Billboards Are Just the Beginning for Ill. LocalMarch 13, 2014
Collinsville, Ill., Local 309 has launched an unprecedented, multiplatform advertising campaign that Business Manager Scott Hassall expects will dramatically raise the profile of the local and its signatory contractors throughout their southwest Illinois jurisdiction.
The first step was taken three years ago, when Local 309 and the Illinois NECA chapter formed a joint Labor Management Cooperation Committee called Powersource 309 ( Then, six months ago, they bought three billboards less than a mile from the St. Louis skyline near the junction of three interstates and a major crossing of the Mississippi. Two of the billboards advertise Local 309; the third prominently features the Powersource name and website. Said Hassal: We’ve received a number of compliments, from the membership and from our partners. It has been such a hit that we decided to expand the campaign.
First, the local began running ads on the oldest and largest FM rock station in St. Louis, KSHE, and the membership and the executive board have approved a TV ad campaign that will run during Cardinals baseball games. The first ad is set to run opening day and will continue through the rest of the season. Hassall said the campaign, funded by Local 309, will feature the local NJATC and show members on the job. Hassal said: We want every Cardinals fan to know we are the best in the business, and they have a hell of a lot of fans.
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