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Historic Election for Workers |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa,st&ws), ST. LOUIS, MO — Nov. 6, 2012, was a historic night for the labor movement and middle-class families across the country as President Obama was re-elected. Here in Missouri, several Local 1 members were also successful in their bids for candidacy.
Bro. Jake Hummel won his bid for re-election to a fourth term as a state representative from the 108th District. Jake has served in Jefferson City since 2008 and will continue fighting for working-class families in Missouri.
Bro. Keith English, 68th District, won his race for state representative, receiving over 79 percent of the total vote! Keith was a city of Florissant councilman for five years and will continue his fight for working people.
Gina Walsh, an insulator and former state representative, won her election to the 13th Senatorial District in Missouri. Gina fills the seat vacated by state Sen. Tim Green, a journeyman wireman who was term limited out. Gina has some big shoes to fill, and Local 1 is confident she will pick up where Bro. Green left off.
Lastly, Local 1 thanks all members who donated time, money and shoe leather for labor-friendly candidates. Without your tireless efforts, election results such as these would not be possible.
We mourn the recent death of several members: Marvin Betts, Margaret Holley, Francis Landuyt, Larry Brown, Lee Luaders, Glennon Naeger, Robert Krazer, Richard Antoni, Gene Keough, Charles Benedict, Melvin Chiles, Kenneth Linneman, Dennis Ragan, Frank Maliszewski, Paul Wehner, Edward Clark, Anthony Salamon, Dashiell Moore, Donald Weekly and Robert Baltz.
Matt Gober, P.S.

Local 1 journeyman wireman Keith English, newly elected Missouri state representative.
Kudos to Volunteers |
L.U. 9 (catv,govt,lctt,o&u), CHICAGO, IL — Thank you to all the members who, along with Registrars Bryan Nieciak and Mary Beth Kaczmarek, worked our phone bank. They included: Bill Adrian, Gary Bach, Pete Cashman, Marty Coen, Tom Fitzgerald, John Harris, Dan Henderson, Bob Houghton, Tom Jachim, Jeff Johnson, Peter Maguire, Claudio Marchese, Bob Marzullo, Kevin McCall, Kevin Norris, Rich Peslak, Tony Petito, Judy Quinn, Andy Robles, Michael Shrout, John Sobieck, Roberta Wood and Harold Wright. These members volunteered their time to call each member and retiree of Local 9 to remind everyone to vote this past November. Every election is an important one. Here in Illinois we just need to look north to Wisconsin and east to Indiana to see the negative impact of so-called "right to work" on the labor movement. Therefore, we all must stay engaged at the federal, state and local levels. Please continue to educate yourself, family, friends and fellow members on the issues important to working families.
We also extend heartfelt thanks to all the Local 9 members who traveled to the East Coast to help with the recovery after Hurricane Sandy.
The online payment system is now available. Payments can be made via debit or credit card or electronic check. Access the system from our Web site: www.ibew9.org.
We wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year.
Phil Dote, F.S.

Local 9 volunteers staff election season phone banks.
Space Shuttle Endeavor Travels through
Streets of Los Angeles |
L.U. 11 (i,rts&spa), LOS ANGELES, CA — On Oct. 12 and 13 last year, IBEW Local 11 members took part in a historic event in Los Angeles that drew large crowds of spectators. Traffic signal members from Crosstown Electrical & Data Inc. and Steiny & Company Inc. escorted Space Shuttle Endeavor 12 miles through the streets of Los Angeles, from the airport to its new home at the California Science Center. The IBEW crews cleared the path by removing traffic signal lights and replacing them to make way for the national treasure. IBEW Local 18 linemen also elevated power lines to clear the path.
California faced a deceptive ballot proposition that threatened to silence the voice of union members. According to Kevin Norton, organizing/political director, Local 11 reached an unprecedented goal of political activism for the November 2012 election by filling more than 800 shifts to stop Proposition 32. Through Working Californians (www.workingcalifornians.org), IBEW Locals 11 and 18 hosted a benefit concert with Crosby, Stills & Nash with Tom Morello — "The Nightwatchman." The concert raised funds and awareness about the real intent of the corporate- and millionaire-sponsored initiative. Thanks to all the volunteers whose activism played a major role in the defeat of Prop 32.
Diana Limon, P.S.
'Run For the Cure' Fundraiser |
On a wet but warm September Sunday, 16 team members, made up of Local 37 members and family, participated in the Run for the Cure, a fundraising event to support Breast Cancer research.
In the weeks leading up to Run Day, the team participated in various fundraising activities — such as a BBQ, a Labour Day picnic booth, selling "goody" bags — and were able to donate nearly $2,700 to a worthy cause. The team also received support from Local 37's Health, Wellness & Benefits Committee, which covered registration fees and fundraising expenses. A huge thanks goes out to Local 37 and all of our supporters!
Ross Galbraith, B.M.
'Thank You to Volunteers' |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY — Happy New Year, brothers and sisters! With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season behind us, let me take the time to say thank-you to our members who volunteered throughout the past year.
I know it is not easy to say yes when asked on short notice to volunteer for labor walks. I know it is not easy to say yes when asked to take time away from your family and make "get-out-the-vote" phone calls near Election Day. I know it is not easy to say yes to go house to house on your time to hand out political literature. I know it is not easy, but when our members were called upon last year to do any of these tasks, they responded with YES. When we say yes, it builds Brotherhood. When we say yes, it builds camaraderie and forges new friendships. It makes it easy to say I did something to help my local and my brothers and sisters today. After all isn't that what it's all about?
Gregory R. Inglut, A.B.M.
Memorial Park Dedication |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — First, our thoughts and prayers go out to all the brothers and sisters who had their lives changed by Hurricane Sandy. At the time of this writing, the total impact was still being assessed.
The work picture remains stable for our members, and spring should open up opportunities for traveling brothers and sisters. We anticipate more jobs will be available following the 2012 election.
On Oct. 27, his birth date, a dedication ceremony was held to open a Memorial Park in honor of our past business manager, the late Bill Towsley. Approximately 60 people attended, including staff, officers, JATC personnel, friends and Bill's family. His parish priest, Father Fred Mannara, gave opening remarks and the blessing. Bus. Mgr. Don Morgan and Pres. Pat Costello also made brief remarks. The dedication was concluded with some "Bill stories" and a thank-you from his son, Ken Towsley, who is also a member.
The dedication plaque is mounted on a granite boulder that was unearthed from one of our job sites and it is the centerpiece for the park.
Jim Corbett, P.S.

A memorial park is dedicated in honor of William C. Towsley, former Local 43 business manager, who passed away in March 2010.
2012 Election Victories |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Election 2012 exceeded expectations. We targeted 21 endorsed candidates, and 19 won. Many underdogs we supported were victorious. In Riverside County, two congressional seats went from Republican to Democratic. In San Bernardino County, Local 47-backed Republican Paul Cook won a seat in the U.S. Congress as did Democrat Gloria Negrete-McLeod. Cook has served as California Assembly member and Negrete-Mcleod as state senator. Local 47 and Local 440 hosted an election night event attended by nearly 300 guests including many of our candidates.
Statewide, Proposition 32 was defeated. Proposition 30, which increased state income taxes for the top 2 percent, passed. Thank you all for voting.
Our 9th Annual Brotherhood Motorcycle Run was held Sept. 29. It raised money for our Injured Workers Fund and the Casa Colina Rehabilitation Center, which serves injured veterans.
At the International Lineman's Rodeo, Steve Lekvold, Josh Regalado and Enoc Verdon captured first place in the Hurtman Rescue competition. For the Apprentice Division, Chris Schafer captured first place and Steven Escamilla placed fifth in installing a security light. Escamilla also placed fifth in the pole climb. Armen Organezov took second place overall in the Contractor Apprentice competition. Congratulations to everyone who competed in the rodeo.
We are sad to report the passing of Cipriano Favela. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
Live well, work safe, work union!
Stan Stosel, P.S.
Kudos to Election Volunteers |
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — Americans made their decision on Nov. 6 on which presidential candidate they believe will best lead our country. Thank you to all IBEW members who donated their time and money to re-elect Pres. Obama. In Illinois, Pres. Obama's coattails were very long, as Democrats now hold 40 seats in the state Senate and 71 seats in the state House; both veto proof. Two of our own members, Tom O'Neill and Julie Brandt, each won their respective county board elections.
IBEW System Council U-05 (consisting of Locals 51, 309, 649 and 702) has ratified a four-year agreement with AmerenIllinois. At press time, the IBEW and Frontier are currently attempting to bargain a nationwide health care program.
Local 51 mourns the loss of members who passed away in 2012: John Crowley, Carl Fozzard, Dusan O'Bradovich, David Pyer, Leland Scanlon, Emil Stockert, Robert Beck, Charles Bickerstaff, Ralph Burgess, Keith Campbell, Thomas Davis, Richard Eggebrecht, John Harbauer, Larry Harvey, Allan Johnson, Bernard King, Lowell Ringel, Dallas Howland, Ernest Troxell, Lloyd Walls, Gene Bush, Robert Darnall, Donald Allhands and Larry Medearis.
Work is good here for journeyman and apprentice linemen, both in line and substation. All other classifications are slow to steady. Transmission, distribution and substation work looks to be steady for the future.
Happy New Year! We wish you another full year of happiness and success. Work safely today and every day. Please attend your monthly unit meetings.
Karlene Knisley, B.R.
Contract Ratified |
L.U. 53 (lctt,o,rts&u), KANSAS CITY, MO — Special Recognition — Congratulations to Keith Querry, former Local 53 business manager. Keith was presented the "Good Guy" award at a dinner sponsored by the Greater Kansas City Political Women's Caucus for all his support for women's rights.
All wrapped up! — After five months of tough negotiations with Sho-Me Power Electric Co-op in Marshfield, MO, we have an agreement. The contract was ratified Oct. 16 by a slim margin. There were substantial cuts made by the union and considerable savings for the co-op. It is a two-year agreement with a 2 percent increase each year. At this writing, we are in negotiations with Se-Ma-No Electric Co-op.
Treas. Darlene O'Neal and Vice Pres. Tracy Riley had the privilege of attending our first CLUW meeting. What is CLUW? It's the Coalition of Labor Union Women. And what an experience the meeting was. Visit the Web site at www.cluw.org. Great things are happening!
Hope all finds and keeps you well…Local 53!
Tracy A. Riley, V.P.

Local 53 former business manager Lyle Keith Querry (left) receives award.
Happy New Year! |
L.U. 71 (lctt,o&rtb), COLUMBUS, OH — As we look back over 2012, it becomes clear that we have so much to be thankful for. First, I would like to thank the Local 71 members for their determined efforts in manning the abundance of work we have been blessed with for much of the year. And for not only working five and six days a week all spring, summer and fall, but for doing so in such a professional manner. You should all be proud. On top of the wealth of work we have enjoyed on all four of our major utilities, you also endured the Fourth of July storm, having to deal with the overbearing heat for nearly a month. As this article goes to press, most of you are on the East Coast cleaning up after Hurricane Sandy, where 8.5 million people are thanking you. I also thank the hundreds of IBEW travelers who came to Ohio's aid in July and ended up staying to help man the First Energy work.
Thanks to the local officers and staff for their steadfast commitment in moving this local forward in a positive direction.
And finally, we should all be thankful for the time we spent with that family member or friend who was called home too soon.
Make 2013 the best year you can and always remember to work safe and wear your protective gear. (RIP Live Wire.)
Bryan Stage, B.M./F.S.
Mourning Loss of a Brother |
L.U. 83 (u), BINGHAMTON, NY — We are saddened to report the loss of Bro. Dale Crout. Bro. Crout was on the job aboard a helicopter inspecting lines when a crash occurred. Dale was a very good lineman who worked out of the Elmira, NY, office. Dale is survived by a wife and three children. Please keep the Crout family and Dale's many friends in your thoughts and prayers.
System Council U-7 Pres. and Local 83 Vice Pres. Gary Bonker attended the IBEW Safety Caucus and National Safety Council meetings. At the event, the IBEW's Director of Safety and Health Jim Tomaseski was awarded the 2012 Edward Eagan Soldier of Safety Commendation. Many informative topics were covered during the three-day sessions.
Local 83 worked on different campaigns during the 2012 elections. Thank you to all who helped and were active. Thank you to all who voted.
Pres./Bus. Mgr. Leo Yanez thanks everyone for their many hours of hard work and dedication in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and the following nor'easter. Your skilled, safe work wherever you were during the storm is appreciated.
Don Tuttel, P.S.

Local 83 mourns the late Bro. Dale Crout.
'A Huge Election Win' |
L.U. 103 (cs&i), BOSTON, MA — It was an incredible 2012 campaign season, and I am sure we are all relieved it has passed. It's no secret that unions are politically active fighting for wages, benefits and working conditions.
The Local 103 leadership and members worked hard to help elect and re-elect candidates who are for the working class. Our business agents organized the membership to help by hosting phone banks for two months, helping get the word out on where the candidates stood on labor issues. There was a neighborhood canvass organized for the younger members to both hear the issues and also become active participants in the political scene. Informational mailings were sent out on how votes were cast in Washington, showing where elected officials stood on issues that affect working-class people. Bus. Mgr. Michael Monahan had a video created and posted it on www.The103advantage.com, where he discussed local races in Massachusetts and New Hampshire as well as the presidential campaign, noting the concerns that directly affect union members.
On Election Day, we were proud to have Local 103 as ground zero where over a thousand volunteers showed up on Monday, Nov. 5, and on Election Day to help get out the vote, operate phone banks and distribute literature. At 10 p.m. on election night, we received word that Elizabeth Warren was victorious in her campaign for the U.S. Senate, and about an hour later word came that President Obama won re-election. It was a huge win for us.
Kevin C. Molineaux, P.S.

U.S. Sen.-elect Elizabeth Warren delivers acceptance speech.
'Organizing Is Paying Off' |
L.U. 111 (em,govt,lctt,mt,o,rtb,spa&u), DENVER, CO — Organizing efforts are paying off for Local 111. After months of intense negotiations with Sears District 8181, a tentative agreement was reached to present to the employees. The employees of Sears 8181 voted against this proposal. We also continue to negotiate for the other newly organized groups: PSCO I&C Techs, Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), and San Miguel Power Association.
Additionally, Public Service Company of Colorado and Local 111 reached a tentative agreement concerning wages for years four and five of the collective bargaining agreement. The agreement was presented to the membership for their consideration, in an effort to avoid arbitration. This is the tentative agreement reached by the parties: with a 2.5 percent across the board increase to all classifications effective May 28, 2012, and a 2.75 percent across the board increase to all classifications effective May 27, 2013. The 2.5 percent wage increase will be retroactive to May 28, 2012. All employees on the payroll on or after May 28, 2012, will receive retroactive pay for all hours paid.
On Nov. 2, 2012, the bargaining unit of PSCO accepted this proposal, thus avoiding arbitration.
Wishing everyone a prosperous and happy New Year.
Mike Kostelecky, P.S.
Advocating for Workers |
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR — Bro. Matt Karstetter's recent death has served as a catalyst to initiate new conversations about work practices at Bonneville Power Administration. Local 125 and BPA have engaged in discussions about overall work practices with emphasis on fall protection. These types of discussion are not foreign to our local, nor will BPA be the last utility that assesses how to manage fall protection. If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to your business representative.
Elections have concluded. Thank you to everyone who participated in our democratic process — no matter who had your vote. We'll be working with our newly elected officials to protect and advocate for you. Congratulations to Jake Carter, Local 125 business representative, for winning his election. Jake earned a seat on the Board of Directors at Columbia River PUD.
Moving into 2013, we will face new challenges and experience new successes. Make a commitment to re-engage in your union. Attend your unit meeting. Participate in union-sponsored activities such as Casino Night on Jan. 19, 2013. Organize an event to help your community. This is not the time to let another carry the load alone. Do your part to honor our past and guarantee the future of the IBEW.
Marcy Grail, P.S.
Union Sportsmen's Clay Shoot |
L.U. 153 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts,se,spa&st), SOUTH BEND, IN — We are proud of our brothers who competed in the Union Sportsmen's Alliance Indianapolis Area Sporting Clay Shoot in Fishers, IN. Our team took first place in this event. Team members pictured in the accompanying photo are Dave Overmyer, Todd Emmons, Nick Shafer, Greg Saenz and Rich Erickson. This event was attended by IBEW unions from the area along with other AFL-CIO unions. It was a great showing for the IBEW, as the IBEW took the top five team positions.
Recently, we presented service pins to some of our retirees, and Frank Deneve was in attendance to receive his 65-year pin. Congratulations to all the retirees for their milestones.
We mourn the loss of several members who passed away last year. Unfortunately, in 2012 we lost the largest number of members, retired and active, in any single year in recent times.
Work in the area continues to show signs of improvement, but not at the pace we would like. In 2013, we have two scheduled refueling outages for D.C. Cook Nuclear Plant, a $1 billion gas plant, and our usual customers who keep providing opportunities for employment. This is work that we all want and need.
Stan Miles, Pres., B.A.

Local 153 team members took first place at a recent Union Sportsmen's Alliance Sporting Clay Shoot.
Labor's Efforts Successful |
L.U. 191 (c,i,mo,rtb&st), EVERETT, WA — Let me start this year by wishing all of our members and their families a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
With the 2012 elections behind us, we know that labor's efforts were successful. Thanks to all our members who participated in this important process by campaigning and voting. The only way we make a difference is if we participate. That goes for all elections at all levels.
Retirees and members were honored at the Annual Retiree & Service Pin Banquet. A total of 72 members attended the events in Wenatchee and Everett. Six members were awarded 50-year pins, while Bro. Richard Crookes was awarded a 60-year pin. Two members not in attendance, Howard Messer and William Viger, reached the 65-year mark. Congratulations to all our members who were eligible for service pins this past year.
Congratulations also go out to Bro. Robert Bartell, who was named "Apprentice of The Year" at the annual JATC Graduation Dinner held in September 2012.
As for the work picture in Local 191's jurisdiction, work is slowly picking up; there are projects on the horizon that we hope will be approved and start soon.
Tim Silsbee, P.S.
Members Take Action |
L.U. 237 (i), NIAGARA FALLS, NY — Rather than sit back and wait for other people to make changes, IBEW Local 237 members decided to get involved. We had members (and even some of their children) petition to become committee members for the Niagara County Democratic Committee. Our members had such enthusiasm and passion for what they were doing and spent countless hours going door to door in their respective neighborhoods. As a result, we now have Local 237 members who are a part of the Niagara County Democratic Committee! There was a fantastic turnout of Local 237 brothers at the Niagara County Democratic meeting in October last year, when the committeemen were announced.
Big thanks to our Democratic committeemen: Local 237 members Tom Aurelio, Mike Prosser, Bill Anterline, Gerry Wisor, Gary Wesolowski, Charlie Laska, Vince Colasante, Mark Grozio, Josh Hagar, Tim Rhodes, Tony Parretto, Dave Naus and Nick Coyle, who was named sergeant-at-arms for the Niagara County Democratic Committee.
Timothy Cantrill, P.S. Pro Tem
Hospital Projects |
L.U. 257 (em,i,rtb,rts,spa&t), JEFFERSON CITY, MO — Happy New Year! Hope the New Year brings work and happiness for all. 2012 was a good work year for Local 257 members. The work picture for 2013 looks steady also.
Thanks to all who voted on Nov. 6 last year. Congratulations to all candidates we supported who won election.
The Patient Tower project at the University of Missouri is going well; Local 257 members are wiring the hospital. This project is keeping many members working and will be completed in early 2013.
The new St. Mary's Hospital project will also be wired by Local 257 members; it is to be completed in spring of 2015.
With the University of Missouri Tigers' move to the Southeastern Conference, they will add seats to Faurot stadium and update several projects on the campus in Columbia, MO. We hope our local contractors can pick up many of these projects.
For the Labor Day parade on Sept. 8, Local 257 active members and retirees helped with the float and blew up balloons to hand out. Thanks to all who participated!
Our annual picnic was Sept. 15 at Riverside Park in Jefferson City. We had a good turnout and enjoyed activities, barbeque and camaraderie. Congratulations to all service pin recipients! Thanks to Bus. Mgr. Donnie Bruemmer and Jim Winemiller for getting this together with help from third-year apprentices.
Contract negotiations have begun. Our current one-year contract ends Feb. 28, 2013. We need the input of Local 257 members. Support your local union, so we can keep our unions strong.
Ryan Buschjost, P.S.

Local 257 members working with Meyer Electric on the Patient Tower building at the University of Missouri Medical Center gather at the job site.
Weathering the Storm |
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — Just as everyone's attention was turned toward the upcoming elections, Hurricane Sandy arrived and, overnight, became the biggest concern of millions of lives all along the East Coast. Although many states were affected, New Jersey bore much of the brunt of Sandy's wrath. As the slow, and at times painful, recovery process begins we are all reminded of the things in life that truly matter: family, faith and perseverance. Brotherhood is at the core of our beliefs as union electricians, and so it should be now at the core of efforts to help each other get back on our feet and continue to build a future for ourselves and those we love. You do not need a disaster or personal crisis to compel you to extend a helping hand to someone in need, but if there ever was a time to start caring, it is now. Union brothers from around the state and around the country are ready, willing and extremely able to help New Jersey rebuild and, more importantly, recover.
On a more positive note, Local 269 swore in its latest graduating class during the October meeting, reminding the graduates that they are the future of the local.
Brian Jacoppo, P.S.

Local 269's graduating class of 2012 stands with outgoing president and JATC school headmaster Cliff Reiser (far left) and instructor Leo Wyznewski (far right).
Line Crews Assist Storm Victims |
L.U. 291 (i,mo,o,rtb&rts), BOISE, ID — Local 291 was particularly hard hit by the Great Recession. We are finally starting to see some construction, however.
We thank our sister locals that have been blessed with work. Many of our members have been traveling for work over the last four years. I know they would like to get home. In the meantime, we are grateful that our members have had some place in our regional area they could find work.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. We've had line crews that were working in our area pull up stakes and head east to assist in repairing the damage. We hope the workers remain safe and remember to expect the unexpected while working in those areas hit by the storm.
At this writing, we are planning the dedication of the first Electric Vehicle Charging Station in Idaho; it is located at our JATC Building and powered by a 7.2 Kw solar array. We plan to invite many of our state and local dignitaries to attend.
Aaron White, B.M./F.S.
Utility Crews Head East To Restore Power |
L.U. 309 (i,lctt,mo,mt,o,rts,spa&u), COLLINSVILLE, IL — At this writing, the two big stories are the election and the massive clean-up after Hurricane Sandy. Thanks to early voting a lot of our members were able to cast their vote before heading east for the huge task of restoring power. Ameren released contract crews in addition to sending utility crews from Missouri and Illinois.
After long negotiations between System Council U-05 and Ameren Illinois, we finally reached a four-year agreement, which was ratified Oct. 15, 2012. Local 309 thanks our negotiating committee along with the committees from Locals 51, 649 and 702.
On Nov. 3, 2012, we held our Annual 50-Year Luncheon at Sunset Hills Country Club for our retirees. This event is always well attended and last year was no exception. The 50-year honorees were: James C. Bradley, Daniel P. Cronin, David D. Foree, Alan N. Gilmore, Glenn E. Headen, James J. Hellige, Eugene Kovach, Edward N. Simmons, John M. Stallons Jr. and Wilhem G. Verschuyl.
We also had one 70-year member, Paul Seibert.
Congratulations to all on these milestones.
Scott Tweedy, A.B.M.
'Trading Sunshine for Dollars' |
L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LE SUEUR, MN — The fall season brought the completion of Local 343's solar installation. The non-tracking system is capable of producing 7,200 watts. Through an inverter, the dc current is changed to 208V, 3 phase, and fed into the building. The energy will be used to reduce our electric bill. Local 343 Training Dir. Andy Toft spearheaded the project, which was funded through a grant from the Department of Energy with the Work Force Development program. Work Force Development offers interested applicants a chance to see if an electrical apprenticeship is a possible career path.
The grant benefited students and contractors alike. Tuition was paid for by the grant to those enrolling in a solar technician course offered at the Albert Lea Technical College. Progressive contractors took advantage of free classes at the Local 343 hall pertaining to the solar market, installations, and the benefits of the emerging green economy.
Thanks go out to traveling members who filled our calls for the Prairie Island Nuclear Plant project. The IBEW is more than one man, one woman, one shop, one local or one state. We must help each other when the need arises. That is one part of brotherhood.
Buy American.
Tom Small, P.S.
Thanks to Union Volunteers |
L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV — We are pleased to start 2013 by welcoming our newest organizer, Richard Work! Our brother will be a worthy asset to Local 357.
To recap events that rounded out 2012:
Thanks to the EWMC for their successful Halloween party, a huge hit with the kids!
Thanks to Chris Wile and Terry Heins for their help with the 11th Annual Charity Golf Tournament! All the proceeds went to the Brotherhood Welfare Fund and St. Jude's Ranch for children. It was greatly appreciated.
The Retirees Christmas Party was a fun time. The Kids Christmas Party was also a fun, spirited time as usual. Thanks to Santa and all his elves.
None of these accomplishments would be possible without all the volunteers and dedicated union members.
For the 2012 election campaign, thank you to everyone who registered people to vote, phone banked, door knocked, and gave endless hours of their time to help with the victories that were achieved here in our great state. We know that with the people union members helped elect to office, from the president to officials here in Clark County, we will be able to continue to move forward.
Jennifer Tabor, P.S.
'Fortunate with Work' |
L.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), POCATELLO, ID — At this writing, we are celebrating President Obama's re-election. We hope every member was thoroughly educated on the issues and realized what a Romney administration would have done to destroy organized labor and advance the GOP corporate agenda. Our state elections were also very important and will determine the fate of our survival along with the continuous attack on teachers and their bargaining rights. It is very clear and imperative that we have a lot of educating to do before the next midterm elections, and the next general election in 2016.
We have been fortunate with work in Local 449's western counties employing up to 255 wiremen, at peak, with five signatory contractors at the Chobani Yogurt Plant in Twin Falls. Other work is in progress as well — most notably in the market where we previously have not been for some time, the food processing facilities.
Local 449 hopes all union brothers and sisters had happy holidays and wishes everyone a prosperous New Year.
Congratulations to recent retirees Steven G. Morris, Vaughn Parker and Allen Weaver. Thank you for your service, brothers.
Local 449 sends condolences to the families of recently deceased retired Bros. Dorin Parr, Clyde Kofoed and Gene Cogdill.
Mike Lee Miera, Pres.
Local Solidarity |
L.U. 531 (i), LAPORTE, IN — Pictured in the accompanying photo are proud Local 531 members at the NIPSCO R.M. Schahfer Generating Station in Wheatfield, IN. This is the site of an FGD (flue gas desulfurization) project responsible for reducing sulfur emissions for Units 14 and 15.
The interesting thing about this photo is that it was taken on "Red Shirt Friday," or Solidarity Day, which is every Friday in our local. This tradition started in the 1980s at a time when negotiations were particularly hard, much like today. The leaders of our local decided at that time that a show of solidarity was needed during our contract negotiations. Since then, for the last 30 some years, every Friday has been known as Solidarity Day. Our members take this tradition very seriously and it is practiced almost exclusively on all jobs in our jurisdiction. Customers, construction managers, other trades and travelers working in our local see this solidarity as a sense of pride and camaraderie. I could only recommend that this tradition be carried on throughout the entire labor movement. Solidarity, brothers!
Dean F. Harmon, P.S.

Local 531 members at NIPSCO R.M. Schahfer Generating Station.
Casino Project Breaks Ground |
L.U. 551 (c,i&st), SANTA ROSA, CA — Greetings. In 2012 our local marked another good time by honoring some of our great members with service pins at our Old Timers Dinner, with over 150 in attendance.
Our new Pres. John McEntagart presented service pins to: two brothers with 20 years of service; one sister with 25 years of service; Bus. Mgr. Jack Buckhorn with 30 years; eight brothers with 40 years; two brothers with 45; four brothers with 50; and four brothers with 55 years of service. Our big 60-year pins went to: Otis Harmon, Leo Nauman, James Poppe and Mike Sepulveda! And a big shout-out to Bro. Bob McKusick, who also attended the dinner; he is 91 years young with 72 years of service! Congratulations to these fine brothers and one sister on their accomplishments in our trade!
The Graton Federated Rancheria Casino broke ground and has manned up with the initial crew. By spring of 2013, it should peak with 90 electricians and 30 low voltage installers. This project labor agreement with the tribe equals a 100 percent union job site! This reportedly will be the largest Indian gaming casino in the United States.
And a big thank-you to all who volunteered on our election campaigns with phone banking, precinct walking and putting out signs!
Work safe!
Denise Soza, B.R./P.S.

Local 551 Bro. James Poppe (center) receives 60-year service pin presented by Pres. John McEntagart (right) and Bus. Mgr. Jack Buckhorn (left).
The Fight for Workers |
L.U. 557 (i,mt,rts&spa), SAGINAW, MI — The recent November 2012 election was bittersweet for us in the state of Michigan. At the national level, we were happy to see President Barack Obama re-elected for a second term. However, the outcome for the state level election was not completely in our favor. The battle to pass Prop 2 (collective bargaining) did not work out as we hoped. With that proposition not passing, so-called "right-to-work" legislation was being discussed the very next day by some lawmakers in Lansing. With a right-to-work bill then rushed through the lame-duck legislature and signed so fast after the defeat of Prop 2, our fight has just begun. Until we break the stranglehold of Republican power in Lansing, our fight will not relent.
So, the next round of elections will be as important as the November 2012 elections that just took place. We thank everybody who worked so hard on the effort to elect labor-friendly candidates and to pass ballot measures in our favor.
Jason Rivette, P.S.
A Brother is Mourned |
L.U. 589 (rr), JAMAICA, NY — On Aug. 27, 2012, tragedy struck the Long Island Railroad and IBEW Local 589. Third Railman Ronald Sampson was performing routine maintenance with his co-workers in Queens, NY, on the many miles of track in the LIRR system.
While performing his duties as he did every day, Ron came into contact with the electrified third rail. The other members in his work group tried their best to save Ron's life. They moved him away from the rail and started CPR, but tragically Ron did not survive.
Ron was a 51-year old son, husband, and father of four children. This is a true-life example of the level of risk Local 589 members face each day while maintaining the infrastructure of the largest commuter railroad in the country. Our thoughts and prayers will always be with his family, and he will be missed always.
Augie Maccarone, R.S.
Zero Net Energy Center |
L.U. 595 (c,govt,i&st), DUBLIN, CA — Greetings from the East Bay! Since Nov. 6, we have been celebrating the re-election of President Barack Obama, the defeat of the anti-union Prop 32 initiative, and the election of worker-friendly Democrats throughout our great state. Members mobilized, voters turned out and our voices were heard!
Kudos to our three Young Workers who successfully coordinated Local 595's "No on 32 Campaign": Tanya Pitts, Rachel Bryan and Jason Gumataotao. And thanks to all Local 595 members who worked hard on voter registration, member-to-member outreach, phone banking, precinct walking, lawn-sign planting and literature drops throughout the 2012 campaign. Your hard work paid off.
We are looking to our future. On Oct. 16, 2012, we had over 250 people attend our commissioning of the renewable energy systems at our Zero Net Energy Center in San Leandro. This facility will house our new IBEW/NECA JATC and contain apprentice and journeyman training classrooms, hands-on labs, offices for staff and a large multipurpose meeting room for future events. The Zero Net Energy building will produce as much electricity as it consumes and will be where we train our future work force on all the cutting edge technology of the 21st century.
At this writing, we were approaching the holiday season and looking forward to our annual Santa at the Hall, Old Timers Night and the Retirees Christmas Luncheon — all held in December.
Tom Mullarkey, B.R.

IBEW Local 595 members who installed the Zero Net Energy Center's renewable energy systems are recognized by Bus. Mgr. Victor Uno (at podium).
2012 Softball Tournament |
L.U. 601 (i&rtb), CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL — Our local had a very busy summer last year. We held our annual Steak Stags in both the southern and northern areas of the local. We also had the Annual Clay Shoot and the 36th Annual IBEW Local 601 Invitational Softball Tournament.
We were very fortunate that after an extremely hot summer last year, the weather gave us some reprieve. The weekend of the softball tournament, weather was much cooler and there was no rain. Once again we thank Dave Schweighart Jr., his wife, Stacy, and their children for once again taking on this monumental task. Dave and his volunteers made sure everyone was well fed and no one was thirsty the entire weekend. The cooks at the tournament served hot dogs, hamburgers and brats with all the trimmings. We had 14 IBEW teams from across the state of Illinois, and Local 725 Terre Haute, IN. Congratulations to this year's tournament winners — Alton, IL, Local 649. We thank all the teams that participated in the softball tournament and we hope they had a great time. We also thank all those who helped with the tournament.
At this writing, there are 59 on Book I; 227 on Book II; and one apprentice available for work.
Dan Hatter, P.S.

At the Local 601 Invitational Softball Tournament are, foreground, from left: Asst. Bus. Mgr. Richard Hensler (with back to camera); retired member Wendell Merry; Stacy Schweighart; Danny Bender; two of the Schweighart children; Asst. Bus. Mgr. Lee McMahan; and Mark Henry.
Contract Ratification |
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — On Nov. 17 last year, Local 611 ratified a one-year contract agreement with Econn, US Electric and Freeman Electric. As of this writing we have yet to sign with the NECA contractors.
The 2012 election had a great turnout. If you are not registered to vote, go by the union hall and they can guide you to someone who can get you registered.
Steve Horcheimer has retired after many years of teaching at the JATC. Thank you, Steve, for your time and service. Rodney Becenti will be the new teacher.
Joe Tratechaul was appointed to fill the vacancy on the E-Board; and Bobby Atencio is back temporarily filling the post vacated by Adam Wysong, who recently resigned.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2013, the deductible for our insurance will increase to $400 per person and $800 per family.
Local 611 officers and members extend condolences to the families of members who recently passed away: Harold W. Paschke, Harry W. Greatbatch, Wayne Kelly, Herman Coots, Louis "Louie" Mora, William G. Thomas, Don Q. Fletcher, Billy P. Wilson and Larry M. Johns.
Darrell J. Blair, P.S.

Local 611 journeyman inside wireman Vinny Bovenzi (right), a 35-year IBEW member, shakes hands with his grandson Jonathan Carter, an IBEW apprentice who became a member in Sept. 2012.
JATC Training Facility |
L.U. 649 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), ALTON, IL — "You can't claim work that you don't know how to do," says Local 649 Training Dir. Terry Shewmake.
Our $1 million training facility for the wiremen, instrument technicians and electronic systems technicians is fully operational. It has three classrooms with 70" smart boards, a conference room and JATC offices. It also features an open area where apprentices and journeymen will have lots of space for hands-on training. The new training center is equipped with one-quarter-of-a-million dollars' worth of training equipment — such as an instrumentation trainer, a variable speed drive trainer, an industrial motor trainer, a motor control trainer, and a fire alarm trainer. There is plenty of conduit bending equipment and bending stations. The 6,000-square-foot facility is powered by a 17,000 Kw solar photovoltaic array.
Our instructors, Gary Sammons, Frank Trost and John Holt, now have a facility worthy of their efforts. We thank the members of the JATC: Training Dir. Shewmake, Bus. Mgr. Jack Tueth, journeyman wireman Ryan Mouser and our contractor partners, Mike Kalist of Wegman Electric, Tom Brown of Camp Electric, and Larry Noble of JF Electric.
As Local 649 continues into our second century of existence, our training will be second to none.
Charles Yancey, A.B.M.

Local 649 Training Center, with reflection on pavement after a rainshower.
Work Picture Update |
L.U. 659 (c,catv,em,i,lctt,o,st,t&u), MEDFORD, OR — The local saw a slight increase in employment toward the end of 2012. Pacific Power contracted out some work during the fourth quarter, with Wilson Construction and DJ Construction awarded the jobs. This, along with some Bonneville Power Association (BPA) work, helped to keep the outside line books clear. There may be more work from Pacific Power in 2013. There are some inside wiremen jobs tentatively scheduled for 2013. Applegate Dam in southern Oregon is getting a generation facility retrofitted that looks to go union. Also there is a 12 megawatt solar array scheduled to be built in Bly, Oregon.
Full-time Organizer John Hutter continues to work on various organizing campaigns. John has been able to get salts on some high profile jobs, resulting in bringing in some new wiremen to the local. These workers are able to enjoy a much higher wage and benefit package than they had working nonunion.
Tom Legg, Pres.
Ford Dealership Project |
L.U. 673 (catv,i,rts,spa,t&u), PAINESVILLE, OH — All of our members' hard work resulted in labor friendly candidates being elected to many local positions. On the national stage, voters rejected the right-wing ideology of Mitt Romney. Hopefully President Obama will represent organized labor well. I thank all of our members who volunteered for the election season walks and the phone banks.
One of the projects going up in our area is the new Classic Ford dealership. Jim Brown, owner of the Classic Auto Group, is a true friend of labor. While many of his peers endorse the "race to the bottom" by hiring open shop contractors from all over the country, Jim continues to stand by us and use only union trades on his projects. Please support the Classic Auto Group by buying all of your cars from them.
We continue in our effort to communicate more effectively with all of our members. With issues regarding our pension and health care arising every day, it is more important than ever that you keep up with what is going on in the hall. In addition to our Web site www.ibew673.org and newsletter, you may also follow us on Twitter and Facebook @IBEWLocal673.
Jim Braunlich, P.S.

Local 673 members working at Classic Ford project: from left, Ken Farabaugh, Don Balaban, Randy George, Matt Cline and Nick Capusio.
Appointments Announced |
L.U. 725 (i,rts&spa), TERRE HAUTE, IN — After 8½ years as business manager, R. Todd Thacker has accepted the position of assistant administrator at our Pension and Health & Welfare Fund in Decatur, IL. Bro. Thacker served the local with passion, intensity and with the members' interests in mind at all times. As business manager, he took our local to a new level as a respected and influential labor organization throughout our communities. He brought the members the recognition they deserve by always promoting our skill and professionalism. Bro. Thacker continually improved our agreements and benefits, and always fought for our rights. His leadership will be sadly missed and we wish him the best!
As approved by the Executive Board, former business representative Joe Kerr will be our new business manager, appointed to fill the remainder of the unexpired term. Bus. Mgr. Kerr started his apprenticeship in 1992. He served in the Navy for four years and then served for six years in the Indiana National Guard. He has been on staff for 5½ years and has served on the apprenticeship committee and was the chairman for 18 months. He has been active in the Relief Ride and active in all political issues. We welcomed Joe as our new business manager at our Dec. 14, 2012, meeting. Congratulations!
Tom Szymanski, P.S.

Newly appointed Local 725 Bus. Mgr. Joe Kerr (top) and former business manager R. Todd Thacker.
Electric Car Charging Station |
L.U. 915 (i&mt), TAMPA, FL — Local 915 and our JATC Dir. David McCraw were proud to have U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (FL) at our facilities to attend the unveiling of our new electric car charging station. Through our partnership with private industry, we have acquired a Schneider Electric Vehicle 7.2KW Level 2 Charging Station. This is a pedestal-mount, user-friendly single unit. It uses the standard J-1772 receptacle, which will connect to 99 percent of the electrical vehicles on the road in North America today.
With this charging station we are training the future leaders of the electrical industry in this new and growing highly technical field. Our apprentices have installed this station with all the bells and whistles, including a sub-metering system that will allow us to see the exact electrical consumption of each vehicle charging. This will allow us not only to train in the installation and programming of this system, but it will also allow us to help analyze the future impact on our infrastructure and our electrical grid. Thanks go out to Tampa JATC Instructor Tom Bedwell for spearheading this effort.
Congratulations to our labor friendly re-elected officials Rep. Kathy Castor, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson (FL) and our re-elected President Obama.
Theresa King, P.S.

Local 915 Tampa JATC unveils new electric car charging station.
Favorable NLRB Ruling |
L.U. 1393 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Congratulations to Bro. Joseph Hyrkas, lineman apprentice at Duke Energy Terre Haute office, for receiving second place in the "Apprentice Best of the Best" category and second place in the "Apprentice Investor Owned Utility Division" at the 29th Annual International Lineman's Rodeo held Oct. 13, 2012, in Bonner Springs, KS. The Lineman's Rodeo attracts the best linemen from around the world to compete in events based on traditional lineman tasks.
An Administrative Law Judge for the National Labor Relations Board issued a decision Oct. 16, 2012, holding American Water illegally slashed health care and other benefits for 3,500 workers in nearly 70 different bargaining units in 15 states across the U.S. Local 1393 has 60 members at Indiana-American Water affected by this decision. The decision orders the company to pay back pay with interest to all affected employees and cease and desist from such changes to the health care, retiree insurance and short-term disability. The current back pay estimates are approximately $4 million. Special thanks go to IBEW Eleventh District Int. Rep. James Lynch for his hard work on this issue.
Robert C. Fox, P.S.

Local 1393 lineman apprentice Joseph Hyrkas displays award.
Members Help Restore Power |
L.U. 1439 (u), ST. LOUIS, MO — Hurricane Sandy tore into the Eastern seaboard in late October, and 120 IBEW Local 1439 members employed with Entergy, Alliant, and Ameren/MO traveled to various parts of New Jersey to restore power to hundreds of thousands in need.
Our commitment to safety brought everyone back home to their families with a sense of pride and accomplishment, and needless to say, stories and photos of the wrath of what Mother Nature can do. Local 1439 members collected $600 for a Local 94 brother who was involved in an electrical contact during restoration. After restoring power to a union hall, several Local 1439 members were rewarded with special T-shirts in appreciation for their assistance.
Mike Walter, B.M.

Local 1439 members who restored power to a union hall after Hurricane Sandy display the T-shirts they received for their help.
AmTote Wins Major Contract |
L.U. 1501 (ees,em,mo,pet,rts&t), BALTIMORE, MD — Our members at AmTote International in the racing industry finally received some good news. In fact it's the best news in many years. AmTote won a major contract at the Aqueduct Race Track, in Jamaica, NY, with New York Racing Association. This news led Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dion F. Guthrie to congratulate AmTote company, praising those management representatives responsible for the win. Bus. Mgr. Guthrie stated this was the best news we received in 10 years. We can only hope we are on a roll and the aggressive sales techniques displayed by AmTote on this contract will continue to win new business for our members.
It is our understanding that we will be going after the California contracts in about two years. Bus. Mgr. Guthrie has stayed friends with the California unions over the years, especially Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which represents the mutuals at the California tracks, and they have been keeping each other informed as to what is going on.
Thomas Rostkowski, R.S.

Local 1501 Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dion F. Guthrie (at podium) announces, at an AFL-CIO meeting, that AmTote won a New York Racing Association contract.
'Strong, Helping Hands' |
L.U. 1523 (u), WICHITA, KS — It's a new year, and that brings many hopes and dreams. With the 2012 elections behind us, it is time for continued support of efforts on behalf of working people. The leaders of our country have a tough job ahead of them. They will have a lot of hard work to do.
When Hurricane Sandy struck last year, Local 1523 and many other IBEW locals went into action. It's called a Brotherhood. It's feels good to know that we can count on each other. But we need to remember that the same spirit of brotherhood works at home too. As a member of our local, I can't help but think of all the brothers and sisters that we can help. Sometimes we may forget, but sitting right next you is someone you can depend on — or someone who may need your help.
We had steward training in October. [See photo.] The crowd was small but the information that Int. Rep. Linda Mathews brought to the table was and is invaluable to the stewards. Our Seventh District Int. Rep. Todd Newkirk also shared very useful information and it was a good meeting. I know that I say this a lot, but your steward is the first line of contact for you. Do you know who your steward is? Help your steward out; talk to him or her to see what you can do to help.
Candy C. Cruz-Dodd, P.S.

At Local 1523 steward training session (clockwise, from left): Seventh District Int. Rep. Todd Newkirk, John Enslow Jr., Clint Tankersley, Pricilla Duncan, Loleen Raab, Nathan Payen and Int. Rep. Linda Mathews. Bus. Mgr. Ben Roloff, Candy C. Cruz-Dodd and others were also among attendees.
'Brotherhood' |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — The work outlook in Augusta has had a few setbacks with engineering issues on the Vogtle project and layoffs at the Savannah River Site.
Many of the traveling brothers and sisters have stepped up and left due to high unemployment on Book I. Thanks for all your help and thanks for making room for our local brothers and sisters.
Let's all remember that the "B" in IBEW stands for brotherhood. Sometimes, many forget that we belong to a brotherhood. How could anyone forget? When you hear a brother belittle another brother in order to build himself up in others' eyes and when you think you are better than your fellow brother, then this is the time you have ceased to help the cause of the IBEW. When you constantly look for something wrong, you are missing so much right. Let's have a stronger brotherhood, more standing together, more compassion and more teamwork.
Until next time, God bless.
Will Salters, A.B.M.