Enter the 2014 Photo ContestAugust 14, 2014
Writers over the centuries have used soaring language and gripping eye-witness accounts to extol the virtues of labor history.
But perhaps nothing speaks as elegantly to the dignity and white-knuckled effort of the American and Canadian worker as a well-composed photograph. One of the most popular images of the 20th century, “Power House Mechanic Working on Steam Pump,” was shot by photographer Lewis Hine for the Works Progress Administration in 1920. In its depiction of an everyday activity, Hine captures the symmetry and grace of motion that transformed ordinary work into an iconic piece of labor history. Now, it’s your turn to try your hand at capturing art in the electrical trade for the IBEW’s annual photo contest. For more than 15 years, thousands of members just like you have submitted their best shots illustrating what makes our union one of the most skilled and highly-respected across the U.S. and Canada. Between linemen working in punishing conditions, members performing storm repair, clever takes on the everyday and more, contestants have helped foster an added sense of pride in the work they do for the Brotherhood. Entering is easy. Visit our contest page and upload as many as five images. The deadline to enter is Dec. 31. After that, a panel of judges will decide on the best of the best, and members and the public will later award top honors to five favorites via online voting. To see last year’s stunning winners, click here.
Homepage photo credit: Photo used under a Creative Commons license from Wikimedia user Paul Reynolds.