New NLRB Rules Help Eliminate Barriers to VotingJune 23, 2011
For workers looking for a voice on the job, sometimes one of the biggest obstacles is time.
Too often workers who petition for a union election are forced to wait weeks or even months for the National Labor Relations Board to sponsor an election, giving management time to initiate or continue to campaign against union supporters – often using high-pressure tactics that cross the line into illegality.
But newly proposed board rules announced June 21 would streamline the election process, upholding the right of employees to hold a secret vote in a timely manner. Says International President Edwin D. Hill:
Management can easily hold up the election process by filing frivolous charges over issues like unit determination, allowing plenty of time to call in union busters to intimidate workers.
The board said in a statement that the changes will:
The changes will also cut down on excessive paperwork, allowing workers to submit signed petitions online.
The board also proposes to help make workplace elections more transparent. The new rules require employers to provide workers with an up-to-date so-called excelsior, or voter, list in electronic format soon after an election date is set.
Says Hill:
The rules are subject to a 75-day public comment period before going into effect in September.
Photo used under a Creative Commons license from Flickr user bloomsberries