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Local Lines |
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A Favorable Landmark Decision | |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa,st&ws), ST. LOUIS, MO — On Nov. 20 last year, the Missouri Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in favor of working-class Missourians, and a Local 1 wireman was a major factor in the decision. Bro. Greg Kloeppel, chief legal counsel for the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 15, represented the union in this historic case. Submitting signed representation cards, Bro. Kloeppel requested that the Chesterfield and University City police departments agree to engage in collective bargaining talks regarding the officers' terms of employment. Unfortunately, both cities refused to sit down at the bargaining table. Without further progress, Bro. Kloeppel filed suit on behalf of the union. In a victory for organized labor, the Missouri Supreme Court ruled that not only do the cities have to bargain collectively with the union, but they also must bargain with a goal of reaching an agreement. This is a huge victory for labor organizations across the state — a victory championed by Bro. Kloeppel. Congratulations, Greg! Local 1 mourns recently deceased members: Robert Sliger, Julius Irvin, Robert Mueller, Marvin Holley, Curtis Niewoehner, Robert Elkins, Paul Plummer, John Darmody Sr., Joseph Kargacin, William Stevenson, Carl Bildner, Chester Edwards, William Vogel, James Heisner Sr., Michael McKay, David Snyder, Kenneth Nolle, Robert Waldschmidt, Edward Bingesser, Thomas Sotoropolis and Vernon Plume. |
PLAs Ensure Work in Los Angeles |
L.U. 11 (i,rts&spa), LOS ANGELES, CA — The end of 2012 showed an increase of man-hours in Local 11 with a large number of hours under project labor agreements (PLAs). The PLAs ensure work in Los Angeles for Local 11 members. According to Asst. Bus. Mgr. Dick Reed, "The outlook [for] the number of projects that will start and that are under contract make 2013 look more promising than 2012." Major upcoming projects include the 70-story-high Wilshire Grand Hotel, a federal courthouse in downtown, the Century Plaza and Century City Center, the Metropolitan Transit Authority rail projects, a 10-year $1.1 billion project at the University of Southern California, and work at numerous school districts. While 2012 brought 400 megawatts of solar projects, this year will bring approximately 1.4 gigawatts with eight major projects. We will also see the electrification of our Port of Los Angeles with the Alternative Maritime Power (AMP) program, and lighting retrofits throughout the city through Los Angeles Department of Water & Power/IBEW Local 18. Additionally, we are all crossing our fingers in hopes of a new NFL football stadium in our city. All new major projects will be covered under PLAs, which will continue to add job calls. These PLAs could not have been secured without the activism and efforts of our members appearing at public hearings and city council meetings all year long. |
Utility Local Update |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — Last November we had over 225 members travel to help out after the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. These members worked 16 hours on and eight off for weeks with no injuries. We had an Underground Department Reorganization Agreement with ComEd that increased members' pay, gave new job titles and set up a 10-hour-day pilot program that passed a ratification vote by 240 to 18. A call center consolidation was completed in December. On the generating side, the nuclear branch members agreed to an Outage Agreement for maintenance by a vote of 305 to 277. This agreement keeps travel voluntary, helps equalize the overtime and gives more consistency from outage to outage. Edison Mission Energy — parent of Midwest Generation, the owner of our fossil stations (Waukegan, Will County, Joliet and Powerton) — filed for bankruptcy on Dec. 17, 2012. The company has said it is not going after the union contract and we are looking to continue business as usual at the stations. The company filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which is set up to help the company restructure its finances and emerge from bankruptcy a viable company. This is in contrast to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which is to liquidate a company's assets. We sent eight members to the IBEW Illinois State Conference in November and 12 members to the Nuclear Conference in November. Ten members attended Arbitration School in December at the University of Illinois. |
Michigan — Right to Work (for less) |
L.U. 17 (catv,em,lctt,o&u), DETROIT, MI — Brothers and sisters, if you live in a state where Republicans dominate the House, Senate and the governor's office — hold on to your hard hats! With 18 percent union density in Michigan, the right-wing establishment changed Michigan to a so-called "right-to-work" state in just eight days! As of this writing, we anticipate another Republican attack to repeal the Prevailing Wage Act in Michigan. If this happens, you will see a tidal wave of nonunion doing our work, and wages will plummet on our commercial agreements where federal dollars are used. On a positive note, we settled our Utility and Contractors agreements with wage increases for all classifications. Just before the Christmas 2012 holiday, work was suspended for 640 of our line clearance tree trimmers. Most of those laid off should be back to work as of this printing. We have 115 members on Book 1 on our construction agreement and anticipate full employment this year according to the utility. I thank our members who donated money and time to provide food for some of our unemployed members during the holiday season. This is what unions should do for members. Despite the attacks on unions in Michigan, I have no doubt that opponents have underestimated our resolve. Local 17 has existed for 122 years and we are not going anywhere without a fight! |
![]() IBEW members from Locals 17 and 876 hold up placards at a union-wide rally in Michigan. |
Contract Negotiations |
L.U. 21 (catv,govt&t), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — The new leaders of Local 21 have been very busy since taking office in July 2012 and things don't seem to be letting up anytime soon. Within days of being sworn in, the IBEW Telephone System Council T-3 reached an agreement with AT&T to extend the collective bargaining agreement for one year until June 22, 2013. This year's negotiations with AT&T will be challenging, especially after seeing the draconian demands management sought last year. In 2012, new agreements were reached for our members working at Altura, The City of Chicago 911-OEMC Center (Office of Emergency Management and Communications), JULIE Inc. (Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators), and Verizon. The contract at Johnson Controls was extended until May 6, 2013, and bargaining continues for our members working at Comcast West and Frontier Communications. The contract for our members working at CenturyLink expires in September. Negotiations for our members working for Peoria and Vermillion counties will be tough, due to local governments legislating tighter budgets. The attacks on union workers across the nation have been relentless. If we want to turn the tide, we all must fight together. It will take the solidarity of all of our members to protect our rights and reach fair contracts that preserve our core ideals. |
Food Bank Donations |
L.U. 37 (em,o&u), FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA — In the spirit of sharing with the less fortunate citizens of New Brunswick, Local 37 donated $370 each to seven food banks around our province last December, amounting to $2,590. As pictured in the accompanying photo, IBEW Local 37 Grand Falls Unit Chair Danny Woods made a presentation to Grand Falls Regional Food Bank Pres. Glenn Rioux. |
![]() Local 37 Grand Falls Unit Chair Danny Woods (left) presents donation to Grand Falls Regional Food Bank Pres. Glenn Rioux. |
'Work Picture Appears Sunnier' |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY — As we come out of the winter thaw, things appear to be looking a little sunnier. One of our manufacturers, Niagara Transformer, is constructing a new facility and we also have a couple of other projects on the horizon that should put most of Book I back to work sometime this summer. On March 17 we will gather again at Niagara Square in downtown Buffalo for the annual St. Patrick's Day parade. The weather the past couple of years has been terrific for this event and so has the turnout. Active and retired members assemble with their families and friends for food and refreshments prior to walking up Delaware Avenue in front of tens of thousands of revelers who, at least for one day, are celebrating their "Irish heritage." Anyone who would like to join us, please contact the union office. Since our last article, Local 41 held its annual Children's Christmas Party, which was a huge success thanks to Bro. Jim Devany and his family. Local 41 members also overwhelmingly supported six less fortunate families by purchasing over 100 gifts for St. Luke's Mission of Mercy. Thank you to all who supported these great occasions; they are what help make us a union. |
Service to Community |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — Work slowed down through January and started to pick up again in February. The Turning Stone Casino announced a $20 million expansion to begin in early spring. Through the continued efforts of Local 43 Pres. Pat Costello, we have maintained a close relationship with the Oneida Nation and they continue to honor a project labor agreement (PLA) put in place years ago. Continuing a tradition started by earlier classes, our first-year apprentices throughout last year collected bottles and cans, nonperishable food and monetary donations to be dispersed at Christmas. Gifts purchased from monies collected were distributed at the following hospitals: Rome Memorial, Cortland, Oswego, Faxton-St. Luke's, Crouse, and Golisano Children's hospitals. The apprentices also collected 1,602 pounds of food that was delivered to our area food bank, along with a $400 check donated by NECA. |
![]() Presenting donation to Food Bank of Central New York are: Local 43 apprentices Alex Gorbonov (left), Mark Hoffman, Tim Cox, Rick Bean, Adam Town (holding NECA check), Brien Woodard, Brian Buske, Dominic Hill, Dave Graves and Dave Voellm. Instructor David Nichols is at far right; Lynn Hy, CNY Food Bank, is at front, center (holding banner). |
2013 Work Picture is Promising |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Happy St. Patrick's Day. The 2013 new year has started with more promise than we have witnessed in years. Outside construction work continues to be strong. The utilities are making improvements and upgrades to an aging electrical grid. Bus. Mgr. Pat Lavin addressed the Riverside City Council urging them to support the Riverside Transmission Reliability Project, which includes a new double-circuit 230-kilovolt transmission line, a 230/69 kV electrical substation, and new 69 kV sub-transmission lines. Local 47 crews from Southern California Edison (SCE), Bear Valley Electric and the cities of Riverside and Anaheim responded to the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy. The skilled workers of the IBEW, once again, showed they are ready to respond to any emergency wherever needed. SCE continues its efforts to restart the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, which has been shut down for a year. Local 47 has supported the company in its efforts with both the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and California Public Utilities Commission. We had our annual Christmas celebration on Dec. 14 last year. Santa and Mrs. Claus gave toys to the youngsters who attended. More than 200 members, families and friends were on hand. Live well, work safe, work union! |
![]() Local 47 Bus. Mgr. Patrick Lavin and newly elected U.S. Rep. Gloria Negrete McLeod of California attend Local 47's Annual Christmas House. |
Members Ratify Contracts |
L.U. 53 (lctt,o,rts&u), KANSAS CITY, MO — Following is a wrap-up of 2012 events: On Dec. 7, a three-year agreement with Se-Ma-No Electric Co-op of Mansfield, MO, was ratified. The agreement features a 2 percent wage increase for each year of the agreement, and the co-op will switch medical coverage from NRECA to LINECO. We also ratified a two-year Construction Agreement that includes a 3.25 percent wage increase for each year of the contract. We ended 2012 with our Annual Christmas Party at the Local 53 hall. It was a great time within the Brotherhood to spread a little holiday cheer together. Moving into 2013! — We are still in negotiations with a new group, Water Pollution Control of Independence, MO. Looking Good, Local 53! — We have a new look! We are in the process of updating and remodeling our building. When it is done and completed, stop by and see the results. Hope all finds and keeps you well … Local 53! |
Habitat for Humanity Volunteers |
L.U. 103 (cs&i), BOSTON, MA — Local 103 and the membership continue efforts in giving back to the communities where we live and work. In early November, Local 103 and Sullivan & McLaughlin Companies broke ground on a Habitat for Humanity project with the City of Lowell. (In the accompanying photo, Bus. Agent Lou Antonellis is pictured, along with Lowell city officials.) The project is an urban renewal plan starting with the building of four new homes. In hopes of turning the deteriorating neighborhood back into the community it once was years ago, our members are donating their time and effort in wiring these new homes. The children's Christmas party was held at the hall on Dec. 2 last year for Local 103 members and their families. Santa greeted all the children who waited in the long line and gave them an early Christmas gift. After visiting with Santa, the kids enjoyed watching a magic show and getting their faces painted. It was a great day for the children to see Santa and for the parents to see old friends. Many people dedicated their time and energy to make this day so special for the children, and for that a special thank-you goes out to all of you. |
![]() Local 103 Bus. Agent Lou Antonellis (third from left) and city officials of Lowell, MA, break ground for a Habitat for Humanity project. |
Appreciation for Service |
L.U. 105 (catv,i&o), HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA — Local 105 Bus. Mgr. Lorne Newick at this writing is in negotiations with the contractors to discuss our joint proposal. As of April 30, 2013, our no strike/no lockout clause is non-valid. Let's hope we can avoid a strike, but still be prepared in case of that outcome. Our Asst. Bus. Mgr./Dispatcher Brad Gold resigned his position due to personal reasons. We thank Bro. Brad for his excellent work and dedication to our union, and we wish him all the best in his future with the union. We thank all the out-of-town locals that have given us work over the years. It looks promising on our home turf that we will be able to return the favour very shortly, as our local work picture is picking up. Congratulations to Chris Swick as our new Training Centre director. I know he will do an excellent job in this new position. We also wish to acknowledge Clark Hurly, who previously held this position. We wish Bro. Hurly well in his future endeavours. |
Election of Officers in 2013 |
L.U. 111 (em,govt,lctt,mt,o,rtb,spa&u), DENVER, CO — Nominations for union officers begin in April 2013. The election of Local 111 officers, Executive Board members and Unit 1 Examining Board members will occur this year. The election process starts at April unit meetings, where nominations will be made. A mail ballot will then be sent to all active members in good standing during the month of May, with ballots to be counted on June 7. Members will vote for candidates for the following offices: business manager/ financial secretary, president, vice president, recording secretary, and treasurer; additionally, seven Executive Board members will be elected (with six elected at large, and one to be elected from Unit 1), and three Examining Board members (elected from Unit 1 Journeyman Linemen). The official notice of the IBEW Local 111 nominations and election will be mailed in March. Please make a point to attend your unit meetings in April and participate in this very important election. |
'Stand Together' |
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR — A new year brings opportunity. After a year that saw Michigan become the 24th "right-to-work" state and Hostess Brands close, which eliminated nearly 18,000 workers, we need to prepare for 2013 by committing to three things: solidarity, communication and education. Employer, classification, and location do not matter; we are Local 125 members and need to stand together on issues. Employers may have reason to make changes, but we must ensure that these modifications do not divide and conquer our membership. Changes that benefit individuals or pit classifications against each other must not be tolerated. If an employer has valid reason, it can request impact bargaining or other avenues to discuss its needs. Information will be shared on our Web site, at unit meetings and in union communications. Take the time to share your experiences with your peers. Talk with your co-workers, family and friends about the benefits of labor unions. Employers would rather you were not represented. We have to promote the skills and knowledge that you possess to provide the quality, safe, and reliable service that our employers promise. Commit to improving relationships, increasing communication, and sharing your knowledge. Together, we can protect your rights while securing your future. |
Organizing Success |
L.U. 177 (bo,ees,i,mo,o&pet), JACKSONVILLE, FL — Although short-term jobs may have picked up a little, there still aren't any significant projects happening in our area anytime soon. Times are still pretty tough in northeast Florida. I thank all of those locals, from all across the country, that have been working our brothers and sisters as they travel to earn a living. I hope Local 177 can return the favor someday. Thanks go to Bro. David Gates for a job well done as political coordinator for Local 177 during the 2012 elections. Bro. Gates was instrumental in turning out the vote in our local and other locals in the Central Labor Council as well as the general public. Congratulations to the organizing department for winning a representation election with the Duval County School Board maintenance employees. We are currently negotiating a contract for our new Unit 2. Over 200 school board maintenance workers will soon be covered under a collective bargaining unit. Thanks to the volunteers who made Local 177's Children's Christmas Party and Retirees Christmas Luncheon a great success. Retired Bro. Bill Gehm played the role of Santa for the 37th year. I hope all IBEW brothers and sisters have a great and prosperous year. |
Gateway Pacific Terminal |
L.U. 191 (c,i,mo,rtb&st), EVERETT, WA — At the time of this writing, the struggle goes on for the Gateway Pacific Terminal as the EIS (environmental impact statement) process begins. Members of Local 191 along with others from labor, business, government and the community have attended numerous meetings to show support for construction of the multi-commodity dry bulk cargo-handling facility. The terminal is meeting opposition from the environmental community over potential hazards of coal dust from the additional train traffic and the terminal itself. Coal trains have been traveling through the area for a number of years on their way to a terminal in Canada and will continue along these tracks in growing numbers. The question is, do they continue to cross the border or unload at the new, environmentally safe, Gateway Pacific Terminal? When approved, the Gateway Pacific Terminal will be constructed with strict environmental requirements, while bringing growth to the region's economy. It will create more than 4,000 construction jobs at its peak, 1,250 permanent family-wage jobs and $140 million a year in economic benefits. As labor, business, government and the community continue the campaign, it reminds us how important it is for all of us to do our part. |
2012 Election & Voter Turnout |
L.U. 193 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), SPRINGFIELD, IL — Brothers and sisters, what a nice pro-labor, pro-American, pro-progressive 2012 election it was. Labor did not receive 100 percent — however, Mitt & Paul never "hoboed" into our White House and the GOP never seized the U.S. Senate! A big "thank-you" goes to those who voted. Turnout was the key in preserving our way of working and living! Congratulations to all those pro-labor candidates and office holders! At this writing, the debt ceiling, budget and fiscal matters, Hurricane Sandy recovery and other issues still need to be decided. Both parties need to start working together for the betterment of all of America. We will need all the help we can muster. Write your senators and congressmen. You might want to put them on "speed dial" as well? The IBEW Local 193 Christmas party last year was a success and all had a good time. With deep regret we report the passing of members Mike Moore and Norman "Zeke" Dennison. Local 193 extends condolences to their families and friends. Happy new year to all for 2013. Hopefully it will be better than 2012, as we move forward. |
100th Anniversary Celebrated |
L.U. 197 (em&i), BLOOMINGTON, IL — We hope 2013 will be a great year for our industry. Our local celebrated our 100th anniversary last fall. The party was held at the Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, which approximately 30 of our members helped build a few years back. The meal was great, the refreshments plentiful and the camaraderie even better. Gary Eichelberger and Dennis Rexroat had scanned some old and new photos and put them on a digital video disc, which was played on the big screen throughout the evening. It was pleasant to see a history of members coming together at community events, union meetings, golf outings, softball tournaments, and on various job sites. If you wish to see the pictures, there are copies at the hall. Dignitaries attending the party included Sixth District Int. Vice Pres. Lonnie R. Stevenson, Sixth District Int. Rep. Paul A. Noble, Illinois Organizing Coordinator Dave Burns, and officers from some sister locals. Thanks to those who served on the party committee including Rich Veitengruber, Lance Reece, Mike Russell, Stephanie Ashenbremer, Sara Jones, Renee Riddle and Jana Mclean. Also thanks to members who attended. We look forward to helping keep the local around for the next 100 years. [Photo, below.] In April it's time for elections here in McLean County. Bus. Mgr. Lance Reece is running for a position on the Heartland Community College Board. It's important we get to the polls and help him get elected. This community needs more working-class voices and Lance has stepped up to the challenge. Get involved in the local union and stay involved! |
![]() Local 197 service pin recipients, joined by Int. Vice Pres. Lonnie R. Stephenson (seated, center). Standing, from left: Ken Mclean, Mitch Junis, Robin Roberts, Mike Douglas, Dennis Rexroat, Matt Wall, Justin Walker, Greg Mullins, Jon Stanek, Pres. Rich Veitengruber, Steve Rousey and Mike Raikes. Seated: Margie Junis (accepting for her father, Carl Kerner), Bus. Mgr. Lance Reece, Int. Vice Pres. Stephenson, Dick Thompson and Larry Mathis. |
Preparing for Special Election |
L.U. 223 (em,govt&i), BROCKTON, MA — As we move forward into 2013, we have two newly elected legislators, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and U.S. Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III, and we are now preparing for a special election to fill the Senate seat vacated by newly appointed Secretary of State John Kerry. Being involved in politics is a never ending battle, and we must elect people who will constantly look out for our best interests. As we write this, the Cape Cod solar projects should be moving forward with a spring start. With the past year of election uncertainty behind us, let's hope that the economy and elected officials in Congress move us forward. As the casino resort moves forward, let's hope the projects begin in Massachusetts sooner rather than later. |
2012 Apprenticeship Class |
L.U. 257 (em,i,rtb,rts,spa&t), JEFFERSON CITY, MO — Congratulations to the 2012 apprentice graduating class — another fine class with a bright future in the electrical field. Local 257 held a graduation dinner and presented completion awards at Meadow Lake Acres on July 6. Thanks to all the instructors with the five-year program! A new three-year contract for Local 257 inside wiremen was negotiated and ratified. Thanks to everyone who came out and voted on this contract! Our new contract is effective March 1, 2013. For Local 257 telephone branch members, the previous Centurylink contract was up in November 2012. After tough negotiations, a new contract was ratified. We are glad to have that contract settled and to move ahead. The Local 257 work picture looks steady with most members working. This spring, work is planned at the Callaway Nuclear Plant; that project will include 257 workers. Steel is being put up at the new St. Mary's hospital in Jefferson City with an outlook for workers to start hitting the job in the fall of 2013. On a sad note we lost several members in 2012: Millard Specie, Richard VanSciver, Gary Fisher, Dwain Manley, Jim Conroy, Grant Gallatin, Tom Thournberry, Don Britts, Marvin Pauley, Karen Cox, John Hume and Clarence Castleman. They will be missed. Our condolences and prayers are with their families. Support your local to keep our union strong! |
![]() Local 257 apprentice graduates: Anthony Edwards (left), Daniel Jones, Michael Olsen, Brandon Bashore, Craig Kallenbach and Austin Williams. Not pictured: Robert Forrester, Kasey Lay, Kevin Moore, Bart Pendleton, William Steeby and Caleb Walker. |
'Happy Birthday, 269!' |
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — On the night of Dec. 1 last year, members of Local 269 celebrated 100 years of existence in grand style in the main ballroom of the Westin Hotel in Princeton. Members traded their coveralls and work boots for dinner jackets and wingtips to enjoy a night of fine dining, cocktails and live music. Local politicians and friends of labor were invited as guests of the membership. Attendees were especially honored by the presence of Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill. Pres. Hill handed out service pins to eligible members. A special service award was presented to recently retired local president and longtime trade school director Cliff Reiser for his years of dedicated service and commitment to the local. After the speeches and awards presentation, the membership settled in to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Old friends caught up, new friends were introduced, and all had a good time. Such an event requires a lot of hard work and planning and we thank all of those who helped make our anniversary a very special and memorable night. |
![]() Award recipient Cliff Reiser (center) is congratulated by Local 269 Bus. Mgr. Steve Aldrich (left) and Pres. Wayne De Angelo. |
'Honoring Those Before Us' |
L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LE SUEUR, MN — Local 343 honored 2012 retirees and graduating apprentices at the annual awards banquet held at Treasure Island Casino in Red Wing. The following members retired in 2012: Ronald Fuerstneau, with 42 years of membership; Joseph Wilcox, 42 years; Larry Hoehn, 41 years; Richard Winkels, 37 years; Thomas Capp, 36 years; Thomas Wieczorak, 35 years; Steve Bernard, 34 years; Louis Downing, aka "Santa," 32 years; Richard Olson, 21 years; James O'Neil, 16 years; Wayne Schlosser, 15 years; and Ronald Nickel, with 12 years. We say thank-you and happy retirement to these 12 recent retirees, and at the same time we welcome and congratulate the 26 graduating apprentices of 2012. Now it is the responsibility of our members who are experienced journeymen to mentor the new journeyman wiremen in the ways of the Brotherhood. Take pride in your work and pride in yourself. The work we do is a reflection of ourselves and our union. Teach and lead by example. We are the union. Make those who came before us proud. |
Members Keep Union Strong |
L.U. 349 (em,es,i,mps,rtb,rts,spa&u), MIAMI, FL — At our August 2012 union meeting, we handed out a 60-year pin to Bro. Philip Schraedel. Also, we sent 60-year pins to Bros. Howard Baggett, Benny Biscotti and Pete C. Keukelaar. Additionally, 65-year pins were sent to Bros. Harry Olson, John Volonino and Lewis Turner. Thank you to all pin recipients for your years of service and help in making Local 349 and the IBEW a strong union. Over 400 friends attended our December Friends of Labor Luncheon. Great food and socializing were enjoyed by all. Thank you to Pres. David Karcher and the Entertainment Committee for the Children's Christmas party. Everyone enjoyed food, fun and prizes. It all made for a great party. We also thank Pres. Karcher and the Entertainment Committee for all the events they do each year. We had about a 95 percent success rate in electing candidates we endorsed for the November 2012 elections. This was because of all the help we had from local union volunteers. We could have had the 100 percent if more members had helped. Attend your union meeting and stay informed. This local has been here 109 years; let's keep it here for another 109 years. Remember our troops and our working IBEW members overseas. May we bring them home safe. |
![]() Some of the Local 349 members who volunteered their help during the 2012 election season. |
Big Solar Installations |
L.U. 351 (c,cs,i,it,lctt,mt,o,se,spa&t), FOLSOM, NJ — Local 351 continues to be very successful with solar installations in our area. The picture accompanying this article shows the Medford solar project with phases I and II completed. The oval section was phase I and was completed in late December 2011. Phase I maxed out at 85 members and was completed in 14 weeks; the solar array produces 6 megawatts of power. Phase II was completed in October 2012; it maxed out at 87 members and was completed in 12 weeks. The phase II array produces 6.5 megawatts of power. Both phases were completed on time and under budget. All work performed on the project was done 100 percent by IBEW members. A third phase is scheduled in 2013, and when completed this solar array will produce approximately 18 megawatts of power. |
![]() Medford Solar Inverter installation, an IBEW Local 351 project with phases I and II completed. |
'Hard Work & Dedication' |
L.U. 369 (em,es,i,lctt,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), LOUISVILLE, KY — After being scolded by some of our members for a lack of articles, I am submitting this report about topics important to our local. Although our work picture has not been as bright as we would like, we have been very fortunate. We weathered the recent financial storm and there appear to be a lot of possibilities on the horizon, so close but just out of reach for now. But there is one thing that has been consistent, something that we have always been able to count on. I'm talking about those who serve as the backbone of many local unions. The ladies who work in our office, they volunteer throughout the year for several charities. They walk in fundraisers, volunteer at soup kitchens, etc. For every shirt, hoodie, hat and anything else they come up with that is sold through the local union, one dollar is added to the price — and then each year, along with help from some of our members and contractors, we make donations to local charities. Additionally, the office people basically keep everything here running smoothly. Far too often they go unnoticed behind the scenes, serving the membership of their respective locals. Many of these workers may not be members themselves, but they inspire the brotherhood and sisterhood, which we all cherish, with their hard work and dedication. So here's to you hard working financial office people; thanks for all you do. Brothers and sisters, the next time you make a trip to your local union, remember, without them we probably don't exist. |
![]() At a Local 369 fundraiser, member Rickie Riggs (center) wins raffle. From left: Bernie LaRue, Ronda Goodin, Riggs, Debbie Roby and Joanne Caple. |
3rd Generation IBEW Family |
L.U. 375 (catv,ees&i), ALLENTOWN, PA — IBEW Local 375 held its annual Family Christmas Party on Dec. 9, 2012. Approximately 200 members and their families enjoyed hot dogs on the grill, candy, ice cream and homemade cookies. The entertainment for the party was Al Grout — juggler/comedian/magician. There were plenty of young "helpers" to perform in his act. The highlight of the day was a visit by "Santa" (retired member Dale Clauser). Everyone had a great time. Thanks go to all who made the day special, including "Santa" and retired member Wayne Yenser (Yenser's Tree Farm), who once again donated our Christmas tree. Accompanying this article is a picture of the Moyer family, a third-generation IBEW family. Family members include Grandfather William Moyer, who has 53 years of IBEW service; his son Barrie Sr., 35 years of service; and three grandsons — Barrie Jr., with six years of service, Jessie, with 10 years of service, and recently initiated apprentice David. Congratulations and thanks to the Moyer family for your service to the IBEW. |
![]() Local 375 congratulates the Moyers, a third-generation IBEW family. From left: Barrie Moyers Sr., Jessie, William (seated), David and Barrie Jr. |
2012 Annual Food Drive |
L.U. 459 (ees,em,govt,so&u), JOHNSTOWN, PA — One often hears negativity in the media concerning unions and rarely anything positive — but unions do a lot of good including volunteer community service. Since 1983, Local 459 has conducted a very successful annual food drive. The drive begins in November and runs through December. Our members and employers have donated generously over the years and have raised over $171,282. The money and food collected are distributed to food banks/Salvation Army in areas where our members work, and grocery store gift cards are sent to a few of our members who are off work for some reason. As of this writing, Local 459 was wrapping up our annual food drive for 2012. Special thanks go to our stewards who collect and to our members and employers who make the drive so successful. Yes, unions do a lot of good and the Local 459 Food Drive is definitely one example. |
Work Picture Update |
L.U. 477 (i&rts), SAN BERNARDINO, CA — I hope all are having a good 2013 so far and that everyone survived 2012. Local 477 continues to do well even though our work has slowed down a little. The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System plant project at the state line will be wrapping up this summer, with the hope of more such work in the future. We continue to have work at the Molycorp Inc. mine, and we are working at the downtown San Bernardino Justice Center project. There are also many other small projects throughout our jurisdiction. Shown in the accompanying photo are several Local 477 members who participated in a clay target shooting event held last December at neighboring Riverside, CA, Local 440. The event was a great time for everyone and included a lunch and raffle. Until next time, be safe. |
![]() Local 477 members participate in clay target shooting event: Leo Gonzales (left), Mike Burgum, Justin Gaudin, Kenny Felts, Joe Madrid and Dean McKernan. |
A 'Great New Beginning' |
L.U. 551 (c,i&st), SANTA ROSA, CA — Greetings from beautiful Northern California. We wish all brothers and sisters a lucky and prosperous 2013. We successfully concluded 2012 with a great ending and a new beginning. In the first week of December 2012, Local 551 made its last mortgage payment on our union hall. We now own our hall free and clear! We then ended 2012 with closing escrow the very last day of the year on a building that will become our new state-of-the-art training facility. Bus. Mgr. Jack Buckhorn and Training Dir. Steve Stobel set a goal to have the new facility operational by fall semester. Our work picture looks hopeful. The first week of January started with calls rolling in putting journeymen and apprentices to work. Journeymen, please keep your state certifications current as this is a requirement to be dispatched to any job. The state certification must be renewed every three years — and 32 hours of continuing education are required during the three-year intervals between renewals. OSHA 10 is a great class to have and counts toward re-certification. Work safe, brothers and sisters! And attend your monthly union meetings, held at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of every month. |
![]() Members attend flag raising ceremony at Local 551 building. Bus. Mgr. Jack Buckhorn (dark suit) assists member Eamonn O'Halloran, former executive officer, with raising flag. |
A Friend of Labor Mourned |
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — In December last year Local 611 members ratified the contract with the NECA contractors. We held our annual Children's Christmas Party in December. Despite a smaller than usual turnout, it was still a great success. Each year the party committee does an outstanding job. Thanks, guys. The state legislative session started in January and will last for 60 days this year. Our Republican governor has promised not to introduce so-called "right to work," so presumably we can breathe easier for at least a year. In December our state lost one of labor's ardent supporters, then-Rep. Ben Lujan, who was speaker of the New Mexico House of Representatives. Lujan passed away Dec. 18 and will be missed not only by labor unions but by everyone who knew him. The local extends condolences to the families of recently deceased members: Ronny J. Stewart, Goyko Vuicich, Louis E. Howard, Donald Boyd, Paul L. Wyant, Leo Olson, Sam Candelaria and Eric Camron. They will be missed. Remember: Union meetings are on the third Thursday of each month. |
![]() Bus. Mgr. Chris Frentzel (left) and Asst. Bus. Mgr. Carl Condit at the Local 611 annual Children's Christmas Party. |
AEJATC Apprentice Graduation |
L.U. 613 (em,i,o,rts&spa), ATLANTA, GA — On Nov. 3, 2012, the Atlanta Electrical JATC graduated its largest apprenticeship class in IBEW Local 613 history. There were 103 graduates in the class of 2012, and of that group only 10 were unable to attend the graduation ceremony. Most all graduates brought their families to the event. There was a hotel room full of graduates, spouses, contractors, children, office staff and officers. Attendees included Local 613 Pres. Max Mount Jr. and Bus. Mgr. Gene O'Kelley. Each year the apprenticeship committee is given the difficult task of nominating an outstanding apprentice. It was especially hard last year because of the large number of students who greatly excelled in their studies. For 2012, the honor was bestowed upon Brandon Adams. He is currently working for Brooks, Berry and Haynie, one of our longtime contractors. Reportedly, the 2013 apprenticeship class may be even larger. |
![]() Atlanta, GA, Local 613 apprentice graduating class of 2012. |
Strong Work Picture |
L.U. 617 (c,i,mo&st), SAN MATEO, CA — The work picture, for the first time in several years, looks very good. Members are enjoying steady employment at several new hospital and medical facility projects: Kaiser and Sequoia in Redwood City and Palo Alto Medical Foundation in San Carlos. San Francisco International Airport currently has $500 million in projects underway with over $2 billion more to begin in the next few years. And the many tenant improvement projects underway signal a steady and sound recovery. There is a bright light at the end of the tunnel! The defeat of Prop 32 in California was icing on the cake. At local levels in Burlingame, Daly City and San Carlos, labor phone banked, precinct walked and voted into place over $237 million of future construction projects in four different school districts! Workers elected 13 labor-friendly candidates to city and county offices. While national elections grab headlines, local politics matter! Many thanks to all those union workers and their families, friends and neighbors who answered the call to keep our way of life in San Mateo County strong and prosperous into the new year! On Dec. 8 last year, over 100 members and their families gathered to celebrate the Christmas season and Santa made a visit. The union hall was replete with holiday spirit thanks to the Golden Gate Lionel Rail Road Club's model train display, and the many staff and volunteers who made this an enjoyable celebration. |
![]() A new addition to the IBEW Local 617 family attends holiday party. |
Work Picture is Slow |
L.U. 625 (ees,em,i,mar&mt), HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA — Congratulations to our newly certified journeyman electricians: Bros. Thomas Marshall, Ryan Doyle and Justin George-Worth. Carry on the IBEW tradition of giving your very best every day, brothers. Congratulations to recently retired members: Bros. Wayne Keddy, Mike Evans, Joe Primeau and Paul Matheson. Thank you, brothers, for your many years of service. Our heartfelt condolences to the family of retired Bro. Robert Allen, who passed away on August 25 last year. He was 61. The work picture is slow in Halifax despite announcements of several mega-projects. Everything seems to need at least five announcements and three tender calls before shovels hit the dirt. Then we see multiple delays with engineering flaws. With today's technology and software, buildings and system designs should be quicker and better. It has become difficult to predict manpower increases with the engineering problems we encounter on projects. Some projects are seeing multiple layoffs before peaking because of material shortages, lack of drawings, or design work going back to the drawing tables. We have members wanting to work and the work is out there. |
Welcome to New Members |
L.U. 627 (u), FORT PIERCE, FL — In recent months, we have seen an increase of 40 members at Local 627. The most recent new members, Bros. John Shirk and John Dysard, are Connect and Disconnect specialists. The new members are graduates of the apprentice programs that Local 627 participates with, in conjunction with Indian River State College and Florida Power & Light. These members will fill positions with Nuclear Power, Transmission & Distribution and also as substation electricians. The highlight of our December 2012 meeting, in addition to swearing in new members, was the presentation of a retirement watch to Bro. Lou Sneltzer for his 30 years of IBEW service and membership; the presentation was made at our annual Christmas party held the day of the meeting. The Transmission and Distribution service centers were recognized for completing a year of operation without an OSHA incident. The extended power upgrades to Plant St. Lucie Nuclear Units 1 & 2 are now complete. We will continue to stress "safety first" for all of our brothers and sisters, and we look forward to a new year of providing safe and efficient labor. Our thoughts are with the people still suffering from the effects of Hurricane Sandy. Our local traveled many members to the hard-hit areas to help in the restoration project. We wish all involved the best of luck with restoration efforts. |
Softball Tournament Win: Brotherhood & Sportsmanship |
L.U. 649 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), ALTON, IL — At our December meeting, Local 649 recognized the team that won the 36th annual IBEW Local 601 Softball Invitational Tournament. After a victory over Local 701, we lost to Local 702. We fought our way back through the loser's bracket. With solid defense and balanced offense we defeated Local 193, Local 34, perennial favorite Local 150, and defending champion Local 176. That set up a showdown with undefeated Local 702. In the double elimination tournament, we had to beat them twice. We went into the seventh inning down 10 runs, but battled back within two. It was the bottom of the seventh, two on and two out. Sean Watson stepped to the plate. In seven games, Sean failed to reach base only three times and amazed the crowd with towering home runs. Local 702 walked him intentionally, loading the bases for Greg "Peaches" Eilerman. Peaches responded with a walk-off grand slam. Our momentum carried into the championship game. We short-gamed Local 702. Local 649, the smallest local in the tournament, claimed the championship trophy. We thank Local 601 and all the participants. Win or lose, there is no finer example of IBEW brotherhood and sportsmanship. |
![]() Local 649 softball tournament champs: front row, Pat Friedel, Kerry Mossman, Greg "Peaches" Eilerman, Jesse Rutherford; back row, Travis Lee, Steve "Lucky" Twichell, Keith "Stick" Berry, Drew Baalman, Mark Klaas and Justin Hillin. |
Work Picture Improves |
L.U. 659 (c,catv,em,i,lctt,o,st,t&u), MEDFORD, OR — The work picture should continue to improve this year. Pacific Power has cut the number of full-time employees and will have to continue to utilize contract crews to complete mandated work. The following Local 659 members, including both active and retired members, passed away in 2012: Harold Allen, Lyle M. Anderson, Arkus Bray, Robert L. Brownell, Henry Campbell, Martin F. Deery, William E. Edenfield, James C. Greenhaw, Wayne D. Hancock, Ivan L. Harpole, Gary L. Holm, Roger D. Jones, Kenneth M. Kitchen, Brian Nelson, Jerry W. Peterson, William C. Rose, Thomas Slaughenhaupt, James W. Tibbet, Leroy Tudor and Wesley F. Yancey. They will be missed. |
Service Awards & Graduation Certificates |
L.U. 673 (catv,i,rts,spa,t&u), PAINESVILLE, OH — At our December union meeting, years-of-service awards were given out. The true guest of honor was Bob Eldridge, who received his 65-year pin. Bob received a standing ovation as his award was read. At the reception afterward Bob made his rounds introducing himself to many members who are too young to have ever worked with him. It would have been impossible to talk with Bob on this evening and not come away impressed with his love for our trade and our organization. Following the service awards presentation, our apprentices were recognized. The graduating fifth-year class received their certificates, and the outstanding apprentices for each class received a check equal to the cost of their books for the year. [Photo, at right.] Congratulations to everyone. |
![]() Local 673 outstanding apprentices receive awards. Back row, Training Dir. Rich Goodmanson (left), Apprentice Trustee Rory Breedlove; front row, apprentices Don Ziemak (first year), David Mealy (third year), and David Gaeta (fourth year). |
Anniversary Banquet in April |
L.U. 773 (as,em,i,mo&o), WINDSOR, ONTARIO, CANADA — Work continues to be slow in our area, with an improving work picture in the coming months. The members of Local 773 greatly appreciate work from the following locals during these slow times: Local 2038, Regina, SK; Local 529, Saskatoon, SK; Local 1687, Sudbury, ON; and Local 586, Ottawa. The Greater Essex County School Board sought a judicial review regarding its status as a construction employer. The Labour Board's Court of Appeal dismissed this appeal. This upholds the decision of the Labour Board that the school board is a construction industry employer. Local 773 represents the electrical workers at the school board. With this decision we will continue to perform all maintenance/construction for the school board. A banquet will be held April 13 to celebrate Local 773's 95th anniversary. I wish to thank in advance the volunteers who are working hard to make this evening a successful event. |
IBEW Community Volunteers |
L.U. 915 (i&mt), TAMPA, FL — A sunny and warm December Saturday morning did not deter approximately 26 members of Local 915 who turned out to volunteer their time and talents for a good cause. Retired member and former signatory contractor Ken Robinson in collaboration with the South Tampa Ecumenical Ministries (STEM) joined efforts with Metropolitan Ministries to build the Faith Café in an effort to feed our neighbors in need. Local 915 members and staff spent the day completing the rough-in and service on the new community building in Tampa. MJM Electric pulled the permits. Bro. Ken Robinson commented on how proud the people of STEM were to see that so many qualified men and women came out to share their gifts to help with the project. He was proud to see everyone having a good time working to help others and noted that we showed joy in being able to give back to our community. It was a good way to spend the day with our brothers and sisters helping those we may never meet. Thanks go out to Bro. Roberto Rosa and his volunteers for hosting our annual Christmas party last year and bringing our members together to celebrate the holiday season. |
![]() Bro. Ken Robinson (middle row, center, in black T-shirt with white stripe) and Local 915 volunteers for the Faith Café project. |
Storm Recovery Assistance |
L.U. 1049 (lctt,o,u&uow), LONG ISLAND, NY — Superstorm Sandy caused outages for over 1 million electric customers, and 100,000 gas customers were affected. On behalf of Bus. Mgr. Donald Daley and the Long Island community, I wish to thank the members of Local 1049 and the thousands of IBEW members who came to assist. Thank you for all of your hard work, dedication and long hours. Thank you for showing Long Island what a safe and professional work force IBEW members are. It was truly a pleasure working alongside IBEW brothers and sisters from across the United States and Canada. Many of our members had their homes damaged by the superstorm. Many thanks go to the International for the IBEW Unity Fund and to IBEW Local 3 for its help with administration of the IBEW Disaster Fund NYC. Thank you to all of the locals that have contributed to the fund. Your contributions will help not only Local 1049 members but also IBEW members throughout the region. In December the members of our LCTT Division (line clearance tree trimming) approved a three-month extension of their collective bargaining agreement. We began full negotiations in February. As of this writing we are just beginning negotiations on behalf of our WRS Environmental Services Inc. members. |
'A Wave of Victories' |
L.U. 1245 (catv,em,govt,lctt,o,pet, t&u), VACAVILLE, CA — Local 1245 began 2013 riding a wave of important victories. In the battle against the anti-union Proposition 32 in November, our members walked precincts, worked the phones and visited dozens of job sites to alert fellow members about the threat from Prop. 32. The union reached out to its entire membership in California through mailings, e-mail messages and a "town hall" phone call hosted by Bus. Mgr. Tom Dalzell. "It was very clear that Prop 32 would have paved the way for new attacks on our wages, benefits and working conditions. It had to be stopped, and our members helped stop it," Dalzell said. Local 1245-endorsed candidates won 30 out of 46 local races, giving us a stronger presence on many local boards whose decisions can affect our members. Our local scored a huge legal victory at the City of Redding when the Third District Court of Appeals in Sacramento ruled that a local government can be bound by a past commitment to pay future retirement benefits to its employees even if it says it can no longer afford them. In its lawsuit, our local argued that public sector employees often give up higher wages during negotiations in order to gain improved retirement benefits. The court embraced this view. In Nevada our local recently celebrated a favorable settlement with NV Energy over medical benefits for retirees. Led by Dalzell, the settlement created mechanisms to assure that retirees will pay no more in premiums in 2013 and 2014 than they would have before a cap on company payments was imposed in 2010. Both sides agreed to continue a collaborative process to look for similar solutions for 2015 and beyond. The local's Executive Board recently approved new incentives for our 100+ units to become more engaged in local communities through charitable activities and sponsoring sporting events. The program is part of a larger effort by the local to build connections with the wider community and build public understanding of unions and the good they do. Well over 200 of our members from PG&E and NV Energy traveled east in November to assist power restoration in communities ravaged by Hurricane Sandy. |
![]() PG&E Troublemen Hank Dickinson (left) and Jim Zack were among over 200 Local 1245 members working to restore power on the East Coast after Hurricane Sandy. |
Positive Work Picture |
L.U. 1249 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), SYRACUSE, NY — We hope everyone had a good holiday season. The work situation is good here in New York state, with full employment in both the A and BA chapters. The outlook is positive as it is hoped there will be many jobs starting as you read this. National Grid looks to be starting a few more projects in central New York. We shall see, as National Grid's fiscal year ends March 29. Iberdrola (NYSEG and RG&E) is still letting out quite a bit of work. Since Hurricane Sandy, Con Edison and Orange & Rockland Utilities have also let out a considerable amount of work. Currently we have 142 apprentices with another boot camp anticipated to start in the spring. Our current Utility, Commercial &Traffic Signal agreements expire in May. We will be negotiating a new contract and bringing it around the state for ratification, hopefully in April. Buy union, buy American! |
Officers Sworn In |
L.U. 1307 (u), SALISBURY, MD — At our Dec. 14, 2012, meeting, our newly elected officers and board members were sworn into office. They are: Bus. Mgr./Pres. Vaughn Horner, Vice Pres. Andrew Genga, Asst. Bus. Mgr./Treas. Heather Adkins, Rec. Sec. Vanessa Cuffee, Fin. Sec. Bob Weyant, and Executive Board members Ginny Williams, Bernie Hastings, Billy Swift, Chris Sonnier, Chris Wheatley, Mitch Jones, Harry Moore, Jimmy Schnepel and Charles Harris Jr. Receiving plaques for their dedication to Local 1307 were: David Adkins, past president/business manager; Lindley Hudson, past vice president; Eddie Sparks, past financial secretary; and Debbie Fidderman, past recording secretary. At this writing, they are looking forward to their upcoming retirement. Our annual Christmas party last year was a big success. Thanks to Fourth District Int. Reps. Charles W. "Chuck" Tippie and Steven R. Crum for attending. Once again, Local 1307 met the challenge from a local charity to help families in need during the holiday season. Local 1307 mourns the loss of Bro. Otis Savage Jr. Bro. Savage, hired in 1988 by Delmarva Power, held the position of stock keeper when he passed away. He will be missed by all. Save jobs, limit imports. |
A Union Brother is Mourned |
L.U. 1393 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — With great sadness we report the passing of a fellow union member, Bro. Brent Minton. Bro. Minton, who was age 33 and a journeyman lineman, died in an on-the-job accident on the morning of Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012, while performing his duties for Orange County REMC. Bro. Minton was an 11-year member of IBEW Local 1393 and served as a member of the union's Bargaining Committee. Bro. Minton is survived by his wife, Crystal, and his young son and daughter. The aging work force in the recent years and lack of hiring at the utilities have the work force at such an all-time low that one utility, Duke Energy in Indiana, is looking to hire 15 qualified journeyman linemen and 30 lineman apprentices in 2013. The devastating impact of Superstorm Sandy has at this writing mobilized our brothers and sisters to help the people on the East Coast hit by the storm. The local had over 600 members dispatched to the East Coast from Duke Energy, all construction agreements and Vectren Energy; those dispatched included gas workers to journeyman linemen. Vectren Energy dispatched over 80 employees in the gas division alone (accompanying photo). |
![]() A group of Local 1393 members at Vectren Energy mobilized to assist recovery when Hurricane Sandy struck. |
Election of Officers |
L.U. 1501 (ees,em,mo,pet,rts&t), BALTIMORE, MD — Local 1501 completed its election of officers with little opposition. There was one office for Executive Board member that had opposition and the only other office open was for the Executive Committee of 1501-2. Congratulations to all newly elected officers. They are as follows: Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dion F. Guthrie, Vice Pres. Fred Richards, Rec. Sec. Thomas J. Rostkowski, Treas. George Fulton, Fin. Sec. Ray Donet and Executive Board members Anthony Behrens (Southern District), Delaney Burkart (Mid-Eastern District), Jeffrey Dunn (Northern District) and Corey Snell (Canadian District). Local 1501-2 Officers: Chmn. Fred Richards, Vice Chmn. Jason Strawhorn and Recorder Robert Taminelli. Executive Committee: Nathan Allen, Neil Becker, Delaney Burkart, Richard Keim and John Phillips. |
IBEW Members Re-elected to Alaska Legislature |
L.U. 1547 (c,em,i,o,t&u), ANCHORAGE, AK — Local 1547 Bus. Mgr. Mike Hodsdon presented a 50-year pin to his father, retired journeyman lineman Max Hodsdon. Bro. Max Hodsdon was initiated into the IBEW July 1, 1961. Two members from Local 1547 were re-elected to the state legislature. Sen. Bill Wielechowski, associate general counsel for IBEW Local 1547, was re-elected to a four-year term in the Alaska State Senate. Rep. Chris Tuck, a Local 1547 organizer, was re-elected to a two-year term in the Alaska State House. |
![]() Local 1547 Bus. Mgr. Mike Hodsdon (right) presents service award to his father, retired member Max Hodsdon. |
Improving the Union Brand |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — If you walk into the grocery store and buy a gallon of milk, you will probably buy the store brand because it tastes the same and the price is cheaper. If the name brand is better, we would (in most cases) buy it. When a general contractor is shopping around for an electrical contractor, they think exactly the same way. In the eyes of a general contractor, nonunion is cheaper and the result is the same. Our job as IBEW members is to prove that this thinking is wrong. First, we have to prove that we are the best and deliver the best value for the money. Second, when we walk away from a job, there is no reason the customer should have memories of labor issues. The customer should only remember the quality job that the union contractor installed. Lastly, take advantage of any training your union offers as this gives us the edge over nonunion contractors and will (in many cases) make our union contractor the winner of a large (or small) project. In our jurisdiction, the work is great. Other jurisdictions are not as fortunate and we are looking forward to putting traveling brothers and sisters to work. However, we want to keep our work and we want to continue to have work, and I would appreciate everyone's help on improving the union brand. Remember, our union meetings are the third Monday of each month with dinner starting at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Let's all make a commitment to attend our union meetings. Until next time, God bless. |
NextEra Contract Extension |
L.U. 1837 (rtb&u), MANCHESTER, ME — IBEW Local 1837 members ratified a one-year contract extension in late December with NextEra Energy just prior to its sale of Maine and New Hampshire hydro generation assets to Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners. Effective Feb. 25, 2013, all employees were to receive a 4 percent general wage increase, while employees in the Production Specialist and Senior Production Tech A classifications were to receive an additional 1.5 percent equity pay increase. Approximately 90 IBEW members work for NextEra Energy (formerly FPL-Maine) generating electricity. They maintain and operate the oil-fired plant on Cousins Island in Yarmouth, Maine, and the hydro dams on the Kennebec, Androscoggin, and Saco rivers. Both the contract extension and sales agreement include assurances that those IBEW members will continue working with all their present terms and conditions of employment. The contract extension also states that although the union has been assured in good faith that no Maine fossil assets are currently being considered for sale or transfer, IBEW Local 1837 would be given reasonable advance notice if the company decided to do so. "I'm glad that our members at NextEra agreed to this extension," Local 1837 Bus. Mgr. Dick Rogers said. "It's a fair deal for all of our members and I'm satisfied that it's the best contract extension agreement we could reach." FPL-Maine acquired the Maine assets from Central Maine Power Company in 1998, shortly after Maine's electric deregulation law prohibited a company from owning both generation and distribution assets. Many of the IBEW members who work at the NextEra facilities are former CMP employees who worked at their jobs prior to deregulation and the sale, and are longtime union members. |
![]() IBEW Local 1837 Bus. Mgr. Dick Rogers (left) joined by IBEW members Ed Goodale (center) and Greg Sirois in counting contract ratification ballots. |
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