IBEW Showcases New Look in Cyberspace
January 7, 2015
Home page of the new ibew.org site, showing the top menu bar and logo... |
With a crisp, modern appearance and updated features, the IBEW’s official website at IBEW.org is going live this week.
Visitors to the site will be greeted with bright photos of members performing the varied work of the Brotherhood, tagged with the phrase “Power Professionals.”
“In the 21st century, our website is the face we show to the world,” said International President Edwin D. Hill. “People expect the best when they work with the IBEW – and this new site is a great representation of the kind of quality that bears the union’s name.”
Whether visitors are looking to join, find training, organize their workplace or read the latest news about the Brotherhood, the new ibew.org is a one-stop shop for union information.
The homepage will offer links to an updated local union directory, access to district websites and the “Local Connections” page.
The union’s award-winning Media Department has its own revamped section, featuring improved layout and easier navigation for visitors on both desktop and mobile devices. News stories and video packages are now grouped according to branch, making it easier for members to get the latest coverage on their particular industry.
Just a few clicks away, visitors can access the latest issue of the Electrical Worker newspaper or look for older stories in the archives, which contain digital versions of every international publication dating back to 1893.
Convenient links to the IBEW’s social media sites are available on each page. The IBEW has one of the most developed online profiles in the labor movement, with nearly 80,000 Facebook “likes,” over 18,000 followers on Twitter, a YouTube page that has received over 450,000 views and more.
The website was designed by the IBEW’s Information Technology Department and the Media Department at the International Office in Washington, D.C.
