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Local Lines & Retirees |
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Politically Active Membership | |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa,st&ws), ST. LOUIS, MO — IBEW Local 1 held a fundraiser for Steve Stenger, candidate for St. Louis County Executive, attended by hundreds of union members and families. Our area needs a leader who understands the needs of working families. Steve Stenger is that leader, having grown up in a union household and learned about labor issues at the kitchen table from his father, a telephone lineman. Local 1 is proud to report that our members, along with IBEW locals and organizations across Missouri, defeated "right-to-work" and paycheck deception this year. Legislators took notice when brothers and sisters flooded their phones and inboxes demanding they put working families first. We're honored to have helped educate and motivate our membership and others to effectively reach their elected officials. Special thanks to IBEW member and St. Louis Electrical Connection's Government Affairs Dir. Tim Green as well as Local 1 Pres. Tom George for all the hours spent lobbying for working families this year. Bus. Mgr. Frank Jacobs and all the officers thank our members for coming out and re-electing our team this year. "Our local belongs to its members and your vote is how you ensure it remains that way," Jacobs said. We mourn the death of several members: Richard Holtgrave, Anthony Shaffar, Regan Jones, Marlene Oatley, David Dlugos, Kenneth Dauphin, Adam Mlynarczyk, Ray Brown, William Bove, Richard Campbell, Ronald Sutton, Robert Rehling and Gordon Chisholm. |
![]() Hundreds of union members and their families turned out to support Steve Stenger, candidate for St. Louis County Executive, at the IBEW Local 1 union hall. |
Outlook for Work Picture |
L.U. 9 (catv,govt,lctt,o&u), CHICAGO, IL — Congratulations to Bus. Mgr. Robert Pierson and all the Local 9 officers, who were re-elected by acclamation to a three-year term. The officers appreciate the trust extended to them by the membership and will continue their work to advance the union movement on behalf of the members. The work outlook in our jurisdiction for 2014 is slightly better than 2013. The street light and traffic work has picked up, but is not quite at the numbers we anticipated. The utility work on ComEd property has increased significantly and appears to only improve for the next few years. The local thanks the other locals across the country that kept our members working during our lean times. We hope to reciprocate in the future for any locals that experience a work slowdown. Again, we are in a battle this election season with an anti-union gubernatorial nominee, Bruce Rauner. Local 9 officers, staff and members, along with the AFL-CIO, will work diligently to defeat this threat and re-elect incumbent Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn. The re-election of Gov. Quinn as well as retaining a Democratic majority in the House and Senate are imperative to help protect our way of life. The Annual Local 9 Golf Outing on Aug. 9 at Glen Eagles Country Club was a huge success. Over 200 golfers enjoyed a fun-filled day. Thank you to all the participants. |
![]() Newly elected Local 9 officers: front row, Mark Simmons (left), Bryan Nieciak, John Conroy, Joseph Notaro, Robert Pierson, John Burkard, William Niesman, John Dowling, Phil Dote; back row, Ivan Westcott, Richard Peslak, Robert Leimetter, Lisa Page, Todd Pierson, Thomas McCluskey, Mark Wydra, Victor Ohanessian, Michael Green, Gary Pierson, Allan Bartosik, John Corcoran and Joseph Douin. |
Utility Local Update |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — Local 15 announced winners of the annual Scholarship Awards. The following ten recipients, all children of Local 15 members, will each receive a $1,000 scholarship award: Hannah Brown, Laura Bush, Adriana Casillas, Jake Collins, Jacob Vroman, Eldora Holder, Margaret O'Connor, Kaitlyn Daniels, Kelly Leifheit and Nicholas Marchio. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who applied! As a result of the successful Northern Region clerical pilot, we are expanding the pilot to the West Region. This pilot includes transitioning some responsibilities from management back to the bargaining unit. The Zion nuclear station decommissioning has moved about 25 percent of its spent fuel and aims to have all the spent fuel moved by the first quarter of 2015. As of April 1, NRG has taken over operation of the fossil stations once owned by Edison Mission Energy. NRG is closely evaluating the economics of keeping the stations open, converting them to another fuel source (other than coal) or keeping them burning coal. No decisions on converting any of these plants have been announced as of July. On our Commercial side, negotiations resulted in a Letter of Understanding relating to pipe installation work. The Automated Meter (AMI) installation is progressing; the goal is to change out 4 million meters. On June 25, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court approved a settlement allowing Edison Mission Energy to terminate retiree health care. As part of the settlement, approximately 50 of our members (those eligible for EME retiree health care as of March 31, 2014) will receive a financial settlement. The United Way fund drive is in the initial stages and Local 15 encourages our members to give what they comfortably can. |
Raising the Bar |
L.U. 17 (catv,em,lctt,o&u), DETROIT, MI — Local 17 is implementing several new training programs designed to enhance our skills and competitiveness. Late this year we will begin Continuous Education Programs for our journeyman linemen and our journeyman line clearance tree trimmers. We have also developed a Membership Education Program that has been presented to every apprentice class and will be presented to every member of our local. These programs are founded on the principles of the IBEW Code of Excellence and an improved safety culture. The work picture is outstanding as of this writing. Most work sites are working "six tens" and this will continue for the foreseeable future. At press time, we have a standing call for journeyman linemen. If interested please contact our office. We are saddened to report the loss of our dear departed friend Tim Head. Bro. Head was the quintessential example of what a true union brother is. He touched many lives during his career, and his memory will live on for many years. We are also deeply saddened to report the loss of Bro. George Ward, who was fatally injured on the job in June. Bro. Ward was a fine man indeed and will be sorely missed by all. |
Get Out the Vote |
L.U. 21 (catv,govt&t), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — As far as we are concerned the November governor's race in Illinois is the only game in town. The choice could not be clearer. On one side, we have incumbent Gov. Pat Quinn, a man who's spent his entire political career fighting for working-class people. On the other we have Bruce Rauner, a billionaire in a Carhartt jacket who demonizes labor by calling us part of the problem. Rauner will tell you he will make your life better by fixing Illinois' problems. He won't tell you he's going to change your life by attempting to take away your union rights and then pick your pocket of your hard earned pension. If you're a public employee look out, as you're part of the "problem" he plans to fix. Our Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts are in full gear. Our local along with the rest of the IBEW will be taking our rightful place in leadership rolls. We can win and elect worker friendly candidates if we register to vote, get our co-workers to register, help the campaigns of those who are on our side — and vote on Election Day. Registration deadlines and early voting information is on our COPE webpage at www.ibew.org. Let's stand in solidarity against those who are fighting against us. |
2014 Graduation Celebration |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY — In June we held the annual apprenticeship graduation dinner. Graduate Tom Roll received the Dr. Anthony Renzi Award for highest five-year cumulative grade average. Tom, along with Robert Umhauer, also received an award for perfect attendance. Vince Majchrzak received the highest cumulative average award for our residential journeyman class. We also recognized apprentices with highest average for the year: for 4th year–Ron Kennick; 3rd year–Chris Banas; 2nd year - Jennifer Impastato; and 1st year — Wayne Rich. Congratulations to all! You are the future! 2014 Inside Graduating Class: Mike Pabst, Josh Lang, Tom Donohue, Pavel Kulik, Ed Sheehan, John Lord, Joe Biggie, Daryl Sweeney, Tom Roll, Nick Clark, Andy Chwesik, Rich Malik, Jason Hine, Reggie Sovereign, Chris Goulet, Bill Howes, Sean Oshirak, Will Clark, John Ruhland, Aaron Coventry and Aaron Czesak. One sad note … our math instructor, Dave Grabenstatter, decided to retire. Dave has always been able to get the most out of his students in the most gentlemanly fashion; he will be missed. Also in June, Local 41 elected officers: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Mike Gaiser, Pres. Matt Hilmey, Vice Pres. Shawn Creighton, Treas. Richard Nader, Rec. Sec. Curtis Johnson; Executive Board members Art Chmura, Eric Crawford, Jim Devany, Rick Guerra, Greg Inglut, Jud Payne and Heath Wagner; Examining Board members Brett Armstrong, Chris Bove, Bob Esford, Matt Gaiser and Ken Scheifla. Congratulations to all. Thank you to all who ran; participation in our union is the key to its success. |
![]() Local 41 congratulates the 2014 Apprenticeship Graduating Class. |
JATC Graduation Ceremony |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — The Central New York Joint Electrical Apprenticeship and Training Committee's (JATC) annual graduation ceremony took place June 6. Twenty-four apprentices from the inside wireman program graduated to journeyman wireman status. The ceremony was filled with nostalgia, laughter and celebration. Congratulations to the entire graduating class. Also, special congratulations to award recipients, including Raymond Tucker, Scholarly Apprentice of the Year, courtesy of Klein Tools. Raymond finished the program with a final classroom average of 96.93 percent and over 9,000 on-the-job training hours. Other awards included: the Most Outstanding Apprentice Award, presented to Justin Gurney, and a Perfect Attendance Award, presented to Jesse Scott, both courtesy of NJATC. Also, Bus. Mgr. Donald Morgan presented an award to Daniel Holl for his continued dedication to the IBEW. Congratulations to the all the newest journeyman wiremen of IBEW Local 43! |
![]() Local 43 congratulates the Central New York JATC graduating class of 2014. |
Officers Sworn In |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Happy Labor Day! The election of officers at Local 47 is complete. Tyrone Chamois, who was elected president, won the only contested election among the officers and board members. Outgoing president Ron Delgado, who served as president for 16 years, decided not to seek re-election. Elected as delegates to the 2016 International Convention were: Randy Heldoorn, Ernie Lopez, John Baca, Mike Moore, Chris Avila, Michael Hernandez, Armando Mendez, Arnold Trevino, Casey Lavin and Colin Lavin. Local 47 officers were sworn in at the July Parent Body Meeting. [For a list of officers elected by acclimation without opposition earlier this year, please see the Local 47 "Local Lines" article in the July 2014 issue of The Electrical Worker.] The members at our newest unit, the Utility Workers at the City of Vernon, ratified their first-ever contract by an 84 percent margin. California primary results are in and Local 47- endorsed candidates did well in the June primary. In the state controller race, the local supported State Board of Equalization member Betty Yee. Yee took second place by a margin of 481 out of more than 3 million votes cast. A recount was underway as of press time to determine who will be in the November election. Every vote matters, and all IBEW members should be registered and vote in November. We are sad to report the passing of Elias Aguilar, Rigoberto Valdivia and Jaime "Bob" Arechiga. Our thoughts and prayers are with their family and friends. Work safe, live well, work union! |
![]() Outgoing Local 47 president Ron Delgado (left) hands gavel to incoming Pres. Tyrone Chamois (right) as Bus. Mgr. Pat Lavin looks on. |
Scholarships Awarded |
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — Our annual golf scholarship outing was successful. We were able to award five $500 college scholarships. Congratulations to Adam Jacob Smith (son of Michael Smith, who works at Frontier Freeport); Dacia Henning (daughter of Gerry Henning, CornBelt Northern); Alexis Rhodes (daughter of Vickie Means, Ameren); Alison Stone (daughter of Corey Stone, IBEW Local 51). As of this writing, the local was planning on moving during the first week in August to our new location, 3171 Green Head Drive, Springfield, IL. Again, we need to stress to our members that although some may disagree with Gov. Pat Quinn's leadership, voting for Bruce Rauner could be detrimental to our members' quality of life. Get out and vote! Our construction outlook is slow. |
'Congratulations to All' |
L.U. 53 (lctt,o,rts&u), KANSAS CITY, MO — Former Bus. Mgr. Bob Stuart recently extended congratulations to Bro. Steve White on his newly elected position as Local 53 business manager (accompanying photo). Bob decided to retire after 7½ years as the business manager, 12½ years as a business representative — and 43 years as an IBEW member! We thank you, Bob, for your longtime dedication and commitment to this local. We wish you a great retirement. You will be missed. Newly elected Bus. Mgr. White has served as president, business representative and organizer for the last 12 years. Steve said he is proud to serve as business manager of this great local and looks forward to serving the membership. Congratulations to all of our newly elected officers. The swearing in took place July 23, 2014, at our general meeting. Local 53 officers are: Bus. Mgr. Steve White, Pres. Ron Head, Vice Pres. James Burke, Rec. Sec. Robert Frazee, Treas. Darlene O'Neal; Executive Board members Robert Duran IV, Ronald Kapp, Jason Martin, Todd Shull and Eric Younghans. Delegates to the I.O. Convention: David Adkins, Eric Boyer, Richard Coddington, Ronnie Gaylord, Ronald Kapp and Brett Stone. Congratulations to you all. Agreements are happening: Bus. Rep. Bruce VanCompernolle recently helped negotiate a three-year agreement for the line clearance tree trimming group out of Springfield, MO. Hope all finds and keeps you well … Local 53! |
![]() Retiring Bus. Mgr. Bob Stuart (right) congratulates newly elected Local 53 Bus. Mgr. Steve White. |
Collective Compassion |
L.U. 89 (catv,em,lctt,o&t), SEATTLE, WA — On March 22, at approximately 11 a.m., Oso, WA, had a tremendous disaster. To see the entire Oso mudslide you had to be so far away that it appeared as a miniature scale model. Even before reports of the missing and injured came in, our Local 89 crews from Marysville and Burlington were making their way to the scene. However, emergency responders initially were not allowing anyone on the scene. Finally, a call from Sen. Maria Cantwell gave our members the access they needed at approximately 3:15 p.m. The terrain was almost impassable, with the mud still shifting. The goal was to get temporary emergency phone lines pulled in. Working in unfathomable conditions, a group of our local union brothers and sisters — with an ear to the wind and an eye to the ground while helping to find the missing — simultaneously pulled 14,000 feet of cable and had it spliced in, within just over four hours. The Local 89 crew included: Frank Urbick, Mark Perry, Kerry Frable, Tim Miller, Steve Adams, John Arnez, Bob Oliphant, Justin Tillet, Dean Oban, Andrea Stinardo, Kevin Daurie, Paul Messina, Mike Jacobs, Ryan Colvin, Kellen Martini, Bret Murdock, Gary Griffith, Pat Howard, Russ Kindler, Brady Malean, Kevin Tallman, Wade Smith, Jeff Holocker and Barry Robinson. |
![]() A Local 89 crew responded immediately following the major mudslide disaster in Oso, WA. |
Volunteers Restore Memorial |
L.U. 97 (u), SYRACUSE, NY — On Sunday, June 1, dozens of Local 97 members volunteered their time and skills to help restore the Vietnam Memorial in downtown Albany, NY. Located in Lafayette Park, the memorial is a tribute to local soldiers who gave their lives during the Vietnam War. The Local 97 volunteers, some of whom are also veterans, performed work such as: adding new dirt and topsoil, trenching for new secondary lighting, and adding stone for new sidewalks leading up to the monument. The work our members performed not only honored our veterans, but also brought a significant amount of pride to our community. In September, the local will host its annual Union Appreciation Day across all three divisions. Please check with your local union hall for more details. Last year's events were a huge success and this year we hope to do the same. Please continue to support your local union and remember to purchase union-made products and services. |
Work Picture Improves |
L.U. 99 (govt&i), PROVIDENCE, RI — After seven years of limited opportunities, it appears Rhode Island is finally on the rebound. With several major projects on the horizon, an aggressive marketing and targeting plan and solid relationships with the Rhode Island Building Trades, Local 99 anticipates much lower unemployment than we have endured over the past seven years. Local 99 has completed our Craft Certification labs to enhance proper testing of our apprentices and our future members. This innovative tool will assist every apprentice and organized member in securing stable employment by discovering any areas of their craft that need polishing up. Our local has been working hard at boosting our strong spirit of brotherhood. The economic downturn took its toll not only on our member's bank accounts, but also their faith. Getting back to work is only half the task; getting the spirit of family and solidarity back is the rest. Through civic events such as parades, volunteer activities and solidarity events nearly every month, we are proving to everyone that the union brotherhood is back stronger than ever. We welcome all members to get involved in these most important events. "Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all." |
![]() IBEW Local 99 bus decorated for the Gaspee Days parade. |
2014 Apprentice Graduation |
L.U. 103 (cs&i), BOSTON, MA — On June 5, Local 103 held its 68th Annual Apprentice Graduation at the union hall. Three graduates received special achievement awards. Kevin Simoneau received the William M. Swanson Jr. Electrical Academic Award; Brendan Conlon Jr. received the Charles A. McCarthy Memorial Award; and Brian Doolin received The Philip C. Davis Memorial Award. Instructor Dick Joyce received the Russell F. Sheehan Distinguished Service Award. Also, the ceremony included the swearing in of 206 first-year apprentices, making them the newest members of Local 103. Congratulations to the class of 2014 and to our newest members. Local 103 helped in the battle against heart disease by taking part in the Climb America event held at Fenway Park in June. The event was organized and facilitated by ClimbCorp, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public on the importance of preventing heart disease through proper exercise and nutrition. A group of Local 103 staff and members took on the challenge of raising $200 each and taking on the Fenway stairs to help in this great cause. |
![]() Local 103 apprenticeship graduation ceremony held June 5. |
IBEW Members Restore Power |
L.U. 111 (em,govt,lctt,mt,o,rtb,spa&u), DENVER, CO — At this writing, Public Service Co. of Colorado (PSCO) general negotiations continue. Concerning plant closings, the Arapahoe Station closing in particular was as a result of the Colorado Clean Air/Clean Jobs legislation. The closure took place in early January 2014, and approximately 35 affected employees were placed at either Cherokee Station or Denver Steam Heat Plant. No reductions in force were implemented, due to the negotiated agreement between David Eaves and this local union. The closure of Valmont Station, as a further result of Clean Air/Clean Jobs legislation, is anticipated for the end of 2017 at this point. As for the Boulder floods of 2013, Boulder Service Center IBEW members, as well as IBEW members from all across Colorado, mobilized in Boulder and Ft. Collins to restore service to our customers in Boulder County and many other areas across northeastern Colorado that were devastated by these floods. Our members rose to the occasion, and with great expense of time and effort in difficult and dangerous circumstances, restoration was accomplished. While much of the restoration work was initially temporary, our members' efforts have continued in the work of more permanent restorations. Have a safe and happy Labor Day! |
Labor Day & Worker Rights |
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR — For many, Labor Day symbolizes back to school and the end of summer. As American workers, what does it mean to you? The holiday is a celebration of us — the American labor movement. Take time to recognize the advancements that many workers enjoy because of organized labor, but remember our work is not finished. We have corporations that want to eliminate many benefits. With many contracts up for bargaining, know your history if you want to secure your future. IBEW members are united by a common bond. Whether you are a longtime or newly sworn-in member, all members must stand for our rights to organize and collectively bargain. Without this foundation, our ability to exist is substantially lessened. All members should work diligently to uphold the first object of the IBEW Constitution: "To organize all workers in the entire electrical industry in the United States and Canada, including all those in public utilities and electrical manufacturing, into local unions." To succeed, our local needs your help. Talk with nonunion workers, get contact information, and share it with your business representative. Most importantly, remember you're in the best position to advocate on behalf of our local and explain why unions matter. |
Work Picture Gains |
L.U. 141 (ees,i,o&u), WHEELING, WV — The work picture continues to grow in our local with upcoming developments at a couple of shopping malls in our jurisdiction. At the time of this writing, we were planning our annual summer picnic scheduled for August 2014 as well as a golf scramble that coincides with it. Bro. Gerald T. Keller received his 60-year IBEW service pin presented by Bus. Mgr. John Clarke (see accompanying photo). Bro. Keller is from a long line of Local 141 electricians, including his grandfather Charlie Keller, who was a charter member, and his father, Gerald W. Keller, who was business manager for 12 years. I would also like to congratulate Bro. John Clarke, who is retiring from the office of business manager. We are thankful for your service, John, and may your retirement be as exciting as your career! |
![]() Local 141 Bus. Mgr. John Clarke (right) presents 60-year service award to Bro. Gerald T. Keller. |
'Pack the Hall Night' |
L.U. 145 (em,i,o,rts,spa&u), ROCK ISLAND, IL — Hello to all of our IBEW brothers and sisters. In March we had our annual Pack the Hall Night — a night when we induct our 1st year apprentices. This year we inducted 30 new apprentice wiremen. Nearly 200 members attended. Among attendees were retired business agent John A. Winterbottom, his son John R. Winterbottom, and his grandson Bob Winterbottom — three generations of electricians! John A. Winterbottom served as a Local 145 business agent for many years. He was a strong union member and political example for members. John passed away March 19 this year — just two weeks after the three generations were together at the union meeting. The Local 145 annual picnic was in August and everyone had a great time! There were plenty of activities for all the kids and adults! Thank you to the Picnic Committee and volunteers for another wonderful picnic! Remember to stay involved in your local union and your local politics — your participation is needed now more than ever! Remember to attend the union meetings, held on the first Thursday of every month. |
![]() Local 145 late Bro. John A. Winterbottom (seated); Bro. John R. Winterbottom (left); and Bro. Bob Winterbottom (right). |
A Year to Celebrate |
L.U. 153 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts,se,spa&st), SOUTH BEND, IN — This year has brought us a lot of good things to celebrate. We have celebrated our local's 100th birthday. And we have purchased a new building. The building (at 56475 Peppermint Rd., South Bend) is located next to our JATC site, and with this purchase we have about 11 acres of complex between our two organizations. We congratulate this year's incoming apprenticeship classes. As of this writing, the incoming apprentices we've selected are: Thomas Brown, David Carlson, E'velle Cheeks, John Flack, Aaron Hassinger, Evan Haste, James Hunt, Jordan Jasinski, Kory Kolber, Andrew Kowalski, Shawn MacMillian, Dennis Manuwal III, William Martin, Ryan Moore, Mitch Mortensen, Robert Nicks, Lee Parker, Patrick Pedzinski, Austin Pennington, Kendall Pickens, Steven Richardson, Brody Schimel, Brandon Shumaker, Kyle Smith, Stephen Stopczynski and Cody Witt. By the time you read this article, D.C. Cook Nuclear should be well into the fall refueling outage and the next one is planned for the spring. Notre Dame has plans to expand student housing as well as its education facilities. This work will last over the next three-to-five years with the biggest portion starting after the final home game of 2014. As of press time, we are uncertain if we will get into Book 2. |
Upcoming Midterm Elections |
L.U. 193 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), SPRINGFIELD, IL — After a long, cold, record-breaking winter, as of this writing we were anticipating that jobs should pick up over the summer as the economy has gradually improved. Congratulations to newly elected Local 193 officers. Also, thank you to all those who participated in the union election. Labor unions and working folks are getting pounded by anti-worker politicians and some court rulings that do not support organized labor or the middle class. I ask every member, new and old, to check his or her family's voter registration cards, study the issues, and vote for the candidates who support working people and issues important to Local 193 and its membership. Please check out website www.ibewmade.com featured in "Label Letter," the official newsletter of the Union Label & Service Trades Dept., AFL-CIO. IBEW signatory contractors and quality union-made electrical items, critical to USA standards, are listed on this cutting-edge website. Hope everyone has enjoyed the summer. Buy local. Be safe! |
Labor Day Festivities |
L.U. 197 (em&i), BLOOMINGTON, IL — The Labor Day holiday is approaching. We will line up on Sept. 1, at 9 a.m., in downtown Bloomington to walk in the parade. After the parade we will have a picnic at the hall. Everyone is invited; please join the festivities. The election season will be ramping up and we want to remind everyone to get out and vote. We will walk door to door, make phone calls, and stuff envelopes this fall. If you can help, there is always something proactive that can be done. At the May union meeting a motion was made, voted on, and passed to elect all officers by acclamation, since there was no opposition for any office. Congratulations to all officers: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Rich Veitengruber, Sec. Beth Sylvester, Treas. Stephanie Ashenbremer, Pres. Mike Raikes, Vice Pres. Jacob Goar; and Executive Board members Keith Ashenbremer, Brian Burns, Shawn Dehaven, Jacob Knoblach, Tom Peasley, Greg Potter and Matt Strupp. We look forward to advancing our local. Thanks to Josh Mathis for his dedication; he served as vice president for the last six years. Thanks to those locals that have put our brothers and sisters to work. We hope our work situation picks up so we can get them home! Remember: Get involved in the local! |
Rebuilding America |
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — As our nation ages so does its infrastructure. As taxpaying citizens we expect, at the very least, to have passable roads, traversable bridges and safe, well-lit neighborhoods. These things, however, do not maintain themselves. It takes well-qualified and dedicated craftspeople to perform the work so sorely needed on our country's vast transportation system. Luckily, there is a large and qualified workforce ready, willing and able to help rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. This workforce consists of all our brothers and sisters who proudly call themselves members of a trade union. Within our territory and across our nation, public works projects are providing much-needed improvements while also providing much-needed employment for a skilled and eager workforce. The middle class is the economic engine of this country. The jobs provided by public works projects are a boon to both our local and national economies. They also provide a living wage for citizens, who are essential to a sustainable local tax base. These taxes pay for our schools, our services, and have a direct impact on our quality of life. |
![]() Trenton, NJ, Local 269 Bros. Dave Pinnelli (left), Tony Di Christopher, Jay Tissone, Keith Tracy, Joe Doyle, Mike McGrath, Tim Faulkner and Brian Jacoppo stand near the Burlington-Bristol Bridge. |
Celebrating 'Union Made' |
L.U. 291 (i,mo,o,rtb&rts), BOISE, ID — Greetings. I recently completed my apprenticeship with the Southwestern Idaho JATC. On June 13, my classmates and I attended our completion ceremony. I wanted to get my fellow graduates a gift to commemorate the occasion. I decided on a cigar and a nice bottle of liquor for each of them. At the liquor store, I asked the man at the counter, "Could you tell me which of these liquors are union made?" He gave me a quizzical look and replied, "In nine years of running this place, I have never been asked that question." He asked me to "hold on one moment" and stepped over to his computer and began clicking away. His printer ejected numerous sheets of paper. "This is what I found," he said. "It might not be current but I think it will work." It was a seven-page list of 249 liquors made by the UFCW. "I printed off one copy for you and a copy for the store in case someone else asks," he said. He spent 20 minutes going through the list with me, showing me the liquors that he thought would go well with the cigars. After he rang my order up and congratulated me, I thanked him for his help and his time. So, if you don't know whether something is union made and American made, ask. You might be surprised. |
Election of Officers |
L.U. 309 (i,lctt,mo,mt,o,rts,spa&u), COLLINSVILLE, IL — Negotiations are continuing with the cities of Waterloo and Highland. We hope both agreements will be settled by the time this article is published. Local 309's annual PAC Golf Tournament was July 11. Also, our second annual Party at the Park was Aug. 9 at Fairmount Racetrack. Both events are well-attended by active and retired members alike. Local 309 held an election of officers on June 2. Officers elected are: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Tim Evans, Pres. Chris Burns, Vice Pres. Mike Hayes, Rec. Sec. Carlos Perez and Treas. Larry Aleksandrian. Executive Board: Mike Faust, Brandon Gravot, Sam Gross, John Reyes, Ron Scott, Matt Sommer and Josh Wiegers. Examining Board Wiremen: Rob Coppersmith and Joe Varvera. Delegates to the 2016 International Convention to be held in St. Louis will be: Bus. Mgr. Tim Evans, Charlie Busch, Chris Hankins, Chris Huckins and Chris Weir. Bus. Mgr. Evans will bring in Chris Weir as an assistant business manager. He will also retain Asst. Bus. Mgrs. Lee Bradley and Scott Tweedy. Chris Hankins will continue to be Local 309's organizer. Congratulations and good luck to all the officers and staff of Local 309. Thank you to Election Judge Mike Stuart and Tellers Jake Albers, Jim Alvarez, Rick Kusmer and Mark McGlawn. Work safe! |
ATV Ride & Cookout |
L.U. 317 (i,o,rts,t&u), HUNTINGTON, WV — Local 317 recently held an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) ride for members and their families at an off-road park in Kentucky. The event started off with members unloading their ATV's at base camp and venturing off to explore the 7,000 acre off-road park. When it was time to eat, the IBEW 317 RENEW Committee, with the help of several other members, manned the grill. For lunch there were brauts, grilled stuffed jalapeños, and the usual sides. For dinner it was pulled pork, cooked all day in the smoker. The evening concluded with more trail riding and plenty of fellowship. The work outlook for inside wiremen continues to be slow. Industrial outages have thinned out the books a few times over the last several months but nothing long term has been discussed for a while. Outside work remains steady as line improvement projects continue throughout the jurisdiction. Right-to-work (for less) legislation in our jurisdiction continues to be a real threat. With state elections just around the corner, it's important that members stay informed about which candidates are working for labor. |
![]() Local 317 members and families turn out for ATV ride. |
Volunteers in Action |
L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LeSUEUR, MN — Local 343 retirees are an active bunch. Recently, the executive director for the Olmsted County Historical Society approached the local looking for help. The museum and history center had not seen much updating for 30 years. Although funding was limited, a lighting upgrade was needed as part of a larger renovation. A small group of retirees sprang into action, after assembling for coffee and breakfast. Teaming with signatory contractor Winkels Electric, the job was completed on time and under budget. Not bad for volunteers. It was reported that only $6,000 in Historical Society funds were needed for the remodeling project thanks to the donated labor and materials. Our thanks go to Jim O'Neil, Dale Meyer, Cory Berg, Joel Walbridge, Tom Huiting and John Guyse for promoting our union and trade in a positive way. Remember to buy Made In USA. The job you save may be your own. |
![]() Local 343 team volunteers for Olmsted County Historical Society project: Jim O'Neil (left), Dale Meyer, Cory Berg, Joel Walbridge, Tom Huiting and John Guyse. |
Work Picture is Promising |
L.U. 347 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts&spa), DES MOINES, IA — This summer provided many opportunities for fun for the members and travelers working in Local 347. The picnic and the golf outing were huge successes. Close to 80 participants joined in on the golf course. Local 347 now gets to repay the hospitality of the many locals that provided jobs to Local 347 members in the past. Work in the local continues to be promising. Three large projects are in the works. The Marshalltown powerhouse contract was awarded to Van Ert. The Facebook phase-one project will finish up in January 2015. The Facebook phase-two project is ramping up currently. Microsoft has approved the next phase of a large project, though some hurdles need to be cleared. At press time, final preparations were being made for the 100th anniversary of Local 347 in October. See you there. |
Officers Sworn In |
L.U. 349 (em,es,i,mps,rtb,rts,spa&u), MIAMI, FL — At our June 2014 union meeting, Fifth District Int. Vice Pres. Joe S. Davis administered the oath of office to the elected officers of Local 349. Officers were elected for a three-year term (2014 – 2017). Congratulations to all the Local 349 officers. They are: Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. William "Bill" Riley, Pres. David Karcher, Vice Pres. Pete Garcia, Rec. Sec. John McHugh and Treas. Brian Rappaport. Executive Board members are: Frank Albury, Bill Callenius, Kenny Fennell, Sergio Mayor and Chris Simpson. Welfare Board members are: Kris Beckford, Robert Brumfield, Paul Gannett, Pete Grimm and Danny Yoham. Examining Board members are: Louis Bui, Cris Mendoza, and Oscar Ordaz. Also in June, our fifth-year apprentices graduated. Congratulations to these new journeyman wiremen. Remember: "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass … it's about learning to dance in the rain." Let's remember our service men and women here and overseas — and bring them home safe. Work smart and work safe. Attend your union meetings. It is you that makes this union strong. |
Retirees Honored |
L.U. 351 (c,cs,i,it,lctt,mt,o,se,spa&t), FOLSOM, NJ — Congratulations to our 2013 retirees from Local 351 who were honored at our April union meeting. Food and refreshments were served and our retirees were presented with IBEW watches with their names engraved on the back. We also honored 15 retired members who have 50+ years of IBEW service. We wish all of our retired members good health and happiness in their retirement. We encourage them to continue to come out and take part in all of our local union events throughout the year. |
![]() Local 351 honors retired members. |
Utility Negotiations Underway |
L.U. 359 (u), MIAMI, FL — Local 359 held an election of officers. The officers were sworn in at the July meeting by former vice president Gene Miller. Congratulations to all. Elected were: Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dwight Mattox, Vice Pres. Doug Sawyer, Treas. Walter Lamb, Sec. Dennis Russell and Fin. Sec. Steve Donovan. Executive Board members: Broderick Veal — representing Substation; Clifford Harris and Raymond Sinclair — Overhead Lines; Justin Stockton — Underground; Alice Keller — Clerical; Eddie Nettles and Ivan Soriano — Power Generation/Nuclear. In the sub-locals in Homestead, the new unit chairman is Gary Shafer; John Ingram is vice chairman; Henry Gill Palmer is secretary. The Lake Worth Unit elected Samuel Jackson unit chairman. On the negotiations front, the Utility System Council U-4 business manager and committee are meeting with Florida Power & Light Company/Next Era Energy. Many recommendations are being made by both sides. The company has eliminated the highly successful nuclear apprenticeship program. The employer previously was in a partnership with the union to train nuclear apprentices at Miami Dade College (Local 359) and Indian River State College (Local 627). Apprentices earned a degree in electronic technology and were hired at nuclear sites. What is the commitment of large corporations to train younger adults? Private sector employers need to get on board with skilled-craft training. Please attend union meetings at the Local 359 Hall on the first Tuesday of each month. Support the negotiation team. Get involved. |
![]() Local 359 officers are sworn in. |
'Do Your Share' |
L.U. 363 (catv,em,govt,i,t,u&ws), NEW CITY, NY — I wrote the article below in February 1989 for the IBEW Journal. It is interesting that it still applies today. "Another year has passed and we are looking at what 1989 will bring. Maybe at our first union meeting, we will look around the room and see there are no empty seats. Maybe when we go to the first labor rally, we will see that all Brothers and Sisters are doing their fair part to ensure our high standards are upheld, and it's not just the same few faces fighting for our existence. And maybe everyone will realize that a labor organization's biggest weapon against the nonunion is that organization's members — and that is the bottom line. "If we have full participation from our members when they are requested to be part of a meeting or rally, we will gain tremendously against the rats. Isn't it ironic that 50 percent of a group's membership will stand up and fight a battle, but 100 percent will expect to reap the benefits? "Please let's all get together on this matter and take a good look at ourselves. It's time for each of us to evaluate ourselves as good union members." |
JATC Training |
L.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), POCATELLO, ID — Congratulations to the members who received service pins at the local's annual picnic. Great job! It is great to see the members and their families at this event. The local continues looking at new ways to work with our contractors to get back into the markets we've lost. We must think outside the box sometimes in order to do this. The business manager and the organizers regularly talk with other locals to see what is and what is not working for them and vice versa. I believe that these efforts along with our forward thinking will pay off. Our JATC has wrapped up the first round of training for the spring. We had a great bunch of classes. We started a new welding class to train our members and contractors. This is a skill that can save time and make money for our contractors. Our Craft Certifications booths were also recently finished and approved. The local mourns the passing of Bro. Dewey Leadford. Our condolences go out to his family. |
Lineman Appreciation Day |
L.U. 455 (em&u), SPRINGFIELD, MA — June 12 was declared Lineman Appreciation Day in Pittsfield, MA. The linemen from the area were honored at a baseball game between the Pittsfield Suns and Martha's Vineyard Sharks. Bro. Rick Kostanski had the honor of throwing out the first pitch (a blistering fastball). The Fallen Linemen Organization — which provides financial and emotional support to the families of line workers who lost their lives on the job — brought the mobile version of its memorial. Bro. Jim Hanson, who passed away last year, was among those memorialized. Bro. Hanson's sister Elizabeth Hanson Keefner was instrumental in putting on the event and raising funds for the Fallen Linemen. |
![]() IBEW Local 455 members are among attendees for Lineman Appreciation Day event in Pittsfield, MA. |
New Five-Year Contract |
L.U. 595 (c,cs,govt,i,mt,o,se&st), DUBLIN, CA — The University of California Berkeley (UCB) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) agreed to a new five-year contract for our public sector sisters and brothers. This favorable contract was a long and drawn out process. Thanks to our negotiation team Bridget Hall (UCB) and Michael Lee (LBNL). Their dedication and hard work are recognized and appreciated. Local 595 held its election of officers and I.O. convention delegates on June 28. Victor Uno was re-elected as business manager/financial secretary and Greg Bonato as president. Congratulations to all of our newly elected officers. We are confident that they will continue serving the members of Local 595 with the same integrity as our past officers have. We thank all of the candidates who stepped up and were willing to give back to their union. This year's primary election was exceptionally challenging this cycle, with the introduction of "Corporate Democrats" — and once again labor stood up to fight off these masked candidates. We are pleased to announce that our working class/labor-friendly politicians persevered to move on to the upcoming midterm elections in November. Again it will be all hands on deck, but with the commitment and dedication of our members we accept the challenge. |
![]() IBEW Local 595 electric crew at the University of California Berkeley. |
Election of Officers; Apprentice Graduation |
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — In June the local held a run-off election for business manager and president. Carl Condit was elected as our new business manager, and Ruben Romero as our president. Congratulations to the officers. On June 19 and 20, the Seventh District Progress Meeting was held here in Albuquerque at the Sandia Resort. Attendees included Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill. This year's apprenticeship graduation was held at the Marriott Pyramid Hotel on July 18. The 2014 graduates are: James Books, Caleb Carpenter, James Dunn, Isaac Garcia, Mario Garcia, Richard Gonzales, Daniel Handley, Charles Hill, David Holyfield, Jennifer Kuchera, Carlos Maestas, Joseph Manning, Nicole Manns, Steve O'Neill, John Phelps, Christopher Purcell, Anthony Quintana, James Ray, Steven Rodriguez, Jason Savedra, Robert Schock, Andrew Subia, Charles Witt and Hunter Wood. This year's Outstanding Apprentice was James Dunn. The C.S. Mitchell Award recipient was Ruben Martinez. Additionally, five apprentices had perfect attendance for five years: James Dunn, Caleb Carpenter, Anthony Quintana, Jason Savedra and Robert Schock. Congratulations to the entire graduating class and to the award recipients. Local 611 extends condolences to the friends and families of members who recently passed away: Jasper C. Evans, Leopoldo B. Vigil, John L. Webb Jr., Otis L. Beaty and Villani Tom. |
![]() Local 611 congratulates the class of 2014 apprentice graduates. |
Graduating Class of 2014 |
L.U. 617 (c,i,mo&st), SAN MATEO, CA — Congratulations to the Apprenticeship Class of 2014! The local welcomes to its ranks the new graduates: inside wiremen Bradley Anderson, Daniel Ayala, Chad Barger, Krista Brooks, Shane Christensen, Sammar Cuevas, Daniel Fuata, Orlando Garcia, James Holsher, Gustavo Ibarra, Shane McKee, Ruben Pacheco, Jonathan Stock, Jeffrey Yee Jr.; and Sound and Communications installer Celso Orotea. Chad Barger received special recognition as Outstanding Electrical Apprentice of the Year. Shane Christensen was presented the Ed Towle Apprenticeship Achievement Award, and Krista Brooks received the first Joe Hogan Leadership Award. Bro. Matt Green was recognized as Journeyman Trainer of the Year. We are proud of you, sister and brothers! Congratulations to our two newly appointed business representatives, Steven R. Booker and Jillian Elliot. Welcome, and thank you for your service to the local and its membership! |
![]() Local 617 congratulates the apprenticeship graduating class of 2014. |
'Long-Awaited Work' |
L.U. 625 (ees,em,i,it,mar&mt), HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA — Congratulations to the members recently completing their apprenticeship and earning their journeyman status. They are: Wes Benedict, Clint Crowell, Paul Larade, Randy Baker, Alex Quon, Matt Lawlor, Richard McNeil and Luke Sullivan. Retired Bro. John "Elwood" Ross passed away June 25, at age 74. Our condolences go out to his family. Bros. Dale Sheffield and John Gerogiannis retired from the local recently. Enjoy your new life, brothers. By the time this article is printed, our local should be busy at the Irving Shipyard and Northern Pulp Precipitator and Economizer projects. It is likely many of the 200 members on the road will return for this long-awaited work. Thank you to those who accepted nominations for the local elections in June. Congratulations to those elected to positions. It is good to see new people willing to get involved in their local. |
'Focus on Safety' |
L.U. 627 (u), FORT PIERCE, FL — Hello to all members and their families. Local 627 officers are requesting that members remain focused on safety, not only at work, but everywhere — whether on vacation trips, home projects or hurricane preps. Remember to always practice safety and set an example for everyone to see. The Ironman Tournament was a success in raising funds. At press time, Bro. Mark Pierce was scheduled to have more financial information at the next union meeting. In regard to the union meeting, negotiations continue with Florida Power & Light as of this writing; questions and updates are free at the meeting. Bro. Erik Neilson and son Joshua posed for a snapshot (see accompanying photo) at our monthly "Adopt a Street" project, spending a few hours of quality time together — and setting another example of how Local 627 members lead the way. |
![]() Local 627 member Erik Neilson (left) and son Joshua volunteer for Adopt a Street project. |
Power Station Project |
L.U. 673 (catv,i,rts,spa,t&u), PAINESVILLE, OH — Bros. Rich Goodmanson and Paul Breedlove had the opportunity to work on an old power station left over from the construction of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. These 32,000-volt transformers with a companion 480-volt distribution center are scattered all over the Perry site. Over the years the shoring that was used at the site has rotted, and burrowing animals have left these structures dangerously skewed. The job for Rich and Paul was to get these power stations reset. All conduits had to be researched then disconnected. Once these structures were free from their conduits, they were raised and a new substructure was crafted. Eight 24-inch holes were drilled and concrete was poured. I-beams were set on these pads to which the structures were set. This was a great experience for Paul, who is a third-year apprentice. Nice job, guys! |
![]() Local 673 apprentice Paul Breedlove (far right) disconnects conduits from 480-volt distribution center. |
Fall Activities & Events |
L.U. 697 (c,es,i,mt&se), GARY AND HAMMOND, IN — Local 697 fall lineup! We have several annual activities and events scheduled for the fall. All are listed on our website. For September: Labor Day parade, local union picnic, Rebuilding Together in South Lake County and in Hobart/Lake Station,and Golf League Outing. For October: Awards Night (affectionately referred to as "Old-Timers Night"), and fall blood drive. Voter registration closes Oct 6. November: General election, Nov. 4. It is imperative that we are active at the polls. Labor in Indiana has never been under such attacks as we have witnessed the past several years. We have an opportunity to make a statement before the 2015 legislative session. Let's make it count! You can register to vote, find your polling place, and learn who your representatives are at: www.IndianaWorkersVote.com. Enjoy the autumn weather and consider volunteering in one or more of our events. |
2014 Apprenticeship Graduates |
L.U. 725 (i,rts,spa), TERRE HAUTE, IN — Congratulations to the apprenticeship graduating class of 2014! Our newest journeyman inside wiremen received their tickets May 16 at a banquet with family and friends. The keynote speaker was John Delgado, Indiana's state director for the U.S. Dept. of Labor/Office of Apprenticeship. Graduating were: Chad Boatman, C.J. Cooprider (Outstanding Apprentice), Sam Fleener, Ian Gilbert, Dallas Gustafson, Garry Heighton, Andrew Kreiger, Nick Long, Neil Miller, Kent Mundy, Cody Nickless, Lance Plummer, Jeff Poe, Joe Rainbolt, Shane Robinson, Seth Thompson, Travis Weston, Jason Woodard and Jerry Woodfall. Great job, graduates; we hope to see all of you stay active in your union! We thank our sister locals for sending their organizers to Bloomington during our recent construction site blitz to talk with the nonunion workers and contractors, handbill in the downtown area, and make the day a productive one. We are all in this together and the help was greatly appreciated! Local 725 staff and officers participated in the Code of Excellence training. We look forward to scheduling classes for our membership to attend and learn more about the program and customer requirements. Watch your newsletters and social media sites for more information. Remember to vote in November! |
![]() Local 725 congratulates class of 2014 apprenticeship graduates. |
A Record-Breaking Month |
L.U. 861 (i), LAKE CHARLES, LA — Local 861 swore in 39 new members in the month of May, a record breaking month for membership development. The local swore in 12 journeyman wiremen; two apprentice wiremen; one maintenance journeyman; and 24 construction electricians/construction wiremen. Most of these new members were the result of the Industry Night held in DeRidder, LA, on May 8. We would like to say "great job and thank you" to: State Organizing Coordinator Ronnie Hickingbottom, the local JATC, Miller Electric Superintendent Joe Suggs, and all the Local 861 members who helped make the event such a success. Work remains good in Lake Charles and should only get better. Organizing remains Local 861's No. 1 priority. In brotherhood, |
![]() Local 861 JATC Dir. Carlos Perez (left) and Miller Electric Superintendent Joe Suggs (center) speak with a potential member. |
Apprentices Excel |
L.U. 1015 (em&i), WESLACO, TX — Bus. Mgr. Sergio A. Salinas is proud to announce the largest class of apprentices to progress from their first year of apprenticeship training to their second year since the Rio Grande Valley-Laredo Electric JATC was established. This class has been highly successful, with exceptional achievements throughout their first year of training in the electrical field. These students have worked on many projects throughout the Local 1015 jurisdiction including: construction of two Wal-Marts, a movie theater, a water treatment plant and multiple schools. Based on information provided by office manager Jessica Luna, the entire class average is 97 percent, with a record of excellent attendance for classroom and work hours. The students' achievements are commendable, and the class has admirably exceeded expectations set out for them. Local 1015 extends appreciation to the students and congratulates them for their hard work and dedication. They demonstrate their excellence as great electricians, both in class and out in the field. |
![]() Local 1015 second-year apprentices Jesus Alvarado (left), Daniel De Los Reyes, Eduardo Luna and Joseph K. Cedillo. |
Election of Officers |
L.U. 1249 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), SYRACUSE, NY — Congratulations to all of our newly elected officers, both those who were re-elected and those elected for a first term. Local 1249 held elections in June. William Boire was re-elected business manager/financial secretary, and David Burnett was re-elected treasurer. Mark Lawrence was elected as the new president and Executive Board chairman. David Beatty was elected as the new vice president, and Ryan Youngman as our new recording secretary. We also welcome three new faces to our Executive Board: David Jorgensen, Gregory Palmer and Daniel Pollock. They join re-elected Executive Board members John Delmar, Timothy Dillon and Dennis Morgan. Local 1249 is happy to announce our delegates to the 39th I.O. Convention: David Beatty, David Burnett, Mark Lawrence, Terry Martin, Henry Westbrook and Ryan Youngman. Local 1249 wishes our new representatives good luck! Also new to the local staff is Henry Westbrook, who was appointed as an assistant business manager when Charlie Brigham retired. Henry has kept busy visiting crews around the state and learning the business of representing our municipalities. Our membership has chosen some ideal people, and Local 1249 is excited to see what they can do for the local. |
Welcome to Reitze Electric; Kudos to Apprentice Graduates |
L.U. 1253 (i), AUGUSTA, ME — The Local 1253 JATC graduated a class of 10 apprentices on June 15. There were four telecom graduates and six inside wireman graduates. These graduates all went through the Great Recession but stuck with the program and are all stronger for it. And our union is stronger for their participation! Telecom graduates are: Joseph Graves, Travis Yahn, Richard Rattary and David Long. Inside wireman graduates: John Withee, Jason Chabot, Tom Tobias, Miguel Govea, Elaine Stevens (outstanding apprentice), and John Caruso Jr. IBEW 1253 is proud to welcome Reitze Electric back as our newest signatory contractor. Owner Chip Reitze is proud of his union heritage and was glad to re-sign after being gone for several years. Reitze Electric specializes in small-works projects including residential and light commercial work; they're a great addition to the family of IBEW 1253 signatory contractors. Bus. Dev. Dir. Scott Cuddy has begun appearing on radio station WZON-AM 620 to present a bi-weekly "Labor Talk" segment. It's a 20-minute slot where host Don Cookson and Scott discuss what's happening in the world of labor and hit on hot-button issues. |
![]() Local 1253 Bus. Mgr. Chuck Fraser (left); graduate Joseph Graves; Instructor Lee Whitaker; graduates John Withee, Jason Chabot, Tom Tobias, Miguel Govea, Elaine Stevens; Instructor Ed Peteraf; JATC Trustees Rick Broad and Jeff Rose; Instructor Pat Dauphinee; Training Dir. Chris Trider; and Pres. Nick Paquet. Not pictured: graduates Travis Yahn, Richard Rattary, John Caruso Jr. and David Long. |
Labor Day Celebrations |
L.U. 1393 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Numerous Labor Day celebrations around the state were gearing up at press time. Local 1393 members were looking forward to participating in these events. At this writing, members were making plans to enjoy the 128th Labor Day Celebration at the Princeton, IN, fairgrounds on Aug. 29 - Sept. 1. Also scheduled for Aug. 30 in the Indianapolis area was the Labor Fest on Georgia Street with free live music. The local negotiated a new agreement with Vectren Energy. The contract was ratified by our members employed by Vectren. Local 1393 organizer Mike Miller has been engaged in a campaign to organize United REMC in the state of Indiana. This company merged with Wabash County REMC, which is currently under contract with IBEW Local 1393. Our RENEW committee is hard at work with a variety of community projects that the members have been excited to help with. Most recently members and family of Local 1393 rode bikes in a charity fundraiser event at Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the American Diabetes Association. Together, we were able to raise funds to support research for a cure of the disease that affects 25.8 million adults and children in the United States. |
Alliant Energy Agreement; Golf Tournament Benefit |
L.U. 1439 (u), ST. LOUIS, MO — The 19th Annual Tom Kraus Memorial Golf Tournament held June 21 sold out to raise money for the American Cancer Society's Hope Lodge. This year's tournament was dedicated to retired business manager Tom Fagan for his years of dedication and service to Local 1439. A special thanks to Ryan Van Dillen and team for donating back to Hope Lodge. We extend our sincere gratitude to those who attended and especially the sponsors for making this year's tournament a success. Congratulations to the Local 1439 bowling team for winning the St. Louis IBEW Bowling League Championship and advancing to the IBEW International Tournament. Team members include: Matt Kopecky, Jerry Schallom, Jim Diedrich and Rick Deters. On June 3 this year, Local 1439 and Alliant Energy reached a tentative agreement on a new labor contract that was later ratified by the general membership. The accomplishments achieved in the contract are a tribute to the memberships' solidarity and commitment to the collective bargaining process. Additionally, we wish to recognize Doug Mueller, Bob Martin, John Brennan and Marvin Conlee for sacrificing their evenings and weekends to accommodate negotiations. |
2014 Belmont Stakes |
L.U. 1501 (ees,em,mo,pet,rts&t), BALTIMORE, MD — IBEW Local 1501 union members pictured in the accompanying photo, along with fellow Local 1501 union brothers from other tracks, made this year's Belmont Stakes race in June the most successful ever. The Belmont Stakes is the third and final leg of the triple crown of horse racing. With well over 100,000 people placing bets and enjoying the day, Local 1501 members working for Amtote pulled together to ensure a smooth and easy day not only for the bettors but for the employer as well. This shows that we are a proud bunch of union members who went above and beyond the call of duty on a day that was a great success, thanks to the excellent talents of our members. At this writing, the members were preparing for the August 2014 Saratoga, NY, racing meet; I am pleased to report that at press time they had been able to secure adequate housing for nearly everyone involved and had moved forward and worked with the money allowed. We also want to thank Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dion Guthrie for coming to New York for the beginning of the Aqueduct, NY, racing meet to help secure our working conditions. Note: The information above was submitted by Richard Colon, IBEW Local 1501 job steward, New York Racing Association. |
![]() Local 1501 members gather at 2014 Belmont Stakes in June: From left: Danny Kuzyk, Billy Joel, Richard Colon, David Rivera and Manny Arranz. |
Work Situation Good |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — Our work situation is good. We currently have many sisters and brothers working here from other locals and we thank them for all their help. The work at Plant Vogtle has been steady. The Vogtle project should hire throughout the year and continue hiring throughout next year. The Mixed Oxide (MOX) project is unique. Much of the electrical contract is being awarded to a contractor called Wise Services. This job should add manpower throughout the year as well. The national, state and local elections are not far away. When you live in the South, the political environment is often tough. Many politicians are campaigning against unions. They are stating that unions are unwanted in the South, charging that we are overpaid and less productive than the nonunion sector. They are wrong! Support the candidate who supports you. Remember, our union meetings are the third Monday of each month, with dinner starting at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting at 8 p.m. Let's all make a commitment to attend our union meetings. Until next time, God bless. |
IBEW Solidarity & Brotherhood |
L.U. 1759 (u), CASPER, WY — Greetings, brothers and sisters. Congratulations to former Eighth District international representative Don Herzog on his recent retirement. His knowledge and helpfulness will be missed. Local 1759 looks forward to working with Eighth District Int. Rep. Guy P. Runco in the future. I also wish to congratulate Local 1759 members Bobby Watson and Mike Leisz on their retirement from the local. They will be missed. The all hands meeting was held in Cheyenne, WY, this year, at Local 415's union hall. We thank Local 415 for letting us use their facility for our meeting. It was nice to see the brothers and sisters from the other areas. As I am writing this, Western Area Power and the Bureau of Reclamation are well into their maintenance season and are extremely busy. At the same time, we are going through arbitration for wage increases and are optimistic they will pass this summer. It has been a long battle, but we will persevere to the end to get competitive wages for our brothers and sisters. The local also congratulates Drew Tierney for turning out and becoming a journeyman lineman. He has earned it and exemplifies what our apprentices should be. |
![]() IBEW Local 1759 and Local 2159 members on a combined crew job in Montrose, CO: front row, kneeling, Pete Evans (left), Carl Roland, Tim Morrison, Amy Hamer; standing, Tim Duffy, Jay Ryan, Steve Smith, Richard Francher, Darren Cochran, Jake Elwell, Jason Mengwasser and Dale Beaudette. |
Ohio Utility Local |
L.U. 2359 (u), CIRCLEVILLE, OH — We are a 140-member strong local serving our brothers and sisters at four Ohio co-operatives. We have had a busy 2014 so far. Our Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dave McChesney has negotiated two contracts and as of this writing has signed one. Our local hosts a holiday party every January to encourage solidarity amongst our members and good, relaxing post-holiday fun. Officers of our local include: Bus. Mgr./Pres. McChesney, Vice Pres. Thomas Sestito, Fin. Sec. James Graf, Rec. Sec. Pat Wycinski, Treas. Lonnie Roberts, and E-Board Chmn. Jeff Lykins. Several Local 2359 members have retired this year, including longtime president Rod Richardson. Congratulations and best wishes to all. Here's to a safe and prosperous summer and fall. |
Retirees |
Labor Day Tribute |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, NASSAU CHAPTER — At the time of this writing, we were preparing for our three-day visit to The Education Center, an enjoyable trip made possible by Local 3 members, both working and those retired. This event is another benefit made possible through union membership. Some people are trying to rid the country of trade unions. We can't let that happen. The Nassau Chapter was busy once again with trips to see "Jersey Boys," Yankee Stadium, and a sight and sound rendition of "Moses." At press time, we were looking forward to our Annual Picnic in August, which is always well-attended. Also, at this writing, we were getting ready for a September Labor Day tribute to the IBEW and all New York City workers. Our Local 3 Bus. Mgr. Christopher Erikson was chosen to be honored as the "grand marshal" of the Labor Day Parade. Hope everyone has enjoyed a great and safe summer. "Work union, retire union … union forever." |
L.I. Education Center Trip |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, SUFFOLK CHAPTER — Our June meeting was very well-attended. It was the last meeting until September and our club sponsored a luncheon. Chmn. Jack Foley spoke about getting a bus so we could all go to the Labor Day parade together. We discussed a trip to the 911 Memorial Museum and the end-of-summer barbecue. Jack thanked all the members who volunteered their time to help our club. First lady Ann Foley wished everyone a good summer. We went to the Long Island Educational Center from June 21-24. Our Pension Dir. Thomas Gallager discussed the importance of attending the Labor Day parade and voting. We attended two very interesting seminars. Judy Blades, union wellness coordinator, demonstrated tips to prepare healthy luncheons. Erica Vinas, union nutritionist, gave a seminar about simple ways to reduce your cholesterol. Tuesday night we had a delicious catered barbecue. We celebrated Mike & Suzanne Katz's 53rd anniversary and Ray Gotta's 70th birthday with great cakes. We had a "s'mores party" for dessert and sat outside by the fire pit. Wednesday afternoon we enjoyed a Tai Chi class with Judith Budd Walsh. Thanks to Stephanie and the entire staff for a wonderful stay. |
![]() Local 3, Suffolk Chapter, Retirees Club at Long Island Education Center. Guest speaker Erica Vinas (green top), is standing, front row, fifth from left. |
Donation of $10,000 to Fisher House Foundation |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, WESTCHESTER/ PUTNAM CHAPTER — At our membership meeting on March 11, we welcomed Mr. Thomas Misisco and Mrs. Karen Fisher-Misisco as guest speakers. Thomas and Karen spoke as representatives of the Fisher family and Ken Fisher, chief executive of the Fisher House Foundation Inc. They were invited to the meeting to accept a $10,000 check for the Fisher House Foundation, and to address the membership on the mission of the foundation. Since its inception in 1990, the foundation has built 64 Fisher Houses nationwide to provide housing on military bases for families of wounded service members, while their love ones recover from injuries. Currently, 10 additional buildings are being constructed. We thank the members of the Westchester/Putnam Retirees Chapter, the Queens Retirees Chapter, The Square Club of Local 3, and the Bronx Acorn Club of Local 3, for their participation; without their help, reaching our goal of $10,000 would not have been possible. |
![]() Local 3, Westchester/Putnam Retirees Club board member/Treas. Richard Mills presents check to Karen-Misisco Fisher, of the Fisher House Foundation. |
Annual Cruise |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 26, WASHINGTON, DC — In May we helped with the Local 26 Motorcycle Club's Poker Run. The retirees had a chance to assist and meet some of the riders, who helped to raise $25,000 for "Special Love." This is a camp for children and their siblings struggling with cancer. The month of June took Retirees Club members to visit Eastern Europe for our annual cruise. Most comments included raves at the visit to St. Petersburg, Russia. This was before recent events in the region. Our 2015 cruise, which is nearly sold out, will be to Hawaii. Contact our travel coordinator, Rick Warner, at (240) 472-0438 if still interested in joining us. On Oct. 11, 2014, instead of our regular meeting, we will meet in Annapolis for our annual crab feast. In the past, this event has brought back members from California and North Carolina to share Maryland crabs and good times. If you plan to be in the area, please e-mail us at flashmanbissell@aol.com. A reservation form with details can be emailed to you with an attachment. The more the merrier! |
![]() At Local 26 Retirees Club's 2013 crab feast. |
Chartered Fishing Trip |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 42, HARTFORD, CT — The Retirees Club invites anyone who's a retired member of Local 42 to join them. If you would like to get out of the house or take some time out of your busy life for a few hours, come and join them. Club meetings are held bimonthly, on Tuesdays, at Local 42's hall. Annual dues are $12. Retirees meetings start at 9 a.m. The meeting begins with discussion of upcoming business and upcoming events. Then attendees enjoy talking about old times and sharing funny stories while they relax and enjoy coffee and donuts. The Retirees Club would love to have you. If you're interested, give us a call at (860) 646-7297. The Retiree's Club thanks all of the ladies in Local 42's office for all their hard work and for making everyone feel welcome. The staff works very hard putting all the events together to make them enjoyable and successful. The ladies of Local 42 always greet everyone with a warm smile and are ready to assist when needed. Reminder: Save the date for our fall Chartered Fishing Trip on Sept. 27. Retirees upcoming scheduled 2014 meetings are: Sept. 16 and Nov. 18. The December meeting had not yet been scheduled as of press time. |
'Greetings from Detroit' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 58, DETROIT, MI — Greetings from Detroit and the Association of Retirees, Wives & Widows, IBEW Local 58. April 12 was the date of our local's 100th Anniversary Celebration. The committee charged with creating a memorable celebration worked their magic and presented a great program, which included distinguished guests, entertainment, wonderful food, music and dancing. Thanks to the Labor Management Cooperation Committee for a generous donation that allowed our members to attend at no cost. With 1,600 in attendance, all had a great time. Our annual Retirees Summer Picnic was held for the third year at Rotary Park, in Livonia. With our usual picnic fare, card playing, 50/50 drawing and gathering of old friends, we enjoyed a lovely day. On Labor Day, Sept. 1, members, retirees and their families turned out to display our solidarity and commitment to organized labor, our place in the middle class and our presence in this community. This Nov. 4 will find us at the polls, casting our ballot for governor, seats in the State House of Representatives and Senate, State Supreme Court and attorney general. These positions have been "anti-middle class" for long enough; it's time to turn the tide, and return our government to one of the people. Get out and cast your vote, either in person or absentee. |
Service Awards Presented |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 60, SAN ANTONIO, TX — Service pins were presented to the following brothers (see accompanying photo) by Keith Schulz at a May 2014 meeting: 50-year member Roy Calderon; 55-year members Don Strackbein, Bobby Wolff, Gene Chamberlain, Lamar Clanton; and 60-year member Hilmer Merz. Several brothers who were not present at the May meeting received their pins at a later date. They are: 50-year members G.G. Galindo, William Stipp, Gary Van De Walle; 55-year member Royce Appelt; and 60-year member Roy Koehler. Congratulations to all and thank you for your longtime service to Local 60. With a very successful April fundraiser (the 2nd Annual Golf Tournament) behind us, the Retired Members Club will continue to practice fellowship at our monthly meetings. Enjoy a delicious lunch with some really good people, and then add games and fun — what more can you ask for! We invite any retired Local 60 member to please join in. On the second Thursday of each month, at 12 noon, the club meets at the Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Local 142 training bldg., 3630 Belgium Lane. The staff members there are very warm and friendly and very accommodating; they know the true meaning of brotherhood as demonstrated by our use of their building for our meetings. For that the club members are very grateful. |
![]() Local 60 retirees receive service awards at May meeting: Roy Calderon (left), Don Strackbein, Bobby Wolff, Gene Chamberlain, Lamar Clanton and Hilmer Merz. |
A New Season Begins |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 90, NEW HAVEN, CT — On June 3 this year, the Local 90 Retirees Club met at our regular monthly meeting for election of officers. By unanimous vote, the three incumbent officers were re-elected. They are Pres. Robert Mantovani, Vice Pres. Gerry Asplund, and Sec./Treas. Hugh McGuire. As this was our last meeting of the season before the summer break, pizza was served and enjoyed by all. We wish to acknowledge Bob Price for ordering, setting up and cleaning up after the party. Bob also makes the coffee at each monthly meeting and cleans up. Many thanks to Bobby Price. At this writing, our next meeting was scheduled for September 2, 2014, which begins our new club year. We would like to invite all Local 90 retirees to join us at any of our meetings. We meet at 2 North Plains Industrial Rd. in Wallingford, CT, on the first Tuesday of each month, except July and August, at 1:30 p.m. We hope all IBEW members and their families had a happy, healthy and safe summer. |
City Officials Speak at Event |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 99, PROVIDENCE, RI — The Retirees Club of Local 99 held its annual May Breakfast on Tuesday, May 20, at the Providence Marriott Downtown. Approximately 150 members and guests attended. Club Pres. Robert K. Pierce opened the ceremony and led a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. The blessing was delivered by Bro. Raymond Germershausen, the club's former recording secretary. Short speeches were given by Providence Mayor Angel Tavares, City Council Pres. Michael A. Solomon and other elected officials. The retirees honored Pension and Annuity Coordinator Natalie Kent upon her retirement following many years of faithful service. They also signed a get-well card for Bro. Bob Bierwood, who at this writing was recovering from leg surgery. The retirees thank the active members of Local 99 and Bus. Mgr. Michael K. Daley for sponsoring the breakfast. With the weather improving at press time, we hope the work situation improves as well. |
Tribute to a Brother |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 113, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — Norman Pledger, a 59-year member, was honored for his 23 years of service as president and vice-president of our Retirees Club. Norm has dedicated his life to the betterment of all working people. He served many years on our local Area Labor Council rising to become president of the Colorado AFL-CIO, where he served 10 years. He comes from humble beginnings, plowing cotton fields behind an old mule under a hot Alabama sun. At age 13 he went to work in the coal mines with his father, helping to support their family. Finishing his service in the Air Force in 1954, he began his apprenticeship. His interest in organized labor grew when he became acquainted with his future father-in-law, an organizer with the United Mine Workers. He is truly an inspiration to all working people and sets a high standard for us all. At age 85 may God continue to bless our dear brother! Retirees Club election results: Pres. Waldo Pendleton, Vice Pres./E-Board Chmn. Bobby Phillips, Sec. Treas. Claudette Kunau; Executive Board members: Ray Sears, Al Kunau, Corky Patterson, Bill Campbell; and George Phillips, door foreman. Our great appreciation goes out to all those who serve our club and to those who have served in the past. |
![]() Local 113 Retirees Club Pres. Waldo Pendleton (right) congratulates Bro. Norman Pledger. |
Annual Crawfish Boil |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 130, NEW ORLEANS, LA — On May 22, we had our annual crawfish boil in the Alexander room. Ninety-five people attended and everyone had a wonderful time. We had a 50/50 and raffled off door prizes. We extend special thanks to former business manager Chet R. Held for the providing the crawfish (600 lbs.). The crawfish came from Today's Ketch from St. Bernard. Our quarterly meeting held June 26 was catered by Hobnobbers Café. Everyone enjoyed the meatballs and spaghetti with plenty of extras to take home. On July 17, we had our monthly bus trip to the Hollywood Casino, Bay St. Louis, MS. We had coffee and donuts in the Alexander room before we loaded the bus. Everyone had a wonderful time, especially one of our big winners of $600. With deep regret we lost several brothers recently: Ronald P. Eiermann, August E. Gonzales, Murvin R. Hymel, Vincent E. Lamantia, George C. Lewis, Edgar A. Luminais, Leon Pennington, Philip J. Saladino and William G. Scivicque. May their souls rest in peace! Until our next meeting, God bless America. |
Retirees Honored for Service |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 134, CHICAGO, IL — Congratulations to retirees recently honored for their longtime IBEW membership. Recognized at a luncheon in their honor were retired members celebrating their 50th, 55th, 60th and 70th anniversaries as IBEW members. They are proud Americans and union members who continue to contribute to our economy. They have made our country and our union strong. Congratulations to all the award recipients, many of whom were able to attend the luncheon in their honor. We celebrate all the honorees: 50-year members James Ashby, William Beers, Richard Bilson, Mel Bonner, James Johler, Thomas Kendrick, Michael Mahoney, Louis Rodriguez, Robert Sluis; 55-year members Roger Becker, Walter Bijak, Philip Bosher, Leo Bree, Philip Gerk, Gerald Helper, John Henkel, Warren Koener, John E. Lee, Philip Murphy, Gerald Palese, Thomas Powers, Stanley Sowizrol, William Spelz, Allen White, John Yohe; 60-year members Raymond Liberatore, Garrett Meade, Ralph Melferd, Joseph Pace, Edmond Ryan, Robert Turek, John H. Meter, Henry Wagner; 65-year members George Staffedldt, Edward Swanson; and 70-year members Kenneth Erdmann and Lawrence Wolfelschneider. Come to your club meetings. where you will be a stranger only once! We welcome all Local 134 retirees. To join the club, contact Mario Coletta at (773) 736-1480. Noon to 1 p.m. is "greet & meet" time at Retirees Club meetings, held the second Wednesday of each month. The regular meeting continues until 2:30 p.m. at the union hall, 600 W. Washington St. |
![]() Local 134 retired service-award honorees attend luncheon. |
Club Members Recognized |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 212, CINCINNATI, OH — Deepest sympathy to the family of late Bro. Jack Keller, who passed away July 10 at age 90. Jack was a 69-year IBEW member, a 28-year pensioner club member, and a World War II military veteran who served as a B-17 tail-gunner. Jack generally had a peaceful disposition but could get fired up quickly when his buttons were pushed. His son, John, is also a Local 212 member. Jack will be dearly missed. Club members recently awarded IBEW service pins include: Frank Bader — for 65 years of service; Charles Louis — 60 years; Ed Voneye and Walt Zimmer–55 years, Dennis Cohen, Ed Ochs and Russ Vinup — 50 years. New Club Life members are: Jerry Dickerson, Earl Stalf and Larry Wilson. Congratulations to all! Welcome to new Club members: Jim Alwell, Alex Carmosino, Bruce Haverland, Bob Kathman, Jerry Wadsworth and Steve Wessel. Be sure to vote in November for candidates sympathetic to labor's cause. Don't get snookered by politicians who tickle your ears with empty rhetoric about hot-button issues. What they have done in the past is the best indicator of what they will do in the future. We cannot match the deep pockets of our opponents, but we do have the votes if we will just exercise our right to cast our votes. Note: the Pensioner Christmas Party will be Dec. 3. |
'Thanks to Club Officers' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 257, JEFFERSON CITY, MO — The Retirees Club met in Hartsburg, MO, on June 24 for our monthly luncheon/meeting. An election was held for the 2014-2015 officers. The officers are: Pres. Ron Holzhauser, Vice Pres. Jerry Rehagen, Sec./Treas. Judy Holzhauser, and Executive Committee members Steve Klepel, Ken Polly and Ken Schulte. We thank them for taking on these jobs. We also wish to thank the past officers for all of their time and efforts. In particular, we thank our past president, Jerry Rehagen. Jerry was our president for 11 years and decided it was time to step down. He did a marvelous job. Jerry tirelessly worked countless hours for the benefit of our club — far beyond the call of duty. We sincerely thank Jerry for his exceptional service for the past 11 years. Thirty members took a tour on July 29 to Macon, MO, for lunch at Al's Restaurant and a theater show. Thanks to Juanita Fischer for all her help in planning this event. On a sober note, three members passed away: Walter Mountjoy, Mel Pettigrew and Bob McCown. They will be sorely missed. Our thoughts and prayers go to their families. Upcoming events: Labor Day parade and IBEW Local 257 annual picnic in Jefferson City, MO, on Sept. 20. |
![]() Local 257 Retirees Club retiring president Jerry Rehagen. |
Back From Summer Break |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 570, TUCSON, AZ — Hugh Crane Sr. is one of four Local 570 retired members awarded 65-year IBEW service pins this year. Bro. Crane was initiated into IBEW Local 474, Memphis, TN, on June 1, 1949. Hugh came to Tucson, AZ, in 1959 with AC Electric and worked on six of the 18 Titan missile silos that were built in the area. Hugh transferred his membership to Local 570 in 1962 and retired from the IBEW in 1988. Local 570 retired members Horace Bounds, Harold Noake and Harvey Ward also were awarded 65-year service pins this year. Congratulations and a very special thank you to all of Local 570's 65-year members. We hope all the retirees had a safe and wonderful summer. Local 570 will cater lunch for our retirees at the Oct. 9 meeting. We hope to see you all in attendance. |
![]() Local 570 retiree Hugh Crane Sr. receives 65-year service pin. |
'We Welcome Suggestions' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 611, ALBUQUERQUE, NM — The Local 611 elections and run-offs are complete. On July 19, newly elected officers were installed. The membership elected Carl Condit as Business Manager/Financial Secretary, and Ruben Romero as President. Also elected were: Vice Pres. Richard Sandoval, Treas. Chris Frentzel and Rec. Sec. Santos Griego. Congratulations to all of the Local 611 officers, including those on the Executive and Examining Boards. Our local's 100th anniversary display case was designed, built and installed by Local 611 retirees. It will contain many artifacts and items from the local's 100th anniversary celebration. After more than a year of no action, other than researching the first 100 years of Local 611, the Retirees Club is attempting to re-organize. Watch your mail for an invitation to attend some sort of event before the end of the year. We welcome your suggestions as to what you would like to do and see. We must show that we are still actively involved and very much a part of this local. We extend condolences to the families of members who passed away recently: Otto Obenhaus, Ben Baldwin Sr., Irl B. Johnston, Lawrence Selva, Paul Wareing, Jasper Evans, Leopoldo Vigil, John Webb Jr., Otis Beaty and Villani Tom. A total of 12 retirees from Local 611 have passed away this year. |
![]() Local 611 retired Bro. Joe Hill (left) and Retirees Club Pres. Tracy Hall stand beside 100th anniversary display case. |
Meetings Resume Oct. 17 |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 640, PHOENIX, AZ — It's summer in Phoenix at this writing. The "dry heat" becomes the monsoon in July, and returns to hot and dry again in late August. It is an agonizing time! Our accompanying photo shows the "wind chill" recorded on June 10, and gives us retirees nearly 114 reasons not to be in town! We Road Runners disband for the summer after our May elections meeting, resuming only in October when the weather has "cooled off" a bit! After another year of comradeship, we held elections for the post of vice president, the only opening on the board. Chuck Foster relinquished his position after nearly 17 years of holding some board post, and Dan Pollard was elected to be second in command. Dan brings a wealth of experience from having served in many capacities at the local union hall, and certainly from his many years of political activism. Chuck will be missed, as he has done an excellent job. We will again commence meeting on Oct. 17, and look forward to another year of interesting speakers and good food. Come on down and join us! |
![]() Local 640 Retirees Club snapshot shows recorded "wind chill" on June 10 in Phoenix. |
June Club Meeting |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 702, WEST FRANKFORT, IL — The Local 702 Retirees Club met Thursday, June 5, at the Golden Corral, in Carbondale, IL. Fifteen members and two guests were present. Pres. Gary King called the meeting to order and read the names of members who departed this life during the months of April and May 2014. In honor of the deceased, a moment of silence was observed. The Financial Report was read and approved. Under "old business," Pres. King reported that he and Bro. Jim Nolen attended a meeting in Fairview Heights with the Alliance for Retired Americans. At Pres. King's recommendation, a motion was made and seconded in support of Alliance for Retired Americans. While discussing "new business," there were some questions about the Alliance for Retired Americans, so it was agreed to contact the organization and ask its director to attend a later meeting. Additionally, it was requested to inquire at the union hall as to the number of retirees. Concluding the business discussion, the meeting was adjourned. To stay up on the latest Local 702 news and information, please visit us at www.ibewlocal702.org. |
'Welcome Back' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 756, DAYTONA BEACH, FL — We hope you all had a happy and healthy summer. We ended our meetings for the previous season in May. We began our summer break with a fish fry at the May meeting. More than 50 people attended. Thanks to our great cooks, the food was delicious! A reminder: We will resume our meetings in the fall with another fish fry at our Sept. 11, 2014, meeting. We look forward to seeing all of you there. With regret we announce the passing of two members, George "Singing George" Severance and Philip Free. Bro. Severance, a member since 1957, will be greatly missed for giving the blessing and great support at our meetings. Bro. Free was a member since 1959 and also will be remembered. We extend condolences to their families and send our prayers. Bros. Severance and Free will be missed by all. We thank them for their longtime service to the IBEW. We wish to invite any retired or unemployed brothers and sisters and their spouses who are in the area to come join us. Our meetings are the second Thursday of each month, 11:30 a.m., at the Local 756 union hall, Port Orange, FL. |
![]() Local 756 Retirees Club members enjoy May 2014 fish fry. |
Benefit for Burn Center |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 995, BATON ROUGE, LA — We had a luncheon the first Monday in June and we invited the spouses. Our main course was good old southern fried catfish. With the wives in attendance, we had about 40 people there enjoying the event. Our retirees support the local's Annual Spring Golf Tournament to benefit the pediatric burn patients at Baton Rouge General's Regional Burn Center. The local has raised over $95,000 for the Burn Center and received recognition recently in the local newspaper. With regret, I am passing on the information about the recent loss of several of our dear retirees. They were Jack Hughes, George Nesbit and James "Jimmy" Joiner. Our brothers will be missed. |
![]() Among Local 995 retirees attending luncheon are: Kenneth Barbier, Mervin Simoneaux, Hilton Guidry, Leonard Gauthreaux, Billy Long and Michael Bourg. |
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