Labor Day Remembrance...

Whether you spell it Labor or Labour, live in Canada or the United States, this weekend and Labor Day signifies more than just the end of summer. It is a time to reflect upon and to celebrate the many struggles that preceded us.

Social Security, child labor laws, OSHA standards, the eight-hour workday, and other worker protections that we take for granted just didn’t happen. Unions took the lead and members fought, sometimes against tremendous odds, for what now seems to be common decency and common sense.

This year we are once again fighting – fighting to keep the gains that we have as politicians continue to undercut workers’ rights and corporate greed, as personified by Enron, WorldCom and others, threatens the standard of living that workers struggled to achieve.

Read the Joint Officers’ Column from the September IBEW Journal to see how important this election is to you and then make sure that you are registered to vote. We want to be around to celebrate Labor Day for many years to come.

Edwin D. Hill, International President, IBEW



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Labor Day
Festival Site