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IBEW To FirstEnergy: Can You Hear Us Now?

January 24, 2005

Ground zero for the Jersey Central Power and Light strike moved to the Midwest recently as 30 IBEW members took the fight to FirstEnergys doorstep, its Akron, Ohio headquarters.

Five New Jersey locals representing approximately 1,350 workers have been on strike against FirstEnergys New Jersey subsidiary since December 8. In early January, a group of Ohio and Pennsylvania IBEW members employed by FirstEnergy targeted the companys Fairlawn service building and its downtown headquarters, distributing leaflets in support of striking IBEW members. The demonstration was also to support IBEW members in Toledo, Ohio, and Shippingport, Pennsylvania, who have been unable to reach contract agreements with FirstEnergy.

"There was no doubt that the company knew we were there," said Greg Wolf, UCC-2 chairman. The coordinating council is comprised of 12 IBEW local unions and System Council U-3 and represents more than 4,000 IBEW members in Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey who are FirstEnergy employees. A series of other protests are being planned, Wolf said.

FirstEnergy, created by a series of mergers in the post-utility deregulation consolidation of the 1990s, has been hostile to unions since its inception. In New Jersey, the core issues are the cost of employee health care, including coverage for retirees, overtime work and the number of employees available in emergencies.

Union members point out that it is unreasonable to expect workers to be available for response 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And the companys attempt to force retirees to pay a marked increase in health care premiums is unfair, considering the company has had a net profit increase from $276 million in January 2004, to $676 million at the end of last September.

Intermittent negotiations have been unsuccessful, despite the presence of a federal mediator.

A Web site covering the negotiations with JCP&L can be visited at www.ibew1298.org.

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