This bill: ‘Paid for by Union Wages’
March 18, 2014
Activists in Missouri are working to remind businesses that everyone in the Show Me state benefits from good union jobs – every time a member makes a purchase.
The St. Louis Union Label and Service Trades Council is printing stickers that union members can attach to cash, checks or credit card receipts, letting business owners know that the purchase was paid for by union wages.
The stickers are one response to the efforts of state Republicans to pass so-called right-to-work legislation, introducing a bill to that effect earlier this year.
Right-to-work laws have been shown to drive down wages by an average of $1,500 a year for all workers – union and nonunion alike. This wage cuts hurts not only workers – it hurts communities and local businesses dependent on consumer spending.
As St. Louis Local 1’s blog recently pointed out, not only does Missouri boast higher wages and a better quality of life than neighboring right-to-work Tennessee, it’s also a better place to do business:
Missouri is ranked 34th verses Tennessee at 42nd in economic growth. Missouri also ranked 17 in cost of energy in all sectors verses Tennessee at 30. Additionally Missouri made the list at 3 of top ten states for tech job growth while Tennessee didn’t appear on the list at all.
To order stickers, contact the St. Louis Union Label and Service Trades Council at or call 636-379-1134/636-293-1878.
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