and provide for their family. Thank you again to all who helped!
Our charity golf tournament, in its 12th year, was held in September last year. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and members, we were able to donate $9,200 to Camp Good Days and Special Times. Camp Good Days told how appreciative they were and how the money would afford children with cancer the ability to spend time at their camp to help them forget about their troubles for a little while.
Thank you to everyone who donated their time or money to events Local 41 was involved in. By giving back to our community we help to spread the good word about our union and who we are.
Gregory R. Inglut, A.B.M.

Local 41 presents donation to Camp Good Days. From left: Keith Williams, of Lipsitz, Green Attorneys; Angelo Veanes, Ferguson Electric; Jud Payne, Local 41; Lisa Donato, Camp Good Days; Dominic Montaldi, Local 41; and Rob Boreanaz, Lipsitz, Green Attorneys.
Apprenticeship Graduates
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — The Central New York Joint Electrical Apprenticeship and Training Committee's annual apprenticeship graduation ceremony was June 3, 2016, at Justin's Tuscan Grille in East Syracuse. The occasion marked the graduation of 27 apprentices from the inside wireman program.
CNY JATC Training Dir. Jeff DeSocio addressed the graduates in his welcome and closing remarks. "I'm proud of all of the graduates here tonight, as this is a huge accomplishment, one to be proud of and honored by," DeSocio said. "I would like to remind you all to work hard, work safe, become foreman, challenge yourself to be great, and enjoy all of your successes in the future."
Award recipients were as follows: Allen Meyers received the Scholarly Apprentice of the Year Award, courtesy of Greenlee Tools. Allen finished the program with a final classroom average of 96.03 percent and over 9,000 on-the-job training hours. An Outstanding Attendance Award went to Adam Cole, courtesy of Klein Tools. Allen Meyers also received an award, presented by Membership Development Coordinator Alan Marzullo, in recognition of Meyers' continued dedication to the IBEW.
Congratulations to the newest journeyman wiremen of IBEW Local 43!
Gene Townsend, P.S.

Local 43 congratulates 2016 apprentice graduates. Front row: Steve Terpening Jr. (left), Maurice Files, Ken Gibson, Steve Compton, John Ariola, Matt Bellardini, Adam Cole, Allen Meyers, Jim Marasia. Middle row: Training Dir. Jeff DeSocio, Jim Clark, Gary Rustay, Javon Taylor, Andy Smith, Joe Wormworth, Nick Doring, Dan Snyder, Tom Reap, Jim Rizzo. Back row: Joe DeJesus, Sean Meigs, Ryan Raponi, Nick Moltion, Allen Carlock, Scott Smart, Joe Kolodzie, Matt Williams and Sean Ryan.
2016 Lineman's Rodeo Champs
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year to all!
With help from Local 47 and the IBEW, U.S. Rep. Linda Sanchez (Calif.) has introduced House Resolution 784 to designate July 10, 2016, as Journeyman Lineman Recognition Day.
Over 3,000 members and their families attended the Local 47 Family Picnic held in Chino. Everyone had a great time.
Congratulations to the 33rd International Lineman's Rodeo first-place-overall journeyman world champion team from Southern California Edison/IBEW Local 47: Ramon Garcia, Jacob Lybbert and Will Robinson! The journeyman senior division Local 47 team of Jack Flavin, Juan Palido and Willie Rios took second place. The Local 47 team of Josh Feguer, Lorenzo Deliso and Clayton Loback took fourth place in the journeyman contractor division. Many Local 47 teams also placed in various individual events.
We are sad to report the passing of: Bros. Lawrence Nunes, Matthew Boehler, James "Jim" Hagge Jr., John Faulkner, Richard Hughes, Gerald "Skip" Smith Jr., Richard Bain, Ryan Stampe and Zachary Ross. We also mourn the loss of several retired members: Bros. Danny Benoit, Don Conner, Wayne Dyer and Leon Richard Pangburn Jr.
We wish a speedy recovery to Bros. Elios Valenzuela, Bill Lacey, Robert Styron, Vince McMahon, Jacob Barnett, Raymond Torres and Art Rodarte.
Live long, live safe and well. Work and buy union.
Tracy Dougherty, P.S.

First place-overall journeyman world champion team at International Lineman's Rodeo: Local 47 members Ramon Garcia (left), Jacob Lybbert and Will Robinson.
Solidarity in Brotherhood
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — Brad Aper, who was a field service technician at American Water-Lincoln, was killed on April 7. A tree dedication was held for Bro. Aper on Oct. 14. Family and friends shared fellowship while planting the red Japanese maple tree. American Water supplied the refreshments and it was a beautiful day to remember and celebrate our union brother.
Recently, members have been stepping up to help out a union brother going through some medical issues. These members are willing to switch work shifts so it will be less intrusive to our brother's recovery. This is an example of what the IBEW Brotherhood is all about. Thank you, brothers and sisters, for your understanding and compassion.
John Powers, former president and executive board member for Local 51, passed away Oct. 16. John served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam era and worked for Ameren for 34 years before retiring in 2013. Bro. Powers was a true friend to labor and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
We welcome our newest members working for Davey Tree in the Quad Cities. The tree trimmers voted to become signatory to join Local 51 in June and received a one-year extension to their contract.
Our construction transmission work should be strong in 2017 and distribution/substation work should be steady. Work safe, attend your union meetings, and support your local union. Happy new year!
Karlene Knisley, B.R.

The late John Powers, Local 51.
Annual Graduation Ceremony
L.U. 81 (i), SCRANTON, PA — On Oct. 20, IBEW Local 81 Scranton Electricians JATC held the annual graduation ceremony for the apprenticeship graduating class of 2016. Among the guests were Todd Stafford, executive director of the Electrical Training Alliance; JATC committee members; Local 81 officers; graduates and current apprentices; and representatives of local agencies including the Department of Labor.
Completion certificates were handed out to the graduates and awards were presented, including the Outstanding Apprentice Award, the Frank O'Neil Jr. Award and Perfect Attendance awards. Adam Salvi was the class of 2016 Outstanding Apprentice Award recipient and Donald Joyce received the Frank O'Neil Jr. Award, which recognizes dedication, courage and commitment. We extend our gratitude to Klein Tools and IDEAL Tools for providing awards to help recognize our award recipients. Congratulations to the class of 2016!
Michael Brust, P.S.

Attending Local 81 apprentice graduation ceremony: Front row, Michael Brust (left), Fred Leber, Jerry Nichols, Eric Lewis, Todd Stafford, Rick Schraeder, Paul Casparro, Tom McNulty, Joe Hickey; back row, Chad Slody, Adam Salvi, Frank Williams, Dave Harvey, Will Hartsgrove, Robert Sauers, Rich Filer Jr., Dave Nitch, Keefe Quinn, James Sheridan, Donald Joyce, Dan Ruane and Gerard Zubrickas.
Dynamic Summit Inspires Solidarity & Union Activism
L.U. 89 (catv,em,lctt,o&t), SEATTLE, WA — Local 89 was invited to attend the 10th Annual Customer Service Summit hosted by IBEW Local 77 the weekend of Oct. 22-23 last year in SeaTac, WA. This dynamic event centered on the field of customer service, and served as an energizing and educational occasion for IBEW members and future members in attendance.
The conference encouraged participants to share their "union moment." These moments are often overwhelming feelings sparked by an event or occurrence, where an individual seizes the opportunity to join, get involved or just support the union to the best of their abilities. It's an undeniable feeling of a need for solidarity, respect and a voice in the work place. Attendees were encouraged to share their moments, and as those stories unfolded, an irrefutable feeling of unity filled the room.
Several engaging speakers presented thought-provoking topics that inspired conversation amongst attending members at all stages of their IBEW journey. From lifelong PUD employees to those striving to organize, solidarity and support were a common theme.
This gathering truly sanctioned an idea of self-worth and empowerment in the work place, through the foundation of union solidarity.
"Our cause is the cause of human justice, human rights and human security," as written in a declaration of the IBEW Constitution.
Amanda McDougall, P.S.
'Solidarity Ride' Benefits Returning Veterans
L.U. 99 (govt&i), PROVIDENCE, RI — The work situation in the area is going strong, with Book I being a virtual walkthrough, and many more projects on the horizon. Some of the key personnel working for nine separate open shops in our jurisdiction saw the light, raised their right hands, and can now be counted as in the ranks of IBEW union brothers and sisters.
IBEW Local 99, in conjunction with Local 2323, held its second annual Solidarity Ride on May 15 last year with approximately 263 motorcycles and operators participating.
Thanks largely to the efforts of Organizer Joe Walsh and his team of sponsors and volunteers, over $20,000 was raised for Operation Stand Down Rhode Island, a local group that helps returning military veterans resettle into civilian life and secure housing and employment.
Happy new year to all!
William Smith, P.S. |

Local 99 Bus. Mgr. Mike Daley (left) and Local 2323 Bus. Mgr. Steve Murphy (right), present IBEW donation to Operation Stand Down Rhode Island representatives.
Unity & Solidarity
L.U. 109 (u), ROCK ISLAND, IL — IBEW Local 109 represented well at the 2016 East Moline Labor Day Parade. IBEW brothers and sisters and their families exhibited unity and solidarity by coming together to show our commitment to our community.
Thank you to Local 109 members and families for their participation.
Denise Newberry, P.S.

IBEW Local 109 members and their families assemble for 2016 Labor Day parade.
International Lineman's Rodeo
L.U. 111 (em,govt,lctt,mt,o,rtb,spa&u), DENVER, CO — Local 111 was recently represented at the International Lineman's Rodeo, which took place in Bonner Springs, KS, on Oct. 15, 2016.
Twenty-four members, consisting of journeyman linemen and apprentices from Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCO), Intermountain Rural Electrical Association (IREA), and our construction ranks participated in multiple rodeo events in a great day of lineman comradery. We would also like to thank Sturgeon Electric, Hooper Corp., and Ward Electric for co-sponsoring the construction apprentices. Congratulations are due for Jeremy Jones of PSCO, who took first-place overall in the utility division, and Greg Rogich, who took second-place overall in the contractor division. The local thanks each member for participating and representing Local 111 in this prestigious event.
Mike Kostelecky, P.S.

Local 111 Intermountain REA linemen at International Lineman's Rodeo.
Tribute to Life of Service
L.U. 113 (catv,ees,em,i,mo&o), COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — Local 113 wishes you a happy new year, and here's hoping you all had a fantastic holiday season.
Last September we were saddened to say goodbye to a longtime member and friend of the local, retired Bro. Norman Pledger. Norm came from humble beginnings, plowing cotton fields in Alabama behind an old mule, as well as working in a coal mine to help his father support their family. His interest in organized labor grew, and after his IBEW apprenticeship he served as president of the Colorado Springs Labor Council from 1959-1975.
In 1975 he served as president of the Colorado AFL-CIO for 10 years. All of the "old-timers" and even some of the newer members will tell you that he was a most eloquent speaker and if you had ever heard one of his fiery speeches, you would never forget it. Later in life he continued to serve, as president and vice president of the Local 113 Retirees Club.
For more than 60 years Norm tirelessly served our local and dedicated his life for the betterment of all working people. He truly was an inspiration for us all and will be sorely missed. Our prayers go out to his entire family.
Brian Putnam, P.S.

Local 113 late Bro. Norman Pledger, a longtime labor leader.
Promoting Our Union
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR — Happy new year! Hopefully, you enjoyed a joyous and safe holiday season with your loved ones. As we start a new year, let's renew focus on our responsibilities under the IBEW Constitution. When was the last time you reviewed the objects in our Constitution? If we are going to maintain our wages, hours and working conditions, and move this great union forward, we must not ignore our foundation. At your first union meeting of the year, please take the time to read the objects and discuss what you can do to promote them.
Let's make a commitment to increase attendance at unit meetings; promote our local union; educate our friends, family and neighbors on the importance of labor unions; and increase our communication about the professional and safe work that we do daily. Too often, we go about our professional and charitable work in such a humble manner that people simply don't know that you are literally powering their communities. This year, let's work together to educate, communicate and engage other members to ensure that our voices are heard, so we can ensure that the IBEW is around for another 125 years!
Marcy Grail, A.B.M.
School Construction Project
L.U. 129 (i,mt&spa), LORAIN, OH — As of late summer, our local was working on a few big projects that were nearing completion. Although the work picture was slowing down at the time of this writing, we expect to have some good projects coming to our jurisdiction in the future.
The Lorain High School construction project was done under a project labor agreement (PLA). We thank all those involved in making this an all-union project.
Thanks to our fellow IBEW brothers from Local 38 and Local 8 for helping us successfully complete what is reportedly the largest high school in Ohio, on time and on budget.
Pictured in the accompanying photo are some of our Local 129 brothers, along with travelling brothers, who worked on the new Lorain High School project in Lorain, Ohio. They included, as pictured: kneeling, from left, Keith Woods Kaneakua, Nick Choma, Sean Faulkner, Branden Romell, Damion Mahone, Aaron Osbourne, Chris Mason, Jay Hasenflue, Cody Hicks and Jayson Cook; standing, Orville Platte Jr., Jay McKay, Rich Jacomin, Nicki Gilbert, Mark Day, Jim Burns, Mike Contreras, John Novak, Brian Kowalczyk and Mike Knittle.
Jeffrey J. Bommer, B.M.

Local 129 members, joined by IBEW travelers from Locals 8 and 38, completed a big high-school construction project.
'Salute to Labor'
L.U. 145 (em,i,o,rts,se,spa&u), ROCK ISLAND, IL — Greetings, brothers and sisters. Looking back on 2016, Labor Day was a very special day for the hard-working men and women of the union labor movement. Many union members and their families marched shoulder to shoulder in the annual East Moline parade celebrating their efforts as union members within the communities where they live and serve.
It was a special honor for the members of Local 145 as IBEW Int. Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson marched with our group along the parade route and was a special honoree at the 49th Annual Salute to Labor Picnic. Pres. Stephenson spoke at the event along with many other local labor leaders, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and local and state politicians.
Work in 2016 was good and our man-hours were up. We look forward to another good year in 2017! In solidarity.
Dan Larson, P.S.

IBEW Local 145 members and their families were among participants who turned out for 2016 Labor Day celebrations.
IBEW Travelers Needed
L.U. 191 (c,i,mo,rtb&st), EVERETT, WA — Happy new year! As of this writing, Local 191 has concluded a busy year of work and social events. Picnics, golf outings and Christmas parties were well-attended. We also sponsored a retirement seminar for members and their spouses.
Our work picture remains strong as we continue to dispatch Book 2.
Many jobs have substantial overtime, which may run into June and beyond. As always, call ahead for details.
Local 191's Community Involvement Plan continues to expand and increase our visibility. Ads placed in malls, on radio and TV, at ball and soccer fields as well as racetracks promote the IBEW.
Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Joseph Lorenzo and his staff are also meeting with many school officials to discuss apprenticeship and community hiring.
Thank you to all of our members for volunteering at our events. Stay tuned for our 2017 schedule!
Bill Mirand, P.S.

At 2016 IBEW International Convention are: Local 191 delegate Jim Groves (left), Lobay Groves, Pres. Damien Fisher, Elizabeth Lorenzo and Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Joseph J. Lorenzo. Not pictured: delegate Randy Ambuehl.
Work Picture Strong
L.U. 229 (em&i), YORK, PA — Work in Local 229 has been strong. With several large projects underway, we anticipate 2017 will be another good year. Thank you to all of the travelers who worked in our jurisdiction through 2016 and helped us complete upgrades at the Peach Bottom Nuclear Plant.
IBEW Local 229 would like to honor a very special retiree. Harold "Bud" Pressel is a World War II veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps 484 Bomb Group, 825th Squadron, 49th Wing, and a 65-year member of the IBEW. During WWII, he was a tail gunner flying over France when his B-24 was shot down. He was taken prisoner but later escaped. So many of our nation's veterans have returned from service and found a home within the IBEW. These veterans have played an important role in building the strength of our movement. We thank Bud for his service to the country and to IBEW Local 229.
Timothy Griffin, Tr. Dir. |

Local 229 retiree Harold "Bud" Pressel displays photo of plane he was in when it was shot down during World War II.
'Our Politics Are Local'
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — As important as it is to elect a president to be the guiding force of policy for our nation, it is also highly important to attend to our political needs within our local's jurisdiction. Knowing who stands for what on your local ballot and understanding the ramifications of ballot questions is every bit as important as the national race. As union members, we have a unique opportunity to shape our legislature through direct financial support of candidates, labor walks, get-out-the-vote activities and electing our own brothers and sisters to represent us across all levels of government.
The local union hall is a hive of activity on election day, and that's a good thing. There is strength in numbers, and our adversaries as well as our allies recognize this. We may not win every battle, but united, we will maximize our prospects of an empowered workforce and a preservation of our way of life.
Our detractors complain that we have an agenda. We do. It is to spread the wealth of a nation amongst the ones who do the actual work that creates that wealth: the middle-class workers and their families. Staying strong and united is the only way to achieve our goal.
Brian Jacoppo, P.S.
Apprenticeship Graduates
L.U. 307 (ees,es,i,o&u), CUMBERLAND, MD — The Western Maryland JATC along with Local 307 and NECA would like to congratulate their 2016 apprenticeship graduates: Brandon Gower, Kevin Miller and Craig Powers. Brandon Gower was recognized for achieving the highest grade-point average for all five years of the apprenticeship, and he was presented a watch by Local 307. The graduates were presented their diplomas by Training Dir. Ed Crowe. We thank the teachers and journeymen who helped to train these men during their apprenticeship.
Ed Crowe, Tr. Dir.

Local 307 recent apprenticeship graduates Craig Powers (left), Brandon Gower and Kevin Miller.
New Year, New Opportunities
L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LE SUEUR, MN — Happy new year, brothers and sisters. Local 343 is experiencing what could be called full employment, as of late 2016. Many calls are going unfilled, but Book II hands are stepping up. The jurisdiction of the Brotherhood extends beyond the boundaries of our local union.
In January the new U.S. president-elect will take the oath of office to swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
Take your copy of the IBEW constitution out of your tool box or lunch bucket and open it to Page 66 (in the 2012 edition). There is the oath we all take to be initiated into the IBEW. The obligation states, in part: "… I will further the purposes for which the I.B.E.W. is instituted. I will bear true allegiance to it and will not sacrifice its interest in any manner." Our wages and benefits are not guaranteed. We are the union.
Get involved. Be involved in shaping our future. The membership comes first.
Retired U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin was quoted at the 39th IBEW International Convention as saying: "Money is like manure, you pile it up and it kills everything beneath it. You spread it around and everything grows."
Remember, it pays to buy "Made in the USA."
Tom Small, P.S.
A Life of IBEW Service
L.U. 347 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts&spa), DES MOINES, IA — The local charter was draped in memory of retired former business manager Ron Belcher (1992-2001), who passed away on Aug. 26, 2016. He was an IBEW member for 57 years.
Ron had a hand in developing much of the structure of the current Health and Welfare system and in implementing a market recovery program that kept the nonunion competition guessing for years. He also led the way in negotiating an agreement for Voice Data Video. That VDV unit is now 100 members strong. He served as delegate to the: Building Trades, State Electrical Conference, Iowa Electrical Conference and Iowa Federation of Labor. We are most grateful for the effort and energies of Ron, who was truly committed to promoting the interests of the local for the betterment of the brothers. God bless you, brother, and rest in peace.
Work in the area remains strong. Happy New Year to all.
Mike Schweiger, P.S.
Newly Elected Officers
L.U. 351 (c,cs,i,it,lctt,mt,o,se,spa&t), FOLSOM, NJ — It was an honor at July's general union meeting to have all the newly elected Local 351 officers sworn in by Retirees Club president Richard Transferini.
Newly elected officers pictured are: Bus. Mgr. Daniel Cosner, Pres. Bill Hosey, Vice Pres. John Helsel, Rec. Sec. Tim Scannell, and Treas. Bob Nedohon Jr. Executive Board members: Harry Helsel, chairman; Charles Della Vecchia, recording secretary; Roy Foster; Scott Groff; Kevin Malinowski; Don Morgan; and Conrad Schaffer. Examining Board members: Steve Gandy, chairman; Greg Cipolla; and Steve Dimatteo.
All the officers and members would like to thank retiring business manager Ed Gant for his 20 years of service and all the good accomplishments during his tenure.
Bill Hosey, Pres.

Local 351 newly elected officers are sworn in.
'Thanks to Volunteers'
L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV — As we enter the new year, we would like to acknowledge our members who volunteer their time. Local union projects range from phone banking, to feeding the needy, to the annual picnic and knocking on doors. Without the participation of our members, none of these projects would be successful. We hope that all who have helped in the past will continue to do so, and that those who haven't yet will find a project that encourages them to lend a hand.
Have a safe and fruitful year.
Jennifer Tabor, P.S.
2016 Apprentice Graduates
L.U. 369 (em,es,i,lctt,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), LOUISVILLE, KY — The time has come for another group of IBEW Local 369 apprentice graduates to begin their "journey" as journeyman wiremen.
Congratulations to the 2016 graduates on working their way up from their beginning as new apprentices to successfully completing their apprenticeship to become the full-fledged journeyman wiremen they now are.
The graduates must remember to remain vigilant in the continuation of their education. Remaining a skilled union craftsman is a never-ending venture. In order for the IBEW to stay on the cutting edge of an ever-changing electrical industry, members must remember that "education is a journey, not a destination." Congratulations and good wishes to the IBEW Local 369 class of 2016.
We wish everyone a safe and happy new year.
John E. Morrison Jr., P.S.

Local 369 congratulates the class of 2016 apprentice graduates.
Code of Excellence Training;
3DYC/RENEW Workshop
L.U. 375 (catv,ees&i), ALLENTOWN, PA — Local 375 has firmly embraced the Code of Excellence program. Recently, we held COE Train-the-Trainer classes, attended by 15 members and officers. Thanks go to Int. Reps. Randy Kieffer and Jim Ayrer for presenting the training. Since then, several training sessions have been held for our signatory contractors and members. Additional classes are scheduled with the goal of training every member of this local.
With the cooperation of project construction manager Barton Malow Company, electrical contractor Albarell Electric, and Local 375 Bus. Mgr. Paul Anthony, the first Code of Excellence project has been designated. It will be the FedEx Ground Distribution Hub, reportedly the largest such FedEx facility in the United States, a $335 million project.
The 3DYC/RENEW (Third District Youth Caucus) Grassroots Workshop was recently hosted by our local with 52 in attendance. Co-chair Chris Erikson, Local 3, led discussion on topics such as: the 2016 elections, right to work, prevailing wage and collective bargaining. The young workers also discussed issues pertaining to student loan debt, paid family leave and voting rights. The communication structure and mobilization of these young workers is critical to the future growth and viability of all locals.
Our 3DYC/RENEW volunteers have also been teaming with veterans from VFW Post #12099. On several Saturdays in recent months, the volunteers have collected donations to help veterans and military personnel currently serving abroad. The volunteer efforts in this worthwhile project are appreciated.
Dave Reichard, A.B.M.
Softball Tourney Champs
L.U. 441 (as,i&rts), SANTA ANA, CA — At summer's start last year, the Local 441 softball team won their fifth softball championship, at the annual Ninth District Softball Tournament held in San Diego. Congrats, brothers, on a job well-done!
In August we hosted 125 members and their families to attend "IBEW Night at The Big A" and watched the Angels win against the Oakland As. Attendees received a ticket to the game, an Angel's hat, hot dogs and beverages courtesy of Local 441.
Also in August was our local's annual Deep Sea Fishing Trip out of Newport Beach, which hosted 50 local members and their families on a fishing expedition to Catalina for yellowtail. The fishing was a big success with a bountiful catch, and one rescued pelican. The day's big winner, Bro. Kyle Stafford, caught a 30-pound yellowtail tuna.
We had a full month as we made our way into October and election season. Our brother and sister volunteers walked precincts on weekends for the local politicians.
Members volunteered a day of service fixing up the charity Colette's Home in Placentia with new outdoor lighting, electrical repairs and upgrades to services.
Our Annual Family Picnic saw our best turnout ever with over 650 people being fed from The Habit food truck and taco stand as we raffled off prizes all day and held our annual horseshoe tournament. As always, the picnic was free for all members and their families, and everyone received a raffle ticket for amazing prizes sponsored by Local 441.
Neal Lauzon, Pres.

Local 441 volunteers installed electrical work at charity Colette's Home: front row, Organizer John O'Neill, Bus. Mgr. Richard Samaniego, Evelyn Gonzalez, Joe Najjar, Scott Rossman, Lance Mejia and Pres. Neal Lauzon; back row, Robert Collopy, Kenny Lopez, Jesus Munoz, Byron Aguilar, Jean-Andrew Miksell and Thomas Hernandez.
Henry Miller Museum Donation
L.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), POCATELLO, ID — Greetings, brothers and sisters. It was a huge honor to represent Local 449 at the 39th IBEW International Convention. To be able to witness the dedication of the Henry Miller Museum in St. Louis was simply amazing! Local 449 was the local that was selling the "Miller bucks," souvenirs that resemble a two-dollar-bill and feature an image of Henry Miller. I want to thank Local 449 retired member Laurie Watters, who did the art work for the souvenir, and her husband, retired member Don Watters, who helped get the items prepared for me to take to St. Louis.
Between the Local 449 Wireman Wellness Fund and those who bought the Miller bucks, we were able to donate $1,500 to the Henry Miller Museum. If you would like to acquire some Miller bucks, you can email me at rodney@ibewlocal449.org. We will continue to donate the proceeds to the Henry Miller Museum.
Gary Oneida and Jim Chaney have arrived at the long sought after point of retirement. Congratulations, brothers! Enjoy your retirement and thank you for your service to the IBEW.
It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of Bros. Rue Stears, Gerald Hargraves Sr. and Danny Fadness.
Rodney James, B.M.
Initial Steps Taken To Establish a Retirees Club
L.U. 459 (catv,ees,em,govt,mt,so&u), JOHNSTOWN, PA — IBEW Local 459 has begun the planning stages of forming an IBEW Local 459 retirees club and is taking preliminary steps in the procedure to seek a charter.
Given the significant number of current members nearing retirement, rising interest in post-retirement issues and concerns such as pension, health care, Social Security and other matters pertaining to retirement, the local felt it appropriate to seek development of its yearlong established retiree committee into a formal retiree club. In July and August of 2016, the first discussions began with draft bylaws, discussions over standing committees, and how to generate interest. Next, in September, several retirees met to develop these concepts at one of the local's annual picnics. Finally, in October, an inaugural retiree luncheon was held to discuss the future. Topics of discussion included a formal local sponsored member and child academic scholarship, retiree benefits/program awareness, and political involvement.
Moving forward the club envisions quarterly retiree committee meetings/luncheons, establishment of bylaws and elected officers, and charter approval by the International. Special thanks to retirees Charlie Zitzelberger and Joseph Oliver for heading up this endeavor and taking it on with enthusiasm.
Brendan Wolf, Pres./A.B.M.
Memorial Scholarship Awarded
L.U. 477 (i&rts), SAN BERNARDINO, CA — IBEW Local 477 was proud to award Joshua Rhoades the 2016 Mark Troxel and Matt Wall Memorial Scholarship. Joshua is a 2016 graduate of Arrowhead Christian Academy in Redlands, CA; he earned a 4.2 GPA and made the principal's honor roll. Joshua earned the prestigious Lifetime Highest Honor Membership from the California Scholarship Federation. He was a four-year varsity letterman and First Team All-League in soccer his senior year. Joshua will study engineering at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona).
Diane and Rod Rhoades are the proud parents of Joshua. Rod is an 18-year member of Local 477, and graduated the inside wireman apprenticeship in 2003.
The Local 477 scholarship program was endowed in 2000 after the untimely death of two beloved members of Local 477, Mark Troxel and Matt Wall. They passed away in a jobsite accident. Shortly thereafter, a grieving membership of 477 decided they didn't want their brothers' memory to fade, nor the reminder to always put safety first on the job. A motion was made on the floor of the general membership meeting to establish this memorial scholarship in our fallen brothers' names. Rest in peace, Mark and Matt; you will never be forgotten.
Brian Marsteller, V.P.

Local 477 presents memorial scholarship award. From left: Rod Rhoades, Diane Rhoades, Joshua Rhoades, Vice Pres. Brian Marsteller and Pres. Victor Rodriguez.
Holiday 'Circle of Lights'
L.U. 481 (ees,em,i,mt,rts,s&spa), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — In November, IBEW Local 481 members volunteered their time and talents to string up the lights for one of the world's tallest Christmas trees in preparation for Indianapolis' annual Circle of Lights event.
Volunteers come out to brave the weather and do their part to ensure this holiday tradition continues. This is a great opportunity for the IBEW to showcase members' skills and give back to the community. It is also a great way for Local 481 to be in the public spotlight and promote the IBEW. Thank you to all the volunteers! [See "Who We Are" article, Pg. 19.]
Thank you also to Local 481 retirees, who take the time to make sure that all the light strands are individually checked and repaired prior to installation. This annual holiday tradition would not be possible without our dedicated Local 481 members and retirees.
The Circle of Lights is the perfect way to kick off the holiday season. Local 481 members and the community look forward to this event every year. The Indianapolis Soldiers and Sailors Monument has been decorated by Local 481 members for the last 54 years, and we look forward to continuing this annual tradition in the future.
Blake Andrews, R.S.
'Proud Local 529 Members'
L.U. 529 (c,em,i&mow), SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA — Local 529 received accolades from a contractor/project manager commending a great job by local union members on the Saskatoon Civic Centre project.
Project Manager Andrew Fettback, an IBEW Local 213 electrician, submitted a report on the success of the project. Here is what Fettback wrote:
"When asked to write up a summary on our experience with Local 529 in Saskatoon on the new Saskatoon Civic Operations Centre, I jumped at the opportunity to spread the good word.
"This was our first project in Saskatoon and Local 529's jurisdiction. From the beginning the communication and professionalism in which the hall carried itself was outstanding. The hall promised us we wouldn't be disappointed with the members of 529 and we weren't. From young apprentices, women in the trade, and members over 50, everyone carried their weight and was dedicated to the project in workmanship, attitude, and productivity.
"The hall and members understood for a union to be successful its contractors have to be equally successful. If we aren't able to be competitive in the market by quoting projects with high productivity rates, we won't win future bids to create more work for the members.
"We were able to show the City of Saskatoon, the general contractor, and the owner's group that IBEW is the right choice!
"We look forward to winning future projects in 529's jurisdiction and continuing to build off of what we have created here."
Garnet G. Greer, B.M./F.S.

General Foreman Dan Downs and other members of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, Local 529 show their union pride.
Volunteerism & Activities
L.U. 531 (i), LAPORTE, IN — We had an activity packed summer 2016 around the local. There has been a lot of volunteerism with community projects such as building Habitat for Humanity houses, and participating in town festivals and parades.
In July we had the Local 531 golf outing at Chesapeake Run golf course in North Judson, IN. Approximately 80 members attended and the weather was close to perfect.
In August we had the local picnic at the Porter County Expo Center. Approximately 600 attended the event, which featured food and beverages, bingo games, lots of activities for the kids with a dunk tank, bounce house and rock wall; and we can't forget the bike raffle. Everyone had a great time.
Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped to put on these popular events.
Jeremy Woolever, P.S.
Raleigh-Durham Apprentices Compete in Statewide Contest
L.U. 553 (i,mt,o&ws), RALEIGH, NC — Raleigh-Durham Electrical JATC apprentices recently placed in the top five in a statewide apprenticeship contest.
On Oct. 19, 2016, the statewide Electrical Apprentice Competition was held on the North Carolina State Fairgrounds. Apprentices on both the union and nonunion side competed. Each apprentice had his own stall, and was required to complete various tasks.
Out of the 35 contestants, the Raleigh-Durham JATC had five contestants entered. Three Raleigh-Durham apprentices placed in the top five spots: Terry Welden (2nd place), Nick Roose (4th place) and Iurie Verebcean (5th place). Also in the competition were Brandon Wesley (11th place) and Matt Hasse (8th place). These apprentices worked very hard to get where they are, practicing and reviewing for weeks beforehand. We are proud of all our Raleigh-Durham JATC apprentices here in Local 553, and we thank them for an outstanding effort and a great job!
Joshua Nixon, P.S.
Work Picture Gains
L.U. 557 (i,mt,rts&spa), SAGINAW, MI — Our work outlook in Saginaw has been steadily improving. We have had many new advancements and projects in our local that have started. Our local has been able to bring many members back to work in their home local area. Many of our projects, which we are excited for our local to have, will bring us many jobs in the future once they are completed.
We also have had some changes to our local. Congratulations to our new Bus. Mgr. Evan Allardyce, elected to office effective July 2016. We also have a new first-year apprentice class! Congratulations to Cody Burch, Brian Fisk, Justin Christensen and Derek Good on being accepted into the apprenticeship program! With our new members and new officers in our local, we are very excited as an organization to see what our future has in store for us.
"Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them." – Franklin D. Roosevelt
Howard Revard, P.S.

IBEW Local 557 member Rex Christian at work for Thiel Electric on lighting at St. Mary's Cathedral in Saginaw, MI.
'Charging Up the New Year'
L.U. 569 (i,mar,mt,rts&spa), SAN DIEGO, CA — IBEW Local 569 is charging up for the new year!
Members who attended the 39th IBEW International Convention in St. Louis were energized in honoring IBEW's 125-year history, laying the foundation for our future, and gearing up to continue strengthening our union!
Young members returned from the conference with ambitious goals to kick-start our own RENEW chapter to "Reach out and Engage Next-generation of Electrical Workers," and at this writing had already successfully organized IBEW 569's first ever "Haunt the Hall — Halloween Celebration" for young IBEW families.
We also had a record number of members being active and engaged during the 2016 election season. Hundreds participated in our nine-week political program of precinct walks and phone banks, and our efforts led to many victories at the state and local level for working families.
IBEW 569 is also continuing to position ourselves for added growth and has hired our first-ever compliance officer — welcoming from the field veteran journeyman Lynn Minor!
Finally, we are proud of our IBEW 569 members who successfully built a 30-megawatt Battery Energy Storage project in Imperial County. This is one of the largest of its kind in the country and was built under a project labor agreement.
Gretchen K. Newsom, P.S.

Hundreds of IBEW Local 569 members walked precincts and phone banked to secure victories for working families.
Long Island Rail Road Project Retrofit of 1,000 Train Cars
L.U. 589 (rr), JAMAICA, NY — Local 589 would like to acknowledge all of its members for the tremendous project they are working on. Our Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) electricians are installing a very complex electronic safety system called Positive Train Control or PTC. This system will make train travel that much more safe and reliable.
Our electricians are retrofitting the entire fleet of approximately 1,000 train cars. The system consists of miles of wire, many components, and thousands of connections, all being installed and tested under a strict deadline from the Federal Railroad Administration.
Local 589 electricians are considered among the best in the railroad industry, and are proud to take on this task. We thank all of our members for their hard work and dedication.
Augie Maccarone, R.S.
Apprentice Graduates
L.U. 601 (i&rtb), CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL — Our local held its election in June 2016, and newly elected officers were installed for the next three-year term. We'd like to thank the local members who ran for office and all the members who came out to vote. A special thanks to election judge, Rick Mueller, and the members who helped make this a smooth election.
We had 11 apprentices graduate last June, becoming a big part of our future workforce. The 2016 graduates are: Joe Logan, Mike Holcomb, Mike Bialeschki, James King, William Bowie, Clarke Albers, Chris Rivers, Brad Cunningham, Kirk Peyton, Traves Gillespie and Justin Johnson. Congratulations to these young men!
The work outlook looks to be good for 2017. We have members on our Book 1 and many of them have chosen to travel in order to keep their Health & Welfare and Pension healthy.
Daniel Hatter, P.S.

Local 601 apprenticeship graduates: Joe Logan (left), Mike Holcomb, Mike Bialeschki, James King, Willim Bowie, Clarke Albers, Chris Rivers, Brad Cunningham, Kirk Peyton, Traves Gillespie and Justin Johnson.
2016 Graduation Banquet
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — On Aug. 19 last year, the local held its annual Apprenticeship Graduation Banquet at the Marriott Pyramid Hotel. The 2016 graduates were: Travis Battin, Christopher Blackmore, Johnathan Carter, Vernon Clark, Cameron Jansson, Matthew Martinez, Raymond Martinez, Laura McCormick, Andrew Moore, Loren Morrison, Thomas Mouton, Michael Sadler, Jonathan Shestak, Joshua Tillinghast and Tomas Trujillo. The outstanding apprentice for 2016 was Jonathan Shestak, and the recipient of the C.S. Mitchell Award was Alan Hammack. There were two apprentices with perfect attendance over five years: Joshua Tillinghast and Loren Morrison. Congratulations to all off the 2016 graduating apprentices.
We ratified our State Inside Agreement, a two-year contract. The membership will receive a $.50 increase on January 1, 2017 and a $.50 increase on January 1, 2018. The agreement expires on May 31, 2018. Thank you to the rewrite and negotiating committee for all of your hard work.
On behalf of the local, I send condolences to the friends and families of the following members who recently passed away: Floyd Werner, Rudolfo Dominquez, Jose A. Jacques, Jose B. Velasquez, Thomas Peace, Chris l. Gonzalez and Dennis L. Simmons.
I hope everyone got out and voted last November, as 2016 was a very important election year.
Darrell J. Blair, P.S.

Local 611 congratulates class of 2016 apprentice graduates.
Retirees & New Journeymen
L.U. 625 (c,ees,em,i,it,mar&mt), HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA — The local has seen a lot of retirements lately. This is due to the slow economy and scarcity of jobs.
Recently retired brothers are: Mike Richard, James Oickle, Kenny Hartt, Mike Ettinger, Brian Atwell, Dan McDade, Robert Doucett, Donald P. LeBlanc, Blaine Mailman, Alex Dotten, Paul MacLeod, Joe Bates, Tony Hughes, Paul Steylen and Ray MacDonald.
Brother Ray MacDonald asked me to thank all locals in North America for all the times he had the pleasure to work in their jurisdictions over the last 48 years. Safety and workmanship have always been the most important things to Ray.
Several members recently completed their apprenticeship and are now journeyman wiremen. Congratulations to these new journeymen: Bros. Homayoun Abbaspour, Steve Bodnarchuk, Owen Diamond, Adrian Antoft, Thomas Foster, Glen Pendergast and Ryan Hawes.
At this writing, plans are underway to begin the renovations of our new building's warehouse area for the construction of six classrooms, an assembly hall, teachers area, lunchroom and storage. Upon completion we will be ready to begin delivering the Construction Electrician (CE) Apprenticeship Block Training.
Tom Griffiths, A.B.M.
Solidarity in New Year
L.U. 627 (u), FORT PIERCE, FL — It is a new year and hurricane season is over. Are you and your loved ones ready for the real battle to begin? Given 2016 election results, so-called "right-to-work" legislation and other anti-worker efforts have the possibility to explode upon us and would not bode well for union members. We must stand strong in solidarity for working people.
Get prepared for contractual agreements in the future. Have a firm financial plan to allow you and your family to get through the next four years.
Stay alert for safety issues, both at work and in your own home. Our union family needs you.
Bus. Mgr./Pres. Mark MacNichol wants to remind everyone of the upcoming annual motorcycle ride on the Treasure Coast. The date for the 2017 event was not yet set as of press time.
Ray Vos, P.S.
Service to Country
L.U. 673 (catv,i,rts,spa,t&u), PAINESVILLE, OH — On Aug. 25 last year, the Rusnak family received a life-changing phone call. Bro. John Rusnak, a journeyman wireman, has been in the Army Reserve for 16 years and received a phone call requesting him to report for duty at the end of September 2016. At this writing, Rusnak was scheduled to leave for Afghanistan around Thanksgiving. This will be his third time serving our country overseas. Rusnak's role is with the 316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, which is one of the six general officer sustainment commands in the Army Reserve. He is a master sergeant and is a petroleum laboratory technician. He will be the senior lab technician and will help advise, supervise and make recommendations in the fuel arena. He will deal with both military and contractors.
John will be gone for nine months. He and his wife, Chrissy Rusnak, have two young daughters, 4-year-old Emma and 1-year-old Sarah.
We thank John Rusnak for his service and dedication to our country.
Dave Phillips, P.S.

Master Sgt. John Rusnak, a Local 673 member, with his family.
Fall 2016 Events & Activities
L.U. 697 (c,es,i,mt&se), GARY AND HAMMOND, IN — Our local saw busy times this past fall. IBEW members and families participated in the Lowell Labor Day Parade, Rebuilding Together, and the Heart Walk. A thank-you to all who participated and especially all of you who coordinated the various events.
Our Awards Night was held Oct. 7 last year. Over 330 members and guests celebrated the evening, which featured fine music, food, refreshments, and recognition for special honoree J.T. Maness. At 93-years-young, Bro. Maness shared some history and anecdotes about his years in the field. His son and grandson, both IBEW 697 journeyman wiremen, joined the celebration as well. Numerous service pins were awarded and the atmosphere was festive.
Our fall blood drive was Oct. 21, and 105 pints of blood were collected. Many people are to be thanked and congratulated.
Also in October, we initiated a class of apprentices. They are our future — we wish them well and encourage everyone to support them during their training. A shout-out to all of the IBEW local unions that have so graciously accepted our brothers and sisters looking for work. Thank you to all involved for those employment opportunities; it is greatly appreciated by all Local 697 members.
May 2017 be prosperous for all.
Dan Waldrop, B.M.
Community Service Volunteers;
Local Union Election Results
L.U. 743 (em&i), READING, PA — Greetings, brothers and sisters. We continue to support our local community by providing volunteers for several outreach projects. In October, 17 apprentices teamed up with the American Red Cross and the Western Berks Fire Department to install smoke detectors in an area community. The group installed 171 smoke detectors in 45 homes in Sinking Spring, Pa. After receiving information from Red Cross personnel, the apprentices canvassed the community, toting ladders and buckets of materials needed to install the free detectors. "The IBEW apprentices did a fabulous job," said Red Cross specialist Heather Bowman. "I can't say enough about the positive impact they had on the event."
Our members stepped up to lend a hand in another major event last year. We had 30 volunteers give their time and expertise to help power the weeklong Reading Fair. The work consisted of stringing hundreds of lights and hooking up power for all the entertainment, exhibits and vendor concessions.
Congratulations to all members who won election at Local 743 in 2016: Bus. Mgr. Ryan Helms, Pres. Michael Snyder, Vice Pres. Dan Geist, Rec. Sec. Geoffrey Litwin, Fin. Sec. Edward Braukus, Treas. Mark Kern; Executive Board members Bill Bryson, Kyle Kern, David Singer and Scott Yeager; Examining Board members Ryan Flynn, Mark Pinkasavage and Tom Vafias; and David Paskowski, delegate to I.O. Convention.
Mark Pinkasavage, P.S.

IBEW Local 743 apprentices pose with American Red Cross and fire company personnel before installing free smoke detectors in the community.
'Attend Union Meetings'
L.U. 759 (u), FORT LAUDERDALE, FL — Bro. James A. Brebnor (pictured) received his Line Specialist Certificate of Completion at a recent union meeting.
Local 759 held its 13th Annual Union Picnic in October. It was a great success and everyone had a good time.
It was good to see The Electrical Worker article "Does Trump Build Union? An IBEW Investigation" in the August 2016 publication.
As a reminder, Local 759 holds its monthly meetings on the first Thursday of each month. With our current contract set to expire in 2017, be sure to come to the union hall to get the latest information. Remember, be the change you want to see in our local.
Glen Plock, P.S.

Local 759 member James A. Brebnor (left) with Bus. Mgr./Pres. Tim Haynick.
Union Tradition of Giving
L.U. 777 (u), READING, PA — The giving season is not just a passing yearly cliché to the folks of Local 777 at the Lebanon, PA, Service Shop. Giving is a longstanding tradition for our brothers and sisters living and working in this area of our operating system.
Every year a family from the Adopt a Family program is selected by the Service Shop to receive holiday donations. Adopt a Family is a program run by the Salvation Army, one of the most effective charities in the country. The shop usually picks a family with two children. Donations are collected from all the members working at this shop, with 100 percent participation. Donations include toys for the children, a gift card for a local food market, and other items to assure the family has a joyous, heartfelt holiday season.
Mark Power, P.S.
Powerful Organizing Wins
L.U. 1245 (catv,em,govt,lctt,o,pet,t&u), VACAVILLE, CA — In fall of 2016, nearly 150 members, retirees and staffers from Local 1245 fanned out across Local 1245's jurisdiction to help get out the vote for labor-endorsed candidates. Fourteen of the local's organizing stewards took on leadership roles in 12 different campaigns, and worked around the clock to reach as many voters as possible.
The local celebrated two powerful organizing victories recently. On July 25, the workers of Gill Ranch Storage unanimously voted "yes" to join IBEW 1245, and on Sept. 7, communications specialists at Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) also voted unanimously to join Local 1245.
Four organizing stewards from Local 1245 also took part in the successful organizing drive at Electrolux in Tennessee. "The most memorable [part of the experience] was seeing the employees' facial expressions when we wholeheartedly told them why we were there, and reassuring them that we stand together with them," said Organizing Steward Mary Corrente. "They couldn't believe we took time away from our everyday lives to come speak to them and see firsthand what they were dealing with at work."
Local 1245 continues to push for the expansion of apprenticeship training programs. In October, Local 1245 and Sacramento Regional Transit (SRT) received state certification from the California Department of Industrial Relations for what is now the first state-certified, journey-level bus mechanic apprenticeship program in northern California.
In outside construction, the work outlook is very strong, with 1,780 dispatches as of Oct. 1 last year. In 2017, we expect to see an increase in all types of work, including distribution, transmission, substation and underground.
Rebecca Band, P.S.

Local 1245 activists assembled in September at the local's campaign kick-off at Weakley Hall in Vacaville, CA, in preparation for the 2016 election season.
Annual Clambake & Raffle
L.U. 1249 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), SYRACUSE, NY — A big congratulations to James Kennedy, retired Local 1249 journeyman tree man, the winner of the 2016 Polaris Ranger and trailer. We started selling tickets in September of 2015 and raffled off the prize this past August at the 2016 IBEW Local 1249 Annual Clambake. We only had 1,500 tickets to sell, and James bought the winning ticket at the clambake! Stay tuned to see what Local 1249 will raffle off at the 2017 clambake!
Local 1249's annual Golf Tournament and ARC (Active Retirees Club) Dinner were held in September, a little later than usual due to a busy 2016 for the local. Congratulations to the tournament winners: James Riester, Todd Riester, Andy Riester and Tony Wood. Also, congratulations to individual winners Tony Wood for scoring the longest drive, and Bus. Mgr. Mark Lawrence for scoring closest to the pin. We look forward to next year's event!
Jennifer Schneider, P.S.

Local 1249 Vice Pres. Henry Westbrook (left) congratulates raffle winner, retired Bro. James Kennedy.
Graduates & Service Pins
L.U. 1253 (i&mo), AUGUSTA, ME — On July 8 last year, Local 1253/Boston Chapter NECA held our apprenticeship graduation. We congratulate the apprentice graduates: Al Condon, Richard Monkman, Paul Moore, Gary Nichols, Devon Sebasteanski, Harlan Small, Tim Trefts, Nate Walden and Keith Hurley. Keith has attained his journeyman wireman classification.
Local 1253 held its annual picnic on July 23. The local would like to thank fourth-year apprentices Chase Burris, James Cinsov, Mark Dolloff and Derek Proctor for organizing the picnic.
The following members received their IBEW service pins at the picnic: Reggie Dumont, for 65 years of service; David Trider, 60 years of service; Donald Dupont, 60 years; Harry Lyons, 40 years; John Silke, 30 years; Chuck Fraser, 30 years; Eugene Hirst, 20 years; and for five years of service, David Churchill, Reginald Johnson and Michael Veilleux. It was a beautiful day and lobsters and steak were enjoyed by all.
Scott Cuddy, P.S.

Local 1253 congratulates 2016 apprentice graduates. From left to right: graduates Gary Nichols, Tim Trefts, Keith Hurley, Paul Moore, Devon Sabasteanski; Instructor Ed Peteraf (front); graduate Nathaniel Walden (back); graduate Richard Monkman; Instructors Bill Heavener and Pat Dauphinee; and graduate Al Condon. Not pictured: graduate Harlan Small.
'Exciting Events for Local'
L.U. 1393 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Recent months have included some exciting events for Local 1393! The local was pleased to have enough volunteers to attend four 2016 Labor Day celebrations around the state and promote our local.
Our Local 1393 Pres. Mike Edwards was named "Union Member of the Year" by one of the Central Labor Councils. Our local union delegates to the IBEW 39th International Convention were able to attend the opening of the Henry Miller Museum and view the local's column promoting our donation and support of this project.
As we've turned the corner into 2017, we continue to look forward to making a difference for our members, and the communities in which our members live. Happy new year!
Robert C. Fox, B.M./F.S.

Local 1393 convention delegates gather at Henry Miller Museum site: front row, Ivan Baker (left), Bus. Mgr. Robert C. Fox, Mark Kelley; back row, John Cochran, Kevin Crull, Randy Gardiner, Pres. Mike Edwards, Zach Kolb and Brent Lewis.
A 2016 Boom in Work
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — Boom time in Local 1579! Although we have been very busy for some time now, it seems to have gotten even busier as of this October 2016 writing. On top of what we already have, we will need to add at least another 100 for the upcoming outage at Plant Vogtle. We have a baseball stadium project that has been on hold. However, I have been informed that this should be starting shortly.
In an effort to attract and maintain manpower, employers have been approached and encouraged to pay incentives. Most resist this idea but some have decided to do this. When we have jobs available that are paying above scale, it will be advertised on our job line.
As we begin this new year, we carry the IBEW's reputation on our shoulders. Doing the very best job that we can do will preserve the future of this great union. When you have a bad day, remember that we are brothers and sisters who can support each other. When you have a great day, share that information with each other.
Let's forge ahead with confidence that we will make the IBEW better tomorrow than it is today.
Will Salters, B.M./F.S.
70-Year Service Award |
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, Local 1615 Treas. Terry Bouzane (right) proudly presents a 70-year service pin to retired member Harry T. Pinsent.

IBEW Life Saving Awards
L.U. 1837 (rtb&u), MANCHESTER, ME — Two Local 1837 members working at Central Maine Power were presented IBEW Life Saving Awards, in highest commendation for their rescue of a man trapped inside a burning pickup truck after a crash.
It was just an ordinary Thursday afternoon this past June that quickly turned extraordinary when CMP line workers Andrew Grant and Paul Reynolds came upon a car/pole accident in Bridgton, Maine.
"We saw the truck was on its driver's side and was on fire," Bro. Reynolds said. "There were secondaries (power lines) down there barking and arcing. Then we realized there was no one out of the vehicle yet!"
After Reynolds struggled at first to break the window with a gloved hand, Grant grabbed a set of pliers to smash it and pulled the man out before the truck was fully engulfed in flames.
"We were at the right place at the right time," Reynolds added.
As paramedics tended to the accident victim, Reynolds and Grant tended to the downed power lines to make the scene safe.
"We appreciate the acknowledgement but don't feel like any heroes," Bro. Grant said.
A statement by the Bridgton Police Department on its Facebook page noted of the IBEW members: "If not for their bravery and quick thinking, this story could have had a much different headline."
"It could've been any one of our family members in that vehicle," IBEW Local 1837 Bus. Mgr. Dick Rogers said. "They were just there to help."
Matthew Beck, B.R./Organizer |

Local 1837 line workers Andrew Grant (left) and Paul Reynolds received IBEW Life Saving Awards at August 2016 Executive Board meeting.