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Local Lines |
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Health Fair Well-Attended | |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa,st&ws), ST. LOUIS, MO — Special thanks to our members for getting out the vote and volunteering to support pro-labor candidates last year. As a result, several candidates who strongly support working families in our area, including St. Louis County Executive-elect Steve Stenger, won their election. Congratulations to Bro. Darrin Pape, who won Local 1's third annual Sporting Clays Shootout by hitting 87 out of 100. Thanks to the 37 members who participated; they raised nearly $1,000 for our Relief Fund. To promote the health of members and their families, Local 1 hosted a successful health fair again last year. Around 800 people attended and 500+ received free wellness screenings and other services provided by vendors. Local 1 congratulates all the 2014 International Labor Communications Assoc. (ILCA) award winners, including the media staff at our I.O., as well as our local labor newspaper, The Labor Tribune, and our own press secretary. We mourn the death of several members: Thomas McAtee, William Gravette, George Martin, Joseph Hegger III, Earnest Stilley, Lester Aligire, Eugene Myers, Ryan Bathe, Michael Hanneken, Thomas Egan, Howard Gregory, Patrick Kalish, Ernest Rauls, Willie Shackleford, Leo Luzynski Jr. and William Frick. Bus. Mgr. Frank Jacobs and all Local 1 officers and staff wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year. |
![]() Participants and vendors at IBEW Local 1 health fair. |
Welcome to New Members & Newly Signed Contractors |
L.U. 11 (i,rts&spa), LOS ANGELES, CA — We begin the year by welcoming our newest members, the municipal police officers who last October elected to decertify their previous representation and certify IBEW Local 11 Unit 1894 as their bargaining representative. These members are sworn officers who go through the Los Angeles Police Academy and have all Los Angeles Police Department duties as well as park protection and community policing. The Electrician Certification Unit expects 2015 to be the peak of renewals for state certifications — over 30,000 are expected to renew. As of Jan. 1, 2015, the mailing address for forms and payments has changed. If your certification expires this year, renew at any time and remember to submit proof of 32 hours of continuous education. Go to www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/ECU/ElectricalTrade.html to renew now. Of the candidates endorsed by Local 11 in the November 2014 midterm elections, we had a successful 78 percent of the endorsed candidates win their elections. We organized 56 new contractors in 2014. While we currently have over 200 project labor agreements (PLAs) in our area, we are currently negotiating 15 more PLAs that will continue to secure work for our members. Best wishes to all members and their families as we begin this new year! |
Utility Local Update |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — Kincaid Generating Fossil Station is still in the process of being sold to Dynegy. KGS is currently owned by Energy Capital Partners and operated by ECP's operating division called EquiPower. NRG-owned Midwest Generation plants are being offered a Voluntary Severance Program (VSP) allowing members to voluntary terminate their employment in exchange for a cash severance. The payouts range from 16 weeks of pay up to 52 weeks of pay. Our nuclear division is continuing discussions with Exelon on a maintenance package. Our clerical division continues to expand their pilot program to standardize job duties and transition jobs from management back to the bargaining unit. The pilot has been a success in the first two regions where it was introduced and is now in a third region. We came to an agreement with the company in the Underground Department, identifying work duties and standardizing some work practices that dated back 40 years and crossed 17 different local union jurisdictions (before we were amalgamated into one local). Many Local 15 members attended the Sixth District Women's Conference held in Chicago, and the IBEW Women's Conference in San Antonio. We also had 12 members attend the Reach out & Engage Next-gen Electrical Workers (RENEW) conference in October. |
Open Calls for Linemen |
L.U. 17 (catv,em,lctt,o&u), DETROIT, MI — Local 17 remains at full employment on all of our construction agreements. We have open calls for most of our contractors and many of them are working "6-10s," six straight 10-hour days, without a per diem. We received our Vortex Crane Simulator here at the hall in December. This new equipment will allow us to train our members on a variety of machines including 40-ton cranes, excavators and backhoes. The Vortex Simulator is the cutting edge of simulator technology and will provide us with an opportunity to compete with the nonunion. We are also building a mock traffic signal intersection. The intersection will provide hands-on training for our Traffic Signal Apprenticeship Program. We were proud to present the Local 17 Line Clearance Journeyman Continuous Education Program to DTE Energy. This is a three-day Journeyman Upgrade Program for our tree trimmers. DTE welcomed the program and thanked us for progressively pursuing the next generation of safe, intelligent line clearance tree trimming. Local 17 mourns the passing of our Bros. Linn C. Tait and Ronald C. Ollila Jr. Linn was a retired journeyman lineman and a 44-year member. Ron was a line clearance tree trimmer for 37+ years. Both brothers were well-respected for their work ethic and leadership qualities. |
Solidarity & Brotherhood: Memorial Fund Golf Benefit |
L.U. 21 (catv,govt&t), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — The Michael A. Kunas Memorial Fund was established after Michael Kunas, Local 21 business representative, died suddenly in 2008. The memorial fund in his honor assists Local 21 families who have experienced great tragedy or loss in their lives. In October, the Kunas Foundation held the Michael A. Kunas Memorial Fund Golf Outing to benefit the family of Terry Quandt, our union brother who passed away leaving his three special-needs daughters without a father. Our members did all they could to support his family; more than 150 showed up for the golf outing and dinner. The foundation also sold 2,000 tickets for the split-the-pot raffle; Robert Lopez won the raffle and donated part of his winnings back into the fund. Our "Renew 21" young members group is starting to take shape. They have been holding informational get-togethers to introduce the group to other members who are under the age of 35. The group's purpose is to educate young members about the labor movement and get them more involved in our local. They will be our next leaders. We must give them the tools necessary to carry on our tradition and write the next chapter in the proud history of the IBEW. |
![]() Michele Quandt (second from left) accepts a donation from the Kunas Foundation. From left: Local 21 Bus. Mgr./Pres. Paul Wright, Quandt, Treas. Jacquie Fields and chief steward Kevin Beallis. |
JATC Instructors Honored |
L.U. 25 (catv,i&rts), LONG ISLAND, NY — Five JATC instructors were honored at the 2014 JATC graduation for their endless dedication to education. Together, they have served as instructors for a total of more than 150 years, teaching everything from DC theory to high-voltage splicing. The five instructors are: Thomas E. Dunne, with 25 years of service as an instructor; Richard K. Lockwood, 28 years as an instructor; Daniel V. Mizvesky, 30 years; John A. Frontino, 32 years; and Dennis M. Coyne, 35 years. Local 25 is very proud of and indebted to these special men. Their knowledge is priceless. We had our annual summer picnic in September at Hoyt Farm with a great turnout. Special thanks to all the volunteers. The work picture is looking up for 2015 with many large jobs. We hope everyone has a happy new year. Work safe; de-energized circuits never hurt anyone. |
![]() Local 25 JATC Instructors Thomas Dunne (left), Richard Lockwood, Daniel Mizvesky, John Frontino and Dennis Coyne. |
Women in Nuclear (WiN) Conference in Canada |
L.U. 37 (em,o&u), FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA — IBEW Local 37 was proud to be a sponsor of the 11th WiN-Canada Annual Conference in Saint John last September. Over 120 delegates attended from New Brunswick (including members from Local 37), Ontario, Saskatchewan and the U.S. WiN (Women in Nuclear) is a world-wide association of women working professionally in various fields of nuclear energy and radiation applications. The conference theme, "Different Role — Common Goal: Understanding Why You Are a Key Piece in the Nuclear Puzzle," resonated throughout the presentations. Conference chair and emcee Bernice Lanigan, a Local 37 member, told the delegates: "We all collaborate individually in the nuclear industry. … I encourage you to talk to each other so that we all can learn from our experiences and share the common goal." Local 37 Bus. Mgr. Ross Galbraith in his presentation emphasized the importance of being involved. "Everyone, no matter what position they are in, can provide input and add value," he noted. A variety of breakout sessions for delegates covered communications, leadership, sustainability, climate change, safety, performance, psychology, spectroscopy, waste management, HR, non-traditional roles and mental health. As well, there were tours of the Qinshan Fuel Handling Simulator and the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station. Thank you to Local 37 member Bernice Lanigan for providing information for this article. |
![]() IBEW Local 37 members are among attendees at the 11th WiN-Canada Conference in Saint John, New Brunswick. |
IBEW Day of Action Volunteers |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY — Happy New Year, brothers and sisters! Local 41 had a busy construction season in 2014. Although it was a busy time for us, we also made sure to give back to our community. Twenty Local 41 apprentices and journeymen visited St. Luke's Mission of Mercy on Oct. 18 to donate their time and join in the IBEW's Day of Action. Groups of four or five men worked together on various projects at the mission's school. Projects included: hanging window blinds, packing cookies, cleaning the classrooms and hallways, and many other tasks needing attention. As always Amy Betros was there to thank us for everything we did. She noted that the window blinds had been at the school, but uninstalled, for some time and was especially thankful to the crew who installed them. Officers and volunteers pictured in the accompanying photo during the Day of Action include: Matt Gaiser, Sal Rapasadi, Jimmy Steele, Larry Cardinale, Phil Hecht, Amy Betros, Scott Tyx, Pres. Matt Hilmey, Tyler Kostrecki, Steve Kirbis, Bus. Mgr. Mike Gaiser, Ken Scheifla, Bob Mund, Dustin Riker, Dave Buonamici, Brandon Romalewski, Matt Monaghan, Dean Buonamici, Chris Kinney, Juan Negron, Alexander Negron and Greg Inglut. Volunteer Garrett Cunningham is not pictured. It always feels great to lend a hand to those who are less fortunate. When we get to help out in the name of brotherhood, it is even more rewarding. |
![]() Local 41 volunteers, with Amy Betros, at St. Luke's Mission of Mercy. |
New Training Building |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — Local 43's November union meeting was held in our brand new hands-on training building. Members were able to see firsthand the investments Local 43 and the Central New York JATC have made in the training of members. The 6,000 square foot building features LED lighting throughout, as well as a state-of-the-art Calorique radiant in-floor electric heat system. The 20-foot high peak provides space for realistic training in man-lifts. Two in-floor manholes — 8'x6'x8' deep with 4" RMC (rigid metallic conduit) connecting the two — will be utilized for 15kv splice training and confined space entry training. Training Dir. Jeff DeSocio and his staff have set up six craft-certification booths containing new Square D equipment; additionally, a 17-station motor control lab is set up for VFD (variable frequency drive) and PLC (programmable logic controller) training. The JATC has also obtained new equipment for conduit fabrication training, from ½ inch up to 4 inch. Greenlee benders 555DXRE and 881MBT (Mobile bending table) are featured — as well as Ridgid threading equipment including a Model 300C , a Model 700 power pony and a Model 141 receding geared threader. [Editor's Note: The National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee (NJATC) has rebranded this year and transitioned into the Electrical Training Alliance. See " NJATC Transitions into the Electrical Training Alliance," The Electrical Worker (Sept. 2014), and at www.ibew.org.] |
![]() Local 43 journeyman Mike Mahar inspects apprentice's conduit work in Local 43's new training facility. The in-floor heat system is visible in the background. |
International Lineman's Rodeo |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Happy New Year! Nationally, the November election was tough. In California all the statewide offices were swept by labor-endorsed candidates. We held our 11th Annual Brotherhood Motorcycle Run on Sept. 27. More than 125 riders participated, and the proceeds went to Casa Colina Centers for Rehabilitation and our 501(c)(3) Injured Workers Fund. At the 31st International Lineman's Rodeo in Kansas City, Local 47 members made a great showing. Congratulations to all. Anaheim's journeyman lineman team of Dave Aguon, Vince Santos and Mel Wooden took first place in the Municipality Division. Our Henkels & McCoy journeyman team of Clayton Loback, Lorenzo Deliso and Josh Feguer took first place in the Contractor Division. Southern California Edison's Wil Robinson, Jacob Lybbert and Ramon Garcia took first place in the Hurtman Rescue; and Chris Podergois, Robert Barberena and Jason Jones took fifth place in the Hot Stick event. Apprentices Josh Younkman (City of Colton) took first place in the Apprentice Pole Climb, and Dennis McDonnell (Riverside Public Utility) took fifth place in the Hurtman Rescue. We are sad to report the passing of Matthew Elder, Larry Sharp, Dick Emerick and Bradley Hayes. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and friends. Work safe, live well and work union! |
![]() From left: Henkels & McCoy/Local 47 team of Josh Feguer, Clayton Loback, Lorenzo Deliso; Henkels &McCoy Superintendent Raul Guardado; Bus. Mgr. Pat Lavin; and Anaheim/Local 47 team of Mel Wooden, Dave Aguon and Vince Santos. |
IBEW Members Provide Wireless for County Fair |
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — Congratulations to Darren White from Danville! Bro. White won the Top Utility Apprentice award at the International Lineman's Rodeo and placed fourth in "Apprentice Best of the Best" overall category. At this writing, we are negotiating a contract and benefits package with Exelon Nuclear for members working at Clinton Power Station. Local 51 would like to recognize some of our members, as well as Local 21 members, working for Frontier Communications. This summer these IBEW members went above and beyond to provide wireless Internet service for the Sandwich Fair. This is one of the oldest and largest county fairs in Illinois with nearly 250,000 people visiting annually during the first week of September. The wireless service allowed the vendors Internet access to conduct their business and also access for all fair patrons. Thank you to everyone who worked with the company to make this happen and represented the IBEW in such a professional manner. Our transmission and substation work should pick up after the first of the year. As always, please give eight hours of work for eight hours of pay, attend your unit meetings, and be safe. |
![]() Local 51 member Darren White, top utility apprentice at rodeo, with sons Landon and Layton. |
Strong Work Outlook |
L.U. 53 (lctt,o,rts&u), KANSAS CITY, MO — We welcome Jeanette DeLaGarza to the local as the new full-time organizer. Jeanette has been an IBEW member for 11 years and has been very helpful with negotiations and grievances where she formerly worked at the Board of Public Utilities in Kansas City, KS. We are currently in negotiations with Independence Power and Light, and we have LCTT (line clearance tree trimming) negotiations in December. Bus. Mgr. Steve White reported on a very strong work outlook with current full employment, and still some unfilled calls! Be safe and spend it where you make it! |
Longtime Career of Service |
L.U. 57 (lctt,mo,o,t&u), SALT LAKE CITY, UT — IBEW Local 57 wishes to recognize retiring Bro. Joe Jordan for 40+ years of membership and dedication to Local 57. Joe dedicated 31 years to the Layton Unit as a shop steward and unit chairman. Joe also worked tirelessly in the lineman apprenticeship program for most of his career and will be greatly missed. His knowledge and dedication to the line trade will be hard to replace. Local 57 members, officers, executive board and staff wish Joe a happy and healthy retirement. |
![]() Local 57 Bro. Joe Jordan. |
RENEW United Day of Action |
L.U. 77 (lctt,mt,o,t&u), SEATTLE, WA — The IBEW Local 77 RENEW committee recently organized its first United Day of Action. Local 77 RENEW (Reach out and Engage Next-gen Electrical Workers) committee members include: Katie Grimnes, Damian Hernandez, Tanisha Mitchell and Matt Reese. Initiating considerable coordinated outreach, the RENEW committee made contact and allied with FUSE Washington, Washington YELL, the Sierra Club, the Washington State Labor Council, King County Labor Council and a number of local unions in a coalition effort to doorbell in support of a state Senate candidate whom we, collectively, believe in. Local 77 Pres. Rick Johnson, Bus. Mgr. Lou Walter, staff and rank-and-file members were enthusiastically in attendance for the breakfast and briefing, the doorbelling effort and the BBQ afterward. Over 75 people participated and, although there was substantial rain throughout the day, the overwhelming consensus was that young and old alike felt inspired by the intergenerational education outreach effort. The 2014 event was a great strategizing tool and will continue to have a profound effect on solidarity, strength and the effective perpetuation of our union(s). |
![]() Participants gather for IBEW Local 77 RENEW United Day of Action. |
Organizing Success & New Member Seminars |
L.U. 97 (u), SYRACUSE, NY — In September, Local 97 held its first New Member Orientation seminars across all three divisions. The intent of the seminars was to teach the history of the IBEW and our local union. Seminar participants heard a comprehensive presentation regarding rules and policies within the union, and also received insight regarding the various working agreements with companies whose employees we represent. Each division meeting was well-attended, and more than 160 new members now have a better knowledge of why unions are important, and the benefits that the union brings to the membership. Our local was successful in the organizing campaign for workers at the Bear Swamp Hydro Electric Generating Station, located along the Deerfield River in Rowe, MA. Currently Local 97 is in negotiations with Brookfield Renewable Power, with anticipation for a successful first contract. We thank everyone who participated in the organizing effort, including the workers at Bear Swamp who held strong throughout the process. |
![]() Local 97 New Member Orientation seminar, at the Eastern Division headquarters. |
Leadership Changes |
L.U. 103 (cs&i), BOSTON, MA — Local 103 recently announced significant leadership changes. Former Bus. Mgr. Michael Monahan was recently appointed Second District International Representative by IBEW Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill. As business manager of the local since 2003, Monahan was its chief executive and the driving force behind rebranding Local 103 as the region's premier source for electrical and telecommunications construction. He signed 164-plus previously nonunion contractors during his tenure — an extraordinarily high organizing success rate. Following Monahan's promotion, the Local 103 Executive Board appointed longtime Pres. John Dumas as business manager to fill the remainder of the unexpired term. Prior to his service as president, Dumas — a 37-year IBEW member — served as business agent, Executive Board member and trustee of various funds. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts Boston and is a 1995 alumnus of Harvard University's Trade Union Program. Lou Antonellis, a business agent for over 10 years, was appointed Local 103 president. Antonellis has served on Local 103's Examining Board, Executive Board and negotiating committee. He graduated from Harvard University's Trade Union Program in 2009 and is an outspoken advocate for "equal pay for equal work" and organizing more women and minorities into the building trades. |
Annual Stewards Training |
L.U. 109 (u), ROCK ISLAND, IL — Local 109 held its annual stewards training on Friday, Nov. 14, last year. Topics discussed included "Rights at Work: The Family and Medical Leave Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act." The presentation by The University of Iowa Labor Center was informative and well-received. |
![]() From left: Matt Glasson, University of Iowa Labor Center; IBEW Local 109 Pres. Devin Dykes; Local 109 Bus. Mgr. Gary Greubel; and Jennifer Sherer, UILC. |
Community Service Projects |
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR — Happy new year! As we launch 2015, it's a good time to look forward and consider ways to promote our local. As members, we need to continue educating our friends, family and neighbors about our work. Too many people lack understanding about the vital role that we play in communities and the economy. Our skills, knowledge and abilities truly make a difference in lives every day. Many of our members have started to identify ways that we, as IBEW members, can do a service project in our communities. For example, members employed at Oregon Trail Electric Co-operative have raised money and bought livestock from 4-H participants. Our members at Skamania PUD recently supported their local senior center by baking cakes and providing them during a luncheon. We live and work in these communities. Let your neighbors see you other than when they need you. Join us for our 13th annual Casino Night fundraiser on Feb. 28 at the Local 125 business office. Proceeds benefit the Local 125 Brotherhood Fund. Additionally, we will hold a food drive for a local food bank. Visit www.ibew125.com or call 503-262-9125 for more information. |
Active Members & Volunteers |
L.U. 145 (em,i,o,rts,spa&u), ROCK ISLAND, IL — Happy new year, brothers and sisters! Wishing you and your family a wonderful and promising 2015. Our annual Labor Day parade in East Moline, IL, was a huge success. IBEW Local 145 had a great turnout of members and their families, walking in solidarity with other trade union members celebrating "our" day. Many supporters were along the parade route acknowledging America and union labor. We thank everyone who volunteered during the very important 2014 midterm election in November. Also, thank you to members and their families who voted in support of candidates who protect our union labor ideas, values and philosophies. Thank you to the many Local 145 members who volunteered their time and talent during November and December at various holiday events. Let's continue to support our community. Always be involved in your union! Attend your union meetings held the first Thursday of each month. |
Tribute for Lifelong Service |
L.U. 153 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts,se,spa&st), SOUTH BEND, IN — IBEW Local 153 mourns the loss of its first full-time apprenticeship coordinator. William "Bill" C. Haase Jr. passed away Sept. 25 last year. Bro. Hasse was initiated into the local in 1958. He worked as a journeyman inside wireman for many contractors in our jurisdiction. He served on our Apprenticeship Committee and then in 1979 became our first full-time coordinator. Bill was dedicated to the apprenticeship program and to the apprentice students. When on occasion some apprentices did not have a ride to school, Bill provided transportation so they could attend. Bill lobbied the Apprenticeship Committee for its own building and after some time was successful. He saw the project through to its completion in 1992 and then retired in 1993. Bill worked tirelessly taking care of apprentices, their program, and his connection to the union and contractors. After he retired, the committee recognized Bill's efforts by naming an apprenticeship award, for top academic student, in his honor. Recently, the Apprenticeship Committee posthumously honored Bill by renaming the apprenticeship school the William C. Haase Jr. Apprenticeship & Training Center. At the time of his passing, Bill was survived by his wife of 61 years, Thelma Rae Haase, former secretary at Local 153's office from 1988-1994, who passed three weeks after Bill. They are survived by their son, William C. Haase III, Local 153 business agent. |
![]() Late Local 153 Bro. William C. Haase Jr and wife Thelma Rae Hasse. |
OSHA Safety Class |
L.U. 193 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), SPRINGFIELD, IL — As the 2014 midterm elections are over, now the results of the election must be weighed for labor and for all working people, organized and otherwise. At press time Local 193's Christmas Party at Erin's Pavilion on Dec. 13 was fast approaching. It is a tradition that we take the time to wish all our union brothers and sisters a "Merry Christmas" and a "Better New Year!" The City Water Light & Power, Sangamon County Dispatchers and Cass County Dispatchers negotiations are underway at this writing. Good luck to the negotiations committees. Solidarity never hurts! Another 30-hour OSHA Safety Class is being offered by Local 193. This is being required on many jobs. The work scene has hit a slow point, as very few big jobs are showing on Dodge Reports in Local 193's jurisdiction. Congratulations, St. Louis Cardinals, on an exciting playoff/post season and hats off to the world champion San Francisco Giants! Can someone light a fire under those St. Louis Rams and Chicago Bears? Chicago Bulls might be worth a few looks, if all stay healthy. Have a safe and happy new year. |
'Stay Active & Involved' |
L.U. 197 (em&i), BLOOMINGTON, IL — At the time of this writing, we had just received results of the midterm election. During several weeks prior to the election, we knocked on numerous doors, passed out literature, sent e-mails, and talked to fellow workers and neighbors. Thank you to all who helped get the message out about labor friendly candidates and took part in the voting process. Not all the results went favorably; however, our members did their part and that is all we can ask. Now it is important to stay engaged on the issues of working families and stay involved. As we move into winter, our work situation doesn't look too optimistic. A few projects are on the horizon, but not nearly enough for our liking. Thank you to the other locals that have used Local 197 hands to staff their projects; hopefully we can get our brothers and sisters home and return the favor someday. The Medical Marijuana Licensing applicants should be announced soon, which will produce a needed boost to the electrical industry in our area. The upgrades to the Cargill plant should also bring some needed work to local hands throughout the winter. By this publication date, we will have had our annual Christmas Party and handed out service pins. We will send a picture and report on the pin ceremony in the next article. We wish everyone a happy new year! Remember to get involved in the local and stay involved! |
Retired & Actively Involved |
L.U. 257 (em,i,rtb,rts,spa&t), JEFFERSON CITY, MO — Congratulations to Bro. Jim Winemiller on his retirement after 45 years of service. Bro. Winemiller followed in the footsteps of his father, Ferrell Winemiller, as an IBEW member. Bro. Jim Winemiller joined the IBEW in November 1971. He started out as a signman and a couple of years later began his inside wireman apprenticeship. In Jim's earlier years work was slow, so he did a lot of traveling and worked out of several different locals. In 1992, after years of hard work and being active in his local, Jim was appointed as Local 257 assistant business manager/organizer and was elected to the Executive Board. In 1995 he became chairman of the Executive Board. He held these positions until he retired in February 2014. Jim is still very involved with the local. He teaches a welding class as part of Local 257's continuing education training. Congratulations and best wishes to Bro. Jim Winemiller. Note: Thanks to Local 257 Bros. Joe Winemiller and Mike Winemiller for providing information for this article. |
'Thanks to Our Members' |
L.U. 295 (em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), LITTLE ROCK, AR — As we start a new year, we want to thank all of our active and retired members for the great job they do representing Local 295 and the IBEW every day. From being the best electricians, instructors and tool buddies in the industry to being outstanding leaders in their respective communities, our members are always near the top! We look forward to another year of working together to make the IBEW stronger. |
People and Politics |
L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LESUEUR, MN — Debates, campaigns and midterm election victories and defeats of 2014 are long behind us. Now, we are in the thick of the legislative session. Our involvement with our elected officials is still necessary to promote and secure pro-labor measures. Call, write, or email. We need to keep Minnesota a state free of "right-to-work" laws, a state that is labor friendly, a state where we and our families will succeed and prosper. Be sure to join our fellow brothers and sisters from around Minnesota during the "IBEW Day on The Hill" later this year. We will gather at the Capitol to meet with our state senators and representatives face to face. The people have the power, but we must speak up. Remember to buy American. |
![]() Minnesota State Auditor Rebecca Otto with Local 343 Political Coordinator Greg Graif at a "get out the vote" bus tour rally in October. |
100th Anniversary Banquet |
L.U. 347 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts&spa), DES MOINES, IA — September and October were busy for Local 347 members. Preparations were underway for the local's 100th Anniversary Celebration, held Oct. 11. What a bash! Over 750 people attended. The local staff and officers are commended on staging such a classy party. The event began with socializing, then dinner and congratulatory speeches by dignitaries and public officials. More than $20,000 in gift cards were awarded through drawings, and all attendees received a gift bag. The evening drew to a close with dancing. Also in October, members canvassed neighborhoods to remind union brothers and sisters, from all of the trades, to get out the vote. The response from most of the doors answered was quite positive. In some cases it was like having a little rally right on the door step. We must remember that amongst the trades, we have more that binds us together than divides us. In November the local was gearing up to provide power for the Annual Jolly Holiday light display in Des Moines Water Works Park. This is a fundraiser for Make-A-Wish Foundation. Local 347 brothers and sisters show gratitude to the community with this volunteer service. At this writing, we were preparing for the Toys for Tots promotion and our Local 347 Children's Christmas Party. Work in the local's jurisdiction is good to excellent. Happy new year. |
![]() IBEW Eleventh District Int. Vice Pres. Curtis E. Henke (left) and Local 347 Bus. Mgr. Patrick Wells display local's 100th anniversary plaque. |
Annual Union Picnic |
L.U. 349 (em,es,i,mps,rtb,rts,spa&u), MIAMI, FL — In October we had our annual union picnic. The turnout was good although some members were out of town working. The kids enjoyed pony rides, rock climbing, waterslide, cotton candy and more. As always Pres. David Karcher and the Entertainment Committee did a great job with all the picnic setup and cooking. Remember, the committee could always use extra help. Beautiful weather, camaraderie, good food, lots of fun — a good union event. Now that November 2014 elections are over, we are starting to get ready for the upcoming 2016 presidential election, which is even more important. We will need members to help with election volunteer efforts; your future is in your hands. Most of us have very limited bargaining power as one person, but as a group, we are strong. With your help we can keep this local here for another 110 years. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it is still a gift. We wish our military service members a safe and speedy return home. Attend your union meetings and stay informed. Hope 2015 will be a good year. |
A Career of Service |
L.U. 369 (em,es,i,lctt,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), LOUISVILLE, KY — Local 369 wishes to extend a thank-you to one of our own. James W. "Bud" Metzinger retired from IBEW Local 369 on Aug. 31 last year after 49 years of service. Bud started back in 1965 at American Standard as a maintenance journeyman. In July 1977, he was hired as an assistant business manager, and he subsequently worked for a total of six different business managers throughout his 37-year career as an assistant. Thanks to you, Bud, and congratulations on your retirement. We wish everyone a safe and happy new year. |
![]() James "Bud" Metzinger, Local 369. |
Redevelopment of Allentown |
L.U. 375 (catv,ees&i), ALLENTOWN, PA — Redevelopment of the city of Allentown is in high gear! Because of labor friendly local politicians, a legislative measure was passed in Pennsylvania that created the Neighborhood Improvement Zone (NIZ). This innovative legislation permits Pennsylvania tax revenues generated in the zone to remain in the zone as reinvestment capital. Through this bill and a coalition of progressive developers, city government and organized labor working together, projects of over $535 million have already been completed. Also, projects worth over $710 million are being developed within the next several years. The city of Bethlehem was awarded the City Revitalization and Improvement Zone (CRIZ) designation. We are currently working with city officials to produce similar development in Bethlehem. IBEW Local 375 participates in numerous service projects as our way to support local communities. We are also committed to the 3DYC (IBEW Third District Youth Caucus). On Oct. 18 last year, 16 of our volunteers from the 3DYC performed electrical and other work on three separate Habitat for Humanity houses built in the Bethlehem area. The project went well, and we thank the 3DYC volunteers for their commitment and pride in our local union. |
![]() IBEW Local 375 volunteers: 3DYC coordinator Chris Kaufman (left), Nick Helfrich, Phil Cole, Mike Fritz, Jacob Nicholas, Training Dir. Rob Franklin (with young son Drew), Shawn Swanson, Craig Kohler, Jordan Morles, Membership Development Rep. and 3DYC coordinator Justin Grimshaw, Ian McCartney, Dan Kiefer, Josh Rimmer, Danato Bridgidi, Doran Gable and Bus. Mgr. Paul Anthony. |
Competition & Camaraderie |
L.U. 459 (ees,em,govt,mt,so&u), JOHNSTOWN, PA — Three members of Local 459 — Jason Halverson, Ben Whipkey and myself, Jeremy Tarbay — traveled to Kansas City, MO, last October to compete in the 31st Annual International Lineman's Rodeo. Being the first team in over 15 years to represent IBEW Local 459 at the ILR was a great honor in itself. Our main goal was, of course, to try and bring home a trophy from the competition, which brings together some of the best lineman in the world. Unfortunately, we didn't get to bring home one of the coveted trophies, but what we did bring home was a whole lot better. It was the camaraderie we found with other IBEW members, who came from Hawaii to Boston and everywhere in between. It didn't matter where anyone was from; we all had that bond of unionism and pride in the work we do in the electrical field. At the end of the day, we left with our heads held high and with many great memories and connections to other IBEW brothers. |
![]() Local 459 members Benjamin Whipkey (left), Jason Halverson and Jeremy Tarbay at Lineman's Rodeo. |
Solidarity & Community Events |
L.U. 481 (ees,em,i,mt,rts,s&spa), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Last summer, we held our Family Day at the Zoo event for our members and their families — as well as the Labor Fest on Georgia Street in celebration of Labor Day. Both events had excellent attendance and serve as a great opportunity to increase solidarity within the membership. In November, Local 481 continued the annual holiday tradition of stringing the lights on Monument Circle, in downtown Indianapolis, for the 52nd Circle of Lights Celebration. Also, our members participated in the inaugural New Year's Eve celebration on Georgia Street, in downtown Indianapolis. We are proud sponsors of these events and enjoy being part of occasions that are special to the community. With multiple powerhouse projects as well as some other big job possibilities coming into the jurisdiction — including a new high-rise tower adding to the skyline of Indianapolis — our members look forward to 2015. To conclude, we wish to thank former Local 481 president Mike Hunter for his dedication to serving our union. Congratulations and best wishes to Bro. Hunter for a great retirement. |
'Greetings from the North Bay' |
L.U. 551 (c,i&st), SANTA ROSA, CA — At this writing, we were looking forward to a fancy dinner night scheduled for Dec. 13 to honor all of our 2014 volunteers at the second annual Member Appreciation Dinner. At press time the local was making plans to host the dinner for over 50 invited volunteers. Our union thrives when our members get involved. Thank you, awesome volunteers! Also in 2014, we had a well-attended "Old-Timers" Dinner with over 150 in attendance. Thirty-four members were awarded service pins for years of service ranging from 20-55 years. One member at the dinner, Robert McCusick, was celebrating 74 years as an IBEW member. Bro. McCusick told the crowd he would be back next year to get his 75-year pin! We love you, Robert! Local 551 has a benevolent fund to assist members in tough times. During the winter months some of our members are sitting on the books waiting for calls. Our Executive Board motioned to send our out-of-work brothers and sisters Safeway gift cards to help with a nice Thanksgiving meal. Although we didn't win all, we did accomplish a lot of wins in the November 2014 midterm elections. Thank you to our volunteers. Also, a big thank-you to the International for sending Int. Reps. Tracy Prezeau and Greg Boyd, as well as Henry "Hank" Lewis, state organizing coordinator, to put on a Member to Member training. |
![]() At Local 551 "Old-Timers" Dinner: retired Bros. Mike Sepulveda (left) and Robert McCusick and guests. |
Leadership Transition |
L.U. 595 (c,cs,govt,i,mt,o,se&st), DUBLIN, CA — Local 595 has undergone a major leadership transition in recent months. Former business manager Victor Uno was appointed Ninth District International Representative, effective Nov. 1, 2014. Per our local's bylaws, the Executive Board conducted interviews to fill the vacant position; it was not an easy decision to choose one from among all of the qualified applicants. After thoughtful deliberation, Dan Chivello was appointed Local 595 business manager, effective Nov. 1, 2014. Bro. Uno served as business manager for four terms (12 years). As business manager, he faced many challenges and took action by addressing them head on. During Uno's tenure he brought to our local a vision and a long list of accomplishments, including a notable Zero Net Energy Center for apprentice and journeyman training. Uno has served as Oakland's Port Commissioner, and as EWMC national president. He has negotiated countless contracts and developed strong political relationships throughout our local and state government. To take a personal point of privilege, Victor is a true friend. I'm sure his past and present staff members share this opinion. Bus. Mgr. Dan Chivello has been on staff over 16 years, serving on apprenticeship trusts and multiple benefit trusts; he has negotiated contracts under two business managers. Chivello will continue serving the membership with the honor, dignity and respect that all of our past business managers have accomplished. Local 595 will remain a robust local under his leadership. |
![]() Local 595 newly appointed Bus. Mgr. Dan Chivello (left) with Int. Rep. Victor Uno, former business manager. |
Strong Work Outlook |
L.U. 601 (i&rtb), CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL — Our local had its annual golf outing and luncheon at the Brook Hill golf course. There were 17 foursomes of Local 601 members and their guests. Winners of the outing were Jacques LeFaivre, George LeFaivre, Ryan Coleman and Marcus Albert with a 13 under par. It was a great day for golf and brotherhood. Thank you to Bob Withers for organizing the event. It was fun for all. Local 601 has 56 apprentices in our five-year apprenticeship program. Bob Withers does an amazing job as apprenticeship coordinator and we are grateful for all of his many talents. He is an asset to the union and for all of us. Local 601's work outlook continues to be very good. We do expect a bit of a lull, depending on the weather, but the next couple of years appear very promising. |
![]() Local 601 golfers George LeFaivre (left), Ryan Coleman, Marcus Albert and Jacques Lefaivre. |
2014 Election |
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — For the first time since 1954, the Democrats have lost control of the state House in New Mexico; the last time the Republicans had control of our state House of Representatives, Dwight D. Eisenhower was president. Democrats still have control of the state Senate with a 25-17 advantage over the Republicans. According to the Albuquerque Journal, since 1981 a total of 19 so-called "right-to-work" bills have been introduced, but none made it to the governor's desk. Now with the re-election of Republican Gov. Susana Martinez, things could be different. In two years there will be another election, so I encourage anyone not registered to vote to get registered and anyone who is registered to get out and vote at election time. Hope everyone had a great holiday season and a happy New Year's. Local 611 extends condolences to the families of recently deceased Bros. Joe L. Hill, Robert F. Nelson and Tom Bachicha. |
Halifax Shipyard Project |
L.U. 625 (c,ees,em,i,it,mar&mt), HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA — It is with sorrow that I report the passing of Bro. Carter Milligan, 57, on Oct. 18. Carter was an active member of the Executive Board having been elected treasurer in 2002. He had previously served as Unit #2 chairman and participated on the Negotiating Committee. He will be missed by all who worked and served with him. Also deceased are retired Bros. George MacFarlane, 66, who passed away Oct. 20, and Dale Wilson, 63, who passed away Oct. 22. That was truly a dark week for Local 625. Our brothers will be remembered. Recently retired members include: Terry Stevens, who retired Oct. 13; Darrell Croke, retired April 14; Vernon Pittman, Oct. 14; and James MacLeod, Dec. 14. Newly certified journeypersons are: Sheila Day, Greg Morrison, Jamie Harvie and Ray Dowling. By January, we expect over 100 members to be employed at the $400 million renewal project at the Halifax Shipyard. This is good timing as we also expect about 150 of our travelling brothers and sisters to be laid off from the oil sands projects in Alberta. Thank you to Edmonton, Alberta, Local 424 for a good run of up to 18 months for some members. |
![]() Local 625 members worked during shutdown preparing for new precipitator at Northern Pulp: Rob Myatt (left), Charlie Landry, Craig MacDonald, Jeff Myette, Walter MacDonald, Ray MacDonald, Kevin Little and Alex Dotten. |
Get Your Ride Ready |
L.U. 627 (u), FORT PIERCE, FL — Local 627 will hold our inaugural Bike Run on Feb. 21, 2015. Information on this event will be available at our next union meeting. When members support our local's activities, they provide the strength on which our union is founded. The greater the attendance, the stronger the unity of our members. In closing, think safety always. Best wishes for the new year ahead … and see you at the bike run. |
![]() Local 627 Bike Run to be held Feb. 21, 2015. |
Active Young Members |
L.U. 673 (catv,i,rts,spa,t&u), PAINESVILLE, OH — At times we can get frustrated with the problems that confront us daily. Unaccountable politicians, unenforced laws and many other battles can make it difficult for us to grow our market share. Jobs that we go after often face hurdles that are lost. These battles will continue — and we are doing better. Fortunately, we are winning the battle in a significant area. We are successfully attracting quality individuals to our apprenticeship. We have always done well at picking bright young men and women for our apprenticeship program — and now we have greatly improved at orienting these men and women to our electrical industry. Early on, apprentices are exposed to the workings of our local through new events like our apprentice stewards program and our financial literacy night, where they learn about pensions, 401(k) plans, and health care. Apprentices are getting involved earlier and gaining an understanding of the complexities of our organization. Along with this understanding comes the realization that active participation is key to our success. These young members get it, and they are getting involved in committees and volunteer work. They understand the sports concept of the next man up. They are the future leaders of our local, and I truly expect them to do a great job. Brothers and sisters, when you are out there working with young apprentices, give them some encouragement because it won't be long before they will have a hand in running our local. |
![]() Local 673 Bros. Mitch Nusker (left) and Chad Thomas work on a cable pull at Avery International. |
Thanks to Volunteers |
L.U. 683 (em&i), COLUMBUS, OH — The 2014 midterm election season had us working hard on phone banks and neighborhood canvassing to get labor-friendly candidates elected to office. Thank you to all the members who volunteered and participated. As the election season concluded, we turned our attention to the holiday season. As always, but especially for holiday shopping, members were encouraged to look for "Made in America" and "Union Made" products. Best wishes to everyone in 2015. Let's have a great new year ahead. |
IBEW Awards Night |
L.U. 697 (c,es,i,mt&se), GARY AND HAMMOND, IN — We collected 125 pints of blood at our fall blood drive. Everyone should be very proud. Our Local 697 Awards Night was the first week of October. Over 400 people attended to honor our brothers and sisters for their IBEW years of service. Russ Hilton was our special honoree for the night. It was quite a festive evening. As we honored our "seasoned" members in October, we welcomed a newly initiated class of apprentices at the November union meeting. Welcome and congratulations to all. The stinging defeat of many labor-friendly candidates this past November left many of us in bewilderment. We must pick it up, forge ahead and continue to fight for workers' rights in the state of Indiana. While we experienced abundant work during the previous three years, the cycle has turned and many of our members are now working in other jurisdictions. We thank all of those locals near and afar who have welcomed our members onto their jobsites and offered them the security of an IBEW job. Thank all of you for your hospitality. Stay safe and warm this winter. |
60-Year Member Honored |
L.U. 759 (u), FT. LAUDERDALE, FL — Bro. Henry L. Shaw received his IBEW 60-year member pin presented by Bus. Mgr./Pres. Tim Haynick. Results of the 2014 election of officers: Bus. Mgr./Pres. Tim Haynick, Vice Pres. Mike Balvin, Rec. Sec. David Denslow, Fin. Sec. Keith Murphy, Treas. Tim Brucker; delegate to International Convection — Bus. Mgr./Pres. Haynick. Executive Board members are: Tony Cabrera, Dan Shaw, Roy West, Jose Castellanos, Don Saker and Jim Delaware. In August last year, Local 759 members ratified a new three-year contract with Florida Power & Light. In October we held our 11th Annual Union Picnic at T.Y. (Topeekeegee Yugnee) Park. Get involved with your local. Attend meetings and remember that you get out of your local what you put into it! |
![]() Local 759 retired Bro. Henry L. Shaw (left) receives 60-year service award presented by Bus. Mgr./Pres. Tim Haynick. |
Election of Officers |
L.U. 773 (as,em,i,mo&o), WINDSOR, ONTARIO, CANADA — Local 773 elections were held in June 2014. Elected to office were: Bus. Mgr. Karl Lovett, Pres. James D. Dodman, Vice Pres. Davide Colasanti, Rec. Sec. Barry Heeney, Treas. Ken Gelinas; and Executive Board members Norm Ball, Brian Fields, Eugene Imola, Dave Mifflin and Mark Stobbs. Congratulations and thanks go out to all the members who were willing to do their part for the local. The Labour Day parade and the barbeque, held afterward at our union hall, were again a great success. At this writing, the local was preparing for the annual Retirees and Children's Christmas parties. The demolition of another Windsor automotive landmark, the GM Transmission Plant, began late in the year. The future of this site has yet to be determined. A major shutdown at the Chrysler Minivan plant is scheduled for 12 weeks starting in February 2015. Local 773 members greatly appreciates work from Local 424 (Edmonton, Alberta); Local 530 (Sarnia, Ontario); Local 1687 (Sudbury, Ontario); and Local 993 (Kamloops, British Columbia) during these slow times. |
Organizing in Louisiana |
L.U. 861 (i), LAKE CHARLES, LA — Local 861 Organizer Dwayne "Tink" Reeves was appointed by the International Office to the position of state organizing coordinator for Louisiana. Bus. Mgr. Jeff Sanders appointed Bro. Lance Corner as local union organizer, to fill the position vacated by Bro. Reeves. We wish both men well, as we know they will do a great job for the IBEW. Lake Charles, LA, is the Gulf Coast region's most active metropolitan area, with over $70 billion worth of construction spending planned. Work remains good — and, as always, organizing remains Local 861's No. 1 priority. |
![]() Local 861 Bus. Mgr. Jeff Sanders (left), Organizer Lance Corner, State Organizing Coordinator Dwayne "Tink" Reeves and Organizer Jesse Fontenot. |
Letcher F. Worley Jr. Retires |
L.U. 1205 (em,govt,i&u), GAINESVILLE, FL — Congratulations to Bro. Letcher F. Worley Jr. on his recent retirement. Letcher graduated from the Inside Apprenticeship Program in 1976. He has served our local well and has held the positions of assistant business manager and JATC trustee for many years. His dedicated service, devotion and commitment to the IBEW are greatly appreciated and will certainly be missed. Best wishes for a happy retirement, Letcher, from all of us at Local 1205. |
![]() Local 1205 JATC Chmn. Cameron Engskow (right) presents Letcher F. Worley Jr. with a retirement plaque. |
Activities of Members & 'Solidarity Beyond Borders' |
L.U. 1245 (catv,em,govt,lctt,o,pet,t&u), VACAVILLE, CA — IBEW Local 1245 members J.P. Richard, Anthony Albright and Adam Beene took first place at the International Lineman's Rodeo in Kansas City. Local 1245 members Steve Bentley, Jim Moon and George McNeil placed second overall in the senior division. "We always dreamed of making the podium, and this year we did it," Bentley said. Two teams from Local 1245 participated in the recent Gas Rodeo in Colorado Springs. The two-man team from San Francisco and the four-man team from Merced participated in four separate events. Local 1245 presented a plaque to retiring IBEW Ninth District Int. Vice Pres. Michael S. Mowrey to honor and thank him for his service. Bus. Mgr. Tom Dalzell presented the plaque, which read: "To Mike, who led with zeal and grace, determination and pride … We're all better because of your work." The local also congratulates incoming Int. Vic Pres. John J. O'Rourke. In a memorable presentation at the union hall, Local 77 member Brady Hansen related his experience of traveling to South America to help train a group of linemen in the developing country of Suriname. He met Surinamese linemen who were covered in scars from on-the-job accidents. Hansen has organized training and material assistance for these linemen and demonstrated solidarity beyond borders. [See news story "IBEW Linemen Bring Safety and Solidarity to Suriname," posted on the IBEW website at www.ibew.org/articles/14daily/1411/141113_ Linemen.htm.] On Nov. 12 the union held a memorial service for late Bus. Rep. Debbie Mazzanti at Weakley Hall in Vacaville. Mazzanti, a 40-year member, died unexpectedly last fall. |
![]() Retiring Int. Vice Pres. Michael S. Mowrey (left) accepts plaque presented by Local 1245 Bus. Mgr. Tom Dalzell. |
'Remember to Work Safely' |
L.U. 1249 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), SYRACUSE, NY — Greetings, brothers and sisters. It is so sad to hear of a fatality in one of our sister locals in northern Pennsylvania, and just four months after Local 1249 had an apprentice lose his hand and part of his forearm. What is going on? Please, brothers and sisters, never forget to practice safety precautions at work and always be alert. Always remember: "It is not dead until grounded!" So as we begin a new year, keep your head in the game and go home to your families safely and in good health! |
Henry County REMC Day |
L.U. 1393 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Henry County Rural Electric Membership Corp. hosted its inaugural Henry County REMC Day in October 2014. It was an expansion of a prior community event in which the public was invited to see a little bit of what our members do every day. It was a family friendly event with plenty of activities for kids. Members conducted a live-line safety demonstration, and several representatives from IBEW Local 1393 were on hand to provide community awareness. Despite the rain and cooler temperatures, everyone had a good time and it was a busy event. Contract renewal negotiations are coming up with Duke Energy Indiana. The present contract expires May 1, 2015. Formulation meetings will be conducted Jan. 21-22, with negotiations occurring on Feb. 24-26; March 10-12; March 24-26; March 31; April 21-23; and April 28-30. |
![]() Local 1393 member Wes Jones with his son at Henry County REMC Day. |
Horse Racing at State Fair |
L.U. 1501 (ees,em,mo,pet,rts&t), BALTIMORE, MD — We previously reported that our members employed at Amtote participate in the horse racing events featured at the Maryland State Fair, and their work helps make such events a success. Timonium Fair Grounds is the site of the fair, and the race track is part of the complex. The state fair attracts sizable crowds with attractions such as the midway and all of the rides, as well as the farm exhibits and animals in the Cow Palace, a large building where the animals are quartered. Horse racing now has a lot of competition in Maryland. There are two large casinos in Baltimore along with several others in the state. I personally feel that the horse racing industry should take a more active role at the state fair by taking steps to attract younger people to the sport. Accepting a loss of this market share is not the way to go. Maryland has an excellent reputation for raising good racehorses, and racing still has a loyal following; however, attempts should be made to give it a shot in the arm. Local 1501 sponsored a race, and having our name listed as sponsor let the public know who we are. Bro. Ernie Grecco, president of the Metropolitan Baltimore Council of AFL-CIO Unions, was present to participate in the festivities along with our Local 1501 Bus. Mgr. Dion F. Guthrie. |
![]() Local 1501 Bus. Mgr. Dion F. Guthrie (left) and Metropolitan Baltimore Council Pres. Ernie Grecco (third from left) greet racehorse trainers, jockeys and horse owners. |
Speak Out for Organized Labor |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — If you live in the South, you know that organized labor unions are often considered bad by those who know nothing about organized labor. We as union members must defend organized labor when we hear someone say something negative about us. On occasion you may be in a situation, perhaps at your church or at a family reunion, where you can possibly educate someone about how the union has provided a living for your family or perhaps sent your kids to college. If you don't educate in a positive way, unfriendly media will be happy to educate your friends and family in a negative way. Organized labor in the South has unjustly been tagged with a reputation as the "bad guy." We are accused of low productivity, inflated wage rates, etc. We know these are falsehoods, and we have a proven record that demonstrates otherwise. Those who make these charges against us forget that organized labor has, through many hard years of struggle, helped to insure a brighter future for the average American. Organized labor is a strong force whose voice can be heard if its members stand together united for the same goals. Our goals include increased awareness of just how important the labor movement is and what it stands for. Each negative opinion we hear affords us the opportunity to speak out and set the record straight. Without organized labor, our way of life would be very depressed. We should all be proud of who we are, and equally proud to say so. |
Welcome to New Members |
L.U. 1759 (u), CASPER, WY — Greetings, brothers and sisters. Local 1759 wishes everyone a happy new year! First, congratulations to Ron Schutt on his retirement in December. His steward abilities and dedication will be missed. We also welcome the new members: Ed McComas, Tracey Merritt, Rob Alt, Aaron Urquhart, Ron Trowbridge and William Lawrence. Brothers, it's members like you who join and are active that help to keep our local strong. The work outlook is strong with several big projects on the horizon. At press time, everyone is getting their safety training and fall protection updated and completed. Safety training is always critically important. We must continue to pay attention, always be alert and remember to watch out for our brothers working beside us. We remind everyone to stay safe out there. |
50-Year Service Award |
L.U. 1925 (i,o&u), MARTIN, TN — Retired Bro. Jack Perry recently was recognized and presented his 50-year service pin and certificate. Presenting the award to Bro. Perry were his sons Randy and Jason Perry, along with Jack's grandson, Blake Perry. We certainly appreciate the hard work and dedication shown by Bro. Perry and wish him many more years of well-deserved retirement. |
![]() Local 1925 retiree Jack Perry (second from left) receives IBEW 50-Year Member service award. |
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