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Local Lines & Retirees |
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Congratulations to Graduates |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa,st&ws), ST. LOUIS, MO — IBEW Local 1's first graduating class with the new Skilled Trades Associate of Applied Science degree from St. Louis Community College proudly celebrated at a dinner on Thursday, May 31, at Favazza's Restaurant. The recent graduates are from our Inside, Residential and Communications apprenticeship programs. Congratulations to the graduates: William Winkler, Kyle Mayfield, Robert Papin, Jason Boehm, Robert Rice, Darin Baker, Robert Hitchcock, Andrew Cassidy, Michael Semar, Shawn Walsh, Michael Brammeier, Nicholas Funke, Kyle Jakubs and Marquis Thompson. You are eligible to receive your Skilled Trades AAS degree if you completed one of the Local 1 apprenticeship programs with the IBEW/NECA Electrical Training Center and complete the required classes at St. Louis Community College. For more information about the program, please call the IBEW/NECA Local 1 St. Louis JATC at 314-644-3587. We mourn the loss of Local 1 members who passed away in recent months. Regrettably, space limitations prevent our listing all their names in this article. Local 1 extends heartfelt condolences to their families. |
![]() Local 1 congratulates recent graduates. Back row, William Winkler (left), Kyle Mayfield, Robert Papin, Jason Boehm, Robert Rice. Front row, Darin Baker, Robert Hitchcock, Andrew Cassidy, Michael Semar and Shawn Walsh. Not pictured: Michael Brammeier, Nicholas Funke, Kyle Jakubs and Marquis Thompson. |
Recent Staffing Changes |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — Greetings, brothers and sisters, from Local 15. We recently went through some staffing changes. Longtime business representatives Terry Cagney and Dave Sergenti have retired. Terry became an IBEW member in 1971, serving as steward, chief steward, vice president and president of former Local 1539. After then-Local 1539 was amalgamated into Local 15 in 1994, Terry began serving Local 15 as business representative. Dave became an IBEW member in 1982, serving as chief steward and business representative. Local 15 wishes both gentlemen the best in their well-deserved retirement. Both Bro. Cagney and Bro. Sergenti served the membership at the highest level and will be missed. New Bus. Reps. Ben Busser (nuclear sector) and Fabian Vela (clerical sector) fill the posts formerly held by Bros. Cagney and Sergenti. The new representatives started on April 30, 2018. Busser is a former chief steward from Byron Nuclear Station. Vela was a steward, a chief steward and then served the local as treasurer prior to moving into the business representative position. The Local 15 Executive Board appointed Bro. George Longoria to replace Fabian Vela as the local's treasurer to fill the unexpired term of office. Congratulations to all. Local 15 welcomes the new appointees and wishes them the best in their new roles. |
'Elections Have Consequences' |
L.U. 17 (catv,em,lctt,o&u), DETROIT, MI — As we approach midterm elections, it's time to reflect on what has happened to working people across our country and, specifically, here in Michigan. A few years back, a Republican-controlled state House and Senate made Michigan a "right-to-work" (for less) state. This past June, those same folks repealed Michigan's prevailing wage law. One month later, the conservative right-wing justice appointed by Trump tipped the scales on the Supreme Court enough to make the entire United States "right to work" for public sector employees. A lifelong appointment to the Supreme Court by Donald Trump continues the attack on all public-sector unions. [Editor's Note: To read more, see news story "Supreme Court Ruling in Janus: An Attack on Every American Who Works for a Living," posted on the IBEW website at www.ibew.og/media-center/Articles.] They are taking one brick at a time, brothers and sisters. That's how they are attempting to destroy labor unions. What will it take for us to unite behind labor-friendly candidates? What do we, and our families, have to lose before we vote anti-labor jerks out of office? I am fond of the idea that one day I will retire with enough money to live comfortably. I, as will all of you, enjoy a solid middle-class lifestyle until that day comes. That is thanks to this great union — and I am willing, as many of you are, to fight like hell to keep it. Brothers and sisters, elections have consequences. Anti-labor attacks are harming our members and working people across this great nation. Please vote for labor-friendly candidates this November! Visit our website at www.ibewlocal17.org for a list of candidates who fight for our way of life! |
Officer Transitions |
L.U. 19 (u), AURORA, IL — Please join the members of Local 19 in congratulating our former Bus. Mgr./Pres. Christopher Harris on his recent appointment as an IBEW international representative assigned to the Utility Department at the International Office in Washington, D.C., effective July 1, 2018. Bro. Harris, your perseverance, dedication, determination, and commitment to the members of Local 19 will never be forgotten. We also congratulate Bro. Mark Klinefelter, who was appointed by the Local 19 Executive Board as business manager/president to fill the unexpired term of office until the local's next regularly scheduled election. On behalf of Local 19 brothers and sisters, we wish Int. Rep. Harris and Bus. Mgr. Klinefelter the best of luck in their new positions! |
Career of IBEW Service |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — As many of you have already heard, former Bus. Mgr. Don Morgan retired from Local 43 at the end of June, after 45 years with the IBEW. We will miss him and his dedicated, devoted work for our local union and the labor movement. We will miss his morning and afternoon greetings to each of us as he passed us in the office hallway. We will miss his humor, and his willingness to listen to us — especially when we were facing some real obstacles. Thank you, Don, for that. Many of you may not know that Bus. Mgr. Morgan also has served Local 43 as president, vice president and Executive Board member. He also served as trustee of the Pension, Annuity & Health Plans and Trustee of the Central New York Joint Apprenticeship & Training Fund. Thank you, Don, for all you have contributed to this organization. We wish you well, Don. I know you plan to go hunting more, enjoy time with your family and grandchildren, and take plenty of walks on the beach with the sand between your toes. Retirement can hold the most meaningful years of life. You deserve all the best, Don. We wish you a healthy, long lasting retirement. Enjoy! |
Steward & Safety Conference |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Greetings, brothers and sisters. Over 600 attended the Stewards & Safety Conference on June 2. Int. Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson, Int. Sec.-Treas. Kenneth W. Cooper, and Int. Vice Pres. John J. O'Rourke were speakers. The participants included stewards, union safety representatives and union Safety Board members. At Anaheim, negotiations continue with new engineering and management groups. We are still bargaining the UtiliQuest cable locators and Irvine Ranch Water District contracts. More new jurisdictional battles with LIUNA and IUOE have sprung up in solar and LA Mass Transit projects. We lost the Southern California (SCE) planners election by 247-351 votes. The Tribal labor relations order election took place June 27. Once certified, the tribe has agreed to the original three-year agreement and to give 90 days of back pay. Our 18th Annual Local 47 Members Memorial Golf Tournament was July 27, and the picnic took place Aug. 11. Our 15th Annual Brotherhood Motorcycle Run is Oct. 6. We are sad to report the death of several members: Kevin Smith, Jay Fisher, Jim Weir and Steve Armitage. Condolences and prayers to their loved ones. Live free & safe — work & buy union. |
![]() From left: Kevin Payne; Local 47 Bus. Mgr. and IEC member Patrick Lavin; Int. Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson; Int. Sec,-Treas. Kenneth W. Cooper; and Int. Vice Pres. John J. O'Rourke. |
Father of the Year Award |
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — Chad Cornwell, Local 51 journeyman lineman working at EnerStar Electric Co-op in Paris, IL, was awarded Eastern Illini Electric Cooperative's "Illinois Country Living" 2018 Father of the Year Award. After a series of family deaths and at the age of 29, Bro. Cornwell became a legal guardian to his 13-year-old niece, Breanne. The life of a lineman can be a challenge while raising a teenager alone. Chad got Breanne ready for school each morning and cooked dinner at night. Between callouts, storm travel and a busy work schedule, he made sure Breanne was well cared for. He always attended her softball games, sometimes showing up in his lineman gear. Chad came to her prom for photos in his lineman gear, too. Breanne must have liked that look because she married a lineman, and she and her husband now have a baby boy. Bro. Cornwell married, and he now has three more young children. Congratulations on this well-deserved award, Bro. Cornwell. Our 2018 Golf Scholarship Outing was June 2. The winning team shot a 59 and included Colton Beaman, Joe Bianco, Zach Overmyer and Walter Westfall. Awarded $500 scholarships were: Michael Beardsley (son of Mike Beardsley), Tony Biccochi (son of Beth Biccochi), Bryson Heiserman (son of Luann Heiserman), Brianna Buford (granddaughter of Sylvia Buford), Justin Dirr (son of Jill Dirr), Erick Crabtree Jr. (son of Erick Crabtree), Brandon Finn (stepson of Brad Wickell), Ian Smith (son of Katie Smith), Reanna Orr (daughter of Shari Thurman), Seth Manion (grandson of Peggy Younger), Aspyn Taylor (granddaughter of Ann Marie Hubbell), Victoria Morgan (daughter of Jenny Morgan), Madison Castelli (daughter of Mike Castelli), Kelsi Gortner (daughter of Mark Gortner), and Mackenzie Wilson (daughter of Randy Wilson). |
Poker Run Fundraiser; Annual Crappie Tournament |
L.U. 53 (lctt,o,rts&u), KANSAS CITY, MO — On June 2, Local 53's riding group and members had a poker run to raise money for the NSUJL group. They had 22 bikes and raised $1,740 that was donated to the National Sisterhood United for Journeyman Linemen. I'm happy to report that we had 25 teams turn out for our 30th annual crappie tournament June 9. The first-place team, Garrett Sage and Luke Bailey, scored a weight of 11 pounds and 23 ounces. It was nice to see members and their families. At this writing, we are finishing up contract negotiations for the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities (BPU) clerical and physical units, Sho-Me Power Electric Cooperative employees, and the City of Independence clerical & maintenance groups. |
![]() At Local 53's 30th annual crappie tournament on June 9. |
June 2018 Retiree Luncheon |
L.U. 55 (c,lctt,o&u), DES MOINES, IOWA — This year's Retiree Luncheon was June 26. Approximately 40 retirees and family members attended. Terri Vitiritto, Rhonda Fucaloro and Fran Brownell planned the event. The food was great, and everyone had a great time visiting together. Bus. Mgr. Mike Sawyer brought the dinner to order with a few comments. He discussed the value that our retirees have brought to our local. Without them, where would all of us be? Just think of the people they helped to train and the jobs they did. For most of the retirees, there were no bucket trucks when they were working, just a pair of hooks and a very used belt. Members recognized for longtime service included the following: 25-year member — Fran Brownell; 45-year members — John Baker, Robert Clarys, John Shypkowski and John Witcraft; and 50-year members — Richard Anderson, George Bandstra, Robert Burt, Paul Ellis, Carl Fox, Lloyd Jones and Doug Ridout. In total, they represent 555 years of IBEW service. Congratulation's to each of them. Please take a moment to think of these longtime members and the safe work they did during their careers. There are no shortcuts when it comes to safety. This has been a bad year for our local and we all need to keep an eye out for each other. Remember to wear your protective gear and always practice safety. If you have ideas or suggestions for the contract negotiations, please call and let someone at the hall know. If any travelers are looking for work, please call our local. |
Annual Graduation Ceremony |
L.U. 81 (i), SCRANTON, PA — On Oct. 25 last year, the IBEW Local 81 Scranton Electricians JATC held its annual graduation ceremony for the class of 2017. Among the guests were: IBEW Third District Int. Vice Pres. Michael D. Welsh, NECA Exec. Dir. Jeffrey Scarpello, JATC committee members, Local 81 officers, graduates, current apprentices, and other representatives of local agencies including the Department of Labor. Completion certificates were handed out and awards were presented. Timothy Leber received the class of 2017 Outstanding Apprentice Award. Tyler Chesko received the Frank O'Neil Jr. Award, which recognizes dedication, courage and commitment. We thank Klein Tools and IDEAL Tools for providing awards to help recognize our outstanding apprentice and award recipients. Congratulations to the class of 2017! |
![]() Local 81 congratulates class of 2017 apprenticeship graduates. Front row: graduates Timothy Leber (left), George Archibald, Ethan Norman, Tyler Chesko, Warren Jacoby, Justin Castellano, Michael Matisko, Kyle Rabiega, Joshua Stewart. Back row: NECA Exec. Dir. Jeffrey Scarpello; Fred Leber, JATC; Training Dir. Mike Brust; Eric Lewis, JATC; Bus. Mgr. Paul Casparro; Pres. Mike McDermott; Pat Hartman, Jerry Nichols, JATC; Int. Vice Pres. Michael D. Welsh; and NECA Rep. Tom McNulty. |
Service to Community |
L.U. 97 (u), SYRACUSE, NY — In this article we would like to highlight examples of the compassionate work that our Local 97 members who work as service representatives for National Grid provide daily. Earlier this year, service rep Matt Weeg was investigating a location for unauthorized usage. He found a woman on oxygen and children who were in a dirty, unsafe environment. He facilitated contact with area Child Protective Services and Adult Protective Services agencies to intervene. Those agencies were then able to assist the customer in correcting the unsafe conditions and establishing electric service, and APS closed the case. Also, earlier this year, service rep Guy Bottenfield was performing a disconnect order at a residence where the previous customer was deceased. The new occupant had run up a large unpaid bill. Guy was concerned for the occupant's well-being and helped facilitate a home visit by Adult Protective Services the next day. The occupant had mental challenges, but the APS worker was able to navigate a solution with him. Other company personnel spoke with the occupant's son and provided instructions to request a case worker from the area Office for Aging. This is what our members do daily — work for the benefit and safety of our customers. Congratulations to Matt and Guy for jobs well done! |
Powering Fenway Park Union Night & Family Outing |
L.U. 103 (cs&i), BOSTON, MA — Local 103 contractors and members have been providing all the electrical and telecom expertise needed to power Fenway Park for many years. This year is no different, except that IBEW Local 103 has taken on more of a partnership role with the Red Sox organization this season. June 22 was Union Night and Local 103's Family Outing at Fenway Park. A few hundred Local 103 members and their families came out to the old ball park to enjoy dinner and drinks outside on the exclusive Vineyard Vines deck. We watched Bus. Mgr. Lou Antonellis throw out the ceremonial first pitch alongside Wally and NECA Boston Chapter Mgr. Glenn Kingsbury (a strike, of course). We were able to see, up close, the IBEW bug and union label on the Green Monstah! We also held an equipment drive and collected new and used baseball/softball equipment as part of the Red Sox Baseball Tomorrow Fund for inner city kids. The Red Sox won a slugfest over the Seattle Mariners, 15-10. Everyone had a great time singing Sweet Caroline and dancing on the jumbotron. You can win tickets for an upcoming Sox game at a Local 103 union meeting. The powering Fenway partnership has really been a great way for 103 families to see their beloved Red Sox and see IBEW represented proudly in Fenway Park. |
![]() At Fenway Park in Boston, a Local 103 & NECA sign with the IBEW logo is prominently displayed on the "Green Monster," the 37-foot-high left field wall. |
Step Up for Your Union — 'There is Much We Can Do' |
L.U. 113 (ees,em,i,mo&o), COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — During former Pres. John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech, he said: "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country." I chose the Labor Day issue to echo his words and ask: What can you do for your union? Too many of us are what I call "the silent majority." We pay our dues, do our job and are well-rounded members, but that is it. Most get comfortable with this routine and that is perfectly fine, or is it? If we are to be a stronger union, members must accept the need to do more. There is much we can do! It can be as simple as going to a union meeting and signing up for a committee or volunteering when asked to do so. We can start by giving back to a union that has been so good to us all. Lastly, we must all, especially in today's political climate, be knowledgeable and educate others on politicians and affairs that affect us the most. No longer can we afford to install politicians who promise the world, only to find out their agenda is to destroy us. In solidarity we trust. |
![]() Local 113 recent retirees receive retirement watches. From left: Gary Rusk, Bob Driscoll, Steve Wells, Brian Bradley and Frank Sams. Not pictured: George Borman and Bob Nuss. |
'Staying IBEW Strong' |
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR — Our local union is committed to the "I'm Staying IBEW Strong" campaign and hopes that all members are prepared to stand up and fight for the values our union was founded on. As we enjoy our summer months, please take time to participate in some of our activities including shop steward training and fundraisers for the Oregon Burn Center. These are excellent opportunities to connect with your union brothers and sisters. We need all members, whether you work for a private or public utility, to promote solidarity and advocate for our membership. Think about it. Why should anyone care about our dues structure? The super PACs and their deep pockets simply strive to weaken our bargaining position. However, they cannot weaken our resolve. Please follow us on our Instagram account @IBEW 125 and pledge your support to Staying IBEW125 Strong. |
New Contract, New Building |
L.U. 191 (c,i,mo,rtb&st), EVERETT, WA — IBEW Local 191 recently completed negotiations for our Inside Wire Agreement. Effective June 1, 2018, the three-year agreement features an $11/hour increase for Zones 1, 2, 3 work and $12/hour increase for Zone 4 work. Our members approved the contract by a large margin. The current amount on the check is $44.95/hour for the Zones 1, 2, 3 with total package of $66.89. The current Zone 4 amount on the check is $42.45/hour, with a total package of $64.31. Thank you to our negotiating committee, who worked right up until the final week to secure this package. The agreement also includes sufficient amounts to keep our medical and pension plans healthy. Our other big news is that after months of searching and many presentations to our Executive Board and membership, we have voted to purchase property and build a new main office. The new location will have more parking, office space and room for training and social events. There is also space for a second building, should our JATC decide to collocate with us. We recently received I.O. approval to move forward on this project. Lastly, special thanks go to all our many stewards and volunteers for doing the hard work on the ground of building the local. You are appreciated! Please check the local's website and newsletter for information on the fall and winter social activities and political events. Better yet, come to one of the monthly meetings — it's a great way to connect with old friends and make new ones. |
'Make Your Voice Heard' |
L.U. 193 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), SPRINGFIELD, IL — A long, hot summer is in progress! We are used to that here in "The Land of Lincoln." We are not used to organized labor taking it on the chin from the anti-union factions in our state! Make your voice heard at the polls in November and take along a friend. Please pay attention to all the world around you. Remember: "All politics are local!" Several City Water Light and Power linemen went to western Illinois and the St. Louis area after the heavy storms moved through in June to help get the electrical power back on. Seventy members were organized at City Water, Light and Power under a Professional & Industrial Agreement. Agility Data Telecom Inc., along with six new members, has been organized. Lincoln Heating and Cooling became signatory to the Inside Agreement. Welcome to Local 193. The Labor Day Picnic will be a combined event with Locals 51, 21 and 193 at the Anchor Boat Club. Come on out — like last year, it will be a good time for all. Good luck to all the Cardinals, Cubs, and White Sox Fans out there. Our sympathies go out to the families of Harold Booker, Gregory Fitzpatrick and Robert McAfee, who have passed since our last article. |
Work Picture Updates |
L.U. 245 (govt,lctt,o,rtb&u), TOLEDO, OHIO — On the generation side of the business, discussions between FirstEnergy and Olympus (the new owner of the plant) and Local 245 are ongoing and should conclude soon. On the other hand, the Davis-Besse power plant's future, for all practical purposes, is in the hands of our legislators and that is a scary thought. On the energy delivery side, 19 new members were sworn in at the June union meeting — 15 line workers and four substation technicians. Work on the outside is slow at this writing with several projects that are in the planning stages and expected to start manning in August or September. This fall, negotiations on the 71/245 outside contract will start. Negotiations with newly organized Nelson Tree are progressing well at press time. On the broadcast front, the local newspaper has reported plans for Gray Television Inc. to acquire Raycom Media Inc., which involves two of our TV stations, WTVG-TV 13 and WTOL-TV 11, and will require one of them to be sold to avoid Federal Communications Commission (FCC) market duopolies conflict. We don't yet know at this time what impact this will have, if any, on our members. This is an important year in politics with the midterm elections looming. If you're not happy about the way things are going politically, you have the ability and responsibility to facilitate change by voting. People have died preserving your right to vote, and you shouldn't waste it. Till next time work safe and try to stay cool. |
'Farewell to a Friend' |
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — The membership bid a sad farewell to a beloved brother with the passing of Dennis "Denny" Doyle in July of this year. Denny will always be remembered as having a ready smile for those he greeted, and a stern look for those who needed it. Denny was born June 20, 1951, and joined the local in September of 1984. Always active in the local, he held a variety of positions, which culminated in his serving as business manager from 2007-2010. He retired from the local at the end of his tenure in 2010 and received his 30-year IBEW Service Pin in 2015. Throughout his life, he remained active among the local's group of retirees and was a familiar face at the monthly meetings. Denny will forever be remembered for his hard work, dedication, and above all his unwavering commitment to the betterment of his local union and the welfare of its brothers and sisters. Goodbye and rest easy, brother. |
![]() Former Local 269 Bus. Mgr. Dennis Doyle (June 1951-July 2018). |
Work Picture Solid; Active RENEW Committee |
L.U. 313 (i&spa), WILMINGTON, DE — The work picture remains solid, with multiple jobs needing IBEW travelers. Remember to make your out-of-state brothers feel right at home. While they are servicing the jobs in our jurisdiction, they are also away from their families. Thank you, brothers, and keep up the good work. September brings with it a new class of first-year apprentices, as the graduating class of 2018 (pictured below) reminds them of what is in their future! We anticipate good things from our young men and women, and particularly with the RENEW Committee. With the leadership of Bro. Harry Beck on the RENEW Committee, new areas of interest and participation never looked brighter. Also, a thank-you to Bro. Kevin Bryant for his years of service on the Entertainment Committee — and thank you to all who volunteer. Among the objects of organized labor and the IBEW are: to strive for a higher and higher standard of living, and to elevate social and moral conditions of our families and dependents. Enjoying warm-weather days with family and friends is the reward for long hours on the job. We hope everyone had a happy, productive and healthy summer. Do not forget "me" time for yourselves. |
![]() Local 313 congratulates class of 2018 apprenticeship graduates. |
Transitions & Tributes — Lives of Service Remembered |
L.U. 317 (i,o,rts,t&u), HUNTINGTON, WV — Greetings, brothers and sisters. We would like to thank the National Sisterhood United for Journeyman Linemen (NSUJL), IBEW members and contractors across the country who came to the aid of the family of our late Bro. Shane Filkins. Bro. Filkins passed away tragically in a helicopter accident while working on a transmission job in Pennsylvania. Many reached out to the family to extend both emotional support and monetary contributions. Bro. Filkins will be deeply missed. We thank Klein Tools for helping one of our apprentice linemen who is currently in the ALBAT program. The work tools of Bro. Tim Sparks went missing while he was working storm restoration in Florida, and he posted to social media for his friends to be on the lookout. It caught the attention of Kevin Klein, who sent nearly $4,000 worth of tools to Tim. It's with deep sadness that IBEW 317 also announces the passing of our former retired business manager Brent Grey. Bro. Grey passed away in May. In solidarity. |
![]() Local 317 Bro. Tim Sparks with display of Klein Tools. |
November 2018 Elections — Support Friends of Labor |
L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LE SUEUR, MN — The Mankato training facility is fully functional for apprenticeship classes and occasional retiree luncheons. The new exterior stairs improve access to the lower level and the new patio. Local 343's brick and mortar presence in town will benefit organizing new members and let the city know who we are and what we stand for. We are an asset to and an investment in the community. The summer was busy and prosperous for members filling calls off the book. The ride on the money train is unpredictable and the outcome of November 2018 midterm elections will determine if Minnesota labor organizations stay on track or derail in a train wreck. Member Greg Graif, the political coordinator, has been educating and informing members about the importance of the upcoming election. Our unions' survival depends on voting for labor-friendly candidates. We must vote our paychecks. We all have interests outside the IBEW, but the security of working under a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) guarantees we can afford to participate in those other interests. One vote matters. Your vote matters. Vote to keep Minnesota from becoming a "right-to-work-for-less" state. Keep America working. Buy "Made In USA." |
'Lopsided Political Power' — Vote for Working Families |
L.U. 347 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts&spa), DES MOINES, IOWA — We in Iowa are suffering under the problem of a double trifecta. At the national level, one political party now controls the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate and the executive branch. In Iowa, the same party is in control of the State House of Representatives, the Iowa Senate and the governor's office. This lopsided political control, at the state and federal level, is devastating for working people. In Iowa, Medicaid was shifted from a well-functioning, state-run program and given to "for-profit" insurance companies that keep coming back to the state mid-fiscal year for more money. Funding for education, K-12 and state universities, is being starved in the budget process. University professors are leaving Iowa for better pay elsewhere. Teachers in K-12 pay for school supplies out of their own pockets. The Iowa Dept. of Human Services takes a slash-and-burn approach to staffing. With all the fiscal cuts demanded, the state government reduced income taxes by $1.7 billion over five years — with major benefits going to corporations. The federal government seems to be attempting to outdo the State of Iowa on backward politics. Witness efforts to repeal Affordable Health Care, to hollow out the Environmental Protection Agency, to advance bill-writing by lobbyists, etc. Additionally, the income tax rewrite favors big corporations and the wealthiest. So, my brothers and sisters, please vote on Nov.6. Please vote to assert our interests as laboring people. We need a government that responds to the needs of workers, who make the wheels of this economy turn. We must make our wishes known. With our votes, let's make beneficial bipartisan action mandatory. |
Apprenticeship Graduation |
L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV — The Electrical JATC of Southern Nevada is pleased to announce that the 2018 annual apprenticeship graduation ceremony took place May 5 this year at the IBEW Local 357 union hall. Guest speakers U.S. Rep. Dina Titus and IBEW IEC member Patrick Lavin addressed the apprentices and guests in attendance. A dinner sponsored by the Southern Nevada IBEW/NECA Labor Management Cooperation Committee (LMCC) followed the ceremony later that evening at the Culinary Academy of Las Vegas. This year's Outstanding Apprentice Award went to Cory D. Roundy. The Mike Laux Award (for most union meetings attended) was presented to Josie R. Morales. The Clyde Green Sr. Memorial Award (for grade-point average) went to James Huynh. Perfect attendance awards went to Joshua A. Blagg, Paul-Robert Deitz and Slade L. Morgan. Training Dir. Madison Burnett and Asst. Training Dir. Robert Buntjer were honored to present this year's 29 inside wiremen. The wireman graduates are: Gabriel J. Alderman, Mario C. Armenta, Richard Baldinelli, Joshua A. Blagg, Montoria D. Burkett, Matthew Bustamante, Maurice Cooper, Patrick J. Cowie, Paul-Robert Deitz, Brandon Duffey, Edward B. Dulay, Kody J. Greenfield, Jason E. Harrison, Bret H. Hart, Edward Hernberger, James Huynh, Antwon D. Johnson, Rafael C. Jones, Benjamin I. Lopez, Vilitonu Mafi, Michael J. Magee, Jonathan R. McClone, Tyler N. Miller, Josie R. Morales, Slade L. Morgan, Ryan M. Polda, Kevin M. Rich, Cory D. Roundy and Jorge Toribio. |
![]() At the Local 357 class of 2018 apprenticeship graduation on May 5. |
Strong in IBEW Solidarity — 'A Career & a Brotherhood' |
L.U. 363 (catv,em,govt,i,t,u&ws), NEW CITY, NY — With everything going on today geared toward hurting labor unions, I was thinking about when I first came to the IBEW 40 years ago. I was young and had nothing. I wanted to belong and be part of something that was strong and powerful. I wanted the strength and security of it and I said out loud that I would do anything for it. I knew that the IBEW was not just a job. It was a career and a Brotherhood. The IBEW took me in and gave me that career I didn't have. The IBEW gave me wages and benefits I could never dream of earning otherwise. The IBEW educated me. The IBEW planned my retirement when I didn't even realize what a retirement was. The IBEW made me into a union electrical worker who could work and live with dignity. If you remember back to when you came to the IBEW, I will bet your story is very close to mine. So, I ask you, brothers and sisters: What law could anyone ever pass now to make you reject the union? I say there is none and there never will be! God bless the IBEW! |
![]() A view outside the entrance to IBEW Local 363 and the Hudson Valley NECA Regional Training Facility. |
June 23 Membership Meeting |
L.U. 369 (em,es,i,lctt,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), LOUISVILLE, KY — On June 23 this year, Local 369 held its monthly union meeting at the satellite office in Lexington. This was the first general membership meeting held in Lexington since former Local 183 was amalgamated into Local 369 in 1998. Almost 100 brothers and sisters helped make this special day a terrific success. Former Local 183 was chartered on Feb. 19, 1913, and was the home local that supplied electricians to help build the Toyota manufacturing plant in Georgetown, KY — Toyota's first wholly owned manufacturing plant in the United States. |
![]() Local 369's membership meeting on June 23 took place at satellite office in Lexington, KY. |
Summer Celebrations |
L.U. 375 (catv,ees,et,govt,i&mo), ALLENTOWN, PA — The summer months are always filled with brotherhood, starting with our Dorney Park Picnic on Memorial Day weekend in May. This year over 600 members and their families experienced the rides and catered barbecue for a fun-filled day. For Father's Day in June, the District Youth Committee (DYC) organized a Lehigh Valley IronPigs baseball game at Coca-Cola Park. Members brought their families to delight in a close win and enjoyed some great food. In July, the fifth-year apprentice graduates participated in a celebration of their completion of the apprenticeship program. Congratulations, graduates! The summer will then wrap up in September with our annual members only clambake, which has been a tradition in Local 375 for over 60 years. |
Organizing Blitz & Job Fair |
L.U. 379 (i,lctt,o&rtb), CHARLOTTE, NC — It has been a great summer so far for Local 379. Work at our large jobs is fully ramped up and our small shops are busy as well. For those not familiar with our jurisdiction, we cover 15 counties in North Carolina, 13 counties in South Carolina and five counties in Georgia. We have two satellite offices, one in Hickory, NC, and one in Greenville, SC. We recently conducted a very successful blitz and Industry Night/Job Fair in the Greenville area to help man work going on there. Organizers and volunteers hit 63 non-union jobs and turned out 54 prospects to the Job Fair. We organized 15 new IBEW members, getting them hired on to union jobs in that area. We had our annual picnic in June and saw a great turnout of brothers and sisters and retirees. The biggest news coming out of the local is still in progress. We are in contract negotiations currently. Our negotiation team is working hard at press time and hoping for favorable outcomes. The market is certainly working in our favor as construction continues to boom and wages continue to rise. |
![]() Local 379 members respond to anti-worker ruling by U.S. Supreme Court in Janus v. AFSME. |
Heroic Action Recognized — Honorary Membership Plaque |
L.U. 429 (em,i,lctt,o,ptc,rtb&u), NASHVILLE, TN — On the early morning of April 22 this year, a mass shooting occurred at a Waffle House restaurant in the Antioch neighborhood of Nashville. Four people were killed and several more injured when a gunman entered the restaurant and opened fire with a fully loaded AR-15. If not for the heroic actions of James Shaw Jr., countless other lives could have been lost that day. When confronted with death, James Jr. acted, wrestling the gun away from the gunman and tossing it over the counter, preventing more lives being taken. On June 13, at the IBEW Tenth District Progress Meeting, Local 429 Asst. Bus. Agent James Shaw Sr. was presented an Honorary Membership plaque for his son James Shaw Jr. Presenting the plaque to James Shaw Sr. was our IBEW Int. Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson. On behalf of the friends, members, officers and staff of Local 429 — thank you to the IBEW for honoring our brother and friend. To James Sr., Karen, and James Jr., thank you all for who you are. For more information about our new honorary member, Google "James Shaw Jr." |
![]() Local 429 Asst. Bus. Agent James Shaw Sr. (right) with his son James Shaw Jr. |
Welcome to New Organizers; Years-of-Service Awards |
L.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), POCATELLO, IDAHO — Greetings, brothers and sisters. As assistant business manager and dispatcher of Local 449, I would like to introduce the new organizers of Local 449, Craig McDonald and Dan Green. I believe they both bring a new approach to organizing. Best of luck to them both! Brothers recognized for their IBEW years of service this year at our annual local union picnic: 50-year members — James R. Weimer, Ray D. Anderson, Scott J. Davis, Ronald L. Eccher, Lewis R. Frisk, Walter H. Johnson, Bud E. Schrand, James W. Trevey, Wallace O. Walker, Richard D. Webb; 55-year member — Elmer K. Detwiler; 60-year members — William D. Blake, Dean W. Gibson, Lowell McMurtrey, Paul E. Peak, Billy W. Wade; 65-year members — Frank C. Hulse, Norman W. Reno; and 70-year members — Edward D. Norby and Ralph E. Kidrick. Congratulations to all! Congratulations to our recently retired brothers: Phil Colman, Thomas Dalquist, Bob Bodell and Mike Peace. Brothers, you have earned it — and best wishes to all of you for a happy retirement! With regret we report the recent passing of several members. In memoriam: Bros. Gerald Geddes, Edward Norby, Donald Frugoli and Edward Slaugh. Our heartfelt condolences go out to their family and friends. |
IBEW Members Say: 'I'm IN — Staying IBEW Strong' |
L.U. 465 (lctt&u), SAN DIEGO, CA — We recently hosted multiple Member-to-Member workshops focusing on the threat of so-called "right-to-work" legislation and the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME. [Editor's Note: To read more about the ruling, see news article "Supreme Court Ruling in Janus: An Attack on Every American Who Works for a Living," posted on the IBEW website at www.ibew.og/media-center/Articles.] At the Member-to-Member workshops, we were honored to have Int. Rep. Tracey Prezeau from the I.O. Education Department, who shared personal stories about how the IBEW has changed her life and talked to our members about building power in the workplace and different ways to stay IBEW Strong! Our member-organizers will be hitting the streets to talk to all 930 sisters and brothers we represent at the Imperial Irrigation District, and the 185 we represent at San Diego Metropolitan Transit System, about how IBEW Local 465 has improved their lives, helped them provide for their families, and given them a voice and dignity on the job. We must all stand united and say: "I'm IN, I'm staying IBEW Strong." We will be working tirelessly to engage our members about the importance of keeping our union strong and working to build a strong network of workplace leaders who will be ready for anything that comes our way. Whether it is battling anti-worker legislation, a contract fight, or an organizing drive — our members are saying, "I'm IN!" |
![]() At Local 465 Member-to-Member workshop, members display signs stating: "I'm IN — I'm Staying IBEW Strong." |
2017 Storm Restoration |
L.U. 499 (u), DES MOINES, IOWA — In September 2017, journeyman lineman Tyler Hansen, from Waterloo, Iowa, was one of several IBEW Local 499 members who were sent to Florida to help with storm restoration efforts after a big hurricane struck last year. Tyler was away for 11 days assisting in Florida and he snapped the accompanying picture (below) of utility trucks on the scene in Naples, FL. IBEW Local 499 had several crews in Florida for various amounts of time assisting with restoration efforts, and all returned home safely. Thank you to all the IBEW crew members involved for the great job they did. Thank you, Tyler, for sending us the picture and helping others out. |
![]() Utility trucks on the scene in Naples, FL, in the aftermath of a September 2017 hurricane. Photo by Local 499 member Tyler Hansen. |
Railcar Upgrades |
L.U. 531 (i), LAPORTE, IN — Rail companies across the country have been working on upgrading their equipment to comply with federal regulations. Members of Local 531 in LaPorte, IN, along with two members of neighboring Local 697, have been working on modernizing all 72 of the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD) railcars. The Positive Train Control (PTC), program is part of a mandated program designed to reduce accidents in locomotives and passenger railcars. The upgrades program needs to be completed by Dec. 31, 2018. In other news, congratulations to the apprenticeship graduating class of 2018. We are proud of these new journeymen. The graduates are as follows: journeyman wiremen — Eric Cusick, Keenen Perry, Matt Cody, Shawn Servaty, David Patek II, Maxwell Kessler, Jacob Crawford, Brandon Wireman, Dean Tillema III, Robert Rodgers, Luis Acuna, Art Steward and Corey Casto; residential graduates — Nathian Jackson and William Witte; and voice-data-video graduates — Thomas McInerney, Scott Petersen and Taylor Tuholski. Congratulations and good luck to all of you. |
![]() Members of Locals 531 and 697 employed by Meade Electric are working on upgrading passenger railcars for the South Shore Line. |
'Congratulations to All' |
L.U. 569 (i,mar,mt,rts&spa), SAN DIEGO, CA — Earlier this summer, IBEW 569 and NECA graduated 96 hard-working union members from our outstanding joint apprenticeship program! This is the second-largest class of graduates since we opened our doors in 1983! We are so proud of you, graduates! With the toughest graduation standards in the industry, our class of 2018 joins the ranks of being the best in the industry. We also want to recognize our 2018 apprentice recipients of the IBEW 569 Union Strong Award, each of whom have stepped up to strengthen communities and change lives. Our awardees have also volunteered at countless union events and walked hundreds of miles to help elect candidates who support working families! Congratulations to: Cristina Marquez, Rajali Walker and Cristopher Cortez. IBEW 569 extends heartfelt thanks and congratulations to our IBEW 569 members for their tremendous volunteer hours during the primary election — we won over 90 percent of our campaigns! Volunteers, you did great work and we're about to do it again for the Nov. 6 general election. Mark your calendars and VOTE! Help pass a $3.5 billion school bond with a project labor agreement (PLA) provision, and elect candidates who support our priorities such as local-hire policies, job creation, and investments in our communities. |
![]() Graduates of the joint apprenticeship program of IBEW Local 569 and NECA San Diego class of 2018. |
Tribute to A Life of Service |
L.U. 595 (c,cs,govt,i,mt,se&st), DUBLIN, CA — It is with a heavy heart I report, on behalf of Local 595, that Bro. Thomas D. Mullarkey has passed. Initiated in 1974 and a member for 44 years, Tom lived an exemplary life and was an inspiration to so many people around him. His dedication to his family and to his religious community proved to be one of many positive characteristics he demonstrated regularly in his professional life as a journeyman inside wireman. After graduating from the inside apprenticeship program, Tom worked in the field as a journeyman, foreman and general foreman before accepting an appointment as Local 595 business representative in 2006. He proudly served Local 595 as business representative until his retirement in 2013. He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Jane Drummond-Mullarkey, and his children, Elizabeth Pilara and Matthew Mullarkey. He leaves behind four adoring grandchildren, Juliana, Nico, Lilia and Luca Pilara as well as two sons-in-law, Ricky Pilara and Quincy Myers. |
![]() Local 595 late Bro. Thomas D. Mullarkey (right) with his father, John Mullarkey. |
District Progress Meeting |
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — The IBEW Seventh District Progress Meeting, held at the Buffalo Thunder Resort in Santa Fe, was hosted by Local 611. The event took place May 15-18. Attendees included delegates from Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. During the four-day event, we heard speeches from Int. Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson, Seventh District Int. Vice Pres. Steven M. Speer and Int. Rep. Gary Buresh. John Harriel Jr., a Local 11 member, gave a great speech on the topic of "Member-to-Member Mentoring" about the struggles he went through to become an IBEW member and the importance of working together and being a team member. Attending the Progress Meeting was a great experience for participants. A huge thanks to the staff and especially Santos Griego for putting together a great event. Bennie Sandoval and Tom Davis, both Local 611 members, recently retired as Seventh District international representatives. Thank you, Bennie and Tom, for your years of service — we hope retirement serves you both well. If you are not registered to vote and would like to register, please call the union hall so they can put you in contact with a registrar. Local 611 extends condolences to the family of Bro. Overton H. Prather, who recently passed away. |
![]() Local 611 member Mark Strand (left), Press Sec. Darrell J. Blair, Int. Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson and Local 611 Bus. Mgr. Carl Condit. |
Local Celebrates 100 Years |
L.U. 617 (c,i,mo&st), SAN MATEO, CA — Spring and summer have been a busy time for our local. The work picture continues to be strong, with most work running overtime. Not since 2000 have we experienced such growth. Thanks go to all our traveling brothers and sisters helping us man the work. The local celebrated our 110th anniversary and pin party with a gala celebration on April 28. Over 400 members attended along with Ninth District Int. Vice Pres. John J. O'Rourke and his staff, and NECA contractors. Congratulations to pin-recipient Bro. Lin Cardelli for his 75 years of IBEW service. Thanks to our staff for helping make the event a great success. Everyone had a good time and enjoyed the celebration. On March 24, Local 617 participated in the 50th Homecoming Parade in San Mateo, honoring the 101st Airborne Screaming Eagles. Our Journeyman Motorcycle Club led off the parade, followed by veterans of 617 and supporting members. Sister DJ Siegman was honored as the 2017 IBEW Instructor of the Year, at the April 2018 IBEW Construction & Maintenance Conference held in Washington, DC. Congratulations, Sister Siegman. Thanks to our brothers and sisters who give up their free time to support and give back to our union's many events and community projects, including the "rebuilding together" project, the July 4 parade and more. |
![]() Local 617 Bus. Mgr. David M. Mauro (left) with 75-year member Lin Cardelli and his wife, Gloria. |
Building Market Share; Ironman Fundraising Tourney |
L.U. 627 (u), FORT PIERCE, FL — The local hosted our 22nd Annual Ironman Fundraising Tournament. Despite the rainy Florida weather that week, the tournament was a great success! Good times with some good people, all while fundraising for our Community Affairs Fund. Thank you to all who participated. Congratulations to the recent graduates of our Linemen & Substation Electrician Apprenticeship programs (pictured below). Local 627 remains committed to ensuring that the most highly skilled and safest workforce is provided through our apprenticeship programs. Recently, a resounding call to enhance our in-house expertise and acquire more work for the Local 627 workforce has been made. This is music to our members' ears as we are committed to being the preferred provider of labor, now and in the future. Working with our employers to ensure the proper training, tooling and staffing to perform the work is a strong demonstration of our Code of Excellence principles. We look forward to the challenge and welcome the opportunity. Brothers and sisters, with storm season already upon us, please continue to be your "brother's keeper" — look out for yourselves and each other and always plan and incorporate safety into every task performed. Safety & Solidarity! |
![]() Local 627 congratulates recent graduates of the Linemen & Substation Electrician Apprenticeship programs. |
Local 697 Motorcycle Club — 'Riding for a Good Purpose' |
L.U. 697 (c,es,i,mt&se), GARY AND HAMMOND, IN — The IBEW Local 697 Motorcycle Club was launched earlier this year and participated in the Miracle Ride to raise money for Riley's Children's Hospital in downtown Indianapolis. We raised $3,125 for the event, strengthened our brotherhood with a group ride down on Saturday, June 2, enjoyed our stay in downtown Indianapolis, and respectfully patronized the local establishments. Sunday, June 3, was the Miracle Ride, where we met participating brothers and sisters from IBEW Local 16 and IBEW Local 725. We also will be planning next year's ride in conjunction with them. As part of the Miracle Ride, we went one lap around the Indianapolis 500 track, with most of us reaching speeds of 110 mph. Most importantly, the looks on the faces of the children, families and staff — as the Miracle Ride rode past the Riley's Children's Hospital — made the whole experience amazing. Thank you to Local 697 Motorcycle Club Pres. Dirk Decker and Bros. Rich Apking, Scott Funk, Brion Grooms, Curt Hilligans, John Hiet, Jason Sankowski, Rich Sankowski and Jason Valasic for representing our local at this event. |
![]() The Local 697 Motorcycle Club gathers for the Miracle Ride fundraiser to benefit a downtown Indianapolis children's hospital. |
COPE Golf Outing |
L.U. 827 (catv&t), EAST WINDSOR, NJ — On Thursday, May 31, this year, Local 827 held its first COPE Golf Outing Fundraiser at the Pebble Creek Golf Club in Colts Neck, NJ. The local union plans to make this an annual event. Approximately 100 golfers turned out for the event, which was arranged by Local 827 Treas. Glenn Puzo. After the golf, everyone enjoyed a barbeque luncheon at the club. There were many "silent auction" prizes such as 50-inch television and an iPad. With the donations collected and raffle tickets sold, Local 827 raised over $15,000 to put into the PAC Fund to support our local legislative issues. We would like to thank all our supporters for helping to make this a successful day. |
RENEW Committee Success: Food Drive & Highway Cleanup |
L.U. 965 (em,govt,ptc&u), MADISON, WI — The month of May was very busy and fruitful for the IBEW 965 RENEW Committee. First up was the Adopt-A-Highway cleanup that took place in Portage, WI, on Highway 51. It was a solid turnout this year, which was followed by a gathering with food, drinks and laughs shared at a local park. The second part of May was the inaugural Summer Hunger Food and Fund Drive for the Second Harvest of Wisconsin. With the help of the membership and Alliant Energy, the RENEW Committee was able to collect almost $6,000 and 1,650 pounds of food! Put together, that provides 19,280 meals for people in need. The Food and Fund Drive was capped off by members going to grocery stores in Janesville and Beaver Dam to get donations from local patrons. A special shoutout goes to members who put in a lot of hard work for this event: Randy Jacob, Dillon Gorman, Tyler Bergstrom and Matt Tegt. |
![]() IBEW Local 965 members and family volunteered for a highway cleanup project. The crew included: Tyler Bergstrom, Kyle McLaughlin and daughter, sons of Jeff Simonson, Jason Broome, Jeff Simonson, Brad Argall, Dylan Shifflet (kneeling), Denise Breunig, Steve Kohlhagen, Mike Pyne (kneeling), Randy Crawford and Matt Tegt. |
Annual Fishing Tournament; Apprenticeship Graduation |
L.U. 1205 (em,govt,i&u), GAINESVILLE, FL — The Annual W.S. Brown/Clayton Graves Bream Tournament held March 10 this year was a successful gathering of Local 1205 active members and retirees. The event was held at the Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings Landing just west of Gainesville, which provided the ideal location for our fishermen of all skill levels. We would like to give special recognition to the members who make this tournament fun for all attendees year in and year out. The day began with breakfast at dawn cooked by Warren Marshall, John Luke and Billy Marshall and coordinated by Richard Diffenderfer, Raleigh Veal, James Brown, Wayne Sparkman, Wayne Hinson, Letcher Worley, Charlie Ponder, Ray Yanke, Charles Worley and Jamie Weach. On May 12, Local 1205 celebrated the graduation of its 50th annual graduating class. Dedicated to Marcia Foreman, who has been a staple of our apprenticeship for decades. Keynote speaker was Florida AFL-CIO Pres. Mike Williams. We wish these fine young graduates the best as they begin the next chapter in their lives. Congratulations also to Outstanding Apprentice Danny Boyd for excellence in the classroom. Graduates, we look forward to the positive impact you all will have on not only the industry but also the community at large. |
Paper Mill Rebuild Project |
L.U. 1253 (i&mo), AUGUSTA, MAINE — With the completion of the Sappi Paper Mill rebuild of its No. 1 machine, Local 1253 wishes to thank all the traveling sisters and brothers who helped our local sisters and brothers complete the job. Sappi had saleable paper coming off the machine at the end of May, which at times had seemed an impossibility. This was a tough job due to the lack of engineering — so thank you to all sisters and brothers, local and traveling, for your successful efforts to complete the project. I hope everyone had a happy and safe summer. Work should be picking up as fall arrives. |
Transmission Safety Week |
L.U. 1347 (ees,em&u), CINCINNATI, OHIO — Safety week for our transmission department took place June 4-7 at the Duke Energy Shelbyville headquarters in Indiana. IBEW members from Local 1347 and Local 1393 attended. We had many demonstrations on "hurtman" rescue from tower lines, and confined-space tri-pod rescues. There were many examples of the operation of special boom trucks and equipment brought in by venders. Many venders had tents and booths showing all kinds of different equipment, etc., available. Safety was the main objective for all participants, as we continue to strive to make our workplace safe and accident-free. Both Local 1347 and Local 1393 set up booths to give out all kinds of union apparel and gifts for the membership. Pictured in the accompanying photo are some of those who attended the event. |
![]() IBEW members from Locals 1347 and 1393 attended Transmission Safety Week event in June 2018. |
Registrar Training; 2018 Midterm Elections |
L.U. 1501 (ees,em,mo,pet,rts&t), BALTIMORE, MD — On April 23 this year, Local 1501 Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dion Guthrie attended the IBEW Conference on Registrar Training held at the IBEW Local 26 union hall in Lanham, MD. As we head into the fall midterm election period, we need to maximize our voting strength, and the only way to do this is to register as many of our members and their households as possible. Then get them out to vote. It will be our effort to get no less than 95 percent of our members registered. The April 23 session at Local 26 was excellent training for this all-out effort. Bus. Mgr. Guthrie stated that he was very pleased with Local 26 facilities and the union hall was extremely impressive. |
![]() Local 1501 Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dion F. Guthrie (left) with Local 26 Bus. Mgr. George C. Hogan. |
Local Union Election |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — Local 1579 held its election of officers in June. The officers were sworn in at our July 16 meeting and we have a new vice president, recording secretary, treasurer and two new Executive Board members. Elected officers are: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Will Salters, Pres. Rick Dubose, Vice Pres. Alonzo Ingram, Rec. Sec. Maggie Senters, Treas. Otis Sexton and Executive Board members Lee Buoy, Wes Young, Timmy Crabb, Chris Byrd, Tommie Crabb, Brian Giles and Chandra Fussell. I am very appreciative of the support given to me during this election and look forward to working with all of these officers as we continue to serve our membership. Until next time, God bless. |
Members Ratify Contract — 'Standing Strong & United' |
L.U. 1837 (rtb&u), MANCHESTER, MAINE — IBEW Local 1837 members at the New Hampshire Electric Co-op voted in May to ratify a new 3½ year contract agreement and end their 10-day strike. The contract includes wage adjustments for some classifications, annual wage increases for all bargaining unit members and improvements in the retirement plans for union employees. Significantly, the final agreement does not include the company's proposed language that would have given it the ability to modify or eliminate its contributions to employee retirement plans. It was that proposal from the company's so-called "last and final offer" that was pivotal in the decision of IBEW members to overwhelmingly approve a strike at the NH Electric Co-op. "The courage and determination of our members at the Co-op cannot be overstated," IBEW Local 1837 Bus. Mgr. Dick Rogers said. "They stayed strong and unified throughout the strike and none of our members crossed the picket lines during the strike. They have earned our respect and admiration." Throughout the strike, community support for the 84 striking IBEW members on the picket lines was overwhelming. Countless numbers of people drove by the picket lines and honked their horns or gave a big "thumbs up" to show their appreciation for the people who have done so much to serve the Co-op's customers. |
![]() IBEW contingent picketed New Hampshire Electric Co-op's headquarters in Plymouth, NH, every day during the strike earlier this year. |
'Walking the Safety Talk' |
L.U. 2067 (o&u), REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA — On June 13 this year, IBEW Local 2067's commitment to safety was affirmed when the local was presented a third-place 2018 "Mission: Zero" Award, small-employer category. Local 2067 qualified with high employee engagement in a safety survey, and an exemplary Workers Compensation Board injury-rate score. (In Local 2067's case, this was zero injuries or fatalities in the past five years). IBEW Local 2067 Bus. Mgr. Jason Tibbs was also interviewed during the process and was required to answer four key questions regarding the local's commitment to safety inside and outside the workplace. Mission: Zero, an initiative that launched in 2008 in response to Saskatchewan having the second worst injury rate in Canada, is promoted in part by The Saskatchewan Health and Leadership Charter. IBEW Local 2067 has been a signatory in the charter since its 2010 inception. Bus. Mgr. Tibbs was pleased with the recognition for Local 2067's achievements. He noted that: "This award is a positive reflection on IBEW Local 2067. IBEW was founded on safety, and we are advocates for safety on the jobsite every day. We expect our members to work safe every day, and our members should expect us to walk our talk." [CORRECTION: An editing error appeared in a Local 2067 "Local Lines" article in the July 2018 issue of The Electrical Worker. The job descriptions listed for two members were mistakenly inverted. Bro. Ryan Steinhaeusser is an electrical inspector, and Bro. George St. Amant is a gas inspector. We regret the error.] |
![]() Bro. Curtis Lizée (left) accepts "Mission: Zero" Award on behalf of IBEW Local 2067; presenting the award are Ryan Jacobson (center) of the Saskatchewan Safety Council and Gord Moker (right) of Safe Saskatchewan. |
'Spring Fling' Event IBEW Service Awards |
L.U. 2173 (em), LYNCHBURG, VA — A Local 2173 "Spring Fling" event was held June 13 at Delta Star Inc. in Lynchburg to thank all the workers and to recognize local union members for their years of service to the IBEW. IBEW service award honorees included the following Local 2173 members: 45-year members — George D. Hudson, Gerald Payne Sr.; 30-year members — Dayton E. Morrell, Dennis R. Guill; 20-year members — Matthew M. Blake, Brenda Mitchell, Howard D. Tyree Jr., Jeffery L. Wade, David C. Wright, Frank K. Zatrepalek; 15-year members — Miranda G. Dunnemann, Kevin R. Knaver, Phillip P. Mann, Laurie J. Morris, Eric D. Wesley; 10-year members — Tyrone O. Yuille, Jason M. Wright, Nathan I. Wade, Robert Staton, Adam T. Sorrells, Dwight I. Sandidge, Christopher A. Robinson, Dennis W. Pugh, Alfonza W. Poe, Samuel A. McCraw, James T. King Jr., Peggy Hall; and 5-year members — Cordoro Walker, Timothy Vaughan, James Tolley, David B. Smith, Brandon M. Smith, Matthew C. Shelton, William A. Seufert, Roger D. Seufert Jr., Steven W. Purcell, Derrick K. Petty, Bryan A. Noble, Chad A. Needham, Joseph R. Mlaka, William N. Mayberry, Melvin D. Martin, Leslie A. Lewis, Kevin W. Lakes Jr., Phillip H. Jeter Jr., Alice Hubbard, Chris W. Henderson, Terry W. Foxx, Greg T. Campbell, Christopher P. Burnett, Johnny D. Blankenship, Marcus T. Blake, Ernest A. Barnett, Jason R. Barker and Nicholas R. Anderson. |
![]() Local 2173 members employed by Delta Star Inc. received IBEW years-of-service awards at June 13 "Spring Fling" event. |
Retirees |
Service Award Luncheon |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, NORTHERN NEW JERSEY CHAPTER — We enjoyed a wonderful spring and summer season of activities! Several of our members were honored at the June Service Award Luncheon at the Joint Industry Board in Flushing, NY. Top honors went to Anthony La Bate (pictured in accompanying photo), who received an 80-year award! Congratulations, Tony! Also honored were: 55-year award recipients Ronald DePaola, Edward Frisone and Marcus Lehman; and 50-year award recipients Stuart Finn, Kenneth Hillenmeyer, William Losquadro, William Porr, Harry Rigos, Arthur Saladino and Carl Soreco. Congratulations, everyone! We enjoyed our spring luncheon at Bellisimo Restaurant and a fun summer picnic at Kruckers Picnic Grove. Several of us enjoyed a five-day bus trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls. And at this writing, we're looking forward to our trip to the Educational Center on Long Island! Wishing everyone a great fall season! |
![]() Some of the Local 3, Northern New Jersey Chapter, Retirees Club service award recipients gather for a group photo. |
New Officers |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, SOUTH JERSEY CHAPTER — We mourn the loss of Phil Pfister, who served as our chairman from 2000-2017. Bro. Pfister died in May 2018. We extend condolences to his family. Our club's new officers include: Chmn. Anthony Savarese; Vice Chmn. Lou Cohen; Treas. John Adams; Rec. Sec./Alternate Vice Chmn. Charlie DeSaro; Trustees Don Gallagher, Tom Viola and Bobby Zawada; and Paul Gross, Dues Renewal. |
![]() Local 3, South Jersey Chapter, Retirees Club officers, from left: Don Gallagher, John Adams, Lou Cohen, Anthony Savarese, Charles De Saro, Tom Viola, Robert Zawada and Paul Gross. |
Officers Sworn In |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, SUFFOLK CHAPTER — Our June meeting started with our newly elected officers being sworn in. Our new chapter chairman is Richard Duva. He was sworn in by IBEW Local 3 Bus. Rep. Richard Duva Jr. What a proud moment for both father and son. Local 3 Pension Dir. Maureen Steiger swore in the following: Vice Chmn. Andy Weis, Fin. Sec. Hank Schmidt, Treas. Mike Zoldak, Sgt. of Arms Michael Katz, and Rec. Sec. Steve Danielson. Trustees are: Nick Matonti, Frank Bono, Jack Foley and Allan Eimer. John Schoenig chairs the Entertainment Committee, Barbara Serpe serves on the Sunshine Committee, and Harvey Goldman is the club's public scribe. Chmn. Duva then presented a plaque on behalf of the chapter to Jack Foley to thank him for all his hard work as chairman for over 10 years. Jack received a well-deserved standing ovation. We then discussed the upcoming trip to the Long Island Educational Center, our September BBQ, and our December holiday party. The chairman then said those three magic words, "Lunch is served." Everyone enjoyed a wonderful lunch. |
![]() Local 3 Pension Dir. Maureen Steiger (third from left) swears in several of the Local 3, Suffolk Chapter, Retirees Club officers, from left: Vice Chmn. Andy Weis, Fin. Sec. Hank Schmidt, Treas. Mike Zoldak, Sgt. of Arms Michael Katz, and Rec. Sec. Steven Danielson. |
Spring 2018 Golf Outing |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, WESTCHESTER/PUTNAM CHAPTER — On April 26, the Westchester/Putnam Chapter Retirees held our Spring Golf Outing at the Leewood Country Club, in Eastchester, NY. The original date was April 25, but the outing had to be postponed due to inclement weather. Besides causing the postponement, the weather was responsible for a drastic drop in the number of golfers participating. However, those who did come out on April 26 were able to salvage the day on a rather damp course. Our resident "golf pro," Chet Maliszewski, won the chapter trophy again, for the best individual score. After the round, we enjoyed a barbecue lunch, and the awarding of prizes and raffle drawings. Even with the number of players only half of what we expected, we were almost able to break even, and still add a small amount to the Fisher House Fund. Hopefully, the weather for our fall outing will be better — the "golf gods" owe us one. |
![]() Tee box sponsor sign on display at the Local 3, Westchester/Putnam Chapter, Retirees Club's spring golf outing in April 2018. |
'Club is Going Strong' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 26, WASHINGTON, DC — Our club is going strong! We have over 500 card-carrying members, although we mail to 1,500 retired members regularly. On July 20, we attended the Nationals baseball game against the Atlanta Braves. On July 30, we helped the Alliance for Retired Americans — to which our club belongs, in the Maryland/Washington, D.C. Chapter — celebrate the 53rd anniversary of Medicare! An important date for every retired American. And, on Aug. 16, we remembered the enactment of the Social Security Act of 1935! Our regular events — such as the union picnic, the cruise to Alaska, the bus trip to the Amish Market and the crab feast — continue to keep the club busy though the summer, when we do not have regular meetings. Join the Club's Annual Crab feast on Oct. 13 this year. If you plan to be in the Annapolis/Washington area, please join us. For details, please contact retired Sister Susan Flashman before Oct. 5 at flashmanbissell@aol.com. Attendance has grown, so if you have friends you wish to sit with, please let her know! We are planning our next cruise — a 12-day trip to the Caribbean Islands. We already have 64 passengers! For information about our club's travels, contact our travel coordinator, retired Bro. Rick Warner, at 240-272-0438. We regularly award service pins to our retired members, and this past year we had some special service awards. |
![]() At a Local 26 Retirees Club presentation of IBEW service pin awards. |
Celebrating Camaraderie |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 35, HARTFORD, CT — Local 35 held its Members Outing on June 9. It was great to see so many retirees and old friends at the event. There were also a lot of younger members and apprentices in attendance. Everyone had a wonderful time, and some won some great raffle gifts. Thanks to Local 35 for giving the Retirees Club tickets for the Hartford Yard Goats baseball games. The tickets were given out through a raffle at our Retirees Luncheon. Dunkin' Donuts Park is a beautiful all-union-built stadium. Hope everyone had a great summer. Happy Labor Day! |
Retiree Luncheon & Awards |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 53, KANSAS CITY, MO — Once again we went straight from winter to summer. Hope everyone stayed cool despite the heat and drank plenty of liquids. We need everyone to stay healthy. Our retiree luncheon, hosted by Local 53, was May 3. We had a very good turnout, and everyone had a great time. We presented service pins to the following retired members: 50-year members Jerry Senter, Carl Terry and Donnie Wright; and 55-year members Joe Padilla and Mel Simmons. Congratulations to all. A big thank-you to Local 53 for hosting these luncheons. On June 9, Local 53 held our 30th annual crappie tournament/fish fry. The fishing wasn't great, but we had enough for the fish fry. Participants had a great time. There will be a celebration of life for late Local 53 retiree Robert "Shale" Sherman on Friday, Sept. 28, at 6 p.m. It will be held at the Milestones Barn, which is about 3 miles north of Warrensburg, MO, on Highway 13. We have a group of retirees who meet at the Lumberyard Bar & Grill in Urich, MO, on the odd-numbered months at around 11 a.m. Please feel free to come join us. |
Projects to Serve Community |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 60, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS — With the club's approval at their Sept. 12, 2018, meeting, IBEW Local 60 and the Local 60 Retirees Club will be working in conjunction in the future, to help improve the livelihood of our community and surrounding counties. A committee of retirees and the RENEW committee have met to discuss future potential projects that will help improve our communities. At the time of this writing, the club is taking a summer break. Meetings are the second Thursday of each month, starting up again Sept. 12, 2018, at 12 noon. The club meets at the Plumbers and Pipefitters training building at 3630 Belgium Lane. After a short business meeting, a themed lunch (depending on a holiday or special occasion for that month) is served. After lunch, attendees enjoy 10 games of bingo with modest cash prizes. The Local 60 retirees wish to thank everyone who was involved in the golf tournament fundraiser held this past April. Without all the sponsors, prizes, and donations (cash and goody bag items), the tournament would not have turned out as well as it did. A special thanks to Betty Cannon and the volunteers who spent hours planning and working this event. |
'Stop By & Join Us' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 82, DAYTON, OHIO — Greetings from Local 82 retirees. For most people, September and Labor Day represent the end of summer. For IBEW members, it is also a time for us to reflect on the many benefits that union labor provides for each of us and our families. The Local 82 Retirees Club meets at the union hall on the first Wednesday of each month at 12 noon. All retirees and spouses are welcome to stop by and join us. We have lunch and talk about the good times remembered, and make plans for future activities. This past summer we traveled to the Southern Comfort Grill in New Paris, Ohio, for a great lunch and afterward had dessert and coffee at the nearby home of Jim and Ginny Morgan. We also enjoyed the pin dinner in August. On Dec. 7, there is the annual Retiree Christmas Dinner. Watch the Local 82 newsletter for more information. Hope to see you soon. |
'Don't Wait — Participate' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 105, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA — Congratulations to our IBEW over 40 Hockey Team for winning the championship cup this year. It has been many years since we could call the cup ours again. Way to go, guys! We closed the winter/spring season off with a pig roast complete with Karaoke. Let me tell you how much fun that was! Too funny is all I'll say, lol. At a recent membership meeting we enjoyed a lovely barbecue. At the time of this writing, bowling and euchre have ceased during the summer months. In July, a group of retirees took a bus trip to the Grand River Raceway & Casino for a buffet dinner and fun! In August, a busload of retirees took in a visit to St. Jacobs Market, a lunch at Stone Crock restaurant in the town of St. Jacobs, and a play at the St. Jacobs Playhouse. Remember our motto: Don't wait — participate! Please remember, all that we have and all the privileges of our events are all made possible by our hard-working local members and Executive Board, past and present. Our sincerest thanks to every one of you! |
![]() The Local 105 Retirees Club congratulates the IBEW Over-40 Hockey Team on winning a championship cup. |
September Golf Outing |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 134, CHICAGO, IL — Our club's Annual John Cummins Memorial Golf Outing is Sept. 19 this year. Eighteen holes of golf with a cart for each golf team. Our Annual Luncheon meeting honoring our members for IBEW years of service was June 13, held at our new Local 134 home. We thank Local 134 for all they do to support our Retirees Club. We are so grateful for their support. Honorees were: 50-year members — Stephen M. Catalano, Joseph A. Drelicharz, Richard A. Johnson, James G. McAra, Harrison J. Parker, Frank J. Stenson, David E. Chapman, Michael S. Hickey, William R. Keating, Michael D. Nugent, Thomas V. Schwab, Michael E. Davis, Louis Dato, Joseph R. Ippolito, Charles A. Malchiodi, Gerald P. O'Malley, Elmer W. Steinbeck; 55-year members — Daniel S. Dorsch, Frank W. Hauser. Lawrence E. Kulik, Raymond P. O'Donnell, Paul T. Wiora, Robert E. Fee, Gerald J. Krzywdzinski, Melvin C. Lemke, Robert E. Schwab, Norman Sheehan, George W. Fender, Anthony J. Manisco, Thomas J. Speck; 60-year members — Joseph F. Angelo, Thomas E. Guilfoyle, Raymond E. Omiecinski, Paul Voyne, William Dimoff, John J. Krueger, Ronald S. Sowizrol, Richard Eshoo, Edward J. Vale; 65-year members — John A. Carlin, Thomas R. Payton, Anton Schnaufer, Charles M. Yeksigian, John Gluchman. Edward J. Polaski, Thomas W. Sinclair, Constanti Zaverdas, Sheldon R. Lerman, Lawrence J. Rutsay, Kamilus A. Urban; and 70-year members — Kurt J. Arantzen, Donald L. Mahoney and Thomas P. Felsenthal. There were 53 honorees for 2018. |
![]() Local 134 retirees, attending June 13 luncheon meeting, were honored for years of service ranging from 50 to 70 years. |
'Vote Smart' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 212, CINCINNATI, OHIO — November elections are two months away — and the voters get another shot at correcting the imbalance of our current political system. One political party — with a pro-corporation, anti-government, anti-safety-net ideology — controls all three branches of our government. We have a president, with no moral compass and no scruples, treating our friends as enemies and our enemies as friends. Nothing is more disastrous for working people than what now passes as governance. Public service unions are under attack. Threats of privatizing the U.S. Post Office are in the air. We still wait for a healthcare proposal from those who have launched attacks on the Affordable Care Act and those who passed a one-sided tax reform bill that favors big corporations and the wealthiest. Too many of our citizens struggle with the pain of making ends meets. Social Security, Medicare and pension protection are all important elements of a retiree's future. All will be on the chopping block if we retain the present political make-up. These observations are not meant as "scare tactics" but rather as a "wake-up call." May God grant eternal rest to our recently departed brothers: 60-year IBEW member Charles Seymour; 49-year member Kenny Hoffman; 28-year member Wayne Brautigan; and two-year member Daniel Kincart. |
Sarnia Happenings |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 530, SARNIA, ONTARIO, CANADA — At the time of this writing, regrettably, club Pres. George Mathieson was in the hospital having suffered a stroke. As of July, he had started rehabilitation, and we Retirees Club members send him our warmest wishes for continued progress in his rehabilitation program. We are all keeping him in our thoughts and pulling for his continued recovery. We enjoyed a good summer and had the opportunity to attend many interesting events, thanks to the efforts of our executive. On July 12, after our regular monthly meeting, 24 members enjoyed lunch at Victory Buffett. On July 18, we traveled to Grand Bend, to Huron County Playhouse for a performance called "Oh Canada 151." On Aug. 14, we traveled by bus to the famous Stratford Festival Theatre to see the musical "The Music Man," with dinner enjoyed on our way home. Always on the first Wednesday in September, which this year is Sept. 5, we hold our annual golf tournament at Mooretown Golf Course, followed by dinner in the spacious dining room. All golfers enjoy the challenge of this course as it is an exceptionally fine course to play. We are all trying our best to stay well and wish all of you good health also. |
![]() Local 530 Retirees Club members at monthly meeting on July 12. |
2018 Midterm Election |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 611, ALBUQUERQUE, NM — The Workers Memorial Day event in April, to honor our members who died on the job, was an inspiring occasion. It's something we should take part in every year if possible. Well, the primary elections have taken place, and here's hoping the good candidates made it through. It's now time to take the upcoming 2018 midterm election seriously. Except for health problems or important family issues, I can't think of any reason that we retirees should not be registered and vote in every election. Remember to vote! Don't let someone else decide for you. We retirees do make a difference and must make our voices heard. Responsible voters took care of us when we were younger. Now it's time for us to vote to protect the future for our children and grandchildren. They should not have to pay the consequences of our current mistakes. We extend condolences to the families of our retirees who recently passed away: Alan B. Shepherd, Jerry S. Lynch, Charles Clevenger, Graham Smith and Danny F. McCarson. We also mourn the loss of Local 611 lineman Royce M. Mogensen and apprentice wireman Claudia T. Martinez. |
![]() Local 611 members, assistants, guests and retirees attend Workers Memorial Day event at Workers Memorial Park in Albuquerque, NM, on April 28. |
June 2018 Club Meeting |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 702, WEST FRANKFORT, IL — The IBEW Local 702 Retirees Club met Thursday, June 7, at Mackie's Pizza. Club Pres. Gary King opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved. The Financial Report from the last meeting was also read and approved. Deaths were announced, and a moment of silence was held. There was no "old business" to consider. Under "new business," Pres. King requested that the Retirees Club purchase two Solidarity tickets. After a brief discussion, it was agreed the club will purchase two tickets again this year. It was announced that the Labor Day event will be at Rent One Park in Marion again this year. Attendees were informed that the August 2, 2018, meeting was scheduled to be held at the Golden Corral at 11:30 a.m. Bro. Kevin Pyle won the 50/50 drawing. It was announced that the club has three new members, and the total deposit to be made was announced. Also, a pocket knife donated by Carol and Jr. Marlow was won by Leona Rains. There being no further business, the June 7 meeting was adjourned at 2 p.m. |
September Fish Fry |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 756, DAYTONA BEACH, FL — We hope everyone had a relaxing summer! We look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming meetings and catching up on everything that happened this summer. Don't forget, September is our ever-popular fish fry. With sadness we report that, since our last article, four members have passed. We send our condolences to the family and friends of Joel Masters, Ervin Sloan, John Scott Jr. and Frank Myett. We invite any retired and unemployed brothers and sisters and their spouses who are in the area to come and join us. Our meetings are the second Thursday of each month, 11:30 a.m., at the Local 756 union hall, Port Orange, FL |
'Tradition of Giving Back' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 1245, VACAVILLE, CA — IBEW Local 1245 retirees are continuing their long-standing tradition of giving back. For the third year in a row, the IBEW 1245 Reno/Sparks Retirees Club collected electric fans to donate to low-income seniors. The weather in the region often exceeds 100 degrees in the summer months, and heat illness can be a serious, life-threatening condition among seniors. "This year, we matched our goal of 60 fans for seniors who cannot afford air conditioning during the hot summer days in Washoe County," said Reno/Sparks Retirees Club Pres. Ron Borst. |
![]() Local 1245 retiree Vickie Borst (left); Program Coordinator Todd Ackerman; retiree Cyril Escallier; Reno/Sparks Retirees Club Pres. Ron Borst; retiree Frank Istrice; Washoe County Senior Services Administrator Len Reidenbaugh; and retirees Chip Chadwick and Mike O'Neal. |
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