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Local Lines & Retirees |
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Appointment Announced | |
L.U. 1 (as,c,ees,ei,em,es,et,fm,i,mt,rts,s,se,spa, st&ws), ST. LOUIS, MO — Local 1 congratulates Pres. Tom George on his appointment to the Missouri Health & Educational Facilities Authority. In early April, Gov. Jay Nixon notified Pres. George of his appointment to MH&EFA, citing Tom's experience in the Missouri Legislature and his strong commitment to Missouri's working families. The Missouri Authority provides readily available, low-cost financing alternatives for Missouri public and private, nonprofit health and educational institutions. The Authority oversees potential bonds and ensures they are viable. Well done, Tommy! We mourn the death of the following members: Ronald Morrison, David Sahrmann, Louis Belosi, Timothy Callahan, James Gamache, Earl Blase, Clifton Hutson, Melvin Heintz, Mitchell Berry, Robert Sculthorpe, Shawn Ryan, William Bott, Robert Hayhurst, Thomas Besch, Arthur Koch III and Danny Schneider. |
![]() Local 1 Bus. Mgr. Greg Booth (left) and Missouri Municipal Court Judge Jim Wahl (right) congratulate Pres. Tom George on his appointment. |
Annual Tradeswomen's Conference |
L.U. 11 (i,rts,spa), LOS ANGELES, CA — Twenty-two women from Local 11 attended the 2nd Annual Women Building California & the Nation Conference in Sacramento, CA, in May. This was also the 11th Annual Women Building California conference. The event was sponsored by the Building and Construction Trades Council of California and the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO. The conference is designed to recruit and bring new women into the trades and provide networking, skill building and leadership development for women currently in the construction trades. On June 30, Local 11 members joined thousands of community members, organizations, and faith-based, political and labor leaders in a big protest against Wal-Mart with a march through Chinatown in Los Angeles. Marchers held signs stating, "Wal-Mart: Respect Workers Now" and "Wal-Mart: How the 1 Percent Hurts the 99 percent." IBEW members from Locals 11, 18 and 47 joined in the fight to stop Wal-Mart from coming into our communities and paying inadequate wages and no benefits to workers. Thanks to all our active members who participate in various events to improve our work picture and our city, helping to bring good union jobs! |
Utility Local Update |
L.U. 15 (u), DOWNERS GROVE, IL — Welcome to the distribution testing engineers from ComEd, who voted to join IBEW Local 15 on June 7! On the generation side, a nuclear outage agreement was ratified by the nuclear plant members, covering work schedules, travel days and protection of the basic workweek. Our fossil power members have a severance package available for the upcoming Reduction in Force (RIF) as a result of the retirements of Fisk and Crawford Stations. Members with over 15 years of service are eligible for 16 weeks of pay and the option of staying an additional four weeks to help acclimate their replacements, giving them the potential to get an extra 20 weeks of pay. The physical side of the house held a first-ever job career showcase to highlight employment opportunities at ComEd. Ground was broken on a new training center in Rockford with the construction expected to be completed by late November. The Grid Modernization Act received a setback, with the Illinois Commerce Commission denying $169 million of the proposed rate case. The ICC has granted a re-hearing on this subject for later this year. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) work discussions have begun, with the work scheduled to begin this September. Congratulations to Bro. Dave Glowczynski on his retirement after 47 years and possibly the longest tenure as a Local 15 member. Also, good luck to Bro. Ken Franz, who is retiring after 38 years as a very active Local 15 member. |
Appointed to Executive Board |
L.U. 37 (em,o&u), FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA — Local 37 is pleased to announce the appointment of Matt Lewis to its Executive Board as the representative for Central and Hydro Generation. Matt is an 11-year union member and mechanical engineer employed with NB Power. He joins the 16-member board for the remainder of the term that ends in June 2014. Matt works as the program inspection coordinator for NB Power's Generation Engineering Group. As part of his role, Matt visits various thermal and hydro generating stations around the province. This provides him with an opportunity to get to know many of the members and their issues by working closely with them on a regular basis. When asked why he wanted to become a member of the Local 37 Executive Board, Matt replied: "I feel I can help be a voice for the members in my area and help bring their concerns and contributions to the Executive Board. I see this as an excellent opportunity to step up and take a leadership role in helping our members and help our union move forward." Local 37 congratulates Matt and wishes him success in his new role. Welcome aboard! |
![]() Matt Lewis, Local 37 Executive Board member. |
115th Anniversary Party |
L.U. 41 (em,es,govt,i,se&spa), BUFFALO, NY — In late June our most recent class of fifth-year apprentice graduates became journeymen. At the graduation dinner and awards ceremony, Rostislav "Roz" Nezgovorov received the Dr. Anthony Renzi Award, given each year to the graduating apprentice with the highest cumulative grade-point average (GPA), and Nick Peters received an award for perfect attendance for all five years. Congratulations to all the graduates for persevering — you are the future! We have had many events thus far this year, enjoyed by both active and retired members — but the highlight of the year shall prove to be our 115th Anniversary Party, which will be Sept. 22. This event will feature a cocktail hour with music, dinner, dancing and brotherhood. Hope to see many people there for great camaraderie, good laughs and reminiscing. With 115 years behind us, we will continue to fight for our rights and our Brotherhood. Please continue to stay involved in your union — that's when it works best. |
![]() Local 41 apprentice graduates. Front row, Brenton Hausladen (left), Nicholas Peters, Jason Matuszak, Keith Hull, Edward Melber, Steven Turner, Aaron Rider and Rostislav Nezgovorov; back row, Caan Martinez, Patrick Hardick, Gregg Schaffer, Patrick Horrigan, John Rzucek, Justin Tetrault, Brian Czarnecki, Ramee Abdallah, Vereal Hill and Patrick Ellis. |
Work Holds Steady |
L.U. 43 (em,i&rts), SYRACUSE, NY — Work continues to hold steady in our area. While most work has been on school building projects, it has kept over 100 traveling brothers and sisters employed all summer. Although no one has a crystal ball, we anticipate a number of projects that will keep all our local hands working and still get into Book 2 through the autumn and winter months. Pictured is the group JATC graduation photo for this year's apprentice graduating class. Though he has participated in many previous graduations, I believe 2012 will hold special meaning for our training director, Peter Dulcich, as he will be retiring. Pete was initiated in 1967 and though he has held a number of elected and appointed positions in Local 43, he will be best remembered for all his leadership through the JATC. |
![]() Local 43 apprentice graduates, with JATC Training Dir. Peter Dulcich (middle row, far left). Front row, Archie Quick (left), Randy Griffin, Levan Wells, Eric Young, Jesse Dillabough, Robert Ruley, Jayme Colasanti; middle row, Dulcich, Joshua Richardson, Zachary Dates, Cody Penoyer, Joseph Cardinal, Michael Walker Jr., Jered Foote, Benjamin Ray, Christopher Spas, Donald Noble, Freddy Minaya, Jesse McWain; back row, Nichlas DelCostello, Nathien Thomas, Eric Lallier, Shawnery Middleton, Michael Teachout and Christian Komanecky. |
'On The Political Front' |
L.U. 47 (lctt,mo,o,u&uow), DIAMOND BAR, CA — Happy Labor Day! We held our annual IBEW Local 47/ Southern California Edison Linemen's Rodeo on June 9. Taking First Place were Pat Adams, Marz Baulto and Matthew Schneider/Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power; Second Place — Josh Regalado, Enoc Verdin Jr. and Steve Lekvold/SCE. Third Place overall and winning Senior Team — John Flavin, Juan Pulido and Willie Rios/SCE. Winning Apprentice was Austin Arlt/SCE. Winning Groundman — Chris Sanchez/SCE. As November approaches we are engaged on many political fronts. Nationally, re-electing President Obama is a priority. He believes in project labor agreements and union security clauses; he appointed a pro-union secretary of labor and NLRB members. Romney campaigns against all unions, reducing the influence of organized labor. The choice is clear for all union members. The other battle in California is Proposition 32 the "Special Exemptions Act." This initiative will prohibit unions from contributing to political campaigns — for candidates as well as for future initiatives. It is masked as "campaign finance reform" but was drafted and supported by right-wing, anti-union groups. The only group that will be affected to any significant extent would be unions. We are sad to report the passing of Santiago Mendoza and Chuck Angell. Our prayers and condolences go to their families. Work safe, live well, work union! |
![]() Winners of the 2012 IBEW Local 47/SCE Linemen's Rodeo. Extending congratulations are Local 47 Bus. Mgr. Pat Lavin (standing, sixth from right) and SCE Pres. Ron Litzinger (standing, fifth from left). |
Contract Negotiations |
L.U. 51 (catv,lctt,o,ptc,rtb,t,u&uow), SPRINGFIELD, IL — Our annual golf outing was June 2. We had a very good turnout and were able to give four $500 scholarships away this year. The LaSalle Team, consisting of Jeff Aimone, Steve Gabrielse, Paul Koehler and Mike Rivara, won with a team score of 64. Our scholarship winners were Logan Moore, Justin Richhart, Alicia Sangster and Temisan Shebi. IBEW System Council U-05, consisting of Locals 51, 309, 649 and 702, has begun contract and benefit negotiations with AmerenIllinois. We have settled a four-year agreement with Aqua of Illinois and recently settled with the City of Peru. We are currently in contract negotiations with Frontier Communications, Wireless USA, Week-TV, Custom Underground, City of Ladd, City of Bushnell, and MJM Cooperative. The local's longtime office manager and Local 19 member, Patty Maynor, recently retired. Sister Maynor played a critical role in streamlining the daily operations of our office. Enjoy your retirement, Patty — you've earned it! |
'Good Union Skills' |
L.U. 53 (lctt,o,rts&u), KANSAS CITY, MO — Good Union Skills When it Really Counts: On April 28, Local 53 members Leo Marler and Bryan Wade, employees of Laclede Electric Cooperative, were on a routine outage. After completing their assigned work and driving back to the main road, the journeyman linemen noticed two women waiving for help. The linemen pulled over and found a man lying unresponsive on the ground. The women had attempted CPR without success. Leo and Bryan immediately discovered something lodged in the man's airway, removed the obstacle, positioned the man properly and began CPR. The man began breathing on his own and they kept the CPR going until the ambulance arrived. This act of heroism probably saved the man's life — another example of the training and skills that go with good union employees and good union employers. Great Accomplishments: Congratulations to Nathaniel Snethen, son of Local 53 member Paul Snethen and Johan Snethen. Also, congratulations to Taylor Slavens, daughter of Local 53 member Marlowe Slavens and Kelly Slavens. Both Nathaniel and Taylor graduated high school with top honors as members of the National Honor Society and received the U.S. Army Reserve National Scholar Athlete Award. Nathaniel plans to study engineering at Kansas State University. Taylor plans to major in business at Ottawa University. Local 53 wishes them a bright and successful future. Hope all finds and keeps you well … Local 53! |
Brothers are 55-Year Members |
L.U. 57 (lctt,mo,o,t&u), SALT LAKE CITY, UT — In 1956, brothers Joe Montoya and Erlindo Montoya started their careers in the line construction industry. Both became members and were sworn into IBEW Local 57 in January 1957. While working as groundmen, the brothers worked on various projects, including the first line built from the Carbon Power Plant, located in Castle Gate, Utah, to Salt Lake City and the line to Francis Peak. In 1959 the Mountain States Line Apprenticeship program was initiated. Erlindo was indentured and completed the four-year program in 1963. Joe was drafted and upon returning from military service, resumed his career in the line construction industry. He was indentured into the apprenticeship program in 1965 and completed the program in 1969. Both Joe and Erlindo went to work for Utah Power and Light, Erlindo in 1964 and Joe in 1983. Erlindo worked in Salt Lake City Distribution and Transmission, while Joe worked in Salt Lake City and Evanston, WY. Erlindo retired from Utah Power in 2001, and Joe retired in 1998. The brothers each have more than 55 years, active and retired, as members of Local 57. Congratulations and appreciation to Joe and Erlindo for their IBEW service; and Joe, thank you for serving your country. |
![]() Local 57 retired members Erlindo Montoya (left) and Joe Montoya. |
Thanks to Fellow IBEW Members |
L.U. 95 (em,i,lctt,spa&u), JOPLIN, MO — Local 95 thanks all brothers and sisters nationwide for all their help with monetary donations and assistance to help area members get their lives somewhat back to normal following the May 2011 tornado. The IBEW Local 95 Joplin Membership Relief Fund is closed. Local 95 members are saddened by the loss of Bro. Robert Clark, age 40. Bro. Clark was killed on a job site accident May 16 this year; he worked at Missouri American Water — Joplin Division. Line clearance members of both Shade Tree Company and Wright Tree Inc. are doing an excellent job on line clearance tree trimming for the local utility company, reporting the fewest power outages in years. Keep up the good work, brothers. Local work will start getting busy this fall. The new Mercy Hospital project and the Asbury Power House Station environmental retrofit have started and are under way. Remember the November election and get everyone out to vote. Together we can do the best for our industry. |
![]() IBEW Local 95 Line Clearance tree trimmers with Shade Tree Company. |
Utility Local Report |
L.U. 97 (u), SYRACUSE, NY — Several contract negotiations were completed in recent months, for a total of nine negotiations in 24 months. These contracts include: a five-year Town of Worcester contract; a four-year agreement with Entergy for the security guard group; and a six-year contract with Brookfield. NRG announced future plans for its Dunkirk coal-fired plant. Plans range from mothballing the plant to constructing a natural gas combined-cycle facility. Nearly 150 members could be affected by these decisions. Constellation recently merged with Exelon. This merger affects two Nine Mile Point plants, which last year went on strike to maintain benefits. At National Grid the company is using contractors for work that could be done by our members. The local is pushing for work for our membership, as we continually prove to the company that using in-house crews is better. Local 97 is taking the lead to provide efficient energy delivery in the future in New York State, through involvement with several organizations and politically at the state and federal level. The goal is to improve transmission infrastructure in New York, which would allow electricity produced in New York to stay in New York and reach markets downstate rather than downstate importing more electricity from outside the country. To celebrate growing Local 97 solidarity, Union Appreciation Days are being held in each division. Details will follow. Please remember to vote in November and find out where candidates stand on labor issues. |
D.A.D.'s Day Volunteers |
L.U. 103 (cs&i), BOSTON, MA — According to the American Diabetes Association, 25.8 million adults and children in the U.S. have some type of diabetes. Diabetes directly affects many of our members themselves or a loved one in their family, which is why Local 103 participates in the fundraiser called Dollar Against Diabetes, or D.A.D.'s Day. Bus. Agent Donald Sheehan has been chairman of the D.A.D.'s Day Committee for Local 103 and the Boston Building Trades since 2000. This year, the campaign was held June 14 -15, when Local 103 retired and working members volunteered to come out and help raise money toward finding a cure for diabetes. This June, Local 103 celebrated its members by holding the annual Pin Night, which recognizes members' years of service. A member's first pin is received on his or her 20th year of service, and then awards are presented at five-year intervals until a member is awarded a 50th year pin; thereafter, pins are given for each year of service. This year, 319 members received a pin. Our longest serving card-carrying member, Robert W. Baker, received his 70-year pin. Congratulations to everyone! |
![]() Local 103 D.A.D's Day volunteers and family members, joined by Bus. Agent Donald Sheehan (far right), D.A.D.'s Day Committee chairman. |
Tribute to Members' Service |
L.U. 105 (catv,i&o), HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA — At press time Bus. Mgr. Lorne Newick is getting ready to discuss bargaining strategies collectively with the business managers of the province of Ontario. Our contract is up this year with the Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario. Our work picture is picking up and we hope to put travellers out for work in our area this summer. We thank other locals for hiring our members; the favour will be repaid. We congratulate our brothers who have retired in 2012 and who helped build our great union: Bill Ambo, Tom Bezusko, Bill Champagne, Peter Commanda, Lyle Crawford, Dan Davies, Sid DeBoer, Arthur Dye, Gary Firth, Ron Garlow, George Gower, Howard Greenfield, Nasrool Khan, Adam Maisciuk, Con McMurray, Brian Mooney, Frank Mueller, Bill Myers, Pat Sassanelli, Peter Savelli, Mike Shanahan, David K. Smith, Walter Tomasin, Robert Vallonio, Bill Wowk, Ken Hamilton, George Jarrett, Frank Lacey and Alfred Lee. Thank you, brothers, for your dedicated IBEW service. Enjoy your well-earned retirement. |
2012 Policy Committee Meeting |
L.U. 111 (em,govt,lctt,mt,o,rtb,spa&u), DENVER, CO — On May 18-19, Local 111 hosted our annual Policy Committee in Denver. This meeting is for the purpose of reviewing and establishing local union policy for our membership. The chairperson from each unit selects the attendee to represent that unit, and they are each required to give a report on the activities of that unit. This is an excellent venue for our members to see firsthand the issues that other units are challenged with, and to bring forth any concerns affecting their respective unit and the business of the local union. This was one of the best turnouts, with a high level of participation, we have seen in years. We had five guest speakers providing a variety of topics ranging from politics to workers' compensation, and information from our Eighth District International Vice President. Bro. Robert Frye was the recipient of the 2011 Local 111 Ambassador of the Year Award for his dedication and service to the membership. A hospitality reception and dinner following Saturday's activities was provided, giving our members and guests time to mingle with each other and build solidarity. Thank you to all participants for a very successful weekend. |
![]() Local 111 Bus. Mgr. Mike Byrd (left), Robert Frye and Pres. Mike Kosteleck. |
Oregon Benefit Golf Classic |
L.U. 125 (lctt,o,t&u), PORTLAND, OR — Many Local 125 members along with representatives from employers, contractors, and others involved in the utility industry participated in the 16th Annual Oregon Benefit Golf Classic. This annual charity event, founded by Local 125 members, supports the Burn Education and Prevention Program at Legacy Emanuel's Oregon Burn Center. As reported on its Web site, the Burn Center is the only treatment facility of its kind between Seattle and Sacramento. Unfortunately, many of the Burn Center's patients are burned seriously on the job. Through its outreach and education efforts, the Burn Center staff works tirelessly to prevent such injuries and train medical personnel on how to address injuries when they occur. Held at the Indian Creek Golf Course in Hood River, Oregon, this year's tournament exceeded its fundraising goals and generated $60,000. Over the years, this event has raised more than $800,000. For more information, visit www.benefitgolfclassic.com. Thank you to everyone who continues to support this essential event, which has a significant tie to our industry and membership. |
Work Picture Picks Up |
L.U. 145 (em,i,o,rts,spa&u), ROCK ISLAND, IL — The work picture in our local has been a slow but steady increase over the recent months with some good projects starting and more on the horizon. This is good news for our brothers and sisters who are currently on the Out-Of-Work Book waiting for work to come our way. The Local 145 annual picnic was in August and everyone had a great time! There were plenty of activities for all the kids and adults! Thank you to the Picnic Committee for another wonderful picnic! We congratulate the newest Local 145 journeyman wiremen on completion of their apprenticeship — an accomplishment to be proud of! Best wishes to these new graduates for a great career. We must also report that, sadly, this year's class did have a somber moment as one of their classmates, Bro. John Simmons, passed away just three days after their final apprentice class. Remember to stay involved in your union and your local politics — your participation is needed now more than ever! Remember to attend union meetings, held the first Thursday of every month. |
![]() Local 145 congratulates the 2012 JATC apprentice graduating class. |
Improving Work Picture |
L.U. 159 (i), MADISON, WI — Greetings, brothers and sisters. Like many of you across the country, at press time we are in the midst of a heat wave with little or no rain in sight. The extreme heat has affected a few of our job sites with reduced work hours during the peak of the high temperatures. On the job front we are seeing improvement. There are projects in progress and some upcoming that will help reduce the number on our Book I. We are hopeful that a steady work outlook continues for our local and for all our brothers and sisters. At this writing we have some good projects going, but seeing call reach Book II may be a while. Enjoy the rest of summer and have a great Labor Day. |
Register & Vote |
L.U. 193 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), SPRINGFIELD, IL — City Water Light & Power members ratified a new working agreement, with Springfield City Council approval. This agreement changes a few sacred items at the cash-strapped CWLP. Congratulations and farewell to those who have retired from City Water, Light & Power. At press time, there are 60 on Inside Book 1, a low number in these times. Bodine Electric has 26 of our members working at the Illiopolis, IL, Monsanto Plant. Several big-box projects have yet to get IBEW on the site. Thank you to Local 193 members who participated in the Anti-Scott Walker Rally in Springfield. The bus trip to Champaign was a good time, and we made our voices heard loud and clear when "rat to work" Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels showed up there. Please be sure to register and vote. Check your voting card address, because others surely will. Labor Day is the kick-off of all campaign seasons; this will be the nastiest ever. Congratulations go to Sister Cathy Hobart, who was honored as "Employee of the Month," by the office of the Illinois secretary of state. Our condolences go to the family of Bro. Don Davis, who recently passed away. Stay as cool as you can. Let's get the Cardinals on the mend and back on the field. There is always "next year" for the loveable Northsiders! |
![]() Local 193 member Cathy Hobart is honored at a reception as "Employee of the Month" by the Illinois Secretary of State. Attendees include fellow electricians. Front row, Mike Felix (left), Jim Speis, Cathy Hobart, Division Chief Joe Lowder, Jerry Berkley, Terry Agans; back row, Jim Gall, Bus. Mgr. Glenn Baugh, Gary Shepherd, Rich Sanchez, Kevin Hill, Mitch Lathan, Matt Gillock and Marty Bedolli. |
100th Anniversary Celebration |
L.U. 197 (em&i), BLOOMINGTON, IL — At this writing, work in our jurisdiction has picked up a little but still has remained fairly slow. Brothers and sisters, there are locals near our area that have been putting some of our members to work. We are thankful to those locals and encourage everyone out of work to hit a few books. There is a good chance of getting out and still being able to sleep in your own bed in the evenings. Be confident in the skills you have learned in your career and show them off to others. You may be surprised and may enjoy meeting new brothers and sisters and make new friends. A few projects may be going to nonunion contractors — so be ready to man the picket line. It is important that we all take care of our responsibilities to fight for our jobs. We hope everyone has a safe Labor Day and can attend the parade and take part in the festivities. The parade kicks off at 10 a.m. in downtown Bloomington. Please call the hall for more info. Remember the 100th Anniversary Party is Oct. 13, so mark your calendars. We anticipate a good turnout and an enjoyable evening celebrating our history. Remember to get involved in the local and stay involved. |
Service Awards & Graduation |
L.U. 229 (em&i), YORK, PA — On behalf of Local 229 officers and members, we thank all retirees for their years of dedicated service to the IBEW and to Local 229. The foundation they established is what we continue to build our local on today! During our general monthly meeting on June 21, Service Awards were presented to the following members. For 55 years of service — Stephen S. Clarton, David F. Garrety, Local 229 Pres. Emeritus Kenneth Ott and Herb R. Witta Jr. For 65 years' service — David H. Daehnke, last surviving WWII veteran honored on Local 229's WWII Honor Roll, and Alfred R. Garver. For 70 years' service — Charles Saltzgiver. The officers and members recognize our class of 2012 graduating apprentices: Jeremy Barnett, Jamus Bryant, Bradley Gosnell, Matthew Hilliar, Israel Moya, William Rehmeyer, Bradley Reisinger, Ryan Rice, Ronald Sipe and William Wonders. Welcome to the ranks! |
![]() At Local 229 service awards presentation: Bus. Mgr. Matthew Paules (left), retiree Kenneth Ott, retiree David H. Daehnke, and Pres. Keith Waltersdorff. |
Working Against the Current |
L.U. 269 (i&o), TRENTON, NJ — Anti-union forces are once again trying to turn the political tide against organized labor and the families that depend upon a fair wage and a level playing field. On the New Jersey side of the Delaware River that divides our territory, there are currently four pieces of legislation being sponsored in the Statehouse by so-called "pro-business" lawmakers. The bills are as follows: • A 530 — repeals all project labor agreements • A 1506 — repeals the current prevailing wage act • A 136 — makes New Jersey a Right To Work state, basically stripping unions of their ability to organize and collectively bargain • ASR11 — gives the governor the power to suspend prevailing wage laws during an emergency On the other side of the river in Pennsylvania, the new Voter ID Act requires all voters to produce a photo ID. The new requirement could disenfranchise up to 758,000 voters within the greater Philadelphia area, a traditional labor stronghold. At this writing, the Republican-sponsored law is under attack by friends of labor in an effort to repeal it before the next election cycle. Wishing them luck would be an understatement. Strength and unity are the watchwords for these challenging times. |
Honoring 70 Years of Service |
L.U. 295 (em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), LITTLE ROCK, AR — On behalf of the officers and members of Local 295, we congratulate retired Bros. Lawrence McKellips, Vance Skillern and Harrison West, who received their 70-year service pins at the 2012 Local 295 Picnic. These members were also presented a plaque in recognition of a lifetime of service by the Local 295 Retirees Club. Dedicated members such as these are the reason many of us can still realize the benefits of such a great Brotherhood today! |
![]() Local 295 retired Bros. Vance Skillern (left), Harrison West and Lawrence McKellips receive service awards. |
'Remember In November' |
L.U. 305 (i&spa), FORT WAYNE, IN — This summer has been exciting for our local and the community. The Indiana Democratic Convention was hosted by Fort Wayne for the first time and it brought people from the entire state to visit our city. Our members volunteered on the delegate welcoming events for over a year to ensure visitors' pre-convention stay was pleasurable. Our members participate in the political arena at the highest levels to encourage elected representatives to do what's right for working people in the construction industry. Thanks to all our efforts electing President Barack Obama, we have put hundreds of electricians to work at our General Motors Truck and Bus plant these last couple years. "Remember in November" is our motto — and "Repeal Right to Work for Less." We have been renovating the huge Santa and reindeer display in our JATC facility; it has been displayed every year since the 1950s. The lighting of the 54,000 LED display downtown will take place the day before Thanksgiving on the side of the PNC Bank building. This event draws about 40,000 people downtown to enjoy the lighting festivities. Thanks to all volunteers who have helped refresh Santa's smile. At our July union meeting we lost electricity due to a severe storm, but we still celebrated with our retirees and presented their IBEW Gold watches. We thank our retirees for keeping the IBEW opportunity alive for members and their families. |
![]() Local 305 Bus. Mgr. Joe Langmeyer presents IBEW watch to recent retiree Dave Adams. |
Contract Negotiations |
L.U. 309 (i,lctt,mo,mt,o,rts,spa&u), COLLINSVILLE, IL — As of this writing we are still in negotiations with Ameren Illinois along with Locals 51, 649 and 702. Talks are slow and we will not make the expiration date of the agreement, as we have already agreed to an extension while we keep bargaining. Bus. Mgr. Scott Hassall and assistants Tim Evans and Chris Hankins are involved in the negotiations with the Inside Branch. Asst. Brian Birks helped negotiate a three-year agreement with Clinton County Cooperative, and the agreement was voted on and ratified by the membership. The Local 309 PAC Golf Tournament on June 8 was a big success. Thanks to all volunteers for helping with the tournament. On June 15 the JATC held a graduation dinner at Sunset Hills Country Club in Edwardsville, IL. Local 309 welcomes the 25 new inside journeyman wiremen and three telecom techs. Congratulations to all graduates. The upcoming fall election is one of the most important in years. Make sure to vote and vote for labor friendly candidates. Work safe. |
Be Involved & Make a Difference |
L.U. 343 (i,spa&st), LE SUEUR, MN — We congratulate Sean Sannes on accepting the responsibility of vice president. The E-Board, after reviewing three candidates, appointed Sean to the position. Thanks to all who showed an interest. Andy Kuisle, Local 343 Marketing and Membership Development rep, signed up a new contractor. H&G Electric will be doing business in the Rochester and surrounding areas. Pres. Mike Tupper, with other Local 343 volunteers, added lighting to two new paver walks at Soldiers Memorial Field in Rochester. Lighting was also added for Branch of Service flags and POW/MIA flags. In Mankato, Local 343 Rep. Shane Meier and members Bill Bieler, Kevin Carroll and Dionn Bode gave their time to install lighting and power for paver walkways and an elevated flag platform at the veterans memorial there. The dedication was held July 4. U.S. Rep. Tim Walz (1st District) of Minnesota visited the Local 343 hall to reaffirm his commitment to wind tower tax credit extensions and other important green energy issues. Local 343 sponsored a hole for the Luke Unverzagt Golf Tournament held in July. Luke was a Local 343 member, who was tragically killed in a car accident. Luke's memory will be honored by a Riverland Community College Foundation Electrical Scholarship bearing his name. Be part of the solution — buy Made-in-USA. |
Tribute to a Life of Service |
L.U. 357 (c,i,mt&se), LAS VEGAS, NV — Our local is greatly saddened to report that IBEW Int. Sec. Emeritus Ralph A. Leigon passed away June 15. He was 93. Bro. Leigon became a member of Local 357 in 1946. He served as Local 357 treasurer in 1948. He was elected business manager/financial secretary in 1950 and served as such until 1969. Bro. Leigon was president of the Nevada State AFL-CIO from 1958-1963. He served on the IBEW International Executive Council representing the Seventh IEC District from 1960-1976. In 1976 Bro. Leigon was appointed IBEW International Secretary and served in that post until he retired in 1985. A World War II veteran, Bro. Leigon served his country, his union and his community with dedication and pride. On May 15, 2010, we dedicated our new Local 357 union hall in his name. Bro. Leigon will be greatly missed. A big thank-you goes to our member advocate, Candice Facio, for organizing another great Health Fair. Congratulations to our Chili Cook-off winner, Madison Burnett. A big welcome to our new apprentices: Joshua Chavarria, Clinton Kennedy Jr., Mitchell Kloeckner, Dustin Kurtz, Fernando Leon, Kevin Manyagi, Leonardo Moya, Jeffery Nunez, Skyler Overholts, Micah Rockwood, Koran Rucker, Jeffrey Sandoval and Joshua Tice. |
EPU Upgrade/Storm Assignments |
L.U. 359 (u), MIAMI, FL — We've had lots of action with recent storms across the states. Florida Power & Light Company has sent over 300 linemen from Local 359 and 10 other System Council U-4 locals to help restore power. Remember to work safe. Check all your equipment daily — safety is our No. 1 concern. Turkey Point Nuclear Plant Unit 3 is undergoing a large rebuilding process, with over 6,000 contractors granted access to work on the Emergency Power Upgrade. A majority of the workers are union members from across the country. The Homestead and Lake Worth areas are involved with negotiations and trying to keep their members working; the munis are short on revenue and as usual cuts go to the workers and not to upper management positions. On the political front, I hope everyone is getting informed about the best possible candidates for working people. We must not elect those who want to eliminate the voice of union workers, change pension rules, and deny the right to bargain. We must not elect those who brag about going after unions. How can you actually vote for someone who puts his money in banks outside the USA? Vote union, vote for those who will represent you, the worker. We need to quit electing politicians who do not represent our interest. |
Summer Activities a Success |
L.U. 363 (catv,em,govt,i,t,u&ws), NEW CITY, NY — Our annual Tom Kay Memorial Golf Outing was June 9. It was a great success with maximum capacity golfers and many sponsors. Special thanks go to Bus. Mgr. Sam Fratto and the Golf Committee. We could not have done it without our sponsorships and donations. Thank you to all who supported our outing. The turnout immensely benefited our Scholarship Fund and we were able to increase the number of scholarships awarded. Congratulations to Bus. Mgr. Sam Fratto and his slate for their win at our June 23 election. Sam received 78 percent of the votes and we look forward to continuing to be a part of this great local under his leadership. We hosted two all-you-can-eat picnics, immediately followed by baseball games at our local stadiums. The July 26 event was at Boulders Stadium and the Aug. 8 event at Renegades Stadium. Both outings were fun for the whole family. Our first Local 363 Motorcycle Run was held Aug. 12 with a 100-mile scenic route and dozens of riders. This will be an annual event and plans are already under way for next year. |
Apprentice Graduates |
L.U. 375 (catv,ees&i), ALLENTOWN, PA — IBEW Local 375 officers and members congratulate this year's graduating class of apprentices: Thomas Ahern, Thomas Breznitsky, Phillip Clavier, Jesse Deluna, Stephen George, William Gruver, Scott Hokanson, Matthew Hower, John Kaboly, Daniel Keen, Mark Koldesko, Anthony O'Gorman, Joseph Recker, Kevin Rice, Nicholas Ritter, Ryan Rodriguez, Jacob Romanchik, Kyle Schmoyer, Kyle Seyler, Anthony Singleton-Mackenzie, Byran Skrimcovsky and Bryan Smith. Best wishes to all for a rewarding career in the IBEW! On May 26, our local held its Annual Family Picnic at Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom. Over 800 members and their families attended. Everyone had a great time and we are already looking forward to next year's event. As a reminder to our members, the annual IBEW Local 375 Clambake is around the corner on Sept. 8. It will begin at 12 noon at Grouse Hall. We hope for a nice turnout for this food and beverage filled event. We know you won't go home hungry! |
Successful Organizing |
L.U. 449 (catv,em,i,o,rtb,rts,spa&u), POCATELLO, ID — With summer in full swing at this writing, we are grateful our members are working at home and helping other locals man their work. In Twin Falls, Idaho, the Chobani Yogurt Plant is being built. This sizable project has enabled us to organize previously unrepresented electricians, and utilize the construction wiremen/construction electricians (CW/CE) program as well. As successful organizing is economy driven, we are almost even in numbers in regard to our attrition ratio at the time of this writing. The task of retaining membership is an ongoing priority as well — with an emphasis on educating new members and some current members about the labor movement and history, membership involvement at meetings and local union functions, and getting involved in the Central Labor Council. At our regular and unit meetings, the November general election is being discussed, as our GOP antiunion opponent will be attempting to destroy our way of life, just as they are in Wisconsin. The local congratulates recent retirees Timothy Conant and Richard "Louie" Knudson. Thank you for your service, brothers. We extend condolences to the family of deceased Bro. William Weaver. He will be remembered. |
2012 Apprentice Graduation |
L.U. 477 (i&rts), SAN BERNARDINO, CA — Congratulations to the Local 477 class of 2012 apprentice graduates. The graduation ceremony was June 9 at the Double Tree Hotel in Ontario, CA. We are very proud of this class and we know they will go forward in their careers and represent the IBEW in the best way possible. Graduates of the five-year apprenticeship training program are: Daniel Adelman, Jamin Britt, James Butler, Michael Cabrera, George Contreras, Jesse Dean, Dion Denton, Thomas Dillon, Christopher Edwards, Alan Emerson, Gabriel Esparza, Derik Ferjo, Anthony Gonzalez, Michael Hernandez, Dan Holbrook, Cole Hornsby, Matthew Howe, Javier Irizarry, Ali Jaloul, Justin Jordan, Michael Juarez, Joshua Lopez, Joseph Madrid, Alejandro Magana, Brian Mendoza, Patricia Murphy, James Nagel, Elias Noujaim, Robert Richards, Jose Rodriguez, Rogelio Rodriguez, Ivan Ruelas, Jaime Sanchez, Andrew Schafer, Kris Sindar, Richard Stroud and Nicholas West. Two-year accelerated program graduate: Jonathan Phillips. Kudos to these new IBEW Local 477 journeyman wiremen. |
![]() San Bernardino, CA, Local 477's class of 2012 apprentice graduates. |
Bowling Team Wins Trophies |
L.U. 531 (i), LAPORTE, IN — Local 531 bowlers returned with trophies from the 2012 IBEW Indiana State Bowling Tournament hosted by Lafayette, IN, Local 668. Local 531 members won trophies for team, singles, and doubles events. Leading the local team was David Harmon, who took first place in singles and with his doubles partner, Scott Baker, took first place in doubles. Team members David Harmon, Scott Baker, Dennis Houston, Randy Ocker and Bryan Michalski also won first place in the team event. The 2013 IBEW Indiana Bowling Tournament will be held in Anderson, IN, in April next year. For information visit Web site www.ibewbowlindiana.com. Also, the 2013 IBEW International Bowling Tournament will be held in Augusta, GA, hosted by Local 1579, next year on May 31-June 2. For more information go to www.ibewbowl.com. |
![]() Local 531 bowling trophy winners, from left: Bryan Michalski, Randy Ocker, Scott Baker, David Harmon and Dennis Houston. |
Casino Project Breaks Ground |
L.U. 551 (c,i&st), SANTA ROSA, CA — After 10 years of legal, legislative and regulation battles, the long-awaited Indian Casino project has finally broken ground in Rohnert Park. The grading of approximately 64 acres recently started. The Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria stated that 900 construction jobs will be created by this project. That is great news for our 100-plus members on our out-of-work book. And a big added bonus is that this casino will be built with a project labor agreement signed by the tribe and all the crafts. This project will be built 100 percent union! Hope your Fourth of July holiday was a great and safe one! Speaking of patriotic, please register to vote! The 2012 presidential election is coming up in November. And look out — corporations want to silence unions forever by putting a special exemption measure on the ballot. Every union member must go to the polls and vote this measure down. We thank our sister locals that have kept busy our brothers and sisters who signed your books! Local 551 removes our hard hats for the passing of Bro. Bruce Stephens. It was great working with you, toolie, and listening to your great musical talent. |
Contractor Blitz |
L.U. 553 (i,mt,o&ws), RALEIGH, NC — In early June, three two-man teams headed out to visit nonunion electrical contractors around the Local 553 jurisdiction. In three days of intense canvassing, the teams were able to contact nearly 150 contractors. The purpose of these visits was to raise awareness about the work of IBEW Local 553 electricians, and to give contractors an opportunity to experience the professionalism of our local. Full-color brochures were left at each location and, at every possible opportunity, the teams spoke face-to-face with the contractors. This is a great example of Local 553's ongoing effort to build relationships with open-shop contractors, showing them the excellent services that union labor provides. A huge thank-you goes out to volunteers Isaac Barrett and Dave Ingram, who gave three days of their time to assist Local 553 to accomplish this project. |
![]() Local 553 conducts contractor blitz. Front row: Local 553 Press Sec. David Ingram (left) and Keith Rivers, Membership Development. Back row: Isaac Barrett, Local 26; Tenth District Int. Rep. Benny J. Hunnicut; Matt Ruff and Tony Swift, Membership Development; and Bus. Mgr. Ronald L. Cockman. |
Michigan Ballot Initiative |
L.U. 557 (i,mt,rts&spa), SAGINAW, MI — At this writing, the statewide ballot initiative to protect collective bargaining in Michigan has gathered enough signatures to get on the November ballot. The easy part of this process is now behind us and the tough part is ahead. The GOP will fight tooth and nail to misinform the general public with the false claim that this ballot issue will destroy the state of Michigan. It is now up to us to counter the lies that will be thrown around and correctly inform people that the measure will benefit all workers, union or nonunion, in the state of Michigan. If this ballot measure does not pass in November, all the anti-labor bills passed as of now will stay in effect and the GOP will pursue their ultimate goal of making Michigan a "right-to-work-for- less" state. This is not meant to scare but to motivate people to help get this passed. The working people of our great state deserve to have their collective bargaining rights preserved and protected by our state constitution. The local and its members congratulate the 2012 JATC graduates on completing their five-year apprenticeship on June 30. The graduates are: Tom Haven, Brandon Fink, Joe Schmidt, Nick Zwerk, Jason Rivette and Bob Dupis. |
2012 Graduation Ceremony |
L.U. 569 (i,mar,mt,rts&spa), SAN DIEGO, CA — Local 569 held its annual apprentice graduation ceremony June 8. We congratulate all graduating journeyman inside wiremen and journeyman soundmen. Several graduates received awards, including: Outstanding Graduate — Tammy Spinks; Runner-up Outstanding Graduate — Alex Metzger; Student Council President — Tammy Spinks; IBEW Local 569 Service Award — Tammy Spinks; and JATC Scholarship Award — Chris Somaru. The 2012 San Diego Chapter EWMC Trailblazer Leadership Award was presented to Michelle Penny, the first-ever female African-American Local 569 apprentice graduate. Several graduates received Perfect Attendance Awards: Michael Becker, Eric Deckard, Anthony Escalera, Marcela Gibert, Chris Kinser, Bryan Mares, Alex Metzger, Lowell Moody, Daniel Oeland and Tammy Spinks. We also congratulate other award winners: Journeyman Trainer of the Year — James Stark; and Lifelong Learning Award recipient — John Lupton II. Certificates for Meritorious Service as JATC members went to: Earl Restine Jr. (21 years), Duncan Abrams (retired after nine years on Sound JATC) and Andy Berg (five years). We also recognize our Instructor of the Year, Billy Duggins, and hope for his speedy recovery. |
![]() Local 569 apprentice graduating class of 2012. |
Contract Negotiations |
L.U. 589 (rr), JAMAICA, NY — Local 589 is in contract negotiations with the MTA Long Island Rail Road. Our union administration is very determined and is working very hard to secure a fair contract for our members. Our local president, Glenn Chandler, is now retiring after many years of service with Local 589 and the Long Island Railroad. Also, electrician and Executive Board member Mike Pafundi is retiring after 30 years of service. We wish them both a long, healthy and active retirement. Thank you both, brothers, for all your hard work. |
Fighting Corporate Deception |
L.U. 595 (c,govt,i&st), DUBLIN, CA — The work picture remains bright in Local 595 and will need to stay that way to maintain our increased costs of healthcare benefits and shore up our pension from the damage of the 2009 meltdown. Work on our new JATC is about to ramp up as final funding is put in place. The IBEW is joining forces with the California Labor Federation and the Building Trades Council to fight against an all-out attack on unions. We remember Proposition 226 in 1998, and Proposition 75 in 2005 — attempts at silencing union voices by not allowing the use of members' dues money for political support of candidates. The losers in those two campaigns are back with a more deceptive campaign disguised as "campaign reform" to be on the November ballot. We are calling this the "Special Exemptions Act," while waiting for it to be assigned a number to vote no against. We are engaging members to build awareness about the anti-worker proposition by sending leaders and active rank-and-filers to CLC-sponsored Campaign Schools, which will focus on how to defeat the proposition. Campaign School will expose what the proposition really does — it takes away the right of unions to use members' directed dues money to support candidates and issues (yet allows corporations a special exemption to write checks unrestricted to do the same.) Our enemies outspend unions 15 to 1 as it is, and yet they want more. We cannot allow this proposition to pass. Every union member must help spread the word that the measure is bad for working people and must be defeated! |
![]() Local 595's new JATC net zero energy project is starting to evolve. |
Kudos to New Journeymen |
L.U. 601 (i&rtb), CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, IL — Local 601 held its annual apprenticeship graduation June 8 at the I Hotel. The graduates are: David Hensley, Julian Henry, Matthew Wilcox, Brian Anderson, Jacob Henderson, Chris Kirkwood-Sawyer, Jacob Oliveira, Tyler Hall, Bradley Albers, Kamrhon Claiborne, George Roney, David Lansford, Jacob Malloch, Dustin Hammerschmidt, Daniel Holstein, Daniel Fletcher, Chris Striegel, Brian Mohr, Dustin Pierson, Eli Slaminko and Matthew Tieman. We congratulate all the new journeyman wiremen. Work in our area is good at this time thanks to the University of Illinois and Carle Hospital work. We recently finished up a 20 MW solar project and some wind farms are just getting under way. Our 100th anniversary will be in 2012 and at press time the committee is working on preparations for the event. |
![]() Local 601 congratulates the 2012 JATC apprentice graduates. |
2012 Apprentice Graduates |
L.U. 611 (catv,es,govt,i,lctt,o,spa,t&u), ALBUQUERQUE, NM — On July 13, 26 members received their journeyman wireman certificates. This year's graduating apprentices are: Nicholas G. Archuleta, Matthew Beston, Andrian D. Cordova, Ryan Crane, Martin A. de Amusategui, Aubree Espinosa, Neil Luis Garcia, Kevin L. Hendrix, Joseph L. Horner, Nicholas A. Konwin Jr., Augustine Lucero, Matthew McCarthy, Casey McCray, Wayne F. Miller, Chad M. Oseguera, Pablo A. Padilla, Daniel Pando, Dominic A. Perea, Paul C. Ray, Jonathan M. Rehnberg, Ryan Stevens, Anthony R. Tafoya, Manuel Torres, Tyler J. Walsh, Michael Webster and Robert Wilson. The Apprentice of the Year Award went to Matthew Beston. Loren Morrison received the C.S. Mitchell Award. Congratulations to all the new journeymen. Local 611 extends condolences to the families of recently deceased members: Arnold P. Tucker, Anthony Montoya, Robert D. Andrews, Victor Thiel, Jose P. Martinez Sr., Ernest C. Miera, Joe Woodcock and Richard "Dick" Rogers. |
![]() Local 611 recognizes the class of 2012 apprentice graduates. |
Tribute to 'A Man of Service' |
L.U. 617 (c,i,mo&st), SAN MATEO, CA — Congratulations to the apprenticeship class of 2012! The local welcomes to its ranks inside wiremen Jose Almendarez Jr., Fred Andam, Alfredo Balajadia, Daniel Briones, Patrick Buckley-Dunckel, Luke Chalios, Jeremy Cox, Mathew Cozzolino, Mauricio Escobar, Vickie Estores, Kyle Fafard, Alberto Flores Jr., Jonathan Gonzalez, James Gotelli, William Kochever, Justin Kurtyka, Michael Lagomarsino, George Lavulo, Lewis Lopez, Jacob Lorenzo, Ashleigh Mitchell, Dante Mutto, Konrad Nowak, Thomas O'Leary, Marty Odden, Jesse Olivares, Michael Perez, Stephen Pinocci, Christopher Riley, Khariah Rivera, Pablo Robles, Jason Saler, Brian Sartain, Anthony Settles, Rob Simon, Kyle Spingola, Richard Welch and William Wentworth. Marty Odden received special recognition as the Outstanding Electrical Apprentice of the Year. We are proud of you, sisters and brothers! The local mourns the recent loss of Bro. Joe Hogan, a man of service to the membership over a span of 55 years. As an apprentice, journeyman wireman, Executive Board officer, business manager and Retirees Club officer, Bro. Hogan was the embodiment of dedication and loyalty to his local and its membership. His tireless efforts in support of San Mateo County working families were recognized and appreciated by all, and his leadership through five terms in office guided the local into prosperous times. We thank Joe for his service and friendship, and we will miss his quiet strength and steady hand at the helm. |
![]() Local 617 apprenticeship graduates of 2012. |
Newly Licensed Journeymen |
L.U. 625 (ees,em,i,mar&mt), HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA — The work picture is still slow throughout the Mainland with some activity in Unit #2, Five Eastern Counties, and some medium size projects expected to hire in late summer in the Halifax area. We're still hopeful for a new Convention Center coming out of the ground soon. We congratulate our new retirees for reaching their goal: Bros. Keith Forbes, Gary Adams, Victor Comeau, Art Chabassol and Doug Fraser. Now here come the replacements. Newly licensed journeymen are: Bros. Andrew Doucette, Brad Bartlett, James "J.P." Nauss, Nathan Munroe, Kailasapathy Baskaran, Stephen Gaudet, Arnold Rankin, James Kemp, Brent Wilson and Cory Bartlett. The local is proud of these members for completing their apprenticeship program and earning their Construction Electrician Certificate. Members of the IBEW who are nearing retirement have an important responsibility. Remember to take a moment every day and pass on some useful tips or time-saving pointers to a younger member. The strength in the IBEW is its continuity. We are the best trained and most productive work force because we have over 115 years of experience. Don't forget to pass it along. Be a mentor! A special mention on the passing of retired member Norman Collier, who left us on June 27, 2012. Norman was the father of two Local 625 members, Bruce and Norm, and grandfather of Darren, a third-generation IBEW Local 625 member. A great family tradition to be sure. Our condolences to the family. |
A New Hall and Training Center |
L.U. 649 (i,lctt,o,rts,spa&u), ALTON, IL — Construction of Local 649's new hall, offices and training center is complete. It began with our Building Committee: David Burns, Phil Davidson, Scott Frenz, Jeff Frankford, Sean Gregory, Alan Uzzell, Pres. Mark Woulfe, Bus. Mgr. Jack Tueth and Asst. Bus. Mgr. Charles Yancey. They worked with our architects, Mike Lefferson and Josh Siterlet of Lefferson and Associates, to design the new hall and offices. Meanwhile, our JATC, consisting of wiremen Ryan Mouser, Training Dir. Terry Shewmake, Bus. Mgr. Tueth and contractors Tom Brown, Larry Noble and Mike Kailist, planned the construction of our new Training Center. R.W. Boeker was the general contractor. Camp Electric was the electrical contractor. Journeyman wireman Tim Henson and Apprentice Greg Kamp performed most of the electrical work. Clarence Adams, Ryan Angleton, Chad Tite and Scott Wagner also worked on the projects. PhoneMasters Ltd. installed our telephone, data, security and audio visual systems. Journeymen Josh Campbell, Steve Chappell, Luke Gifford, Jim Sloan, Robb Ridenour and Sean Watson, along with apprentices Nick Drew and Tyler LaVite, did the work. We thank all the subcontractors who built our hall and training center. We also give a special thank-you to R.W. Boeker's project manager, John Bond, for bringing the whole thing together. |
![]() Local 649's new union hall and training center. |
Officer Transitions |
L.U. 659 (c,catv,em,i,lctt,o,st,t&u), MEDFORD, OR — The Local 659 E-Board appointed Bro. Lennie Ellis business manager to fill the unexpired term of former business manager Ron Jones, who retired. Lenny is a 34-year IBEW member and a journeyman tree trimmer. Lennie is the sixth business manager the local has had and the first tree trimmer to hold the job. He began work for the local in 2004 as assistant business manager. Lennie was instrumental in organizing approximately 150 members at Eugene Water & Electric and helped negotiate their first contract. The local hired Bro. Mike Scarminach as an assistant business manager. He is a journeyman lineman and 25-year IBEW member. Mike has served the local as a shop steward, chairman of the Pacific Power negotiating committee, Pacific Power labor management committee, accident prevention manual/grounding committee, and the journeyman lineman examining committee. Asst. Bus. Mgr. Chris Murphy decided to move on to greener pastures and the local hired Bro. Banjo Reed to fill the vacancy. A journeyman lineman, Banjo is an 11-year member and has served as shop steward and unit recorder. Lenny, Mike and Banjo have faced a steep learning curve with much enthusiasm and will serve the local well. Thanks to all who helped with the annual picnic held in Roseburg, OR. As always this was a fun event for members and their families. |
Clambake Golf Outing |
L.U. 673 (catv,i,rts,spa,t&u), PAINESVILLE, OH — The Local 673 Golf League is under way. On May 3, 12 teams took to the fairways of Pine Ridge Country Club to share in some spirited competition and brotherhood. After three practice rounds members were issued a handicap, which made for an even playing field for everyone. The weather has been great; the golf has been … as expected and the refreshments afterward cool and satisfying. Bro. Tim Laffey is to be commended for organizing this event. If you are interested in playing from time to time, give Bro. Laffey a call. Our fall Clambake Golf Outing provides members with another opportunity to hit the links. This event takes place Sept. 29, at 9 a.m., at Rolling Greens. Call the hall and sign up for golf in the morning followed by the clambake in the afternoon. If golf is not for you, sign up for just the clambake and enjoy the food. Our new apprenticeship class will have been accepted by the time of this publication. Training Dir. Rich Goodmanson indicated that applications are up and that we should expect an exceptional class this year. Have a great summer! |
![]() Local 673 retired former business manager Ron Giangiacomo (left) and Bro. Tim Laffey. |
Graduating Apprentice Class |
L.U. 915 (i&mt), TAMPA, FL — This year's graduating apprentice class was a large combined class from August 2011 and April 2012. Several apprentices had their apprenticeship interrupted when they went to serve our country on deployment in the war on terror. We thank these brothers for their sacrifice and dedication to the United States of America. Two graduates had perfect attendance for all five years of apprenticeship. Congratulations to Bart Gilkes and Christopher LaPread. The Outstanding Apprentice Award goes to a student who excels academically and is a leader both on the job and at the local union level. The outstanding apprentice for the August 2011 class is Christopher Pena and for April 2012 is Carl Whitt. Local 915's Brad Felker Memorial Award goes to the apprentice who sets the standards and qualities constant with what this award was established for. This year's recipient has become a valuable asset and represents the IBEW in character. Congratulations to Ankur Desai. Local 915 extends our best wishes to each of these graduates for a successful and prosperous career. |
![]() Local 915's apprentice graduating class of 2012. |
Ride Benefits Homeless Veterans |
L.U. 959 (rr), TOPEKA, KS — IBEW Topeka Locals 226, 304 and 959 jointly held their first motorcycle ride to benefit homeless military veterans in the community. The benefit raised $1,551 and 100 percent of the proceeds will be given through the Topeka Rescue Mission. The ride also promoted solidarity as well as community awareness of organized labor and the needs of our veterans. Several stops were made in neighboring northeast Kansas communities and door prizes were awarded. |
![]() Local 226 member Tony Hickman (front, left) leads the way in the joint Local 959, 304 and 226 benefit motorcycle ride. |
Lineman Rodeo Competition |
L.U. 1007 (t&u), EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA — On Saturday, May 26, IBEW Local 1007 Team EPCOR took to the poles in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They competed against other highly skilled linemen from across the province. These brothers were great ambassadors for IBEW Local 1007 Team EPCOR in their interactions with fellow linemen from the other utilities and I guarantee that everyone's opinion of EPCOR as a company was enhanced because of it. With a time of 2 minutes and 36 seconds and a flawless run by Dan Southwood, EPCOR officially took first place in the hurt-man competition. Congratulations to the team for the victory and thanks again for all their hard work. |
![]() IBEW Local 1007 EPCOR Rodeo Team members, from left: Doug Schneider, Dan Southwood, Scott Perrin, Blair Giduk and Patrick Chitze. |
Elect Friends of Labor |
L.U. 1049 (lctt,o,u&uow), LONG ISLAND, NY — In late June, Long Island Power Authority received final approval for PSEG to operate and maintain LIPA's Electric T&D System. PSEG will do this under the new Operating Service Agreement (OSA), starting in January of 2014. Bus. Mgr. Donald Daley has been diligently meeting with representatives from LIPA, PSEG and National Grid. Bus. Mgr. Daley has also met with federal and state elected officials. These meetings are meant to ensure that our rights and benefits will be protected. We all should know what happened in Wisconsin — where, with the stroke of a pen, years of hard-earned union collective bargaining rights were taken away. What happened is a wake-up call about the importance of electing candidates who understand the issues of labor. We need to continue to elect those representatives who support labor. We need not elect those candidates who have stated that, on day one, by executive order, they will eliminate prevailing wage. We need not elect a candidate who blames "big labor" and who will, if elected, slash pensions and the benefits of our current and future retirees. Brothers and sisters, on Nov. 6 take a good look at the candidates' labor record and vote. At this writing, we are beginning the contract negotiation process with Home Serve USA. We are optimistic for a positive outcome prior to the expiration of the current collective bargaining agreement on Aug. 31. |
Service Pins Awarded |
L.U. 1141 (em,i,mow,rts&spa), OKLAHOMA CITY, OK — IBEW Local 1141 members received service pins at the regular meeting on July 6. Bro. John Lewis was awarded his 65-year pin at the meeting. A 60-year pin went to Bro. Joe Renegar. Receiving 50-year pins were: Bros. Johnny Southwell, Ken Green and Ernest Risenhoover. Our congratulations and thanks go out to all Local 1141 pin recipients for their longtime, dedicated service. |
![]() At Local 1141 service pin presentation, from left: Pres. Bill Servati, pin recipient John Lewis (seated), Bus. Mgr. Joe Smith, and pin recipients Johnny Southwell, Ken Green, Joe Renegar and Ernest Risenhoover. |
Training Political Volunteers |
L.U. 1245 (catv,em,govt,lctt,o,pet,t&u), VACAVILLE, CA — About 500 line clearance tree trimmers, family members, staff and local volunteers came to Ripon, CA, on May 12 for the 2nd Annual Local 1245 Soccer Tournament. Fourteen teams competed. The kids played in their own tournament, whacked piñatas, and gave flowers to moms for Mother's Day. There were fresh-made tacos for all and medals for the three top-finishing teams. The local negotiated a tentative Master Agreement for all the major line clearance tree trimming contractors, with the hope that we will gain more strength through coordinated bargaining in the future. Ratification will be by mail ballot, with votes counted in September. Local staff and member-volunteers are now receiving training so they can take action in the field to defeat a California ballot proposition that seeks to silence workers' voices in the political process. The local will recruit as many members as possible to go all out in defense of our union. Richard Ingle, a 40-year IBEW member, was hired as a temporary business representative for members working in Outside Construction. Work has been plentiful and Richard will spend time visiting crews in the field. A large crowd attended a June 16 sporting clays shoot in Dunnigan, CA. After the shoot, everyone enjoyed a barbecue and a huge raffle for guns, clays and cigars. The local continues to promote its peer-to-peer safety program, which now has three initiatives in motion: "Hold the Pull," promoting line safety; "Control the Pressure," promoting gas safety; and "Keep the Clearance," promoting tree trimmer safety. |
![]() Line clearance tree trimmers compete in the 2nd Annual Local 1245 Gold Cup Soccer Tournament. |
Five-Year Contract Ratified |
L.U. 1307 (u), SALISBURY, MD — Congratulations to our brothers and sisters working at NRG who just ratified a five-year contract. The contract includes a good wage increase and benefit package, as well as some other positive changes. Serving on the negotiating committee were: Bob Weyant, Billy Swift, Andrew Genga, Mike Dickerson, Barry Hastings, Chris Sonnier, Lindley Hudson and Pres./Bus. Mgr. David Adkins. Great job by all. Local 1307 is in the process of getting the local's Retirees Club up and going. If any retired members are interested in being part of it, contact the union hall for more information. It will be a good way to reunite with co-workers and friends. Although our lives are very busy, try to take the time to attend your union meetings. It's the perfect opportunity to get updated information and to show your support. The stronger we are, the better we are. Save jobs, limit imports. |
Labor Day Celebration |
L.U. 1393 (catv,lctt,o,t&u), INDIANAPOLIS, IN — The 126th Annual Labor Day Celebration and Parade took place at the Pike County Fairgrounds in Petersburg, IN, from Aug. 31 to Sept. 3, 2012. This is the oldest celebration of Labor Day in the state of Indiana. First held in 1886, it is also reportedly the second oldest such celebration in the nation. Our local sponsors the event in conjunction with other local unions that are members of the Labor Day Association in Evansville, IN. In August, the local arbitrated a case in which Duke Energy of Indiana unilaterally instituted a training program that altered a previously negotiated program. The new program, dubbed EDQP, was launched without good-faith bargaining with the union and altered promotional capabilities and pay structure for future hires. This action has affected members' earnings by establishing a bogus two-tiered wage system for the same work. The local is also challenging Duke Energy of Indiana policies involving longtime members whose positions are not available when they return from a leave of absence despite a labor agreement that provides seniority protection to them and the coordination of some of Duke's medical plans with Medicare for members who qualify for both. |
'The Hot, Fun Days of Summer' |
L.U. 1439 (u), ST. LOUIS, MO — Record temperatures were set in St. Louis in late June and early July, as well as across the country. Crews were careful to not overheat and work safe. The summer months also brought monies to local charities. Proceeds from the 17th Annual Tom Kraus Memorial Golf Tournament benefited the American Cancer Society's Hope Lodge St. Louis. And, proceeds from the 10th Annual Local 1439 South Guy "Boomer" Barton Charity Golf Tournament benefited the Sayer's Senior Center in Potosi, MO. Gas property at Atmos Energy was sold to Liberty Energy, and we reached agreements with Ameren/MO North and South, Liberty Energy and the City of Potosi. A busy spring and summer produced great results for Local 1439 members! The accompanying photo was taken in South Dakota at the IBEW Eleventh District Progress Meeting in June. |
![]() Attending Eleventh District Progress meeting, from left: Retired Eleventh District Int. Vice Pres. Ray Edwards, Local 1455 Bus. Mgr. Mike Datillo, Local 1455 Pres. Chris Eisele and Local 1439 Bus. Mgr. Mike Walter, IEC Fifth District member. |
Glen Campbell Comes to Town |
L.U. 1523 (u), WICHITA, KS — It was an eventful Sunday night, April 29, when Local 1523 found out that Glen Campbell, country music hall of fame performer, was coming to Wichita on his goodbye tour — and Westar was a sponsor. Plans were put into action. We wanted to honor Campbell for his great talent and, of course, for the awesome song "Wichita Lineman" that he recorded in 1968. That song became one of his great hits. Several Local 1523 members and others got to meet Mr. Campbell and present him with a plaque, "The Final Call Out," along with a welcome banner. Making the presentation were Local 1523 member Mike Branscum and wife Tammy Branscum; Local 1523 member Jeremy Lawson; Electric Distribution Supervisors Vic Juarez and Mike Martinez with their wives Elsa and Lynette, respectively. The evening will be one to remember. We are going through some turbulent times, including lots of retirements and the resulting loss of knowledge that goes with that, along with other changes. But please remember that your safe return home to your family is the ultimate goal. To the crews who went to the coast to help, thank you for your time away from your family to help others. You are a tribute to Local 1523. |
![]() IBEW Local 1523 member Mike Branscum (left) and wife Tammy Branscum present plaque to performer Glen Campbell. |
Local Union Elections |
L.U. 1579 (i&o), AUGUSTA, GA — Bus. Mgr. Ken Ward and Pres. Raymond Hawkinberry were recently elected to a third term in office. Congratulations to Ken and Raymond as well as: Vice Pres. Rick Dubose, Rec. Sec. Betty Griffin, Treas. Jason Allen, and Executive Board members Kevin Chriswell, Wayne Irby, Ernie Miller, Keith Huff, Jayme Lamb, David Loy and Tommy Rambo. A big thank-you also goes to everyone who ran for office. It is great to see that many members getting involved. Our work situation is good. We currently have many sisters and brothers working here from other locals, and we thank you for all your help. The work at Plant Vogtle has been held up by engineering issues. However, I am happy to report that at press time most of the issues have been resolved and hiring will resume soon. The Mixed Oxide (MOX) project is unique. There have been layoffs due to budget issues. The outlook on this project is questionable; stay tuned. National elections are not far away. When you live in the South, the political environment is often tough. Many politicians are campaigning against unions. They state that unions are unwanted in the South, that we are overpaid and less productive than the nonunion sector. They are wrong! Support the candidate who supports you. Please attend union meetings held the third Monday of each month; dinner starts at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting at 8 p.m. Hope to see you there. Until next time, God bless. |
IBEW Candidate for State Office |
L.U. 1837 (rtb&u), MANCHESTER, ME — IBEW Local 1837 member Aaron Gilman has worked as a mechanic at Maine's Bangor Hydro Electric for six years. In November, he hopes to add "state representative" to his résumé after being recruited to campaign for the Maine House of Representatives in his Enfield district. A close observer of politics in Maine's state capital of Augusta, Aaron has long considered seeking elected office. All the recent attacks on workers' rights convinced him now is the time to act. "I decided to run because we need people in Augusta that know how hard the people that came before us fought for the benefits and rights we enjoy as workers," Bro. Gilman said. "We need people to stand up for all the workers in Maine." Aaron has the backing of his union brothers and sisters throughout the state. He is also lucky to have the support of his wife, Renee, a Local 1837 member herself and a customer service representative at BHE. "We are excited that Aaron and other members are stepping up to run for State Legislature," said Sarah Bigney, Maine AFL-CIO. "Aaron … is a leader. We need more workers like Aaron to run, and we're going to do everything we can to help him win in November." "Union members [must] do their homework before they vote," Bro. Gilman added. "We do not need more anti-worker politicians in office. We need working people to represent us!" |
![]() IBEW Local 1837 Bro. Aaron Gilman (center) at Maine AFL-CIO COPE Convention, where he participated in a legislative panel discussion and received the unanimous endorsement of convention delegates. |
Retirees |
Honorary Plaque Presented |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 1, ST. LOUIS, MO — IBEW Local 1 retirees held their second meeting of 2012 on May 16. The normal order of business was conducted and a general discussion took place on current events affecting Local 1 and its retirees. The retirees were surprised when a beautiful plaque was presented to Retirees Club officers and members (see photo). The retirees were recognized for their dedicated service, including their help extended to members and families in need. The plaque inscription reads: "In honor of our retirees, who fought and labored for our union. Your contributions to Local 1 will never be forgotten. Thank you from the members, officers and staff of Local 1, IBEW." A beautiful lunch was served afterward including a big, appropriately decorated cake, enjoyed by all. At the golf outing in Forest Park on June 12, all had a great time. The retirees offer prayers and good wishes for those who are unemployment in our local. We support the officers and staff in their efforts to ease this burden. At this writing, a club meeting was scheduled for July 18. We encourage all retirees to attend our upcoming meetings on Sept. 19 (a luncheon) and Nov. 1. |
![]() From left: Local 1 Bus. Reps. Tim Murray and Rob Dussold, Adopt-A-Family Coordinators and IBEW members Heather Kehoe and Roxanna DiMariano, Local 1 Pres. Tom George, Retirees Club Pres. Dick Weller, club Vice Pres. Rich King and club Sec. Don Appelbaum. (Photo courtesy St. Louis Labor Tribune.) |
Club Luncheons & Speakers |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, LONG ISLAND-SUFFOLK CHAPTER — Since our last article our club has been very active. We have had two luncheons — our Valentine's Day Luncheon, and our St. Patrick's Day Luncheon. We have our luncheons after our regular meetings. Many thanks to Marie and Fred Faas, who make all the luncheon arrangements. Our chapter always tries to have a guest speaker at each meeting with helpful information for members. Our April meeting was no exception. We had two guest speakers; the first one was from New York Life Financial Services. Our chairman, Jack Foley, introduced our second speaker, Local 3 Pension Dir. Thomas Gallager. Mr. Gallager spoke about the outlook for our industry in the coming year. He also advised our members whom to contact regarding retirement benefits. We thank him for all his hard work. Olivia and Hank Schmidt reported on a bus trip planned for Lincoln Center and the United Nations; at this writing, they were working on the details and making arrangements for the trip. Our club appreciates the hard work of our members who volunteer to make our club better. |
Days on Long Island Sound |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, NASSAU CHAPTER — Everyone had a great time at the Education Center at Santorini, in Cutchogue, NY. The Nassau Chapter retirees spent three days on Long Island Sound visiting the new education center. With conference rooms, a history museum, a classroom with all the latest electronics, and spectacular views of the sound from the upper patios and decks — the center is truly a work of art. Our visit was topped off with a great barbecue. Thanks to the men for all the help and thanks to the clam openers, who served up Long Islands' famous harvest. At our June meeting and luncheon, the newly elected Retirees Club officers and officers of the Wives and Widows Club were sworn in by Local 3 Pres. John E. Marchell. Also feted at the meeting was John J. O'Connor, who received our annual "Good Guy Award." John is our longtime sergeant of arms and an outstanding gentleman. |
![]() Local 3, Nassau Chapter, Retirees Club. |
'We Are One' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, NORTH NEW JERSEY CHAPTER — Our North New Jersey Chapter enjoyed June 25-28 at Woodloch Pines, Hawley, PA. The trip was arranged by Car Soreco, who was unable to attend. We all missed the Piscitellis, too. We are one. We had about 50 participants, including new members, and all enjoyed. The weather was cool, the barbecue was great, and the games and shows were fun. Our get-together included sharing stories about all the job sites we worked. We talked about how we can get our brothers and sisters back to work. At the time of this writing, Santorini was our next stop July 23-26. The meeting house is now open. Thank you to Abe Fichtenbum, our photographer, for the nice picture. Be well, be happy. |
![]() Retirees Club of Local 3, North New Jersey Chapter, on a trip to Woodloch Pines, Hawley, PA. |
Politically Active SWFL Club |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, SOUTHWEST FLORIDA GULF COAST CHAPTER — The inaugural SWFL Retirees Picnic on Wednesday, March 28, at the beautiful Lakes Regional Park in Fort Myers was a resounding success. Thanks go to Picnic Co-Chairs Jerry Amisano and Chet "The Jet" Olson. Jerry did a masterful job organizing the many details required in a "pot luck picnic," and Chet lived up to his BBQ maven reputation with perfectly prepared cuisine. All enjoyed good food and camaraderie along with activities such as scrabble, cards and a highly competitive bocce game. The chapter has taken part in many demonstrations and informational handouts such as Verizon rallies and the "Mack Attack" on one of the most anti-union legislators in the U.S. Congress, Rep. Connie Mack of Florida. The chapter recently joined The Florida Alliance for Retired Americans and will attend many more demonstrations as the November election grows near. We meet 12 months a year in Fort Myers, FL. If you are in Florida visiting or just sightseeing, contact the chapter for meeting times and dates by e-mail at: gdonder@aol.com. Hope to see you soon. |
![]() Local 3, SWFL Chapter, retirees, family and friends enjoy the inaugural SWFL Retirees Picnic at Lakes Regional Park in Fort Myers, FL. |
A Review of 2012 Events |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 3, NEW YORK, NY, WESTCHESTER/PUTNAM CHAPTER — Chmn. Emeritus Ray Chirles passed away in February, at age 95. Ray will be greatly missed. 2012 Chapter Events: March 4 — St. Patrick's Day parade: Chapter members marched while proudly displaying our Westchester/Putnam Chapter banner to show our solidarity. March 20 — Luncheon at Ciao's Restaurant, in Eastchester: Delicious food and good friends made it a delightful day. May 8 — Nomination of chapter officers: No names were submitted, therefore, all current offices were re-elected. A large group was in attendance, indicating their confidence. May 10 — Golf outing held at Beekman Golf Course, Beekman, NY: Outing was attended by 56 players; lunch and prizes were awarded for various contests. June 19 — Luncheon at Rory Dolan's Restaurant in Yonkers: 27 members and guests enjoyed the food and sharing the day together. July 6 — Chapter fisherman set off aboard The Shamrock IV from the Fort Slocum Dock, New Rochelle, NY, for a day of fishing for bluefish. The weather cooperated, water was calm, and they landed 25-30 blues. |
![]() Local 3, Westchester/Putnam Chapter, Retirees Club members march in St. Patrick's Day parade. From left: Dick Mills, Carl Lanzano and Mike Cenchek. |
Retirees Service Pin Dinner |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 22, OMAHA, NE — There was a good turnout on April 21 for the annual Retired Members Years of Service Pin Dinner. A total of 52 pins were awarded. Thirty-three of those pins were for brothers who had 50 or more years of service. At noon, the annual group photo was taken followed by the pin presentation. Howard Bolton and Archie Boscadin each received a 65-year pin — and the highlight of the day was the presentation of a 70-year pin to Charles Rice. Seventy years! Imagine watching all the changes and improvements in the way things were done in the construction trade during that time. Combined, just those three brothers have 200 years of membership between them. Congratulations, guys. Dinner and conversation followed the presentations. The Retired Members Club meets every second Wednesday of the month for lunch and conversation. We also have a collection of antiquated electrical supplies, books, tools and union memorabilia to view, and we are always looking for new donations to our collection. Mark your calendar for the next meeting. |
2013 Trip to the Caribbean |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 26, WASHINGTON, DC — By the time you read this article, we will have already held our annual picnics in Maryland and Virginia. In September we will join another group to play the slots at Delaware Park. Our warm weather this summer has made us look forward to our Annual Crab Feast on Oct. 13. Please contact Sister Flashman at e-mail flashmanbissell@aol.com if you want to join us. Oct. 1 is the deadline. This year our cruise took us in May to the British Isles. Our 2013 trip will be earlier in the year, perhaps as early as February and take us to the Caribbean. If you have interest in traveling with us, please contact retired Bro. Richard "Rick" Warner at (240) 472-0438. We continue to meet at the union hall on the second Saturday of the month at 12 noon. If you have never attended, please consider making it part of your schedule. We encourage working members age 50 and over to participate, as well. We will hold our annual raffle drawing at our November meeting! Every year we lose some of our active members, so I encourage all to join us while the sun shines. |
News from the Great Lakes |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 38, CLEVELAND, OH — Greetings from the Great Lakes! From what I am hearing, most of our members in the Cleveland area are back to work. We thank God for this blessing. With our Retirees Club election now complete, we want to first thank Harry Finkler for doing a wonderful job as president these past eight years. Harry's manner and energy increased our membership so much we had to move from our Local 38 hall, which could no longer accommodate our parking needs. We are now renting the Pipefitter Local 120 hall, which comes with plenty of parking, to hold our monthly meetings. Harry will continue to serve the retirees in his newly elected position on the Executive Board. Thank you, Harry! Second, we welcome our new president, Bob Wollen Jr. We are sure he'll do a great job! Bob has many things on the agenda: chicken dinner, picnic, brunch, clambake, reverse raffle and much more. If you are visiting in the Cleveland area, stop by the new casino that just opened. Our Local 38 members wired the complete job! God bless you all, our departed members, and families. God bless America and God bless our troops. |
Invitation to Join Retirees |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 42, HARTFORD, CT — The Retiree's Club invites anyone who is a retired member of Local 42 to come and join them. The club meets several times a year at Local 42's hall. The retirees get together and talk about old times; they share funny stories, enjoy each other's company and have coffee and donuts. The retirees also thank all the ladies in the office for all their help and warm smiles. If you like to get out of the house for a couple of hours, come and join the retirees. The club would love to have you. If you are interested, call us at the union hall, (860) 646-7297. |
Sept. Bus Trip to Boston |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 58, DETROIT, MI — We congratulate incoming Bus. Mgr. Michael Richard on his election. We also thank all the members who ran for office. Not to be forgotten are previous business manager Joe Abdoo and his staff, who did a bang-up job for this membership during trying times. I remember asking our members if they knew who I was quoting when I said, "Good morning and how are we today." That was the greeting one would receive every morning on the job from Bro. Joe Harmon. He's the better looking of the two twins in case you're wondering. Club luncheon attendance has dwindled recently and the officers are considering what the reasons might be. Our membership is getting older and also it seems that we do not see the same level of new retiree participation that our organization enjoyed 15 or 20 years ago. On Aug. 4, the local held its yearly picnic at Camp Dearborn in Milford, MI. It is always an extravaganza and is open to all retirees as well. At this writing, we were looking forward to the Aug. 22 retirees picnic in Livonia. Bro. Rick Koerber reports plans for this year's retirees bus trip to Boston in September. If interested in going, please call Rick at the hall. |
Retirees Celebration Bash |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 60, SAN ANTONIO, TX — It was a blast from the past when Local 60 retirees walked into their meeting room in May. On display were Local 60 photos and documents dating from the birth of the local in 1893 up to the present day. With a room decked out in red, white and blue, 50 club members attended a celebration bash to honor 30 years as a chartered Retirees Club. A fun-filled afternoon followed. Honorary speaker Bro. John Weber, initiated in 1940 and the most senior retiree, shared his three steps for a long life. He and his wife, Dorothy, have been happily married for 66 years. Guest speaker was Precinct 4 Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Adkisson, former Texas state representative. He praised the union electricians training program and presented Club Pres. Gene Chamberlin a certificate of appreciation for the Local 60 Retirees Club. Pres. Chamberlin presented Bro. Owen Ray his 50-year pin. Bro. Bill Wurzbach will receive his 50-year pin at a later date. A delicious lunch buffet included barbecue brisket, side dishes and desserts. With smiles all around, bingo games followed. Everyone had a wonderful time. Congratulations to Bros. Robert Padalecki and Curtis Hunter on their recent retirement. The Retirees Club meets the second Thursday of each month, 12 noon, at the Plumbers and Pipefitters Training Bldg., 3630 Belgium Lane. Please join us! |
![]() Local 60 retiree John Weber at Retirees Club celebration. |
Club Pres. Esposito Mourned |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 90, NEW HAVEN, CT — On June 22, our club president, Giro Esposito Jr., passed away. "Jerry" was past business manager of Local 90 until his retirement. He was always our friend and brother, who served us all with honor and distinction. Our deepest sympathies go out to his entire family. Jerry will be missed by all. At our September meeting we will be tasked to nominate and elect, or re-elect, officers for secretary, treasurer, vice president and, sadly, a new president. For those associated with Local 90 who might wish to make a memorial contribution in Jerry's name, please respond to St. Jude Children's Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105-1942. |
Red Cross Blood Drive |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 110, ST. PAUL, MN — On June 4, Local 110 hosted a very successful Red Cross Blood Drive, coordinated by Bro. Jack Buchal. We achieved our goal of 45 units. Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who donated. The Red Cross always needs blood but, because there are fewer donors during vacation season and the holidays, it needs more in the summer months and during the holiday season. Thanks again, brothers and sisters — and remember Local 110 will have another blood drive on Tuesday, Sept. 25. Hope everyone has had a safe and happy summer! |
Crawfish Party a Success |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 130, NEW ORLEANS, LA — On May 3, we had a crawfish party held in the Alexander Room. Eighty-five people attended. The party opened with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer. Everyone enjoyed the food, drinks and good company. We thank our bartenders and kitchen staff, Chet Held, Dwayne Martinez, Steve Tyler, Mike Dupuis, Rodney Dupuis and Tommy Garcia. Also, a big thanks to Duke Legendre for all his preparation toward the party. On May 8, Duke Legendre had a triple bypass. On June 21, we held our monthly casino trip and 55 attended. Despite the confusion with the bus, everyone had a wonderful time. On June 28, our quarterly meeting saw 78 in attendance. As usual there was plenty of food and drinks. Everyone had a wonderful time. With deep regret we report the loss of: Bros. Warren "Tuna" Austin Sr., Amjad Barakat, Daniel G. Bauer, Raymond W. Benfield, Olgden N. Bosch, Ronnie Devillier, Joseph M. Dominique, Louis E. Foret, Alvin F. Gisevius, Chester J. Hunter, Ernest H. Keppler III, Michael J. Jallans, Timothy Mitchell, John D. Williams and Frank Ulrick. They will be missed. Until our next meeting, God bless America. |
'Proud to Honor IBEW Retirees' |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 134, CHICAGO, IL — Congratulations to all the 50-, 55-, 60- and 65-year members! Local 134 and the Retirees Club are proud to honor all the retirees for their contributions to Local 134, the city of Chicago, and our great country the USA. Your tireless work helped make our country great. The Retirees Club, Local 134 and the nation have benefited from your contributions. We all thank you for all you have accomplished. On June 13, a delicious catered luncheon was held at Local 134 Boyle Hall with entertainment for all retirees present, numbering approximately 115 members. All enjoyed the occasion. Bernard Martin, an honoree, couldn't attend because of illness in his family. Bernard, you were missed! Come to the meetings and remember: There are no strangers at Local 134, only friends you haven't yet met! We welcome all Local 134 retirees to join the Local 134 Retirees Club. For information, please contact Mario Coletta at (773) 736-1480. Noon to 1 p.m. is "greet and meet" time at Retirees Club meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. The regular meeting continues until 2:30 p.m. at the union hall at 600 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago. |
![]() Local 134 honors retirees for their longtime service. From left, back row, Retirees Club Pres. Rich Sipple, George Hitzman, Bob Licntenvoort, Edwin Rhodes, Russell Steinken; middle row, Gary O'Sullivan, Ronald Weld, John Dunn, Local 134 Rec. Sec. Frank Cunningham, Thomas Witners, Ken White, Gil Artery; front row, seated, Frank Gibbons, Edward Celler, Anthony Cecola, Mike Danzi, Joseph Koenig, Irvin Blaszyski, Robert Smedberg and Frank Kataitis. |
Vote Your Best Interest |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 212, CINCINNATI, OH — Neither political party is perfect, both have problems. I understand why the wealthy and powerful vote Republican, but working people? Really? Too many Republicans, at all levels of government, have a history of opposing social programs that benefit middle-class working people, minorities, women and the poor. Google their record on: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the environment, collective bargaining, health care, unions — even an apple and a sandwich for poor kids. However, they support so-called "right-to-work" (for less), voter suppression, unlimited and untraceable campaign money, deregulation of everything business, tax benefits for the oil companies and the wealthiest 1 percent, protecting too-big-to-jail bankers — all this while returning to 1950s style McCarthyism, calling everyone who disagrees with them socialist and communist. They want to "fix" our government. If you don't know what "fix" means, ask your dog. Ignore their wedge-issue fear tactics on controversial social issues and vote your family's best interest. Our strength is informed, unified voting. Bro. Hubert Brown (www.brownforohiohouse.com), a Local 212 retired member, is running for state representative, Ohio 29th House District. Remember to vote — we need union members in Columbus. If you're not at the table, you're on the menu. |
Upcoming Trips Planned |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 257, JEFFERSON CITY, MO — The Retirees Club met for their monthly luncheon meeting July 31 at the Knights of Columbus in Westphalia, MO. During our June luncheon meeting, we met at the Isle of Capri Casino in Boonville, MO, and elected our 2012-2013 officers. Because of the great job the officers have done, most were re-elected by acclamation. However, June Lenger asked to step down from the office of secretary/treasurer. We thank Judy Holzhauser for agreeing to be the new secretary/treasurer, and we thank June Lenger for all her dedicated work in past years. At this writing, future events include a trip to Arrow Rock, MO, for a show at the Lyceum Theater; a tour of the Clydesdale Farm; and participation in the Labor Day parades in Mokane and Jefferson City, MO. On a sad note, we lost member Gary Fischer in May. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. |
Training Center Dedication |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 291, BOISE, ID — The June meeting was held in Meridian at Settlers Park with 40 in attendance, including guests. Local 291 Organizer Steve Harris shared some words of wisdom from his meeting in Idaho Falls and information from the hall. It was a beautiful day for a picnic; everyone brought great food to share. Our Electrical Training Center was named Don B. Ivory Electrical Training Center to honor Don's years of service as training director. The dedication ceremony was June 19; Jim Dorsey was the MC and Eighth District Int. Vice Pres. Ted C. Jensen was the speaker. A well-deserved honor for a dedicated union member. As we continue to move forward in this economy, we ask that everyone pray for our service men and women, our country, our leaders, and unemployed union members. Remember to always look for the union label! Defend and project our right to be union members, always! Our luncheons are the second Thursday of each month. Please contact any club member for time and location. Everyone is welcome! |
![]() Retirees Club of Boise, Idaho, Local 291. |
Invitation: Join Retirees Club |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 306, AKRON, OH — Local 306 retirees thank all the active members for a great day of golf and fellowship at the annual golf outing. Even with record-breaking temperatures, everyone had a good time. The Retirees Club extends an invitation to all Local 306 retirees to join them for breakfast at 9:30 a.m., on the third Friday of every month, at the Waterloo Restaurant. It's a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends and share stories of old times (whether the stories are true or not). All Local 306 members thank retired Bro. Bob Sallaz for his many years of service as teacher, vice president and press secretary. His commentary and insight on politics and current events have always been spot-on and enjoyed by all. We wish Bob a long and happy retirement. On the political front, we are again engaged in a battle with those who wish to take away what many who came before us fought to attain. We must elect people who will fight beside us to protect what we have earned. With sadness we mourn the loss of retired Bros. Stephen Marshall, Howard Wood and Kenneth Mong. We send our condolences to their families. |
Dedicated Retirees |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 313, WILMINGTON, DE — At the March 7 Retirees Club meeting, officers were elected. Newly elected officers are: Pres. Francis "Moe" McKinley, Vice Pres. Jerry Wilson, Sec.-Treas. Ray Burton, Sgt. at Arms Ray Megonigal, and Executive Board members Al Conner, George Jackson, Franny Gott, Warren Snavely and Adam Wolanski. It's great that Local 313 has such dedicated retirees who will continue serving. We recently noted the passing of retired member Walter Megonigal. With 75 years of IBEW service, he was the oldest living ticket member in the local. He will be missed. Club Pres. Moe read us his tool list from the past. It was amazing to see the tools that were required — which included a brace, among other things — when he began his trade in 1969. So, come out to our meetings and find out these things; meet your union brothers and sisters and renew old acquaintances. |
![]() Local 313 Retirees Club officers, from left: Franny Gott, Ray Burton, Adam Wolanski, Jerry Wilson, Francis "Moe" McKinley, Warren Snavely, George Jackson and Ray Megonigal. Not pictured, Al Conner. |
Sarnia Happenings |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 530, SARNIA, ONTARIO, CANADA — It has been some time since I submitted an article on behalf of our club. Our meetings and events continue to be well attended. Approximately 36-40 members attend our monthly meetings and our monthly events are usually "sold out" affairs. Our annual bus trip took us, this year, to Toronto to see the stage play "War Horse," and we also stopped for a delicious dinner. Since my last writing, we have lost through death quite a few retirees: John O'Conner, Jack Mavity, Rolly Houle, Hartley Scarrow, Cyril Fugere, Gerry Douglas, Don Ostrom, Frank Riley, Conrad Audette, Bud Parsons, Phil Clements, Yves Goulet and Cecil Mills. Also during this time, we lost: Alice Pettit, wife of Paul; Jerri Hanki, widow of Harold; Ann Fugere, widow of Cyril; Ann Fellows, wife of Ed; and Carol McCormick, wife of Ed. Our condolences go out to the families of all the above. We the retirees personally feel the loss of each member of our Local 530 retirees' family. |
![]() Local 530 Retirees Club members enjoy a bus trip to Toronto. |
Upcoming November Elections |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 702, WEST FRANKFORT, IL — On July 5, we held our Retiree Luncheon in Marion, Il. We had a very good turnout. The upcoming November elections are important to all current and retired IBEW members and their families. Our quality of life could be at risk if we fail to support the candidates who believe in organized labor and are friends of working people. We have to elect labor friendly candidates to preserve what we currently have and for all future IBEW members. We are scheduling political events, walks and phone banking to support our friends in their campaigns. We welcome all IBEW retirees to help in this important cause. At this writing, Bus. Rep. Tate Wright was scheduled as guest speaker for our August meeting. |
Memorial Board Presented |
RETIREES CLUB OF L.U. 995, BATON ROUGE, LA — I am reporting on our last two meetings as of press time. At our April 2 meeting, the Retirees Club and our club Pres. Frank Polito presented the local with a memorial board that includes the name and the date of death of our members who have passed while in good standing with the local. The memorial board was designed and built by Bro. Joe Aycock, club treasurer, along with the help of Bro. Mike James. At our June 4 meeting, we had a potluck luncheon with the spouses also attending. The food was delicious, which helped set the tone for a really good meeting. We had over 50 in attendance with members and spouses. |
![]() Local 995 Retirees Club presented memorial board to the local. |
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