October/November 2011

September International Executive Council Meeting
Minutes and Report of The International Executive Council's Regular Meeting
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The regular meeting of the International Executive Council was called to order at 8:00 a.m., by Chairman Pierson, on Tuesday, September 7, 2011, in Vancouver British Columbia. Other members of the council in attendance were Lucero, Riley, Walter, Lavin, Calabro and Clarke. Myles Calvey arrived on Thursday, September 8, 2011, and remained throughout the remainder of the meeting. John Briegel was absent and was excused from this regularly scheduled meeting.

International President Hill

International President Edwin D. Hill met with the members of the International Executive Council a number of times to discuss a variety of matters affecting all branches of the Brotherhood.

International Secretary-Treasurer Chilia

International Secretary-Treasurer Salvatore (Sam) J. Chilia presented financial reports covering the IBEW Pension Fund and the Investment Portfolio of the Brotherhood both in Canada and in the United States.

Legal Defense

Payments for legal defense, made from the General Fund, were examined and approved in accordance with the requirements of Article X, Section 1, of the IBEW Constitution.

Financial Reports

The International Secretary-Treasurer's Reports for the various funds of the Brotherhood were presented to the members of the International Executive Council, examined, approved and filed.

Local Union(s) Under International Office Supervision

International President Hill advised the council members that there are no local unions under the supervision of the International Office, at this time.

Financial Statements for Politcal Education

Reviewed and Filed

IBEW and Subsidiaries—Consolidated Financial Statements for June 30, 2011

Reviewed and Filed

IBEW Headquarters Building LLC—Financial Statements for June 30, 2011

Reviewed and Filed

IBEW and Subsidiaries—
Consolidated Financial Statements
for a Five-Year Period
Ended June 30, 2011

Reviewed and Filed

Trust for the IBEW Pension Benefit Fund and Subsidiaries Consolidated Financial Statements
June 30, 2011

Reviewed and Filed

Trust for the IBEW Pension Benefit Fund and Subsidiaries Consolidated Financial Statements
Five Years Ended
June 30, 2011

Reviewed and Filed

Pension Plan for Officers, Representatives and Assistants of the IBEW Financial Statements
June 30, 2011

Reviewed and Filed

Pension Plan for Office Employees of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Financial Statements June 30, 2011

Reviewed and Filed

Article XX and XXI Cases

There has been no activity under either Article XX or Article XXI.

Charges Filed with the International Executive Council
Against Brother James Isaacs, Sr.,
Card Number D141327,
Retired Member of Local Union 466, IBEW

On December 4, 2009, Brother Fernando Rendon, a member of Local Union 606, IBEW, preferred charges against James Isaacs, Sr., Card Number D141327, a retired member of Local Union 466, presently receiving IBEW Pension Benefits, for allegedly violating Article XI, Section 6(d), of the IBEW Constitution.

After a thorough review of the facts presented in this case, the members of the council found Brother Isaacs guilty as charged and hereby orders him to remit all monies he has collected from the IBEW Pension Benefit Fund for the period of January 2006, through and including, February 2010, in the amount of $7,097.50. The IEC ordered him to reinstate his membership into Local Union 466 and pay back per capita from January 2006 to date.

Charges Filed with the International Executive Council
Against Brother Thomas E. Adams,
Card Number D392733,
Retired Member of Local Union 16, IBEW

On March 16, 2011, Paul Green, Business Manager of Local Union 16, IBEW, preferred charges against Thomas E. Adams, Card Number D392733, a retired member of Local Union 16, presently receiving IBEW Pension Benefits, for allegedly violating Article XI, Section 6(d), of the IBEW Constitution.

After a thorough review of the facts presented by International Representative Alan Goddard, the members of the council found Brother Adams guilty as charged and hereby order him to remit all IBEW Pension Benefits that he has collected from the IBEW Pension Benefit Fund, since July 2010, through and including, June 2011, in the amount of $1,243.88.

Brother Adams is also ordered to reinstate his membership with Local Union 16, IBEW, and to pay all back per capita, from that day forward, to Local Union 16, IBEW.

Appeal Filed with the International Executive Council
by James Van Dyke, Card Number D989981,
a Member of Local Union 43, IBEW

James Van Dyke's appeal to the members of the executive council was heard and the facts and data regarding his appeal were considered.

After a thorough review of Brother Van Dyke's appeal, it is the decision of the executive council members to uphold International President Hill's decision and to support Vice President Siegel's decision.

Charges Filed with the International Executive Council
Against Brother Jerry Mihovilovich,
Card Number D598637,
Retired Member of Local Union 150, IBEW

On October 15, 2010, William R. Holst, a member of Local Union 150, IBEW, preferred charges against Jerry Mihovilovich, Card Number D598637, a retired member of Local Union 150, presently receiving IBEW Pension Benefits, for allegedly violating Article XI, Section 6(d), of the IBEW Constitution.

After a thorough review of the charges filed against Mihovilovich, the members of the council had determined that Brother Mihovilovich was not in violation of the IBEW Constitution, with regard to the IBEW Pension Benefits, and hereby instructs the International Secretary-Treasurer to reinstate Brother Mihovilovich's IBEW Pension Benefits. The International Secretary-Treasurer is also instructed to refund any back dues that had been collected from the date of suspension.

Local Union 292's Attempt To Appeal
To Overturn Vice President Stephenson's
Decisions On Trial Board Appeals

After a thorough review of the facts, submitted by the Executive Board Members of Local Union 292, IBEW, it was determined that their appeal to overturn Vice President Stephenson's decision was deemed improperly placed before the council.

Correspondence to that affect has been addressed and forwarded to the Executive Board members of Local Union 292, IBEW, attempting to appeal.

Retirement of International Representative

Walter S. Ray, International Representative
Ninth District
Effective—October 1, 2011

Retirement of International Office Employees

Sara Duncan, Supervisor, International Office
Political/Legislative Department
Effective—March 3, 2011

Joyce Mason, Senior Agreement Approval Analyst, Grade 9
Construction Department
Effective—July 11, 2011

The Next Regular International Council Meeting

This regularly scheduled meeting was adjourned, on Thursday, September 8, 2011, at 1:00 p.m. The next regular meeting of the International Executive Council will commence at 8:30 a.m., on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, in Washington, D.C.

For the International Executive Council

Patrick Lavin, Secretary
September 2011

The IEC acted on numerous applications under the IBEW Pension Benefit fund. For a complete listing, consult www.ibew.org, clicking on the International Executive Council link on the "About Us" page.