The Electrical Worker online
March 2020

My IBEW Story
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Leyton Torda, Journeyman Wireman
Honolulu Local 1186

"Before my apprenticeship, I was attending college full-time and working long hours in retail to pay tuition. I barely had time to study or finish my homework — not the best way to get an education.

My girlfriend at the time and I had a long conversation about me leaving school to join the apprenticeship. She's now my wife, and while we weren't sure back then, it turns out we made the best decision for us and our future family.

In the IBEW, I got the best training out there, and I made a living while I learned. My benefits and the money I made as a journeyman allowed us to buy a house and raise two children comfortably. I still count my blessings and never forget that the life I live now is because the IBEW made it possible. We get to live, work and play in one of the most beautiful places on Earth — Hawaii.

In Hawaii, part of the aloha spirit is sharing your blessings with everyone else. Membership in the IBEW has been one of my greatest blessings. Mahalo nui loa for allowing me to share my story."

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