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November 2014

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All in the Family

As I reflect the fact that my son, Paterson, N.J., Local 102 member Peter Pagano, will soon retire after 40 years of service, I think about all the time my family has been members of the IBEW. My father, Pete Pagano, was a member of Local 1950 from 1942 until he retired in 1969. He faithfully delivered and sold electrical supplies to our union contractors, who built the plants that supplied our country during World War II, such as General Motors in Linden, N.J., and the Exxon refinery that supplied the fuel for our armed forces.

My own career was with Local 675 (later Local 102) for 40 years, 30 years as recording secretary and delegate to the N.J. state building trades and general superintendent for a large union contractor for 20 years. I retired in 1992.

My son Peter chaired the executive board at Local 102. He worked for a large contractor and became general foreman working on large electrical projects. His son, my grandson, Chris Pagano, just completed his apprenticeship and will become a journeyman, just as his father retires.

My other son, Robert Pagano, has been a member of Local 102 since 2000. He works for as a project superintendent for a large union contractor building substations in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. His son, Jeff Pagano, is a second-year apprentice.

We are all proud union members and would like to thank the IBEW for giving us a good quality of life, and helping us to build a strong America.

Joe Pagano, Local 102 retiree
Paterson, N.J.

Coal and Jobs

I just got the Electrical Worker paper. I was a little concerned about the biased words you chose against the Republicans. The Democrats seem to be doing a good job out here in Colorado in getting rid of our coal plant jobs. How come you do not talk about that? It would be nice to hear a more balanced approach in your articles.

Curtis Scott, Local 111 member

[Editor's Note: Brother Scott is right; despite its good intentions, the Environmental Protection Agency's misguided, ad hoc coal policies could do tremendous damage to our members and the reliability of the entire grid. We are using every tool we have to oppose the EPA's clean power plan. We have made our position clear at rallies, in Electrical Worker editorials, and even an op-ed by President Hill in the Wall Street Journal, as well as in public and private meetings. But the only way to support good, middle-class jobs and build a sustainable future for our children would be a bipartisan energy plan and there is no evidence that some lawmakers are interested in that. Our commitment is and always will be to our members and working people and our support goes to whoever carries their banner.]

IBEW_Facebook  From Facebook: Every month the IBEW Facebook page receives thousands of comments from our dynamic and engaged community of members and friends. Starting this month, the Electrical Worker will share some of the best with its readers.

Where She Belongs

As a daughter, sister and niece of IBEW members, it only felt right to go into the field. My brothers have treated me well. As a traveler in the '90s, I was taken in by families of brothers and made to feel at home. I found that everyone was there to help each other and learn. THANK YOU, IBEW, and my brothers and sisters.

Christine Matarese, Local 313 member
Wilmington, Del.