The Electrical Worker online
December 2019

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Ignoring the Rules

I don't know if I'm missing something or just not understanding. How can Mitch McConnell just bend, change or ignore rules set in place at the National Labor Relations Board? I was totally amazed after reading the article "Has the NLRB Lost Its Way?" in the September Electrical Worker. He did the same things with Merrick Garland at the Supreme Court. It's time to stand up to Mitch McConnell and his anti-union obstruction.

M.B. Hughes, Local 9 retiree

Erasing the Stigma

Thanks for your story on the opioid crisis in the construction industry in the August Electrical Worker. I'm writing to talk about another issue that needs addressing: depression.

I want to tell my IBEW brothers and sisters dealing with depression, you're not alone, and you are valued. The "D" word sometimes doesn't get the same response as "cancer" or other illness. The stigma prevents us from getting the message out that depression is as legitimate an illness as any other. We're fortunate that we've fought together for good medical coverage, so use it. If you're suffering from depression, please don't be afraid to seek treatment. You're not alone.

Michael R. Brady, Local 3 member
New York

IBEW_Facebook  From Facebook: Every month the IBEW Facebook page receives thousands of comments from our dynamic and engaged community of members and friends.

Editor's Note:
There were many great responses to last month's cover story, "The IBEW Changed My Life." Here are a few of our favorites:

Promises Kept

I worked very hard during my years in the union. I'm retired now and collecting the rewards that were promised when I joined. Thanks IBEW.

Scott Januik, Local 164 retiree
Jersey City, N.J.

52 Years, Going Strong

Fifty-two years IBEW, still working and loving it more than ever. I'm well paid with great benefits, insurance and retirement.

John T. Jacobsen, Local 577 member
Appleton, Wisc.

My Secure Retirement

I'm proud retired IBEW. Thanks to my union I have a pension!

Mary Emry, Local 2366 retiree
Lincoln, Neb.

Best Thing to Happen To Me

I'll hit my 20-year mark next month. Joining the IBEW was the best thing that could have happened to me professionally to support my family.

Mike Bancroft, Local 1 member
St. Louis, Mo.