Missouri Utility Workers Seek Law to Prevent Attacks During Shut-OffsApril 19, 2012
Utility workers, like policemen and firefighters, sometimes face threats from citizens just for doing their jobs.
Last year, the Missouri State Utility Workers Conference lobbied for a bill in the state legislature that would have utility workers included in the state law that protects police, firefighters, corrections officers, emergency personnel, highway workers in a construction zone and probation and parole officers from assaults while performing their jobs. The bill failed. This year, a new bill protecting utility workers passed a house committee on crime prevention by a 7 to 6 margin with a recommendation of support. Mike Walter, president of the utility workers conference, business manager of St. Louis Local 1439 and Fifth District IEC member told the St. Louis/ Southern Illinois Labor Tribune:
Rep. Rod Schad (R), the bill’s sponsor, a professional firefighter, told the Tribune: