Vote Now for the 2013 IBEW Photo Contest WinnersJanuary 3, 2014
From contemplative landscapes to jaw-dropping heights, participants in this year’s IBEW photo contest showcased an array of stunning images – displaying that our membership’s talent extends far beyond the tool belt.
But who takes home top honors is up to you. You can only vote once, so please choose carefully. This year’s contest also featured many dynamic shots that would have made the final cut, if not for some representations of unsafe work practices. Next year, if you submit a photo for the competition, please make sure you are showcasing IBEW workmanship that exemplifies the high standards of safety we all should adhere to on the job. Portraying unsafe work practices isn’t just a problem of image – proper safety gear and procedures exist to ensure that everyone gets home at the end of the day. Click here to vote now. Winners – along with honorable mentions – will then be profiled in a feature story in an upcoming issue of The Electrical Worker, so stay tuned.