
The New LaGuardia
The new LaGuardia Airport in Queens, N.Y., is one of the most complicated construction projects in American history and it is being completed two years ahead of schedule and 100% union built.
"Building a modern, world-class airport while maintaining and operating the existing one — one that served New York but unfortunately had seen better days and needed an upgrade — was certainly a challenge. The IBEW and the NYC Building Trades have accomplished something extraordinary that will honor former Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia's legacy for decades to come," said New York Local 3 Business Manager and International Executive Council Chairman Christopher Erikson.
The new LaGuardia is a gleaming jewel on Flushing Bay: two soaring terminals that tower above the decrepit, low-ceilinged mishmash of terminals they replace, six new concourses with more than 70 gates, two sky bridges, two miles of new taxiway, two substations, two new centralized utility buildings and 1 megawatt of solar panels worth every bit of the budgeted $8 billion, split evenly between the new Terminal B and the Delta Terminal.  |
