Hundreds of IBEW Yellow Pages Employees on StrikeMay 25, 2012
After enduring threats of arbitrary layoffs and outsourcing, hundreds of IBEW members in seven western states who sell advertising for the Yellow Pages went on strike May 5 to protest management’s unfair labor practices and failure to bargain in good faith for a new contract.
Three hundred and fifty employees have formed picket lines outside Dex One company offices in Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. “We have attempted by every means possible to obtain a fair contract over the last six weeks,” said Local 1269 President/Assistant Business Manager Casey Lewis:
Members are also concerned with winning fair severance language in their contract and assurances that work will continue to be assigned to members in a manner consistent with past practices. Dex One responded to the strike with threats of hiring temporary or permanent replacement workers if the IBEW members refuse to come back to their jobs. Lewis said the company wants to send the IBEW members’ work to lower-paid third-party businesses and other vendors. “We’ve moved a long way in the company’s direction, and all we’re asking in return is to get a reasonable assurance that the company won’t outsource our jobs – but Dex One won’t do it,” Lewis said:
Working family allies are encouraged to take action. Click here to send an email to Dex One CEO Alfred Mockett telling him to say no to laying off workers and outsourcing middle-class jobs. For more information, visit
Photo used under a Creative Commons License from Flickr user Jamiesrabbits.