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Local Lines |
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Bus. Mgr. Booth Mourned | |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa,st &ws), ST. LOUIS, MO — It is with a heavy heart that Local 1 announces that Bus. Mgr. Greg Booth passed away on Aug. 26. Throughout his career, Greg served the members of Local 1 by wearing many hats; he was a steward, foreman, general foreman, COMET instructor, organizer, Examining Board member, business agent and business manager. Along the way, Greg amassed a tremendous resumé, participating in virtually every issue related to labor in St. Charles, Lincoln and Warren counties as a business agent and president of Tri-County Labor. An attempt to list all of his accomplishments would take pages. Greg lived his life for his Local 1 brothers and sisters, ever seeking to advance their causes and standard of living. He lived by example, always putting others before himself, always being a champion for working-class families of our region. Local 1 will be forever grateful for the legacy of Greg Booth. As a role model for future generations, let us all try to walk in the big footsteps of one of the best labor leaders of our time. We also mourn recently deceased members: David Pennick, Lucille Richts, Charles Barrale, Burton Wolf, Albert Dickerson, George Spanel Sr., Lawrence Niehaus, Clifford Reichle, Truman Waldrup, Chris Randen, James Kenefick, Larry Huett, Albert Grega, Leonard Baca, Gregory Booth and Hubert Zerr. |
![]() Local 1 Bus. Mgr. Gregory Booth (Aug. 15, 1964 – Aug. 26, 2012). |
Thanks to IBEW Volunteers |
L.U. 9 (catv,govt,lctt,o&u), CHICAGO, IL — The 7th Annual Local 9 Golf Outing was Aug. 11. Over 200 participants enjoyed a beautiful day and spirited competition on the fairways at Glen Eagles Country Club. Net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure, a 60-mile walk over three days to raise funds for breast cancer research. As a participant in the walk, I thank my fellow brothers and sisters for their generous support. Over 800 members and their families enjoyed our Sept. 8 annual family picnic. Games, races, music, great food and friendship were highlights. Thank you to Pres. John Conroy for all his work organizing this event. Without Pres. Conroy and his fellow volunteers, this event would not be possible. Our bylaws were updated. A complete version of the bylaws can be found on our Web site www.ibew9.org. Included in this update is an increase of the Local 9 Death Benefit to $3,500. Please contact the office if you wish to update/change your beneficiary. At this writing, preparations are under way for the critically important Nov. 6 election. Thank you to all members who volunteered to work phone banks and get the word out to vote for candidates who support working families. Please visit the Local 9 Web site for union happenings, announcements, etc. Enjoy a happy holiday season and we look forward to a prosperous new year. |
'Smart Microgrid' at Electrical Training Institute |
L.U. 11 (i,rts&spa), LOS ANGELES, CA — A ribbon cutting dedication ceremony for a first of its kind "Smart Microgrid System" at the Electrical Training Institute of Southern California took place Aug. 22 at our 26th Annual Electrical Industry BBQ and Open House. The event was hosted by the Los Angeles IBEW/NECA Labor Management Cooperation Committee. The solar power generating Smart Microgrid System is a fully self-contained, self-reliant energy production, energy storage and energy management system. The system is designed to charge electric vehicles from multiple sources, inject stored power into the building's electrical system, provide standby emergency power to the Computer Server Room during a power outage, and integrate 3 DC power sources with varying voltages. On another note, thanks to all the IBEW Local 11 members who volunteered as tutors for the Electrical Workers Minority Caucus (EWMC) Mentoring Program to help candidates from our community prepare to enter into our apprenticeship program. The EWMC is committed to community service and leadership development. The Los Angeles EWMC Chapter meets the third Saturday of each month. The Mentoring Program takes place on the months that the entrance exam is being given. For more information or to volunteer, contact Shomari Davis by e-mail at Davis@joinlocal11.org. |
![]() IBEW Local 11 members volunteered as EWMC tutors. From left, Michael Dominguez, Andrew Garcia, Manny Solis, Shomari Davis, Marcola Cason, Jayson Lee and Christopher Cruz; standing at back, Brian Thomas. |
Utility Local Update |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — Local 15 had eight members attend the 2012 IBEW International Women's Conference in Washington D.C. We have started negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement for the Distribution Testing engineers, a group of members who just recently voted to join IBEW Local 15. On June 29, LaSalle Nuclear Station commemorated 30 years of generation. On the fossil side of the house, Fisk and Crawford Stations, both instrumental in powering Chicago in its early years, have produced their last megawatt. Fisk Station started operations in 1903, over 109 years ago; Fisk's glorious run ended on Aug. 31 at 9 p.m. Crawford Station ran 87 years, from 1925 until Aug. 29 at 10:15 p.m., when it was taken off-line. Storms in July kept our members busy, with many of us working 16 hours on and eight hours off for about a month. We put in over 1,157,712 hours in this timeframe, and our call center members handled over 10,634,400 calls! The Overhead Transmission group has started erecting transmission towers for the first time since the early 1980s. The United Way kickoffs have begun and Local 15 asks our members for their support of this year's campaign. Finally, 2012 Local 15 Scholarship winners were announced. Congratulations to: Ryan Woulfe, Hailey Evans, Amra Marshall, Kayla Robinson, Dino Ramirez, Allison Amato, Emilee Myers, Jirmiah Leverett, Ben Wenzelman, Doug Platt and Sarah Prendergast. |
![]() Local 15 officers and members attend the 2012 IBEW International Women's Conference in Washington, DC. From left, Bus. Mgr./Pres. Dean Apple, Rec. Sec. Christine Watkins, Vice Pres. Terry McGoldrick, Kathryn Sugrue, Sharon Artis, Shonna Hayes, Carmen Tapia and Janet Gonzales. |
Marching in Support of Workers |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY — Local 41 members who attended this year's Labor Day parade participated in the hottest Labor Day on record in Buffalo. With the heat turned up, we marched with area politicians in support of labor. We are fortunate to have a good relationship with some of the elected officials in our area. This relationship has been forged through our continual support of those who support the middle class. We knock on doors, make phone calls, and hopefully support them in the voting booth. We then have elected officials who vote for what is right for the middle class at whatever level they hold office. Every election year we must play an active role in politics. I know that some of our members do not like to be involved in politics, but the fact remains that it is vital to our existence that we support those who support the middle class. Hopefully this year we will vote for the middle class. Please continue to stay involved with your union — that's when it works best. |
![]() Local 41 contingent is joined by public officials at Labor Day parade. From left: Dominic Montaldi, James Dunphy, Sean O'Reilly, City of Buffalo Comptroller Mark Schroeder, young Brian Hilmey, Richard Nader, Kevin Weir, U.S. Rep. Brian Higgins and Jud Payne. |
National Training Institute |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — Work slowed down slightly starting in September. Over the summer we put out over 240 traveling brothers and sisters for work. While this will not be the case over the winter, work should pick up again in March or April. Recently the local JATC instructors and training staff attended this year's National Training Institute. While there our recently retired training director, Peter Dulcich, was given an award for his years of service as one of the leading directors in the country. |
![]() Local 43 JATC instructors and staff who attended the 2012 National Training Institute. Front row, Jeff DeSocio (left), David Bourque, Peter Dulcich and Scott Garland; back row, Bob Picard, Rich Shopland and Levan Wells. |
'Actively Involved' |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Thank you to all our veterans for your patriotism and sacrifice. Local 47 wishes all IBEW members a happy Thanksgiving. The local has been actively involved in local, state and federal campaigns for Democrats, Republicans and independents. The major battle is Proposition 32 — another attempt by powerful business interests to silence the voice of workers. Twenty-five Local 47 members participated in the largest protest against a proposed Wal-Mart store. Thousands marched in the Chinatown section of Los Angeles. The Aug. 11 Workers Stand for America rally in Philadelphia, where America's Second Bill of Rights was rolled out, was attended by a group from Local 47. The local held its 12th Annual Memorial Golf Tournament. Proceeds from the event are used to fund the local's Injured Workers Fund. The tournament is a good time for a good cause. Local 47 rolled out its Craft Driven Safety Program with the Transmission/ Distribution Business Unit at Southern California Edison. The joint effort between the union and company is designed to improve safety standards and practices. We are sad to report the passing of Local 47 member Turtle Carney. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. Work safe, live well, work union! |
![]() Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill (center) greets Local 47 officers and members at 2012 IBEW International Women's Conference. From left: Madelyn Dollear, Chris Longoria, Bus. Mgr. Pat Lavin, Int. Pres. Hill, Tracy Samac, Carmela Bottles and Vivian Alderete. |
Contract Negotiations |
L.U. 53 (lctt,o,rts&u), KANSAS CITY, MO — What's lighting up with Local 53? Contract negotiations! President and Bus. Rep. Steve White has been engaged in some long and challenging negotiations with the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities. At this writing, Local 53 is currently in negotiations with the City of Carrollton trying to get the very first contract done. Also at press time, negotiations are coming up with Channel 5 KCTV and Osage Valley Co-Op. Bus. Rep. Dexter Drerup is also engaged in current contract negotiations with Sho-Me Power Electric Co-op, Marshfield, MO. The current agreement expired at midnight on June 31, 2012. At this writing, negotiations were scheduled to resume on Sept. 25 in Springfield, MO. We regret that our annual Labor Day parade was cancelled this year. However we hope to resume next year and look forward to it. It is always good to see labor at its finest, celebrating and having a great time and we still hope to see you there. Hope all finds and keeps you well…Local 53! |
Golf Tournament Benefit |
L.U. 57 (lctt,mo,o,t&u), SALT LAKE CITY, UT — Local 57's Annual Golf Tournament was held Aug. 17 at Talons Cove Golf Club in Saratoga Springs, Utah. The tournament was followed up by a great barbeque lunch and raffle. Good times were had by all, especially the winning team at 17 under! Sandbaggers! Proceeds from the event are donated to the University of Utah Burn Center. Thanks to all the tournament sponsors, players, Talons Cove and the Local 57 Golf Committee for putting on a great tournament. The staff has been busy with multiple contract negotiations and upcoming negotiations with Rocky Mountain Power, FairPoint and Frontier. Outside work remains slow as we head into the winter season. Our members are traveling to other jurisdictions to help with storm restoration and other work. Members were encouraged to educate themselves, family, friends and neighbors about the issues this election season — and to vote for candidates who support labor and working families. Let's rebuild the middle class that built this great country! |
Bruce Brennan Award |
L.U. 77 (lctt,mt,o,t&u), SEATTLE, WA — The Bruce Brennan Award is presented to an individual who has shown dedication to education, training and apprenticeship. Nominees for this award must exhibit leadership, commitment and dedication to the principles of apprenticeship, education and training for the people of Washington state. The 2012 Bruce Brennan Award was presented to IBEW Local 77 Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Don Guillot on Aug. 6 at the Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, Constitutional Convention held in Wenatchee, WA. Bus. Mgr. Guillot's decades of emphasis on electrical workers' training culminated in the re-opening of the National Utility Training & Education Center (NUTEC), now owned and operated by IBEW Local 77 in Richland. The first classes were taught this year in this world-class facility thanks to Guillot's vision, drive and determination. |
![]() Local 77 Bus. Mgr./Fin. Sec. Don Guillot. |
Contracts Negotiated |
L.U. 97 (u), SYRACUSE, NY — Local 97 negotiated the tenth contract in the past 26 months. This recently negotiated contract was the 97C (clerical) agreement with National Grid. The local also continues to fight the proposed Champlain-Hudson transmission project, which would bring Canadian power into New York state instead of using energy produced in New York state. Local 97 believes that eliminating transmission bottlenecks with upgrades to the existing system would greatly enhance the entire New York grid instead of simply importing power for New York City. The local's largest employer, National Grid, filed a rate case with the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC). The local continues to monitor the rate case to ensure that our membership is not adversely affected. In keeping with Local 97's theme of "Restoring the Pride," each of the traditional divisions, East, Central and West, held family events where members from the different properties represented by the local were able to interact and build solidarity. Members participated in the "Workers Stand for America" rally in Philadelphia in August and marched in the Labor Day parade at the "Great New York State Fair." |
Solidarity Rally |
L.U. 103 (cs&i), BOSTON, MA — As many of you know, the Workers Stand for America Rally was held at Eakins Oval park in Philadelphia on Aug. 11. The night before, 150 of our members piled into three Peter Pan buses and took the journey to show our unwavering support and joined an estimated 40,000 people the following day. At the rally, America's Second Bill of Rights was presented as an encompassing solution to the everyday challenges faced by our working men and women. The platform calls for the rights to: full employment and a living wage, quality education, a voice in the work place, full participation in the electoral process, and a secure and healthy future. We heard speeches from labor leaders including IBEW Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill and AFL-CIO Pres. Rich Trumka. If you were unable to attend the Aug. 11 rally in solidarity, please visit www.WorkersStandForAmerica.com to sign America's Second Bill of Rights. On a lighter note, the 10th Annual Family Outing Day celebration was held Sept. 2 to celebrate Labor Day. Local 103 provided food and fun for the members and their children. Activities included sand art, clown shows, face painting, and even a rock climbing wall. |
![]() Boston Local 103 members attend Workers Stand for America rally in Philadelphia. |
Report from Hamilton, Ontario |
L.U. 105 (catv,i&o), HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA — Congratulations to our baseball team on their recent victory in the OPC tournament in St. Catherines, Ontario. Our team was undefeated in four games and claimed the trophy for best team in Ontario. Well done! Thank you to all our brothers who took the Skid Steer & T Rex courses recently offered. We need these tickets for our changing markets (solar farms, etc.). Bro. Lorne Newick and his entertainment committee had great success with the Family Day picnic at Confederation Park in Hamilton, Ontario. There was a large turnout and everyone had a lot of fun. We hope to make this an annual occasion. Congratulations to Bro. Jack Tompkins on his hole-in-one at the Cayuga Golf Tournament — quite a feat! A noteworthy moment: Banker David Rockefeller (brother of late New York governor Nelson Rockefeller) in a 1986 interview with Edelstein stated: "Harry Van Arsdale Jr. [late New York Local 3 former business manager] believed in the free enterprise system. He recognized that employees and members of the work force depend on profitable business if they were going to be well off themselves, so he never begrudged the profitability of business as long as the labour force was treated well." |
Dedication & Perseverance |
L.U. 111 (em,govt,lctt,mt,o,rtb,spa&u), DENVER, CO — On Aug. 28, 2012, Local 111 received a favorable decision in its arbitration against Xcel Energy of one of the largest termination cases. Arbitrator Lou Chang ruled in his arbitration award that the six utility workers fired in October 2011 should be reinstated and made whole with full back pay, seniority and benefits. Arbitrator Chang cited that the grievants were inadequately trained; that the discipline imposed failed to follow principles of the progressive discipline policy; and that the imposition of disparately severe termination discipline was inconsistent with the company's general practice as established over its past history of administering discipline. Union attorneys were impressed throughout the arbitration process by the level of expertise and experience that Local 111 agents demonstrated in presenting the facts in this case. Union Tripartite member, Local 111 Senior Asst. Bus. Mgr. Bruce J. Lawlor, stated: "We argued from the very start that [the six utility workers'] infractions did not rise to the level of severity which would justify termination for a first offense. These terminations were initiated by an overly sensitive upper management, as a result of a pending franchise election. Somebody needed to pay the price and so they went after our members." Congratulations to all the grievants involved in this case who have persevered throughout their hardship. |
Golf & Softball Tournaments Benefit Oregon Burn Center |
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR — The local hosted its annual golf and softball tournaments in Bend, OR. Each event raises funds for the Oregon Burn Center and the local's Brotherhood Fund. This year's events generated $10,500 for the Oregon Burn Center. Thank you to our many sponsors, volunteers and participants — and a special thank you to the friends and family members who joined us for the spirited competition at each tournament. Golf winners: Cheryl Neumann won both the Women's KP and LD; Brian Douthit nailed the Men's KP; and Matt Schulfer hammered the LD. Dave Silva, Dustin Berning, Phil Pomeroy and Brian Miller claimed first place (low gross) while Adam Arms, Kimberly Allen, Ken Demo and Marcy Grail claimed first on the Callaway Scoring system. Rob Daniels, Matt Eilenberger, Steve Tollefson and Chuck Eilenberger finished second and Jake Carter, Jack Carter, Scott Olson and Joe Litzinger took third place. Softball winners: Gold Bracket — 1st, PP&L PMOC; 2nd, PGE-Oregon City; 3rd, Jins Who. Silver Bracket — 1st, Substation Op; 2nd, PP&L Portland Field Services; 3rd, Gresham PGE #2. Most Sportsmanship Team — Pacific Power #659. |
![]() Portland, OR, Local 125 hosts its annual golf and softball benefit tournaments. |
Spirit of Labor Award |
L.U. 139 (i&u), ELMIRA, NY — On Aug. 25, Local 139 was honored by the United Way of the Southern Tier. United Way Pres. Ron Hatch and United Way Vice Pres. Steve Hughes presented the newly named "Charles B. Patton Spirit of Labor Award" to Local 139 Bus. Mgr. Ernie Hartman. The new name of the award is in honor of our departed Local 139 brother and former business manager. A duplicate award was presented to Charlie's widow, Billie Patton, in the presence of the Patton family. Our thanks to the United Way of the Southern Tier for this fitting memorial to a great labor leader and community partner. |
![]() IBEW Local 139 receives United Way's "Spirit of Labor Award." From left are: United Way Pres. Steve Hughes, IBEW Local 139 Bus. Mgr. Ernie Hartman and United Way Pres. Ron Hatch. |
Election Season Volunteers |
L.U. 197 (em&i), BLOOMINGTON, IL — We hope everyone had a healthy and enjoyable Labor Day. In Bloomington we enjoyed marching, handing out candy, and celebrating our proud union at the McLean County parade. Thanks to all our members and family members who showed up to carry on the tradition of our local's participation in the parade. Thanks to Jack Roberts and Robin Roberts for heading up our annual golf outing. Everyone had a good time and it was good to get together with brothers and sisters that we may not see from day to day. At this writing, election season is shifting into high gear. We will be busy knocking on doors, handing out fliers, making phone calls, and reminding people to get out to the polls to support labor friendly candidates. We hope everyone gets engaged and votes their paycheck. Here in Illinois we have been hearing more about legislators introducing so-called "right-to-work" laws. We don't have the money to compete with big business so we have to mobilize our resources and make sure we are working as hard as ever to keep labor friendly candidates elected and re-elected including our President Obama. Please keep the Paul Collins family in your thoughts and prayers. We are saddened to report Bro. Collins' passing. Remember to get involved in the local and stay involved! |
![]() Assembled to march in McLean County Labor Day parade are Local 197 member Josh Mathis, his wife, Holly, and daughter Abbie. |
Unity on Display |
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — Thousands of union brothers and sisters joined together in a show of unity and commitment to the organized labor movement at the Workers Stand for America rally on Saturday, Aug. 11, at Philadelphia's historic Eakins Oval. The IBEW was strongly represented along with members representing dozens of trade unions. It was a day full of speeches, live music, food and goodwill, all geared toward showing the people of Philadelphia and parts beyond that the labor movement is determined to have its voice heard by those who seek to shape the future of this country. By gathering in force in a public place, we show the communities around us and fellow citizens that our organizations consist of real people with real responsibilities and real challenges. Our agenda is to provide a better life for all who are willing to work for it, not to provide the lion's share to a select few who can purchase the results they seek through high-paid lobbyists and politicians-for-hire. Rallies like the one in Philadelphia are crucial to unions for remaining a part of the political landscape and fighting for our piece of the American dream. |
![]() IBEW Local 269 brothers and sisters attend Aug. 11 labor rally in Philadelphia, PA. |
Securing Work Opportunities |
L.U. 291 (i,mo,o,rtb&rts), BOISE, ID — For the Inside wiremen in Local 291, work has been pretty flat so far this year. We are, however, seeing work opportunities in "renewables" and "industrial" and we are hopeful that the work will go our way. On the Outside job picture, signatory contractors have been successful in securing dock work with Idaho Power, which is a nonunion utility. This work has historically been 100 percent nonunion and we are very excited about the potential of this new development. At our annual picnic we recognized 158 members with years-of-service pins. That is the highest number of service pin recipients in Local 291's history! Three members received 65-year service pins: Orville Ellis, Bill Lamm and Art Cushing. Congratulations to all those who received service pin awards. |
Mandatory State Licensing for Delaware Journeymen |
L.U. 313 (i&spa), WILMINGTON, DE — With the help of Delaware state Rep. Michael P. Mulrooney, a current IBEW Local 313 member, the state of Delaware adopted House Bill 180 into law effective June 30, 2012. Consequently, anyone performing "electrical services" in the state of Delaware must have a journeyman's license. In addition, all apprentices must be licensed and enrolled in a state approved apprenticeship program. Both journeypersons and apprentices must complete five hours of continuing education every two years upon renewing their licenses. All contractors entering the state to perform "electrical services" must have their workers licensed. All electricians must have completed a board approved apprenticeship or have worked 8,000 hours under the supervision of a "master or limited electrician." |
Local Union Update |
L.U. 317 (i,o,rts,t&u), HUNTINGTON, WV — It's been quite a while since Local 317 had an update in "Local Lines." As the newly appointed press secretary, I would like to let our members know that I will work hard to make sure we have an article regularly. Local Lines is a great way to keep up to date with what's going on around the country and helps keep the spirit of solidarity alive. As we pass through the three-quarter mark of 2012, it's easy to say that this has not been a stellar year for Local 317. Work has remained slow in both the industrial and commercial fields. Plans for a new coal gasification plant and planned upgrades to several coal-fueled power plants seem to be on hold until after the presidential election. We are optimistic that work will pick up though by the end of the year. We will continue to do as the rest of our brothers and sisters across the county are doing and hang in there. Let's not forget how important the Nov. 6 election is for the future of our work. |
Strength in Solidarity |
L.U. 347 (em,i,mt,rtb,rts&spa), DES MOINES, IA — Though work in the area may have peaked already for this year, there appears to be a glimmer of hope on the horizon. There are still some good-sized industrial and light industrial projects looking forward. The work outlook in some of our neighboring locals also seems to hold some hope of improvement. So all in all, work in Iowa looks promising some months out. At this writing, I just saw IBEW Locals 347 and 55 with the best turnout of membership of the entire Labor Day festivity in Des Moines. Before we hurt our arms slapping each other on the back, it must be noted that there is plenty of room for improvement. So I want to encourage everyone to get involved at all union events. We have strength when everyone contributes a little. Many hands make light work. Speaking of showing up ... a recent U.S. court decision struck down the impediments to voting in Texas as illegal. Powerful forces are aligned to try to suppress the vote. Claim your privilege to vote. Show up to your polling place on Election Day and vote. |
Annual Picnic a Success |
L.U. 351 (c,cs,i,it,lctt,mt,o,se,spa&t), FOLSOM, NJ — Our annual picnic was held Aug. 4 at Morey's Pier in Wildwood, NJ. The weather was perfect and we all had a great time. Again we exceeded last year's number in attendance. Over 2,000 people passed through the gates. We had 459 door prizes worth over $25,000. Thanks to all who donated. Special thanks go to all the committee members for their time and hard work to make the picnic such a great day and a huge success. Picnic Committee members: Wayne Bumm, Ray Listman, Ron Shaiko, T.J. Wolfe, Ed Reiser, Dan Cosner, Bill Hosey, Buddy Blatcher, Kenny Jones, Chuck Della Vecchia, Joe Trumbetti, Frank Hannum, Sean Newlin, Duke Collins, Scott Goehringer, Kathy Moser, Tim Carew and Greg Berwick. |
![]() Local 351 picnic committee members. |
Appreciation for Union Service |
L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV — I would like to thank the many volunteers who helped make this year's picnic such an enjoyable success. It is because of your hours of help before, during and after the picnic that our families are able to have such a wonderful time. Thank you, Mickey Miles, for your many years of service as one of our Health and Welfare trustees. May you enjoy your retirement! Pres. Tom Stetson appointed Raquel Dexter to fill the vacated trustee position. Congratulations, Raquel, and thank you. |
Terrific Turnout for Rally |
L.U. 363 (catv,em,govt,i,t,u&ws), NEW CITY, NY — We had a terrific turnout for the Workers Stand for America rally on Aug. 11 in Philadelphia. Bus. Mgr. Sam Fratto coordinated four busloads of Local 363 members to support the cause. What a great day to demonstrate the partnership of the labor movement. We are very proud that Int. Pres. Edwin D. Hill played a leadership role in the event. I hope all the young brothers and sisters who attended could experience the great spirit of solidarity at the rally. In September we held another successful annual clambake. This event is a favorite of mine, as many retired brothers attend and share some of their "war stories." Thanks to all who participated to make the day a great success. In October we held our annual blood drive and are grateful to all who donated. We also had our first annual Halloween party for the children and grandchildren of our members. There was a pumpkin patch, trick-or-treating and games and activities. All the youngsters were in costumes and had a fantastic time. |
'Political Fight for Survival' |
L.U. 375 (catv,ees&i), ALLENTOWN, PA — On Aug. 11, Local 375 joined with thousands of fellow union members at the Workers Stand for America rally in Philadelphia. The message to all elected officials was loud and clear — support policies to strengthen the average middle-class family. We will have a fight for survival if we fail to act this election cycle. Please participate in any labor walks, phone banks or other election activities being conducted by your local union. Local 375 also hosted the "Romney-Ryan Wrong for Pennsylvania Bus Tour" on Aug. 29. The featured speakers included Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski; Pennsylvania state Rep. Eugene DePasquale, Democratic candidate for state auditor general; Massachusetts state Sen. Katherine Clark; and Massachusetts state Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez. What an eye opener to learn firsthand how Mitt Romney performed as governor of Massachusetts. He claims to have a plan for creating jobs, yet under his leadership Massachusetts ranked near the bottom (47th) in job growth. It appears there was a reason why he was only a one-term governor! Don't forget to vote on Nov. 6 and remember to bring your photo ID. |
![]() IBEW Local 375 members participate at Aug. 11 Workers Stand for America rally in Philadelphia. |
Workers Oppose Prop. 32 |
L.U. 441 (as,i&rts), SANTA ANA, CA — At this writing, as the November election draws closer, unions find themselves under heavy attack again by Proposition 32. Cleverly disguised as campaign finance reform, Prop. 32's ban on voluntary paycheck deductions would ultimately restrict unions and corporations from educating their membership/employees about issues and candidates who do or do not support their interests. Proposition 32 becomes doubly misleading when you consider that corporations do not ask their employees for deductions to support candidates or ballot measures. Prop. 32 is an attack against unions and it is the single most important proposition for California union members to vote against in the November elections. Congratulations to Local 441's softball team for winning this year's Ninth District Softball Tournament championship. Local 441 went 7-0 in the annual two-day tournament, defeating defending champions Local 595 in the final game. Hosted by Local 595 on Aug. 11-12 at the Big League Dreams Field in Manteca, 21 teams played in the tournament, including the New York Local 3 team. A big thank-you goes to Local 595 for hosting the tournament and dinner. Local 441 looks forward to hosting the event next year in Orange County. |
![]() Local 441 softball team, 2012 Ninth District Softball Tournament champions. |
Chobani Plant Project |
L.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), POCATELLO, ID — Summer has come and gone and we have been fortunate for work. The local's western jurisdiction has been very busy with the new Chobani Yogurt Plant project. At the time of this writing, we have about 250 members working for four signatory contractors on the Chobani project. I thank all the brothers and sisters who have come to help man the work and the local unions that helped get the information out. We have picked up some other work that will help us improve our market share and union density in the western part of our local. Local 449 has an official Chartered 449 Auxiliary. The local appreciates the persistence of Local 449 member Laurie Watters, who has done an outstanding job of organizing a group of members' spouses, arranging monthly meetings, and raising money for the Wireman Wellness Fund. This group is all about involving current and newly organized members' spouses and educating them on the importance of the union movement. I thank Laurie and everyone who has made this a positive venture for the local. With elections upon us, we all need to get out and vote. If we don't, we lose our right to complain about what is going to happen to the working-class people of America. |
'Advance the Middle Class' |
L.U. 455 (em&u), SPRINGFIELD, MA — A contingent from IBEW Local 455 attended the Workers Stand for America rally Aug. 11 in Philadelphia. Speakers included President Obama (who addressed the rally via video), IBEW Pres. Edwin D. Hill, AFL-CIO Pres. Richard Trumka and many others. Rally speakers urged workers across America to come together and elect those who share our goals to advance the middle class and protect the benefits that we have worked hard for over the years. Those of us who attended the rally are carrying that message back to the workplace, and we urge all members of our local to get out and vote for those who care about working families. |
![]() IBEW members stand in front of 'Rocky' statute at the Workers Stand for America rally. From left, Local 455 members Tom Albano, Dave Mitchell, Cain Czub and Jim DiBernardo; Int. Rep. Edward W. Collins Jr.; and Steve Martin, Local 2324. |
Apprentice Graduates Honored |
L.U. 481 (ees,em,i,mt,rts,s&spa), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — Congratulations to all inside journeymen who were honored at the 61st Electrical Training Institute graduation ceremony held Aug. 11, 2012. The Solidarity Award is given to an apprentice who has shown sincere dedication and brotherhood throughout their apprenticeship. The Solidarity Award winners for the December 2011 graduating class were Dominic Collins and Sean O'Donnell. The Solidarity Award was presented to Chad Bowman for the May 2012 graduating class. The Circle of Lights Celebration presented by the Quality Connection Contractors and IBEW 481 Electrical Workers will take place the day after Thanksgiving. This year marks the 50th year of IBEW Local 481 transforming the centerpiece of Indianapolis' Soldiers and Sailors Monument into what was once known as the world's largest Christmas tree. We have special celebration plans to recognize this momentous occasion. Please remember to get out and vote and also remind your family and friends to vote as well. This is a crucial election as the labor movement is facing candidates who would disrupt union life as we know it. Vote for your livelihood! On behalf of the officers and entire local union staff, have a safe and happy holiday season! |
![]() Local 481 class of 2012 apprentice graduates. |
Campaign Season Volunteers |
L.U. 551 (c,i&st), SANTA ROSA, CA — We started the campaign season activity earlier than normal, which is usually the day after Labor Day. The locals here in California have been hitting the phones and job sites since early August to encourage our members, our members' families, and everyone we know to vote "no" on Proposition 32. This deceptive ballot measure put out by wealthy corporations would cut out the union voice in politics. Well, we won't let that happen will we, brothers and sisters? And remember this November, lobby your hobby and vote your paycheck! Which president will work for the working class? Please vote and get out and volunteer to help your union and America! We had a great turnout for our Labor Council Labor Day Pancake Breakfast attended by elected officials from the national, state and local levels and most every office out there. We all sat down to a good meal and listened to our leaders who fight on behalf of labor, working families and our struggles. Thanks to all who volunteered and participated. Good times! We are finally seeing movement with the Graton Rancheria Resort and Casino job. This is the largest construction project in the North Bay's history. We look forward to putting our members back to work. |
![]() Local 551 Labor Day pancake breakfast attendees include inside wireman Bill Henry (front, center) and wife. |
Politically Active Volunteers |
L.U. 557 (i,mt,rts&spa), SAGINAW, MI — We thank all the members for their hard work and dedication during this political season. It's been one of the most challenging years with all that has occurred on the political front. We hope the election outcome is favorable for working people and then we can get back to some sense of normalcy. The work situation in our area has finally caught up with the rest of the state. We were lucky to have good employment during the economic downturn, but those jobs have since wound down or dried up completely. Until our economy gets back to normal and companies start reinvesting money, jobs will be few and far between in our area. |
Membership Service Awards |
L.U. 569 (i,mar,mt,rts&spa), SAN DIEGO, CA — At our August general membership meeting we held our annual Pin Night, at which membership service awards were presented by Bus. Mgr. Johnny Simpson and Pres. David Taylor. Members receiving 50-year awards were: Bruce Macrobbie, Charles Morrison and Ernest Shaffer. Others receiving service awards included: Russell Bonner — for 55 years; Kenneth Rahn — 60 years; and Manford Stubblefield — 65 years. We honored William F. Davis, who received a 70-year service award. We also acknowledge all those members who received 20- through 45-year service pins. Congratulations and thank you to all for your many years of service. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude for keeping our local alive and well. |
![]() Local 569 membership service award honorees: Ernest Shaffer (left), Charles Morrison, Russell Bonner, Manford Stubblefield, William F. Davis, Kenneth Rahn and Bruce Macrobbie. |
Zero Net Energy Building |
L.U. 595 (c,govt,i&st), DUBLIN, CA — Although some major projects were recently completed, our employment picture continues to be positive in Local 595. Our Cal Bears are playing in their beautiful new digs at Memorial Stadium and research is in full swing at the recently occupied Helios and Li Ka Shing laboratories on the UC Berkeley campus as well. Our new Oakland Airport BART connector is taking shape through Oakland and will be a welcomed addition when you fly in to visit us, guided by our new air traffic control tower. Our JATC recently held the commissioning of the renewable generation components at our new home, to be called the ZNE Center. It will be the first commercial retrofit Zero Net Energy building in California and will be a showpiece for us and for our industry. A big thank-you goes out to Dave Nelson and his crew of picnic volunteers for another very successful union picnic with over 700 members and their families in attendance. We thank all of our members who worked so hard throughout the 2012 election campaign to make a difference for working men and women in this country. Union membership makes up a small percentage of the work force, but we insure that our voices are the loudest for all workers and their families. |
![]() Local 595 thanks all the stewards at Russell City Energy Center: Pat Gallagher, Mike VanWinkle, Jason Liesner and (not pictured) Barbara Dees and Vinson Owyoung. |
Annual Picnic at 'Six Flags' |
L.U. 613 (em,i,o,rts&spa), ATLANTA, GA — The IBEW Local 613 annual picnic was quite a success. It was held in the same place as last year, Six Flags Over Georgia, as many were hoping it would be. Members along with their children, grandparents, family and friends had exclusive run of the park. Over 6,200 attended the event. All parking, entrance fees and food were taken care of. Attendees' only care was to get there, eat and have a good time. Many were able to ride various rides two and three times. There were no hassles of standing in long lines waiting forever just to get on one ride. Many members also enjoyed lots of games played and won stuffed animals to take home. The weather was comfortable, which made the outing even better. The food was good, the employees were helpful, the games were easy to win and it made for a good time for all. |
![]() Local 613 members and their families attend annual picnic at Six Flags Over Georgia. |
Organizing Successes |
L.U. 659 (c,catv,em,i,lctt,o,st,t&u), MEDFORD, OR — This past summer the local had two successful organizing campaigns. A new unit was organized at the city of Myrtle Creek. These nine new members are clerical workers, and building and grounds maintenance workers. At Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB), eight facility maintenance workers were added to that unit. These successful campaigns were headed by organizer John Hutter with help from all the reps at the local. Iceland Construction was also signed to the Outside Line agreement as the local's newest signatory contractor. We are always exited to welcome new members and contractors to the union. Also last summer the lineman rodeo team of Brian Baughman, Jim Rimer, Brent Taggert and Judge Kelly Marvin took part in the Pacific Northwest Lineman's Rodeo. They took second place in the "cutout arm change out" event and fifth overall out of 18 teams. Congratulations to all on a job well done. The Executive Board continues cost-saving measures and to look at any expenditures closely. Fortunately, we have been surviving on the funds we were able to save for times like we have been experiencing the last few years. |
![]() Local 659 Lineman Rodeo team: Jim Rimer (left), Brent Taggert, Kelly Marvin and Brian Baughman. |
Trip to Philadelphia Rally |
L.U. 673 (catv,i,rts,spa,t&u), PAINESVILLE, OH — Local members took an eight-hour bus ride to Philadelphia to participate in the "Workers Stand for America" rally. Our ride began at 10 p.m. on Friday evening with stops at Locals 573 and 64. We rolled into Philly around 7 a.m. on Saturday. The young apprentices from Warren showed their resilience and hit the city with renewed energy. We had some time before the rally started so we took a quick tour of the city early Saturday morning. After a five-mile scenic walk we all enjoyed our first look at the famed Liberty Bell. Walking back, we ran into a pre-rally rally in Chinatown that the Communications Workers of America was putting on. They planned to march into the "Workers Stand for America" rally with their 2,000 to 3,000 assembled members. As we arrived at the main rally site at historic Eakins Oval, it was impressive to see all the union members streaming in from all directions. We heard many speakers including Pres. Edwin D. Hill. Organizers did an excellent job and provided ample cool drinking water for the massive crowd. Everyone had a great time and on the return trip we all looked forward to getting back home. Thanks to everyone for coming and supporting our cause. |
![]() Local 673 members make trip to Philadelphia for August rally. Walking in front are Rich Goodmanson (left), Bob Horesh and Bob Gamiere; and, at back, Mike Kubacki. |
'A Team for Working Americans' |
L.U. 683 (em&i), COLUMBUS, OH — The employment outlook is moderately steady with jobs on the horizon. Our casino project is wrapping up with a fine job of quality craftsmanship. Thanks to the brothers and sisters with electrical contractor companies Superior, Royal, York, and Eagle Electric. Great job by all. As we experience the onslaught of political promises, ads and rhetoric with the upcoming elections, keep your eye on the common goal — a team of leaders who put working Americans first. View the candidates as you would your favorite sports team. The quarterback is the star player, leading the team down the field toward the end zone. He needs a strong line to provide blocks, skilled backs and receivers to carry the ball, knowing he can't reach the goal line without them. The team we need to elect to protect working America consists of 435 U.S. representatives, 100 U.S. senators, and one president, as well as state and local officials. This November, we must elect the team with our best interests as their common goal. The quarterback shoulders the blame for failure and the glory for success. This November, elect the team that will give our president the ability to share the glory of success with the workers of America. |
Summer Youth Electrical Camp |
L.U. 725 (i,rts&spa), TERRE HAUTE, IN — Congratulations to the apprentice graduating class of 2012: Outstanding Apprentice Christopher Craffets, Jerad Clements, Dusten Crosby, Patrick Duffy, Timothy Gentry, Jermey Haldeman, Jeremy Harper, Jacob Hayhurst, Neal Heindselman, Spencer Hunsucker, Jeremy Lewis, John Loving, David C. McNally Jr., Andrew Nickless, Russell W. Poarch, John T. Simonton, Robert Smitley, Jeffrey Stahl, Roger Stewart Jr., Earl D. Stines, Fred Wellman III and Christopher Woodworth. Fantastic job, graduates! We look forward to seeing everyone at the next union meeting and to your active participation in the local. We thank all of our traveling apprentices and journeymen who contributed to the 11 million man-hours expended at the new IGCC plant in Edwardsport, IN. Work has slowed down quite a bit, unfortunately, and we do not foresee any travelers being dispatched anytime soon. Our local union was proud to receive a $20,000 grant from WorkOne and Vincennes University for sponsoring a Summer Youth Electrical Camp for 15 underprivileged students. Retirees Norm Cheesman and John McMullen led the three-week class as instructors, while retired members David Walls and Jerry Hooper each participated in day long instruction for the students, covering knots and rope tying and safety practices. Thanks to all for your time and assistance! |
![]() Local 725 apprentice graduating class of 2012. |
2012 Food Drive |
L.U. 777 (u), READING, PA — The brothers and sisters of Local 777 across the state of Pennsylvania band together to help their local food banks. The main hubs of the food drive this year were: Easton, Lebanon, Middletown, Reading and York. IBEW Local 777 members collected and delivered over 1,500 pounds of food and monetary donations to the food banks in their respective areas. Many thanks to all who participated and helped make the food drive a success. |
![]() IBEW Local 777 food drive volunteers William Merriweather and Stacy Hasenauer help load trailer. |
'A Benefit of Our Great Trade' |
L.U. 855 (c,i&spa), MUNCIE, IN — Local 855 commends outstanding apprentice graduate Bro. Lyle Whitehead and the entire apprentice graduating class of 2012. You guys are great mechanics and the local couldn't be more proud to add you to the ranks of journeymen! Between the political gridlock in D.C., a backward governor who wants to see how much money the state can hoard, and corporations sitting on billions of dollars, many tradesmen in east central Indiana are really struggling. The election will probably be decided by the time this issue is received, and labor will be fighting at the Statehouse again in January if the governor-elect is anyone but John Gregg. We hope that, regardless of what happens, the chains get loose enough to open up some work in the jurisdiction. Our local sincerely thanks every local that has employed a member of Local 855 throughout the year. These opportunities are a major benefit of our great trade. The local mourns the passing of Bros. Jim "Spider" Weiss, Billy Beaty and Dick Wiesehan. Local 855 officers and staff wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving, merry Christmas, and a healthy and prosperous 2013! |
![]() Local 855 congratulates 2012 apprentice graduates. Front row, Tom Cortner (left), Scott Runyon, Jeremy Case, Rich Martin, Dave Shockney; back row, Instructor Matt Rhoades, JATC Dir. Dave Blackford, Cole Walker, Lyle Whitehead, Albert Blair, Gabe Hobbs and Bus. Mgr. Kevin Cope. |
'Union Labor the Right Choice' |
L.U. 915 (i&mt), TAMPA, FL — It is a great honor to recognize a local union brother, one of our signatory contractors, for his excellent work showing that union labor is always the right choice. Bro. Mark Mazur, owner of MJM Electric, was awarded the bid to install the miles of data cable and temporary power to make the Republican National Convention in Tampa run flawlessly. Millions watched the widely televised convention that was broadcast around the world. Behind the scenes, approximately 50 of our Local 915 members worked to make the live video coverage possible. They were joined by three Las Vegas Local 357 members working for Freeman Electric, partnering with MJM to show that the IBEW can be counted on to get the job done right and on time. Local 915 member Matt Woodard, general foreman on the project, said: "The men were wonderful to work with and [I am] proud of my Local 915 brothers." Bro. Mazur participated in multiple interviews with the media and noted "the sheer skill and power [required] to pull off such a major feat." These IBEW members showed the nation the folly of political attempts to bust the unions — and demonstrated that the IBEW is the right choice for all electrical needs! [Editor's Note: For more on this story, see IBEW Web site article " IBEW Built That: RNC (and DNC) Brought to You by Union Labor" at www.ibew.org.] |
![]() IBEW Local 915 MJM Electric Inc. crew on the job site at Tampa convention. |
A Stand for Workers' Rights |
L.U. 1049 (lctt,o,u&uow), LONG ISLAND, NY — Over the summer, we at Local 1049 mourned the loss of former business manager Richie Thompson. Richie served the IBEW for 33 years and was business manager for seven years. He led Local 1049 during one of the local's most challenging eras. Despite much adversity, he never backed down and our members never had to give back. Today the entire organized labor movement faces very difficult challenges. There are those who want to take away your right to a voice in the workplace. Take away your right to a decent wage. Take away your right to affordable health care. And, finally, your right to a secure retirement. It is in that vein that Bus. Mgr. Donald Daley led 150 Local 1049 members to the Workers Stand for America rally in Philadelphia. Over 40,000 union members gathered at the Aug. 11 rally to stop the war on workers' rights. Sisters and brothers, now is the time for all of us to stand up for and protect all that so many have fought so hard for. I implore you to get involved so that our friends, neighbors and children can share in organized labor's successes. Also in August, our members employed by Homes Serve USA overwhelmingly ratified a new contract. Bus. Mgr. Daley successfully negotiated a new three-year agreement, which includes general wage increases, an increase in vacation time, new job classifications and other enhancements. See you at the next general meeting. |
Contract Agreements |
L.U. 1245 (catv,em,govt,lctt,o,pet,t&u), VACAVILLE, CA — Our local mobilized to oppose Proposition 32 on the California ballot this November. Proposition 32 would bar unions from spending money on political races. Although Prop. 32 claims to get "special interests" out of politics, it allows corporations to spend all they want on political campaigns. Our efforts include extensive use of social media. Our First Responder Training Program was officially launched. It offers training to firefighters, police and other first responders to help them respond safely to gas and electrical emergencies, etc. Bus. Mgr. Tom Dalzell co-hosted the Ninth District Progress Meeting in San Francisco. Dalzell noted the approaching 100th anniversary of the IBEW's only strike at Pacific Gas & Electric in 1913, and the pioneering role that strike played in the development of industrial unionism in the IBEW. Our local organized a major campaign to inform members about a new Master Agreement covering all of our line clearance tree trimmers at major contractors. The agreement, which was ratified with 82 percent in favor, raises wages and is expected to strengthen the union's hand in future negotiations. Members at PG&E ratified a new Physical Agreement and a new Benefits Agreement after a year-and-a-half of negotiations. Work remains strong in Outside Construction, from pole replacement work to thermostat replacement work and more. Local 1245 is promoting our new peer-to-peer safety programs for electric workers, gas workers and tree trimmers. We mourn the recent death on the job of Bro. Curtis Zahourek, a 24-year member. Our local fielded four teams at the Ninth District Softball Tournament. All had a great time. |
![]() Local 1245 Bus. Mgr. Tom Dalzell welcomes members to a training session for the newly-created position of "safety steward." Their mission is to raise safety awareness on the job, part of the union's ongoing peer-to-peer safety program. |
A Legacy of Service |
L.U. 1307 (u), SALISBURY, MD — Local 1307 mourns the loss of past president Edmund F. "Buddy" Phillips, who passed away Aug. 17 at the age of 93. He was an Army veteran, having served his country during World War II from 1942 to 1945. Buddy was employed by Delmarva Power as a field technician and troubleshooter, and retired in 1981. He served as president of Local 1307 from 1954-1955 and again from 1969-1973. Buddy Phillips will be missed by family and many friends. Congratulations to our brothers and sisters at the NRG Power Plant, who have achieved 706 days and counting, as of Aug. 30, with no recordable injuries and no lost time. Keep up the great work and keep the count going. Save jobs, limit imports. |
![]() Edmund F. "Buddy" Phillips. |
Multiple Contracts Ratified |
L.U. 1393 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — The local has negotiated new agreements with several companies. Our members ratified the respective contracts with WIN Energy, Daviess-Martin REMC, Hendricks Power REMC, Connersville Utilities, Hoosier Energy REC and Central Indiana Power. Most of these agreements provide for general wage increases and job security protections. This year the construction side of the local was successful in securing signatory agreements with SPE Utility, ARC, Shambaugh & Sons, B&W and Hernandez Electrical — providing more opportunity for work for the membership. Local organizer Matt Hemenway has been engaged in a campaign to organize United States Infrastructure Corporation (USIC) in the state of Indiana. USIC performs locating services for utilities; this company has over 240 employees in Indiana and over 4,000 employees in 29 states. Should you see any of these USIC employees, stop and talk about the benefits of being union. Dakota Conklin was crowned queen of the 126th Labor Day Association pageant in Petersburg, IN. She is the niece of IBEW Local 1393 member Kevin Ramsey and cousin of member Tim Ramsey. Now more than ever vote for union friendly candidates. |
![]() Dakota Conklin, Labor Day Association pageant queen, is a relative of two Local 1393 members. |
Labor Day at the Park |
L.U. 1439 (u), ST. LOUIS, MO — The past three months have been busy at Local 1439 with: Labor Day, the Tom Kraus and Guy Barton Charity Golf Tournaments, Shop Stewards Training, the Workers Stand for America Rally, and completion of six contract negotiations just to name a few activities and events. Remnants of Hurricane Isaac possibly kept some away from participating in Labor Day — "our" national holiday — but we also welcomed many "future" members who enjoyed inflatables, snow cones, cotton candy, pony rides, a petting zoo, and handing out flags along the parade route! Burgers, brats and hot dogs were expertly cooked by our Local 1 members; refreshments were provided by Local 2; and a great turnout from Local 4 helped round out a perfect Labor Day at the park. We mourned the passing of Local 1 Bus. Mgr. Greg Booth in August. His union spirit is remembered. |
![]() IBEW St. Louis Local 1439 contingent marches in Labor Day parade. |
Times of Change |
L.U. 1523 (u), WICHITA, KS — I write with thoughts of the changing times that we at 1523 are experiencing. But our focus should and always will be the safety of our members and those around us. Focus is the big word here. Change is an inevitable thing; it happens at work, with our family that we go home to at night and our local union brothers and sisters we work with every day. We have been proud to help out our fellow local union members in all the different states where we have worked helping to get the lights back on. I am so proud to say that we have always been a good strong union. We have had a number of retirements and we wish well to all of our brothers and sisters who have been with us for so long and have now passed the torch on. We offer our condolences to the family of longtime member William Buckner Jr. Bill was one of the best. His passing was too soon and he leaves a legacy that will be hard to beat. As the last call out sounded over the radio he will not be forgotten. He was a man of his word and conviction. |
![]() Local 1523 pays tribute to the late William Buckner Jr. He was a 37-year IBEW member and Westar Energy heavy-equipment operator. |
Service Pins Presented |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — At the monthly meeting of the retirees, Bus. Mgr. Ken Ward presented service pins to: two 65-year members, 31 60-year members, four 55-year members and six 50-year members. Congratulations to these longtime members and thank you to all for your many years of service. Also, service pins were presented at the union meeting to eligible members with five to 45 years of service. Congratulations to these members as well. On Sept. 3, Local 1579 held its annual Labor Day Barbecue at the Electrical Workers Home Association property at Clarks Hill Lake. As usual the turnout was great and the food and fellowship were even better. Labor Day is a very important time for organized labor; this is the one holiday created for working people. Well, the winter holiday season will soon be here. The officers, members and staff of Local 1579 wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and a merry Christmas. |
Owensboro Convention Center & Hydroelectric Plant Projects |
L.U. 1701 (catv,ees,i,o&u), OWENSBORO, KY — The examining board gave the journeyman wireman exam recently to Tim Anderson and Julie Anderson, and both passed. Congratulations to our brother and our sister. Bus. Mgr. Larry Boswell reports that the Owensboro, Daviess County, downtown Convention Center project was awarded to our signatory contractor Beltline Electric and should be underway by press time. The hydroelectric plant in Hawesville, KY, should be manning up soon. The new Owensboro hospital is winding down but we still have several members on site. We thank all traveling brothers and sisters who helped us on this project; we couldn't have done it without you. Membership Development Coordinator Mike VanWinkle reports ongoing activity with temporary service Tradesman International and nonunion contractor Westerfield Electric. Tradesman has been supplying manpower to Westerfield and overlooking our members who have applications on file. Good luck, Mike. The Workers Stand for America rally was held Aug. 11 in Philadelphia. Louisville, KY, Local 369 chartered a bus for the event. We thank our sister local for inviting our members aboard with them for the trip to the rally. In sadness we report the passing of: Bro. James Johnson, retired Bro. John Delacy and Sister Joyce Askins. May they rest in peace. |
![]() IBEW members from Kentucky Locals 1701 and 369 board the bus to attend Workers Stand for America rally held in Philadelphia. |
Electric System Operators at Unitil Vote IBEW |
L.U. 1837 (rtb&u), MANCHESTER, ME — Electric system operators at Unitil Service Corp.'s Centralized Electric Dispatch in Portsmouth, NH, voted for IBEW Local 1837 representation by a 3 to 2 ratio. Their victory followed company tactics that the union believes constituted unfair labor practices. Unitil gave wage increases to other employees but withheld them from the employees who were seeking union representation. IBEW Local 1837 filed charges with the NLRB. This is the second group of system operators who chose IBEW Local 1837 representation this year. In May, system operators at Bangor Hydro Electric voted 8 - 0 for the union. Those workers are negotiating their first contract with BHE. "We're pleased that the system operators decided to join with many of their co-workers at Unitil to become part of our union," Local 1837 Asst. Bus. Mgr. Tom Ryan said. "We look forward to working with these workers and the company to negotiate their first contract. …" About 75 members of IBEW Local 1837 already work at two New Hampshire locations of Unitil Energy Systems Inc.: "Capital" in Concord and "Seacoast" in Kensington. These members who work for UES in New Hampshire include line workers, meter mechanics and support personnel. Unitil is a public utility holding company with electric utility distribution operations in New Hampshire and north central Massachusetts. Our members help provide electricity to 71,100 customers in the Merrimack River Valley and Seacoast regions of New Hampshire. |
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