NLRB Blocks State Anti-Worker AmendmentsFebruary 11, 2011
The National Labor Relations Board has informed the attorneys generals of Arizona, South Carolina, South Dakota and Utah that anti-worker rights amendments passed in those states last November are preempted by federal labor law and therefore void.The board advised state officials that if they implement the so-called secret ballot amendments – which ban the use of voluntary majority sign-up in union elections – they would be subject to a federal lawsuit to prevent them from enforcing the laws. Under the National Labor Relations Act, private-sector employees have two options when it comes to joining a union. They can petition for a secret-ballot election or they can persuade their employer to voluntary recognize the union after workers show majority support through signed authorization cards. Anti-union groups in the four states placed the secret-vote measures on the ballot in hopes of preemptively spiking the Employee Free Choice Act, proposed federal legislation which would remove many of the obstacles to workers joining a union. Says Phoenix Local 387 member and Arizona AFL-CIO Executive Director Rebekah Friend:
Click here to read the NLRB’s release.